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Such a Lust for Revenge!'s Journal

Bottlenoses... ASSEMBLE!

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Jan 10, 2007 - 05:58 PM
What hapepns when you go to heaven.
So, it goes liek this. You're living yur life whens uddenly something happens and you know it, life knows it, and somehow you know youre about to die.

SCENARIO ONE "you go to heaven"

Bam, life is freeze framed before your eyes. An Angel grabs you and syas LETS GO, THAT CAR IS A COMIN TO HIT YOU and he takes your spirit out of dangers way.

SCENARIO TWO " you go to hell"

I dont know yet lolies. i do know however that you do feel the impact of death and experience it. No one comes to save you.

Currently Playing: Sergent GGarcia - Palique

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Jan 10, 2007 - 11:43 AM
Now I understand.
For the longest time Ive noticed my right arm is slightly darker than my left. And if anyones seen my right hand youd understand me when I tell you I just realized its the first part of me thats actually started to rot.


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Jan 9, 2007 - 11:24 AM
Silent Hill is over 100 years old.
Edvard Munch drew this in the closing decade of the 19th century. We've all, at the very least, seen this painting. Some know who drew it and roughly when, but do we really understand the meaning?

Originally Posted by Edvard Munch
I was walking along a path with two friends—the sun was setting—suddenly the sky turned blood red—I paused, feeling exhausted, and leaned on the fence—there was blood and tongues of fire above the blue-black fjord and the city—my friends walked on, and I stood there trembling with anxiety—and I sensed an infinite scream passing through nature.
I was out of my fucking mind last night and was looking through a lot of art when I ran into this. I came to the startling realization that this motherfucker, even if for a moment; was transported to the alternate dimension of FUCKING SILENT HILL. The painting is a perfect rendering of it.

A prequel should be made based on this painting. Even his friends in the background don't know what the fuck he's going through.

Currently Playing: Mana - Labios Compartidos

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Jan 7, 2007 - 03:23 PM
I hate being sober.
YouTube Video
It's been a rather hectic two+ weeks. Traveling all over this country to new places, meeting in particular two very intriguing ladies, drugs, alcohol, dancing like a fool, and throwing my savings around as if I had enough to last me ten years. Even got into Reggae, especially Spanish Reggae. As for the English variety the above is one of my favorites, even if Nas nearly ruins it.

I miss my kids, I miss the family I created, Lenore, my mom, the states. I miss being American, being able to consciously work hard and save money to follow my dreams, instead of working hard in this country just to live month to month. I hate the shallow-minded people that dominate this country, the police, the military, the old generation that keeps things the way they are.

I hate the fact that I'm doing so much and in reality all I'm doing is dancing around the big empty hole my life contains, something I can't fill and it seems it'll be a while, if ever, before I can.

Alcohol, and to a greater extent drugs, are the ultimate freedom. Freedom from my mind. I like turning my back on my problems. I've always looked to the future with speculation and dread, but now I can tell you I'm living my life day to day. I'm happy to see I've successfully destroyed the legend status I used to carry around here, though I wouldn't be above eventually being called a tragedy.

When I'm sober entries like this tend to happen.

Currently Playing: Iguana Manga - Detras de las Montañas (Guatemalan Reggae Rock)

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Jan 5, 2007 - 11:28 AM
I feel classy.
Last night I went out with my buddy in a borrowed car across town. The destination was some sort of surprise, and we arrived at the house of a friend of my buddys. Boom, sit down, and start smoking shit among other things.

So after a couple of circle passarounds I look at our host and this motherfucker is like =O with the expression on his face as he's making another joint and lacing it with God knows what. Seriously, his face was like:


during the process. Bam, we go through that and next thing you know he's all:


again. ANOTHER JOINT. At this point I'm arguing Guatemalan politics with my friend, which I know half assed about. I look at our host again and this time he's like


but he's not rolling up anything. He looks over at another guy that was there and says "go get the pipe" the same way and tone you would tell your son YES, GO AHEAD AND GO PULL OUT THE OLD SNES SUPERSCOPE IF YOU WANT.

Dude goes and gets the pipe with the =O expression on his face. It's not long after this I'm starting to black out and we eventually make (LOL! friend just offered me a hit of weed knowing full well I gotta get to the gym real soon) our way back home. I was gonna come and post but I ended up petting the dogs here for two straight hours.

One of the other people at that place never said a word. He was some sort of hippy with long hair and he was watching CSPAN or some sort of MSNBC in English with an unheard of intensity.

Considering it's just weed for now, Imma gonna go hit it once and go to the gym.

Roll that shit up Kurado.

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Jan 5, 2007 - 12:00 AM
the chronicles of a lizard
Ive occasionally told people what the fuck October Omicron means, even as far as the year, but have I really ever told anyone what the fuck October 15th, 2000 has to do with anyway?

In July of 2000 I had a friend of a few years that I had had a sort of falling out with. Long story shirt, I took his girlfriend as my own. He then left to go after some sort of internet girlfriend pursuit of his one month later.

October 15th, 2000, in my life, is actually pretty insignificant for the date itself other than the fact that it was the day I met a special person. Quita. At the time and months with her afterwards I felt and thought I was deeply in love with her. I mean it was unbelievable how much passion I had for that woman. And she shared it and it was one of the last times I felt SHEER FUCKING happiness in my life. Naturally, anyway.

(whoa, right now I made a bunch of trailing periods and when I backspaced to delete them I saw PacMan eating the little periods)

Long story short is that this exfriend of mine did and said certain things that made Quita disappear entirely. I mean fucking GONE FOR MONTHS AND MONTHS WHERE ARE YOU BABY? I have never been able to completely prove he was behind her going but I was sure enough at the time.

Apparently he went to Richmond, California, and hooked up with this broad some time in August, 2000. On Valentines 2001 the two even went as far as to get married. For one reason or another they both decided they wanted to move back to Vegas, which is where I was at. Apparently burying the hatchet my old friend even offered to rent me one of the rooms the apartment he was gonna move in to for really cheap.

Long story short, I took his wife. It was like my revenge in my head for him taking Quita from me however the fuck he did it. but life wasn't gone stand by on this one! Next thing you know and I get his wife pregnant. The day I found out The Lost Lenore was pregnant, ironically, was October 15th, 2001.

I solely used the OO handle when thinking up a username to use here. I joined intoxicated out of my mind my first couple of weeks because it was not long after losing Quita that I came here.

O f course, moral here is Im the one that got king crab fucked over in the end,

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Dec 31, 2006 - 09:18 PM
thats right
im a motherfucking rock star.

you guys eve rfeel that way?

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Dec 31, 2006 - 09:37 AM
I'm fading.
I was hanging out upstairs last night, watching the stars when my buddy pulled out a ton of pictures ranging up to five years old. The restaurant attached to the place I live at has a big wooden sign out front advertising it. It's fading and some of the words are hardly even visible anymore.

But as I looked through all these pictures I saw one of the sign, an old one. The sign had fresh vibrant paint and looked crisped, nonchipped. I don't know why but the picture brought a tear to my eye and it was a rater silly moment really. I came downstairs after that to come online and see if I could find older pictures of myself... To see if I was brighter then, to see if I still had what I feel I lost.

Have you guys ever read the Portrait of Dorian Gray? I wonder what my painting would look like at this point.

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Dec 30, 2006 - 12:24 PM
its time i revealed my true self to you all
*stuffs servers and shit into his chest as he falls to the earth*


Additional Entry Made Within The Hour (oh jesus its him!):
listen to that dramatic song change! OH CHRIST NO I THOUGHT I TKILLCED YOU.

i took that shit to the chest. I AM THE INCARNATION OF 2001. (not applicable to all forms of alaska9. theres no need to look back anymore and make references, i have absorbed everything and i will ALLOW IT OT DESTORY ME.

now, if you allow me to reach a sillier topic I would like to address drugs now. when you do something that toasts you, like get drunk of smoke, or even more like weed, shrooms FUCKING ACID MAN, cocaine, and the merry things beyond on that lolllie world you, indeed, reach a new world. A world of fastividities. but a world nonetheless. its like another dimension running paralllel. PARALLEL MOTHERFUCKER: yeah. when you go to rehab, when you are pressured into counseling, they ARE TELLING YOU TO FUCKING COMMIT SUICIDE ON THIS DIMENSION MOTHERFUCKER. DO YOU LIKE IT.

OMG someoen throw the fucking spotlifghts ont he above capped please.

also women confuse me

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Dec 28, 2006 - 04:34 PM
the first part


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