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Gamingforce Choco Journal
Such a Lust for Revenge!'s Journal

Bottlenoses... ASSEMBLE!

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Feb 2, 2025 - 12:40 PM
Is it just me or do people generally have just awful memory retention? Even when I filter out the people I've known since the 80's and 90's that have abused drugs, it still leaves a bunch with gaping holes. Recently I had an interaction with a friend I met on Jan 31st, 1996 and we even celebrated that day. every year, until 2000. So this year I randomly sent her a "happy Jan 31st" message for old time's sake, and she responds "happy 31st" and it was left at that. Today she asks me "was your birthday Jan 31st?" and I'm kind of speechless. Not only did she forget our "anniversary" (which if it was just that I wouldn't care) but she forgot my damn birthday!

I guess a lot of things can explain this type of situation. Some people just don't care enough to remember, and I think that's an enormous part of memory retention. If I flip the tables I have to admit there have been times friends have recounted stories involving me that I have next to no memory of. Then there are the people that have damaged themselves too much to have much of a memory left. Some people (my mom comes to mind for me here) I am sure just pretend to not remember certain things.

In recent years, after so much of this, I have started to wonder if the problem is just me instead. Maybe I'm the one making shit up in my head without knowing it. In a way I'd kind of prefer that.

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Jan 15, 2025 - 01:22 PM
An explanation I've been waiting over half my life to finally find.
Quick timeline
9/30/81 my birth in Guatemala
2/21/84 I am taken to the States.

An explanation I've been waiting over half my life to finally find.

As many of you that have been aware of my story for over 20 years now know, I got deported with the greatest of ease. It's honestly harder to flip a pancake than it was to get rid of me. And even though the felony conviction was a massive part of that, people then and now have always been confused as to how I could have been in the States since age two, full standard education received there, native English, a child with a citizen, etc. and still get deported so swiftly.

What I always knew was that my mother flew me out of Guatemala without my father's permission. What I always thought was true, simply because she told me so (how naive of me) was that she had someone falsify my father's signature in order get me on the plane. You know, like how you would get your parent's signature on some piece of paper so you can go on a God damn field trip with your class. Pretty simple and hard to believe in hindsight, but I think "3rd World in the 80's" was all the justification I needed to believe this crap.

And yet, ICE (then INS) insisted and insisted there was no proof of entry of me entering the United States legally. And this was a fucking VITAL point for their case against me. At the time I thought "the Government doesn't care, they see I can't even afford an attorney for this and will just not even make an effort to look me up."

And these were my beliefs for over 20 years.

Then, randomly, my partner's niece discovered, a free ancestry website she was building her family tree with. While telling us about it over lunch one day last year, she randomly asked me my mother's info to just give me an idea of how it works. So she looked her up and found my brother and I (the only kids my mother has had) but also, while searching under her name, discovered a different child. The odd thing is that this other child was born three months before I was, which of course is impossible. I didn't make much of it at the time because I thought the website was just faulty.

Eventually though, as a fatherless bastard that was separated from so much of his family because of the way I was removed from my birth country, I got curious and used the site to start building my own tree. And then I ran into this document again, under my mother's name. I took note of a few things:

1. birth three months before my own.
2. home birth, with help from a certified midwife.
3. No father listed, only my mother.
4. While this "child" was born July 4th 1981, the birth certificate was registered October 1983. Which was four months before I was taken to the United States. The comedy that is a July 4th birth date does not escape me.
5. And most damning of call, as clear as day, my mother's signature.

So yeah, a quick phone call was all I needed to confirm what you can probably guess by now. My mom paid a midwife to claim she assisted with this fake home birth.

So, going back to INS saying they had no proof of entry for me, it all makes sense now. My mother used this fake birth cert to get me on a the plane and never used it again. Once she registered me in the United States school system/hospital records/whatever she resumed using my actual identity. If she had kept using the fake identity she created for me, there's a decent chance things could've been different.

My father, once discovering my mother and I were gone, and gathering from her family here that she had left the country, placed a legal complaint through both the police here along with the U.S. Embassy. Sadly my mother was made aware of this, which if she had gone to try and renew the Visa we travelled with, she'd of been deported. But what this meant was that she was forced to do things illegally in the States as far as her citizenship was concerned. And I, of course, had a share in the consequences.

When I discovered this and brought it up to my mother last year for final confirmation, she didn't deny it. In fact, the first thing she said was "with that (the fake doc) I scored a massive goal on your father." It sounds better in Spanish, but basically it was her way of saying she fucked him over good. I let her know, in so many words, that she scored that goal on me too.

The fact that while I was in immigration proceedings, my mother didn't say a word to me about this, says a lot. Mainly, I am convinced, because it would've been her neck on the line too. It hurts, and it hurts that if not for this website she would've taken this info to the to grave.

But at least now I have my explanation.

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Jan 3, 2025 - 02:49 PM
Ora, ora, oraa!
Man, I thought I had retired the fedora but once I saw Akira wearing one (or close enough to it) I had to make it my avatar.

I've been pumped ever since the Virtua Fighter 6 trailer dropped last month. I remember being 12 when I saw VF1 and just being in awe with the idea of a 3D fighter. Then VF2 came out and, as with so many games of that period, the technological advancement in only a year were unreal. By the time VF3 came out I was 15, living in Vegas, and spending far too much time in arcades. I couldn't help it as a rebellious teenage gamer, my mom had me on a one-video-game-a-year budget and I had to get my fix. Plus at that point I had friends working at several arcades so I basically had unlimited freeplay (RIP Riviera Casino). AM2 in general though, what a gift. Between VF, Virtua Cop, Virtua Racing and Daytona USA (DAYTONAAAAAAAAAAAA!) a mark was definitely left on me. Not to mention so much wonderful VGM.

I wonder if this new VF will finally flesh out backstories for the characters? Backstories you don't have to do game guide/internet research to uncover that is.

Anyway, by the time VF4 came out though, I was out of that scene and had a kid on the way. What I've read about the internet connectivity for it sounds nuts, the character customization in particular. I would've had a ball with this at the arcade, though it seems that feature may have only been available in Japan.

I hadn't even been in Guatemala for two months when VF5 came out, and it wouldn't be until the PS4 release that I could finally play the most modern VF to date.

If not for Shenmue/Yakuza I probably never would've gotten back into the series. I really need to invest in an arcade stick because playing any VF (or fighters in general) on a damn gamepad sucks big time. Just the import fees that always make me think twice about it. Sooner or later though. No doubt I'll have it by the time VF6 is released, I'm crossing my fingers for a 2026 release?

Long live AM2 and its influence!

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Dec 21, 2024 - 10:16 AM
Sorry for the random friend requests.
I was having a hard time figuring out the difference between buddies and friends here, since I privatized a few messages and wanted to make sure they were still viewable to certain people, on the off chance they come by here in the next 10 years. In my foolishness I sent friend requests to all the people I had as friends that hadn't befriended me, and since this will possibly send email notifications to 30+ people I'd like to apologize in advance for the randomness.

Finally finished reading all my journal entries today, a very difficult process for the most part (a couple of gems I was happy to see). Reading a lot of the replies was the best part. It's also "interesting" that I was always most active here when I was unemployed, and on two separate occasions I disappeared altogether within a month of getting a job. I suppose the typical 10-hour Guatemalan shift + 2-3 daily hours of commute, plus the fact that I didn't own a cell phone 2013 - 2023 made it difficult for me to keep up. Like with many things in my life I was always all or nothing with my passions. Not trying to make excuses though.

For therapeutic reasons I've been wanting to do some journaling for many, many years but I've never been able to. I think it'll be easier to use this space for that instead of something 100% private. This space is pretty much the closest thing to an absolute void anyway, but if there's a chance anyone that cares reaches out, it'll be an added bonus for me. Plus, it's nice to be around a familiar place. Familiar color scheme and all. As pathetic as it may sound, there's something comforting about it.

Gamingforce is the really all I have left from my past in the States, before my life went to shit. Not that my life was much better before of course, things just crystalized here in Guatemala. I've tried involving myself with the chat over the years, but it's just not the same. I let too many years go by. If I'm remembered at all it was only for being a high-volume shitposter that you couldn't really avoid running into. Of the relationships I was lucky to form, most have been lost to time. I see that now, when I look at so many familiar usernames and get these positive, warm feelings of past interactions yet I can't place a real-life name, specific memories, geographical locations, or personal details for the overwhelming majority of usernames I see. What kind of "friend" does that make me? What void was I really trying to fill with all that posting and, honestly, attention seeking?

Man how I would've loved to have been able to be at one of those meets.

So yeah, I'll be throwing out random things here sporadically. At least I can be myself 100% here without worrying about offending people from the country I live in, or even people from the country I lost that really can't comprehend the person I am now. It feels like fucking every-fucking-one I know, past and present, has a way they think I should think and feel set up for me, and I'm tired of dealing with it.

Thanks for hearing me out.

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Dec 16, 2024 - 05:01 PM
This is difficult.
I'm reading through my journal for the first time since I put it together many years ago. It's an absolute cringe fest and I'm sorry to anyone that experienced it. There are some interesting things in the beginning, but it gets really bad once I discovered weed and abused alcohol. It's almost like I got to live all the immaturities and irresponsibility, and really just plain recklessness, in a very small, condensed period of time since up until that point I had never had the opportunity in my life.

Oddly enough there was an entry from exactly 18 years ago today about my buddy's dogs fighting and I remember the incident vividly. I couldn't help but smile at that one. But yeah, very few gems in that whole mess. I could barely get through about half the entries and need a good rest before continuing. I'm so glad I didn't have social media in my teen years.

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Nov 17, 2012 - 12:01 AM
All done
Finally wrapped up my accent (one week)/product (two weeks) training today. Start taking calls this Monday. Feels great to be part of a company that's so not Guatemalan and full of petty, corrupt bullshit. That PS3 is so much closer now!

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Oct 24, 2012 - 10:04 AM
Good to get back to work
Secured a new job at a call center last week. Had to go off the herb for about a week to pass the saliva drug test but all is well now. Depending on my performance I'll be making anywhere between $2.40 and $3 an hour... Which is very good in Guatemala considering minimum wage is roughly $1.10.

Funny, after 10 years I'll be working for UPS again.

Currently Playing: Infected Mushroom - Disco Mushroom

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Oct 17, 2012 - 05:09 PM
Me and the misses
So my girlfriend is a pretty traditional girl. Catholic, wholesome, traditional, conservative, innocent, and on and on. Just about everything I'm not or go against actually hahaha. Been exposing this girl to some shit she'd never be watching or listening to these last five years. Currently the curriculum has her watching Breaking Bad with me, along with a mix of David Lynch movies and even some Neon Genesis Evangelion for the hell of it. I have also successfully weened her off telenovelas, probably my greatest accomplishment with her. This particulary dangerous mission almost backfired on me because, before I could defeat this monster or at least make it dormant, I got trapped and ended up spending a year watching some Colombian novella with her.

Just got done watching the first three episodes of Dexter today. Wonderful show. I knew beforehand that it was about a serial killer no one expects, but the premise is 100x better than I had anticipated. Need to get her watching this shit too.

Anyone know of a good, reliable way to get subtitles on these things (I know, I'm dumb as hell with this stuff) without having to download a video that already includes them? The only thing about exposing her to things that are different is that I have to be Mr. Translator and that shit does end up getting tedious.

Currently Playing: The Doors - Crawling King Snake

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Oct 12, 2012 - 06:31 PM
Me being selfish. So what.
Some background first:

My maternal grandmother had a very good friend from the family of the surname Pacheco. When they both eventually had children their daughters (one obviously being my mom) also became good friends. Then, as I grew up in the states, this continued into a 3rd generation of friendship between myself and their children. When I was 25 and needed to come to Guatemala, the Pacheco family in California recommended me to the Pacheco family here in Guate (the father figures in both families being brothers). I instantly became great friends with the two brothers here, a very strong friendship with Edward Pacheco in particular.

Well, over the last year Edward has gone into the tourist-guide industry, travelling everywhere between mid/south Mexico down to Panama, covering all of Central America. Without drawing this out too much he's basically been banging tourists (primarily from Europe, some from Canada, Australia) at a relentless pace, since he has a group of about 15 people (almost always primarily female) he guides for about three weeks at a time.

He fucked up and knocked up some fucking whore from Switzerland. He came inside her since she had said she was on the pill. Her explanation after the fact was that she had been vomiting around the time of conception and that that probably threw off the pill's effectiveness.

I'm the sort of person that tends to make great friendships with few people and not so much spread it among a lot of people when it comes to IRL. I'm not trying to blame anyone (though I am frustrated so I will curse the name of this bitch) but here's the thing: Edward's talking about moving over there, learning the language, making his life etc. for the sake of the child. He's gonna change his entire life... And here's the crux of this entire entry: this shit is bringing out the jealous, protective little bitch inside me and I hate that too. Edward is not only an awesome friend and an awesome person to me... But A LOT of people here in the neighborhood feel the same way about him. It makes me absolutely sick to my stomach to think that some young cunt from across the world will very possibly take Edward away from all of us just because she didn't get her shit right... Actually, I'm pretty jaded about this topic and after talking it over with him a lot these last few days I'm sure the broad did it on purpose, as so many tend to do. The point is that there are other options god damn it. Why start thinking about starting a family with a girl you just met two weeks ago?

I just can't get over it. All it took for him to nearly be taken away overnight was this fucking girl that got smitten the moment she met him (from what he tells me) getting knocked up. I know I should be taking a lot of this out on him, but he's my friend, and it feels so much better (and easier) hating on her.

The good news is that he told me what I've posted above this Sunday, five days ago... And since then his outlook has grown progressively worse on the entire ordeal and it wouldn't surprise me if he took this thing with this girl in a different direction (he can help fund the child from a distance, or abortion perhaps). I just hate all this and the only bright side I see is that if this child does happen to see the light of day, it'll be in another country and won't have to put up with the raw, shamelessly corrupt brutality of this fucked society I'm in.

This has served to remind me how much I love some of my friends, even if I can never tell them so beyond a drunken bro hug/words. It's also shown me just how low I can go as a human being in order to preserve my little world. Ah, fuck it, I don't care. I just don't want to see my friends go through the same bullshit I did... And, unlike me, he has a lot more to lose.

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Jun 1, 2007 - 05:46 PM
I introduced someone to the INTERNET today.
Haha, I gotta get to fucking work for a sudden night shift but, as I was posting something ten minutes ago the servant girl here (indigenous (sp?) Indian) at the house asked me why the hell I wrote so much when I sat here at the computer. I told her, after making her wait for me to finish my post, that I was simply "talking" to some people.


How? I just type and send it.

To who?

I don't know! People all over the world really. Sometimes my kid's mom, sometimes friends from the States, and sometimes family.


Don't you know what the internet is?


Ten minutes passed and she was mopping near me so I told her to give me a song, any song. And the artist. She gave me Ricardo Montaner and I threw a song at her and she burst into amazement... Then tears. Told me she felt she was getting signs from God to go ahead and go back to her old boyfriend because that was their song yayadyadayada.

I can't believe I was so naive to automatically assume she knew about the internet.

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