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Alice's Journal

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Aug 29, 2013 - 09:26 PM
August 29
Today is Andrew's birthday and I guess that got me thinking about this place and some of you guys. How's everyone? The house is quiet tonight and I've been sitting here in the nursery snooping through chocojournals. It's been a while since I've done that. Looks like everyone is well, which makes me glad. I have a new baby. Her name is Julep, she is 5 months old and perfect. Life is good. Happy birthday, Andy!

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Jun 14, 2012 - 07:45 PM
Hello, Ghost Town.
Where did everyone go? I still check in from time to time and it seems like with each visit there are fewer and fewer active threads and journal entries.

Anyway, hello to anyone who reads this. Hope you're all doing well.

P.S. THIS AVATAR. I tried to change it back to something normal but apparently I no longer have permission to do that. Weird.

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Jun 28, 2011 - 02:49 PM
June, 2011
Not sure what compelled me to make this journal entry, but it feels like poking my head around the corner to determine whether there are any more mud pies coming at me or if the coast is clear. Hello to everyone reading this.

I've been happy-busy lately. I went back to work - just 3 days a week - in April and I'm loving the time at home with the boys, making lots of pies, organic baby food and homemade baby pants. I've got several home improvement projects going at the moment (redoing the downstairs bathroom in bright white, chrome and hot pink and reinstalling the old American Standard sink and toilet, cleaning up a very old executive's desk we found in a dilapidated mansion, and making curtains...despite not having a sewing machine!). Jonathan found a sweet old 1950s pay phone at an antique store that's wired for home use and that's going up in the kitchen soon.

Saturday morning trips to the farmers market and nightly neighborhood walks have become the highlights of my week.

Huck will be 6 months old on Friday and I'm thinking about celebrating by getting a kiddie pool.

Life is good. Hope you're all doing well.

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Jul 3, 2010 - 04:57 PM
Back to Reality
Just got home this afternoon from a week's vacation in Kure Beach, NC with my mom, dad, Persephone, my sister, her children, Wyatt and Jonathan. There's really nothing much there except the beach, which is just the way I like it. I feel so rested and am not looking forward to going back to work.

We rented bicycles and spent a lot of time just cruising around. One day we braved the 99 degree heat and rode our bikes 2 miles each way to the boardwalk, where there are actual restaurants, a small amusement park and a famous donut shop ( that sells the most delicious donuts in the world. My bike had a child seat on the back and Persephone loved riding back there. Every time we rode she kept saying adorable things like, "I like riding on my bike with Ellie because she keeps me safe," and "Are you doing good up there, Ellie?" Then she would pat my back.

Most of the time we just hung out on the beach with the kids. We did a stupid thing, though, and forgot to take our camera. Jonathan took this one of me and my sister on the beach with her cell phone:


We look nothing alike, I know.

We splurged on an expensive Jamaican dinner one night, which was fun. Other than that, we mostly cooked our meals at home to save money. Wyatt made delicious Bobby Flay home fries one night. I took pictures of his cooking skillz with my parents' camera. Hopefully they will remember to share the pictures with me at some point. Persephone was adorable as always and says the most hilarious and surprising things for a 2-year-old. She was terrified of the ocean, though.

Only 365 more days until it's vacation time again! I can't wait!

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Jun 20, 2010 - 01:57 PM
Piddle Party
Despite having to get up five times - yes five times during the night last night, I woke up without a headache (yay!) and feeling strangely rested.

This weekend I had enough energy to do about 15 loads of laundry, scrub down my shower, clean the hell out of my kitchen, sweep the back deck, clean Persephone's room, cook some pretty delicious food, watch Toy Story 3, take my dad out for breakfast and clean every surface of my rain-mildewed screened porch with a bleach/detergent mixture.

Now I'm about to shave my legs for the first time in a week, shower, and get all prettied up for a date with Jonathan and Wyatt at my favorite German restaurant tonight.

Life is good.

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Jun 15, 2010 - 09:01 PM
What's your name, baby?
Here are the names we're considering. I'm posting these here because I know I'll get brutally honest feedback.

Huckleberry ("Huck")


We've decided not to tell anyone the name we end up choosing because it's hard enough to come up with something both of us like, let alone try to please everyone else. And everyone has a suggestion. This is something I didn't know people did. The belly-groping I was expecting, but not all this name-choosing assistance. I guess a lot of people think if they love a particular name, you definitely will, too. And it usually goes something like this, "You like unusual names? Oh, I've got one for you! Sydney!" I just smile and nod and tell them that's a beautiful name. (Hush up, Sass.)

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[public entry #324]

Jun 14, 2010 - 11:51 AM
I'm pretty excited about this.

I'd be even more excited if Martin would just FINISH THE BOOK SERIES. Has anyone else read these? I highly recommend them, even if fantasy isn't your favorite genre.

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[public entry #323]

Jun 9, 2010 - 07:20 PM
Not for the Faint of Heart
My butt looks like it's been trampled by a Clydesdale. Weeks of nightly progesterone shots have turned me black and blue, which is a little strange considering the fact that they're really not very painful. A couple of times Jonathan has hit a nerve or something and it's hurt like crazy, but usually it's not bad at all.

But tonight was my LAST SHOT!! Jonathan is in Cedar Rapids on business so Wyatt had to administer it. He hadn't given me one in a while and forgot that once the needle is in, you press the plunger, not pull it back. So he pulled it all the way back and announced that it was all done. I told him to pull the needle out but when I looked at it I noticed that it was still full, tinged pink, and full of bubbles. So he had to do it again. The second time I almost fainted but I think it was just the thought of having that pink-tinted liquid injected back into me.

There was a minor incident this morning involving quite a bit of blood, so I went to the doctor just to make sure everything was OK. Baby is fine (and is beginning to resemble the Michelin Man). It hiccuped, which was very cute, and had its little hand to its face. Apparently a blood vessel in my uterus ruptured but the doctor thinks that as long as I don't do anything strenuous it's nothing to worry about.

I can't think of anything else gross to write about.

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[public entry #322]

May 26, 2010 - 08:28 AM
Do you ever...
- Take a big bite of food, start chewing it, then suddenly realize you don't want it and instinctively know that if you swallow it you're going to gag

- Sneeze when you look in the direction of the sun (or when you think about kissing someone)

- Think about something embarrassing or shameful you did months or even years ago and get all sweaty and panicky just remembering it

- See your dog taking a crap and realize you actually love him less because he's crapping right now

- (for women only) hear news stories about women being kidnapped, raped, beaten or murdered and feel sorry for them but do not understand how it could possibly happen in the first place, since you yourself are so badass nothing like that could ever happen to you

- Wake yourself up in the night by suddenly going "HMMPH!" through your nose

- Recognize which of your co-workers is coming down the hall just by the rhythm and pace of their walk

- Lie in bed at night and the scariest scene from any horror movie you've ever seen begins to repeat in your mind and you become 100% sure that the only way you'll be safe is to stay completely under the covers - no matter how hot you are - because sheets apparently ward off all kinds of evil

- Start re-watching a movie you found completely hilarious 10 years ago only to discover you'd rather stick hot pokers in your eyes than to have to finish it

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[public entry #321]

May 13, 2010 - 10:28 AM
My doctor's office just called. I needed hcg levels today of at least 320 to be considered "doing great." Well. My levels today are 516!!

I am honestly shocked. Somehow I didn't think this would actually work. I woke up at 4:35 this morning from a nightmare with my heart pounding. In my dream a nurse showed up at my front door and told me I was pregnant with triplets but that I was going to have to abort all three of them because my hcg levels weren't high enough to keep them.

Last blood test is on Monday morning. If everything goes well, no more blood tests and they'll schedule my first ultrasound! I could not be more excited!

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