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Gamingforce Choco Journal
Such a Lust for Revenge!'s Journal

Bottlenoses... ASSEMBLE!

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Feb 10, 2007 - 12:53 PM
This man will be:
My James Earl Jones

Currently Playing: Mana-Vivir sin Aire

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Feb 8, 2007 - 09:44 AM
omg too ,uch
YouTube Video
this is fucking awesome. nirvana haze awesome


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Feb 3, 2007 - 12:29 PM
1000 posts in seven months!
Haha, finally reached it. Funny, used to get 1000 posts 2-3 times a month.

I dedicate it to LeHah.

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Feb 1, 2007 - 01:31 PM
OO writes poetry? (Translation update)
Yeah, I used to when I was younger. Pretty horrible shit really. Anyhow, eight months ago when I got to Guatemala I said I'd write a poem in Spanish when I felt comfortable with my SKILLS. Here it is. It's for my childhood, my failures, my dreams, and even my reputation here at Gamingforce.

Me dicen que soy un gran ser
Pero a veces me siento como un insecto ver
Dicen que tengo un gran corazon
Aunque a veces no me sale mas que razon

Me dicen que tengo una gran paz
Mas en la vida no siempre me siento capaz
Dicen que hablo como los sabios
Pero perjuicios han salido de mis labios

Dicen que doy ejemplo a los demas
Pero no entiendo, a veces soy tan contumaz
Asi me dicen que soy la libertad
Pero por mi ya no quisiera la soledad

Solo dicen y redicen
-Pero por favor dejenme ver
Que no soy lo que me dicen
Y me duele saber lo que puedo ser

Non rhyming translated version.

They say I'm a great person
But sometimes I feel like a crawling insect
They say I have a great heart
Even if sometimes only common sense comes out

They tell me I have a great inner peace
But I'm not always able to feel this way
They say I speak like a wise man
But judgments have left my lips

They say I give a good example to others
But I don't understand, sometimes I'm so stubborn
They tell me I represent freedom
But were it to me I wouldn't be alone anymore.

They just tell me and retell me
-But won't you please let me take the time to see
That I'm not what they say I am
And it hurts me to know what I could be.

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Feb 1, 2007 - 11:19 AM
Congratulations. You have achieved: PREDATOR VISION
So many things going on right now I want to talk about. Even wrote a poem I want to post. Anyhow, last night I was drunk and high and in a very dark park with friends. Everything was normal until I heard a noise behind me at an unknown distance towards the backend of the park and I sharply turned my head (my body stayed facing my friends) and it was like my vision went to Predator vision (from the perspective of his infrared vision and all the other modes his helmet gives him) and it was lolies. There was nothing there.

Later on I was looking at the nearly full moon. After some close inspections I realized, if looked at correctly, the full moon is a small vision of the Kingdom of Christ. I then realized that I was seeing what I will see when I die: The Kingdom of Christ at a moon's distance from Earth away from me when I die. Out of reach.

Currently Playing: Silent Hill - Esperandote

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Jan 30, 2007 - 01:52 PM
This one's for Kurado!

You're a good guy man, and I'm dedicating this award to you buddy.

And, to a much lesser extent, I'm also dedicating it to the nine mofos that felt my Kurado thread titles should have won most worst/most annoying trend. I'll have threads coming up soon in your honor.

Currently Playing: Groundation - Weeping Pirates

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[public entry #47]

Jan 27, 2007 - 11:08 PM
oh man
I was having an intense session of weed after a particular difficult conversation with Lenore when, after making some questions and being sked a few things and telling my buddy some stories I realized that certain parts of my life are missing. They dont make sense. There are gaps and changes through my first fourteen years of life and now I think I understand what happened and probably why.

I want to write about it now but I'm still not 100 percent so Im gonna wait and stuff.

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Jan 21, 2007 - 10:27 PM
Damn it Patriots!
Holy shit what a fucking game. I'm glad Guatemalan ESPN let me watch the Patriots and Colts. Watching two of the greatest quarterbacks of all time was fucking amazing, but the Pats fucking failed me. I really wanted to see them get four Superbowls in six years, a new feat. SHIT FUCK.

They were whipping Colt ass so well. WHAT HAPPEN.

Just saw the clip showing the fucking Bears are going to the Superbowl for the NFC? Fucking nuts. And I can't believe Bush helped the Saints get so fucking far. For once this'll be a Superbowl where neither team pisses me off, though I'll be going for Manning since he's had it coming. He earned that shit today.

lolies at the football players actually speaking in Spanish during their post-game interviews.

Currently Playing: Korn - Yall want a single say FUCK THAT.

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Jan 20, 2007 - 08:20 PM
ninjas cant be stopped..
was in the apark with riends. out of the corner of m eyes in the parking lot i seee a dark shape. imemdiately i assume its a ninja. i realized then, at that moment, that even if I had or hadnt seen that ninja coming if his attention was to kill me and my fou rcompanions then nothing would stop him. not ven eif we saw the ninjaman coming a mile away.

now i am contemplating: is it cool, can you sleep at night, knowing there are LIVING WEAPONS INT HE WORLD ABORAD MOTHRUFUCKER SAY WHAT yeah"

ninjas must bes stopped

i got a cool tmnt metal trash can at toys r us once.

toys r us was my heaveon once. when i had my little dude ninja dreams.

doy ou like dreamin gf with ninjas.

Additional Entry Made Within The Hour (YODA SAYS WHATS):
Yoda says "i sense anakin skywalker in GREATTTTTTTTTTTT pain right now. *shakes head with stressy*


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[public entry #44]

Jan 14, 2007 - 04:18 PM
Star Wars auditions
Anakin Skywalker: OctoberOmicrno
Luke Skywalker: Paikuhan
Leia Skywalker: need someone here
Padme: Need help
pAlpatine: NYRSkate
Yoda: Dopefish
Mace Windu: Dyhalto

i need an obi wan and an rd and threepio

oh god

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Gamingforce Choco Journal
Such a Lust for Revenge!'s Journal

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