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Gamingforce Choco Journal
Scent of a Grundle's Journal

and there was much rejoicing

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Aug 13, 2015 - 03:09 AM
Menno Plays La-Mulana
Started playing La-Mulana today, made something resembling progress. I'm also streaming it on hitbox, which seemed like the thing to do since half of the rest of you have done the same already. Here's the videos if you want to see me flail about hopelessly:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 2 seems to be hopelessly lost to the aether until hitbox figures out what its problem is. It's just spinning endlessly telling me it's "processing", so if that ever finishes i'll add it here as well.

Hooray, it works now!

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Mar 31, 2015 - 04:59 PM
Scratch one beard.
my students raised $6000 for their fundraising campaign. So the beard is no more.

Feels weird. I can feel drafts in like every single room now.

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Oct 30, 2014 - 10:22 PM
Fundraiser Swag
Went to a charity fundraiser where myself and a bunch of fellow gamers of all stripes raised about $6000 for childrens hospitals in the area.

My goodies from the day:

Dice and Muramasa were won in raffles, and got Hero Quest in a silent auction for $45. Cards are from a draft i did, my cards and the ones from another guy who had no use for commons and uncommons. All around good day, except that by the end of the 24 hours everyone else was pretty much dead on their feet.

Currently Playing: FF XIV: all day erry day

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Mar 28, 2014 - 03:12 PM
So my friends found this
And it's pretty much perfect. I hadn't heard the FFX HD Remaster battle theme yet (they altered it for more orchestra), and it's good, but played like this...

It's pretty much perfect.

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May 12, 2013 - 11:20 PM
One last tweet from space.
Commander Chris Hadfield, possibly the most accessible and coolest astronauts ever, is coming home tomorrow. Before he leaves, we get one last video from space.

YouTube Video

Godspeed, commander. Thank you for making space cool again.

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Apr 24, 2013 - 11:21 AM
That's it. I'm done. Wrote my very last final exam ever this morning. This weekend I graduate from University, and then go out and see what i can do in the rest of the world.

I'm kind of excited, but at the same time kind of sad to see this part of my life go. I've made a lot of good friends here, friends who i will most likely keep for the rest of my life, if i'm any kind of lucky. I came to GFF in my first year of university, so you guys have kind of been with me throughout this whole journey. It's been a long road, but I've come a long way. Hopefully this summer goes well, and i get the job i've applied for for the fall.

Thanks for the good times, guys. Looking forward to more in the years to come.

Currently Playing: Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate

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Apr 8, 2013 - 03:17 AM
I think i know why i hate QTEs.

I made a meme-thingy! I did it all by myself. Never done that before.

Now i'm going to sleep because PAPERS

EDIT: can't believe i forgot the gamecube X

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Jan 17, 2013 - 03:38 PM
Good thing i didn't ask for GFF's advice after all
Some context. My university choir had planned a choir tour to Europe (which is something new for us, we usually stay within Canada or the northern US). I was totally psyched. Not only was i going to get to sing in some amazing cathedrals and the like, but i was going to get to go and explore parts of Europe, which i've never done before and was really excited to do. We were going to Vienna, Salzbourg (that spelling is horrible, but i'm too lazy to go find out the right one), Prague, and Berlin (and maybe somewhere else? i feel like i'm forgetting something)

I had planned to ask GFF's European contingent to suggest awesome places for me to check out when i had free time. But today we learned that the tour was cancelled, because of price hikes due to not having as much interest as the choir conductors had expected (people saying they were interested and bailing and the like).

Tour is like my favourite part of choir. Today is a sad day.

Currently Playing: the world's tiniest violin

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Oct 4, 2012 - 11:24 PM
So apparently... I downloaded a good sized chunk of the internet.

I've allegedy got 17.5 billion GB worth of Warband on my computer somewhere. That better be one heck of an update.

EDIT: i have been informed that this amount of data is actually probably closer to 3 times the size of the internet. so yeah.

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Aug 9, 2012 - 02:29 PM
Life update! Also, Shameless plug time!
My friend has decided to start streaming full time, and he started today! If anyone feels like watching someone play minecraft (also some other stuff, but he'll mostly be doing minecraft), check out the stream at

I'm also streaming occasionally on the same site, on the Ardent Forge Variety channel. My project of late has been Golden Sun - got through the first one, and am working my way through The Lost Age. I'm known as MennoKnight around the site, so say hi if you see me.

Meanwhile, away from internetland, i'm going back to school for one more year in fall to finish off my degree, and am looking forward to seeing my friends from there again. Hopefully running two D&D games this year, one that i'm co-DMing with Helloween, and one with the playtest kit from the next edition of D&D.

So yeah. How is GFF holding up?

Currently Playing: Kingdom Hearts 3D

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Gamingforce Choco Journal
Scent of a Grundle's Journal

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