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Gamingforce Choco Journal
ComradeTande's Journal

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Dec 26, 2014 - 01:34 PM
My project this weekend...

stupid text based adventure game where I can reuse the JSON file for my point and click.

this is happening.

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Jul 23, 2014 - 10:14 PM
probably doesn't mean much to you but
this is my view outside from my desk at work

I now am a javascript dev working at a company that does workflow management programs and what-not. really laid back, really fun, lots of good people. we're hiring

and today i just heard the retro store i used to manage went out of business.

oh boy.

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Mar 18, 2014 - 06:55 PM
a little early to say this...
but the gentleman who interviewed/tested me Monday pretty much said at the end of it that 'we'll be sending you an offer in a few days, we really hope you will like it.'

AKA, pretty sure I got the job.

Also the test was pretty interesting, just sat me down infront of a computer and told me to create something with their incompany app that would grab an image from google maps and display it. They had a wiki for their incompany API stuff and I managed to figure out some stuff and the guy even said he was pretty impressed how much I did on my own (despite having to ask for a lot of help, haha).

And here I thought javascript was the -last- language I'd use on a job.

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Mar 14, 2014 - 12:59 PM
tande does sprites
been trying to get sprites down to work on games with them, since i really like old style graphics and such. you can see my progression from oldest to newest:

As you can see, trying to get smaller and smaller in my details. Makes it quicker to do it, but harder to convey any sort of details but...yeah.

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Mar 14, 2014 - 02:36 AM
so i recently had an interview for a javascript gig in town. pretty much aced it despite everyone there being just as awkward as I was (I'm not entirely sure, their interview process was really weird. They had one of their developers talk with me, and then I did some code for them, and then I talked with two more devs. No HR guy involved at all, at least from my knowledge). ANYWAY, I got an email about getting a second interview (yay!) with time slots to schedule me with. Responded with what timeslot was good for me and a thank you etc etc and haven't gotten a response back yet confirming the time.

Do I email them again asking them if they got my email? That's so awkward to ask since I know gmail isn't going to just up and go derp, but I'm terrified that I'll show up Monday and they'll laugh in my face and tell me they didn't get my email so no second interview for me.

God, my social skills suck.

But in all seriousness, I think I really have this job in the bag considering how positive they were at the first interview and such. I just don't want to ruin what good I have going ;_;

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Feb 25, 2014 - 10:34 PM
This is how I plan video games

Haven't been here in a while, but hey hey hey.
I've been assisting in some games with some friends in a small dev group called Virtually Competent. We're all kind of pitching ideas back and forth of games and I've been dreaming about doing a point and click adventure type game with either giant robots or blood mages. Not entirely sure which to go with. Kind of a big project, but a girl can dream.

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[public entry #51]

Sep 23, 2013 - 12:26 PM
Things i've done since the last time I logged...
  • bought a wii u
  • gotten into a car accident (small bump in the parking lot)
  • closed down the rp server i hosted and ran because everyone there was ungrateful shit bags
  • decided to work on a video game on my free time that doesn't exist (a nobunaga's ambition rip off except in a fantasy world where you play a villain-ish Mage)
  • sold most of my nintendo collection because cartridges are a hassle to keep around (feels bad son)
  • though didn't stop me from expanding my snes collection
  • still doing work
  • still doing school
  • getting fat

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Feb 5, 2013 - 04:10 PM
How I Fired My Boss (Also Known as Tande Ascends to Power +_+)
Well, let me start out with saying this:

The previous manager of the store I work at was batshit insane, sexist, and lazy as shit. He would regularly sit on his smart phone and watch wrestling for hours on end. He wouldn't get -shit- done, and then expected all his assistant managers to clean up after him. He hired -homeless- people (not saying I don't like to give people chances, but CHRIST, they've never heard of showers before, honestly). He regularly hired friends of his, too, who were practically useless.

And of course I didn't let this go on. I had reported the man -three- times to the district manager, complaining of his sexist remarks, how he threatened team members, and how lazy he was. Even when I had proof the district manager shrugged it off, wrote up the man, and everything was fixed for...about a week. After that, the man would go back to doing what he typically did. Being a lazy asshole.

Anyway, to be completely honest, this story isn't because of my actions, but another member of my staff, who I shall call T. T has barely any teeth, weighs about 200+ lbs, and is at least 6'4" and bald. He looks like he's 50. In reality, he's 29. Anyway, T was hired by the previous manager (let's just call him L) because he worked at Wal*Mart with him at one point and T sure knew how to brown nose.

I suppose T wasn't really entirely happy with how L was acting, and ended up talking with the district manager one night when I was acting assistant manager. Later, the district manager pulled me aside and simply asked me:

"So, what do you think about being a store manager?"

I kind of stumbled out that I didn't think I have enough time for it because of school, but I could probably do it. That was fine enough for the district manager, who said I'd be acting store manager the moment L was fired...though, the district manager mentioned he needed to drive off to the main store (a full state away) because of deliveries and all that jazz. Which meant I had to show up the next morning and fire L and proceed to work his shift and my previously schedule shift.


Anyway, I go home a bit chattered since hell, I've never fired anyone in my life. S'just how it goes, I suppose.

The plan pretty much went like this: I would come into the store, ask to use the phone, call the district manager, and then hand the phone off to L. So I guess, technically I wasn't the one to fire him. And that's pretty much how it happened: I came in, asked for the phone, called the district manager, and went to go print off paperwork that L would have to sign because them's the breaks.

L took it pretty softly, honestly...I was expecting him to hit me. He pretty much ran out back, smoked a cigarette, and grabbed his coat. Signed the paper, and left without another word.

The teammembers and trainee present kind of stared at me like I was crazy and I shrugged it off. I had to explain to the friends he just hired that L was fired and I was the new acting manager. Funny story: not a single one managed to make it a month at the store after that.

I'm sorry that story was a lot less exciting than I made it out to be. But not everyone gets to do something like that in their life, right?

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Jan 28, 2013 - 12:44 PM
What I do now
+School (fulltime)
+Work (30 hrs minimum whether i like it or not, but at least they're paying me near 13$/hr)

its the second week of the new semester and i'm already tired

but i do suppose its worth it since with my paycheck i'll actually be able to pay off some loans at the same time as going to school c:

also, i'll fill you all in on the juicy details of how I got to fire my boss and take his job later.

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[public entry #48]

Sep 21, 2012 - 08:54 PM
holy crap nintendo points
here you go, tons of points I nabbed from work. holler in the comments what ones you use, or be a jerk and don't say it so several people try to redeem it but fail.

story with these is I work at a used game shop. I yoink these out of used games. Some of these might be used already, its hard telling, but honestly when they're left in the case it typically means they haven't been used. You can't redeem a game more than once. So yay POINTS!


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ComradeTande's Journal

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