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Acro-nym's Journal

Acro-nym's Journal Statistics
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Jan 9, 2008 - 09:57 PM
I Need an Invention
Over the holiday break, the light switches in the dorm bathrooms were replaced with motion sensors. Whether or not this relates to other renovations that are currently ongoing, I don't know.

On the surface, this doesn't seem like a bad idea. Every time I go to the restroom, the lights cut out before I'm finished. It's a bit inconvenient, but I can work with it. However, I can't brush my teeth or wash my hands without losing light. I could just stand at one of the end sinks and step out when that happens. A little more inconvenient, though.

Tonight, I tried taking a shower. I don't ever want to have that experience again. The lights cut out ever minute or so, leaving me washing myself in the dark. In the not-so-constant rush to keep the lights on, I accidentally knocked the shirt I sleep in to the ground, which got part of it soaked. Good thing I have spares.

So, I need an invention. Something that I can use to keep the sensor activated while I take my showers. I'm too mentally drained to think of one on my own, so hopefully someone else can. This sucks.

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