Jan 3, 2007 - 01:30 PM |
Nostalgia for wvlf: Personal rip/tag/time Terranigma spc set |
Terranigma SPCs
Yeah. I was feelin nostalgic, so I grabbied these earlier. It was a complete rip of 'nigma's OST that I compiled with the help of someone else at Cherubae's Terranigma fansite (whose forums I was active on before moving here.) I did all the timing of the tracks. Names of some tracks, (namely the ones on the official OST) were provided by someone on the forums there, while others were named by myself. I updated the tags today to work correctly with SNESamp. Well, at least, artist, game, and song names.
I personally ripped several songs, as well as all the sound effect tracks. Only problem is that two of the songs were incomplete when I downloaded them today, so I fixed that with two tracks from the official snesmusic spc set. I left all information in those as they are in the set (except for the tracknames which I renamed to fit my original names). load up the .m3u file to get it to play in order and have fun.
I'll prolly do an mp3 rip of the set in the near future.
Oh yeah, and there's more info in the readme file in the zip.