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[PC] Exit Fate - Homebrew Suikoden Goodness
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Old Mar 10, 2009, 12:11 PM #1 of 2
Exit Fate - Homebrew Suikoden Goodness

Exit Fate is a homegrown RPG that uses the Suikoden I & II engine with a little bit of improvisation thrown in here and there. The game uses the typical Suikoden-esque "warring nations" scenario but it's well written and the dialogue is realistic so it's a fitting homage to the Suikoden canon.

The game features a ton of original artwork, especially the character portraits which are detailed and gorgeous. I've heard there are about 75 recruitable characters and that all are combat-ready. This is a nice change from Suikoden games where you'd have to go out of your way to recruit Fatass Bertha just so your army could have a precious chambermaid - and the bitch didn't even know how to wield a broomstick offensively. I mean, the cook beat shit with his wok but the maid couldn't use a fucking mop? There's none of that in Exit Fate. I've also been told that none of the characters are easily missed; that is, you'll know them all when you see them and their recruitment requirements will be fairly obvious. The creator wants people to enjoy his games and dislikes being a dick just for the sake of Easter eggs and completionists.

Battles and magic seem to be handled differently but it's not complex, so I managed to figure it all out within a few minutes. They're fast and easy to follow. There's also a convenient bribe system that allows you to speed through dungeons without interruption at the expense of a small fraction of your gil/zenny/potch. And the battle victory music is lifted straight out of Final Fantasy Tactics, which, while an obvious theft, is still very pleasing to the ears.

This was all created and designed by one man, whose name I do not know. But his work is pretty enjoyable and if you're a Suikoden fan, you'll want to check this one out.

(There's a chance you may need to install the MS Gothic font, but the creator provides the file on the downloads page with instructions on how to insert it into your computer. If worst comes to worst, there's also a way to select your own font preference and run that in-game instead.)

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Member 1133

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Old Mar 10, 2009, 12:19 PM #2 of 2
Nice! Looks really nice from the screenshots, but that's not much to go on. I'll definitely have a go at this one.

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Exploding Garrmondo Weiner Interactive Swiss Army Penis > Garrmondo Entertainment > Video Gaming > [PC] Exit Fate - Homebrew Suikoden Goodness

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