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Might be my worst thread title yet.
Anyway, this is pretty simple. What are some games you fucking went apeshit over the release date? You may have even gone far enough to RESERVE a copy. You silly, silly bastard. When you finally got it, did it meet expectations, or did it piss you off? I`ll name two. First, Zelda Ocarine of Time. Even reserved for the gold edition. And yes, I loved it. The other, more disappointing wait was for Warzone (the wrestling game). Fucking trash. Jam it back in, in the dark. |
The Conker remake for Xbox was probably the biggest disappointment for me since Halo 2. The pretty graphics for the Story mode were cool for a while, but after the Great Mighty Poo battle I wasn't all that enthralled anymore. (Especially since the whole game was somewhat censored.) What really fucked me over was that all the cool multiplayer games from the N64 version were completely done away with and replaced by...some sort of beast that just brings a tear to my eye when I think about what could have been.
There's nowhere I can't reach. ![]() |
The only game I preordered in my life was MK
![]() This thing is sticky, and I don't like it. I don't appreciate it. ![]() |
I wish I had that. Almost done completing Deadly Alliance over here. Love the plot.
I am a dolphin, do you want me on your body? |
The only game I remember preordering was Death Jr. on PSP because there was supposed to come packaged with the soundtrack. My disappointment was the EB Games that told me the offer was cancelled. I told them it was still on their website but they were "affirming" the website is wrong. Anyway the game wasn't that good neither. So in the end, I preordered a poor game for nothing.
Most amazing jew boots ![]() ---------------{ Currently playing }-- ... Nothing.... really. -----------------------{ Last rips }-- Trauma Center New Blood (Wii) Trauma Center Second Opinion (Wii) Planet Puzzle League (DS) ---{ Currently in ripping progress }-- Dragoneer's Aria (PSP) Professor Layton and the Curious Village (DS) -----------{ Other stuffs about me }-- My VGM Collection (last update: mar. 03, 2008) -------------------------------------- |
What kind of toxic man-thing is happening now? ![]() |
Absolutely went bonkers for Zelda: OOT. I even had my reservation cancelled on me due to mixed messages from the assholes at EB. I went berserk, as you can imagine, being a mere 13 years old at the time (it came out in 1998 right?). But, that's a story for another time.
FELIPE NO ![]() |
The last game I actually reserved was Final Fantasy VIII way back when. That was when I was still in my Square fanboy phase. I thought it was okay at the time (though I can barely remember it now), but it did leave me a bit disappointed considering how much I liked VII before it. FFVIII and Ehrgeiz were enough to make me wake up and realize that Square wasn't invincible.
The last game I picked up because of the hype was Suikoden V. It was decent for the 33 hours I played of it, but also disappointing because it hasn't changed much from the first two games and because the pacing/progression sucks. Plus the dungeons and other gameplay elements are very generic and rudimentary. I had to stop playing it and move on to something better. Namely Fallout 1 & 2. What, you don't want my bikini-clad body?
Either November or December 1998, sprout. I went apeshit with that game for two solid months.
Jam it back in, in the dark. |
Heh, where's Spatula? He and I are FFXII nerds.
![]() I don't know why but I'm really excited for this game. It looks like a ton of fun (rhyme!) and I did preorder it (my first preorder ever!) 43 days until its release, I believe. There's nowhere I can't reach. |
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time was actually the Zelda game that pushed me into being a fanboy of the wonderful series, but I ended up buying it quite a bit after its release. I was lucky enough to find a golden cartridge Collector's Edition version of the game, too.
![]() Anyway, with my newfound fanboyism, I remember going crazy for the sequel: Majora's Mask. I really enjoyed MM, too... It even exceeded my lofty expectations. At that age, I was convinced that the Fierce Deity incarnation of Link was the best character ever. Seems like lots of people claim that Ocarina of Time is the superior of the two Nintendo 64 Zelda releases, but I ended up enjoying Majora's Mask more (quite possibly because of how hyped I was about it). This thing is sticky, and I don't like it. I don't appreciate it. |
I am a dolphin, do you want me on your body? ![]() |
I know this is like ultimate old school, but I got a SNES the day it came out, including all the launch titles, which wasn't much. Only Super Mario World, Pilotwings, and F-Zero were available. But I had to have one then, immediately.
I was speaking idiomatically.
and Brandy does her best to understand
Star Ocean: Till the End of Time: I read the previews, waited through the whole "Director's Cut" mess with the bugs in the original, preordered and I've put maybe 8 hours on it in over 2 years. Beautiful game, but I don't like the battle system or most of the characters.
New Super Mario Brothers: Oh HELL yes, it was worth it. Chrono Cross: So NOT worth it. I ate up all the hype during the 8 month+ wait and I was shocked at how below average it turned out, even being fully aware of how different it was from Trigger. Marvel vs Capcom 2: 6 months of tracking screenshots and character alterations translated to 4 years of non-stop play. And the only time I've ever used overnight shipping. The waits for Alpha 3 and both Capcom vs SNK games were pretty bad, but the VS series is just my thing. Megaman ZX: My gut told me to be excited about this one. I should listen to it more...It's a great little package and probably the best action/shooter on the DS right now. And really, that's all. There are games I've looked forward to, but most of the time when they hit my radar, they're well within striking range. That can probably be attributed to the steady release flow nowadays and my healty backlog. Currently, I can't wait for a number of games that are long overdue to hit: Valkyrie Profile 2, Super Paper Mario, Yoshi's Island 2, Ar Tonelico (aka: ARRRR!) and the new Smash Brothers. What kind of toxic man-thing is happening now?
I'm taking over this town...
I'm screaming for vengenace... I'm shouting at the devil... I'm not dead and I'm not for sale... Ain't lookin' for nothin' but a good time... |
I got so goddamn hyped up for Chromehounds by Skills that I was prcatically destined by FATE to buy the game the day it came out. All in all it's a great game, but its main problem is that I simply don't have the attention span to keep on playing it. :/
I dunno, my gameclock in CH is at 60 odd hours or so. I know I got my enjoyment out of it and would love to keep doing so but we never get together to do that anymore.
Anywho, I reserve practically any game I have even a remote interest in. Right now, Okami, VP2, and a few others are on that list. My most recent dissapointment after reserving something came from Star Fox Command and it's completely boring gameplay. Fuck that game in the ass. It's a crying shame it's that terrible. My most recent happy purchase was probably Xenosaga III, which rocked my socks clean off. =o What, you don't want my bikini-clad body? |
Simple enough, and I'll admit to it right away and not bother saving face.
FINAL FANTASY XII. I'm not sure if you're directing to games that have been released or will be released. However the case might be, here's a few things I've noted. 1) I actually count down each day till October 31st. So we're at 42 1/2 days until then. I'm also including the 31st since I work that day, and consider that release day as part of the count down. 2) I check up on the FFXII thread religiously for any new updates. 3) I reserved this game, oh god, probably back in May or June. I've been pounding on the EB Games if they've had any SKUs or items in their computer systems for the LE guide for quite some time now; they still don't have anything on file. Bullshit. 4) I've made a 10 point check list on the release day to maximize my chances of executing everything well, and I've also factored things like weather, sunrise and sunset for driving times, duration of rush hour traffic when it hits, amount of gas in car the night before the release day, and other miscellanous factors that [i]may[i] impact my getting the game. Other points include bringing in the preorder receipt, bringing my ID just in case, and probably lots more. Obsessed? Sure. As for expectations, yeah they're pretty high will most of the reviews giving it pretty nice scores, and netting a 40 from Famitsu for the Japanese copy, so, I wouldn't really expect this to be a let down. And after hearing some pretty decent English voice acting, that fear has been taken care of. Looks like smooth sailing for now. So far, honestly I haven't really bothered going koo-koo nuts for any game game on release day thus far that have been released. I have gotten MGS3: Subsistence on release, however I am no where near excited about that as I am with FFXII. Jam it back in, in the dark. ![]() - What we all do best - |
It's the law around here not to get excited about any game prior to release because the distributors can SMELL that hype and break out the lube. Games like Trauma Center, Skies of Arcadia and Megaman Anniversary that just get their local releases canned altogether. Or Sega Classics Collection (hey yeah only person in the world to even care about this game) that got pushed back by over a year right at the last minute just so they could REMOVE stuff from it. Oh wait, don't bother pre-ordering that Grand Theft Auto Vice City, because EB won't inform you it's been delayed by a month to censor the game until you've gone into the store to pick it up.
That said, currently I am SORT OF (that's code for excited, ssh) about Yakuza, which may or may not bother launching tomorrow. Lots of ANGRY PEOPLE yelling in a hilariously awful Shenmue style dub? Count me in! In the alternative dimension, I was BUSTING ('SPLOSION) for Earthworm Jim 2, Yoshi's Island, Mario Kart 64, Another Code, Sonic Mega Collection, GTA SA, Zelda Wind Waker and Zone of Enders (not only the biggest let down ever, but probably the worst game I've bought on PS2, and I buy friggin' Simple 2000 games ;_; ). There's nowhere I can't reach. |
What? You buy games?
I'm waiting for FFXII (to be available for downloading) like the rest of the intenet. Maybe Okami, Yakuza,and VP2. Just like the rest of the internet. This thing is sticky, and I don't like it. I don't appreciate it. |
I reserved Halo 2. I was more interested in seeing what the big deal was about lining up at midnight to get a game than the game itself. That experience was pretty amusing (beat-up cars with 'HALO' spray painted on them), but I was over the game in about week.
I also pre-ordered GGX2#R for Xbox, but that was because I had to. The EB by my school only gets 'cult' games like GGX2 when they're pre-ordered only. I am a dolphin, do you want me on your body? |
There has never been any games that has ever gotten me hyped to the point where I'd reserve a copy or anything, although recently games like Company of Heroes and Megaman ZX did get me pumped up such that I went to the store on release day to pick them up. I also eagerly awaiting the arrival of Zelda:TP, MP3:corruption, Supreme commander, Quake Wars: ET, and WH40k DC just to name a few.
How ya doing, buddy? |
Double O!!! Anyway, hm, for me I guess Magic the Gathering: Battle Mage. Yes. That game. I kept calling the stores each day to see if it was in. Drove em mad. Finally got it, and played it for a few days, but due to bugs and overall lack of quality, stopped.
No Mercy was also another game that i highly anticipated. I remember Wmania 2000 so I was expecting big things from it...and got just that. Even downloaded the videos from IGN, which I never due. Good times... What kind of toxic man-thing is happening now? |
~ ~ |
Kingdom Hearts 2, and i live in Europe which is still NOT out. I downloaded the usa version and boy was i disappointed. The gameplay was fun but to expect 90% disney and 10% Riku,org XIII.aaaaaargh i was pissed and i won't buy the original version ..it's not "worthy"
I'm still waiting for Shin Megami Tensei Devil Summoner..only one month XD FELIPE NO |
Pre-ordered Mario & Luigi 2, too bad it didn't live up to the original's high standards. Pre-ordering Castlevania Portrait, too bad I know it's gonna be good no matter how sucky it may turn out compared to the rest of the series.
What, you don't want my bikini-clad body? |
Most memorable preorder scenario, and not in a good way, was for the Lunar games on PS1. You know the ones, "Lunar: Delayed Game Story Complete" and "Lunar: Eternal Wait Complete." Fuck you Working Designs.
Luckily the games were well worth the wait, but that still made the wait that much more frustrating. Best preorder scenario I can remember was Nocturne back in 04. I was just coming off a Shadow Hearts kick and was eagerly anticipating my preordered SH:C coming in when I found out about Nocturne. Remembering how much I loved Persona 2 and knowing that there was some link or another between Persona and SMT, I looked into it and decided to preorder it. In the meantime, the more I read about it, the more excited I became. Covenant came out right around the same time, I gave it a rushed play-through and immediately jumped into Nocturne. 2 days into the game I forgot that Shadow Hearts even existed. Currently I'm looking forward to Devil Summoner (duh), Phantasy Star Universe, and Portrait of Ruin. Jam it back in, in the dark. It is not my custom to go where I am not invited. |