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[Classic] Nintendo vs. Seaga: Anyone else miss those days?
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Member 1673

Level 1.60

Mar 2006

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Old Jun 17, 2009, 10:05 PM #1 of 40
Nintendo vs. Seaga: Anyone else miss those days?

Granted, this is for the gamers who grew up in the 16-bit era or just prior to it, and were witness to some great games, commercials, stories, and really just stuff you wish you could relive again.

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Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor
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Member 80

Level 56.91

Mar 2006

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Old Jun 17, 2009, 10:31 PM Local time: Jun 17, 2009, 09:31 PM 6 #2 of 40

There's nowhere I can't reach.
Infernal Monkey

Member 15

Level 45.57

Feb 2006

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Old Jun 17, 2009, 11:29 PM Local time: Jun 18, 2009, 02:29 PM 11 #3 of 40
Yes, I miss asking Nintendo owning friends "DID YOU KNOW?" and then I'd never follow on.

YouTube Video


This thing is sticky, and I don't like it. I don't appreciate it.

Member 104

Level 55.36

Mar 2006

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Old Jun 17, 2009, 11:34 PM #4 of 40
Oh my fucking god Seaga.

That is fucking unbelievable.

How ya doing, buddy?

#654: Braixen
Infernal Monkey

Member 15

Level 45.57

Feb 2006

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Old Jun 17, 2009, 11:42 PM Local time: Jun 18, 2009, 02:42 PM #5 of 40
You know when the Sonic games start up with "SAAAAYGAAAAH"? Yeah. That confused the fuck out of us as kids.


I was speaking idiomatically.
I am becoming a turkey.

Member 42

Level 42.28

Mar 2006

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Old Jun 17, 2009, 11:44 PM #6 of 40

Isn't it funny that in the 15 years since the SNES-Genesis days Sega stopped making consoles. And Sonic became a laughingstock of a mascot.

Actually, those WERE the days.

What kind of toxic man-thing is happening now?
Leaf, not Leech

Member 11406

Level 6.55

Aug 2006

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Old Jun 18, 2009, 02:52 AM Local time: Jun 18, 2009, 09:52 AM #7 of 40
I think it will never be the same again. Current games take themselves too seriosly and some new ideas are bad or overdone. I am not planning to buy any nextgen in the near future. Time games being developed is getting longer and longer and what we get in return? I remember playing Super Mario Bros 3 (NES) with my sister or TMNT with everybody. Even my father completed two levels of Doom on SNES Today, there is no chance they will play any new games. Not that they don't have time, the games are just silly...

How ya doing, buddy?
Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss
Motherfucking Chocobo

Member 589

Level 64.55

Mar 2006

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Old Jun 18, 2009, 04:58 AM Local time: Jun 18, 2009, 10:58 AM 1 #8 of 40
Aw hell no. Console games back in the day were largely toilet compared with the stuff on Amiga, Atari or even Acorn. Even the games they ported over were pale shadows of the awesome originals. The SNES version of Gods is like some horrible joke-mode, SNES Doom is about the most homosexual thing ever and SNES SimCity? Why?

The best thing the SNES did was Beat em ups. Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat and Killer Instinct were about the only things anyone ever played that I knew. Oh yeah, and MarioKart but even that rarely got a look in after Mortal Kombat 2 came out. I always disliked Mario games, mainly because compared with some of the awesome platformers you could get on the Amiga at the time they were shallow, ugly and frankly annoying. When you've been playing Gods and Magic Pockets and Flashback, SMB3 is like some kind of Fisherprice kids toy.

As for the Megadrive, well I can only remember one person who actually had one and that was only because he had rich parents and the only games he had were the Sonic games and Altered Beast, prefering to buy games for his SNES, as they were all much better as a rule.

To be fair, I'm a bit older than a lot of you so rather than growing up with the SNES, I grew up with Spectrums, BBC Micros and C64s. I don't remember ever knowing anyone with an NES and only a couple of people had Master Systems and at the time, the games were pretty dull compared to playing Elite on the BBC or any of the hundreds of mental Spectrum games.

The Acorn in particular had some amazing games and the system as a whole was way ahead of it's time and it's a shame it was so battered into submission by Microsoft and IBM. Risc-OS 3 back in 1992 had many features not stuck into Windows until '98 and looked incredible to boot. Games like Chocks Away, Stunt Race 2000, Pandora's Box, Cataclysm, the remake of Elite, all looked better than console games and had much more depth than console games so my group of friends had very little interest in consoles. Then when the Acorn died out, we all got PCs and played Doom and the old Lucas Arts adventures and so on. Consoles only became interesting when the Playstation came out and that's probably because I was the exact demographic they were aiming the thing at, late teens with a bit of cash and a sense of style, rather than the kiddie market that Nintendo and Sega had always courted.

I had a SNES and we used to have a blast playing Street Fighter as I said but I have very little in the way of nostalgic memories of the system, even less so for the Megadrive.

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Congle line of abuse. Or is that conga-line. Or congaline.
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Member 4123

Level 28.07

Mar 2006

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Old Jun 18, 2009, 05:05 AM Local time: Jun 18, 2009, 03:05 AM #9 of 40
I recall feeling like a pile of horse-shit just because I had an SNES with NO GAMES while my pals all had Seagas with a million games.

Ah, but it was I who had the last laugh. Never owning a Seaga system of anykind I mocked my pals years later when their investment in Seaga crumbled before their eyes and their pitiful Seaga-related dreams that seemed to go on forever died in a whirlwind of darkness. Dreamcast died, and so did their childhoods!


Jam it back in, in the dark.
everything is moving

Member 6422

Level 41.55

May 2006

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Old Jun 18, 2009, 05:55 AM Local time: Jun 18, 2009, 10:55 AM #10 of 40
To be fair, I'm a bit older than a lot of you so rather than growing up with the SNES, I grew up with Spectrums, BBC Micros and C64s. I don't remember ever knowing anyone with an NES and only a couple of people had Master Systems and at the time, the games were pretty dull compared to playing Elite on the BBC or any of the hundreds of mental Spectrum games.
THIS. My brother had an Amiga and a C64 and I loved the hell out of them. Monty on the Run, Attack of the Mutant Camels, Crystal Castles, Wizball, Lemmings... It wasn't until we moved from Germany to the US that I'd even heard of Nintendo or Sega. My first console was actually the N64. Despite having spent a few years listening to the GENESIS DOES WHAT NINTENDON'T stuff on the playground I didn't really see the fuss about being partisan about systems.

There's nowhere I can't reach.
Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss
Motherfucking Chocobo

Member 589

Level 64.55

Mar 2006

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Old Jun 18, 2009, 06:41 AM Local time: Jun 18, 2009, 12:41 PM #11 of 40
I think that's why I never understood the whole console war, fanboy thing. Most of the games I liked were multiplatform and the ones that weren't, you either had the platform for anyway or you'd just play at a mate's house. I never fostered any sense of loyalty to one brand so never saw the point in arguing over which is better. By the time I got into console gaming in a big way, I had enough cash to buy all of them which makes arguing about it completely retarded.

The whole concept of console wars is basically one of the greatest marketing strategies ever devised and took the brand loyalty concept that companies like Coca Cola had been working on for decades and ramped it right up to crazy levels. I mean, everyone has their preference of Coke or Pepsi and I suppose they do taste slightly different but it's largely a branding thing. Nintendo and Sega managed to persuade a lot of kids that their product was better to the extent they'd actually argue about it with other kids and identify themselves as a fan of that product, to the extent that a lot of people to this day support Nintendo products based on childhood experiences rather than because their games are actually any good any more.

They were helped by the fact that their products were pretty expensive and their target market didn't have the funds to get both consoles (How many kids bought their own SNES and how many kids' parents would buy them more than one console? I'm guessing not many on both counts) and the whole marketing strategy revolved around persuading those kids they'd made the right decision, playing on the innate dislike kids have of being on the losing team.

Sony's entry into the market focussing on people who could afford their own shit was a fucking masterstroke and it's the initial marketing of the first Playstation that led to Sony's dominance for the last ten years, far more than the actual quality of the product. The first few PS games were actually pretty shitty but 16 and 17 year olds were always going to choose Wipeout with it's techno music and Tomb Raider with her big tits over Star Fox and his cartoon animal chums. It's only really now that more people are buying based on quality alone rather than brand image (Although there's still a lot of tards out there who fall for the advertising) and that's why the Xbox is proving so successful, the Live service is fantastic compared to the opposition and there are more great games on Xbox than on the other consoles. If Sony can crack out a few killer titles in the next year or so (And reduce the price of the console, it's still a touch too expensive) they can easily get back into the market but I honestly believe that these days you need quality of product, you can't get away with a clever marketing strategy like Nintendo and Sega did back in the day.

Shit, sorry Paco, I've written another tl;dr essay.

Most amazing jew boots
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Member 6422

Level 41.55

May 2006

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Old Jun 18, 2009, 07:16 AM Local time: Jun 18, 2009, 12:16 PM #12 of 40
They were helped by the fact that their products were pretty expensive and their target market didn't have the funds to get both consoles (How many kids bought their own SNES and how many kids' parents would buy them more than one console? I'm guessing not many on both counts) and the whole marketing strategy revolved around persuading those kids they'd made the right decision, playing on the innate dislike kids have of being on the losing team.
Bingo. What's weird is that I still saw the factional thing going on even though the majority of kids I knew were rich sods whose parents would buy them a new game for every day they managed to not shit their pants at school. The marketing worked so well that even the kids who were fortunate enough to own both products were still adamantly defensive about their preferred piece of consumer electronics.

Until Sony came along, the notion of consoles being for kids while PCs/microcomputers were where the big boys got their game on was completely (and unsurprisingly) commonplace. Sure, a lot of their marketing reeked of old men in suits desperately trying to figure out what teenagers were into, but it worked. Unfortunately they did bring about the era of HAHA YOU LIKE MARIO? YOU BIG GAY PERSON WITH DICKS IN YOUR MOUTH HURRRRR THIS GAME IS LACKING IN BLOOD AND GRUE.

I am a dolphin, do you want me on your body?
Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss
Motherfucking Chocobo

Member 589

Level 64.55

Mar 2006

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Old Jun 18, 2009, 08:33 AM Local time: Jun 18, 2009, 02:33 PM #13 of 40
It's a step up from HAHA YOU PLAY ON COMPUTERS, YOU MASSIVE NERD WHY DON'T YOU LIKE FOOTBALL though and to be fair, only paedos and furries like Mario games.

I was speaking idiomatically.
De Arimasu!

Member 1222

Level 37.11

Mar 2006

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Old Jun 18, 2009, 09:32 AM Local time: Jun 18, 2009, 03:32 PM #14 of 40
only paedos and furries like Mario games.
There's just got to be a third category. I don't care if it's insulting, but I refuse to be put into either of those groups.

What kind of toxic man-thing is happening now?
Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss
Motherfucking Chocobo

Member 589

Level 64.55

Mar 2006

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Old Jun 18, 2009, 09:53 AM Local time: Jun 18, 2009, 03:53 PM #15 of 40

map car man words telling me to do things
find animals!

Member 16

Level 47.67

Feb 2006

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Old Jun 18, 2009, 10:13 AM Local time: Jun 18, 2009, 06:13 PM #16 of 40
Cool people

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Never Forget

Member 7

Level 44.22

Feb 2006

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Old Jun 18, 2009, 10:16 AM Local time: Jun 18, 2009, 08:16 AM #17 of 40
The first few PS games were actually pretty shitty but 16 and 17 year olds were always going to choose Wipeout with it's techno music and Tomb Raider with her big tits over Star Fox and his cartoon animal chums.
The thing Sony missed was putting in four player support in the PSX, and then I still have no idea why they didn't put it in by default for the PS2. It's because of that the N64 and Gamecube became the consoles of choice for myself and my friends when we'd all get together.

Jam it back in, in the dark.
Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss
Motherfucking Chocobo

Member 589

Level 64.55

Mar 2006

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Old Jun 18, 2009, 10:33 AM Local time: Jun 18, 2009, 04:33 PM #18 of 40
True, but I had a multitap and eight player MicroMachines V3 was the best thing ever. That said, the lack of multiplayer support in a lot of PS1 games was a let down but again, by the time I got to uni, pretty much everyone had one so hooking two PS1's together for Wipeout multiplayer was simplicity in itself. None of my friends were hugely into Goldeneye. Most console sessions would be on MicroMachines, Tekken (Then Soul Blade, so much Soul Blade) or Bust a Move with Quake on PC being the FPS of choice through Barry's World. I don't recall playing much on N64, even though I had one, it was only ever really used for Lylat Wars, likewise the GameCube only ever had Monkeyball in it but that did get a lot of use. I think the difference was that a couple of us had the Nintendo consoles with a couple of games and enough controllers for everyone whereas everyone had a PS1 and 2 and a bundle of games for each. The Nintendos were always something you might get out for a laugh when everyone's drunk rather than putting any serious amount of time into playing (which I guess they still are although now everyone plays Guitar Hero on 360, I've not played on a Wii for literally months).

There's nowhere I can't reach.
:furious proofreading noises:

Member 11262

Level 15.40

Aug 2006

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Old Jun 18, 2009, 10:33 AM #19 of 40
I never fostered any sense of loyalty to one brand so never saw the point in arguing over which is better. By the time I got into console gaming in a big way, I had enough cash to buy all of them which makes arguing about it completely retarded.
Yes. But what's annoying is that any attempt at informative hardware comparison (which is useful for people that own both systems and want to know which version to get) also gets lumped into "lol fanboyism." What I liked about the Nintendo/Seaga era was that magazines could talk about color palettes and sound channels and tell you which version of a game was superior. Yeah, there were buzzwords like "blast processing," but there was far less technobabble to hide behind, and no one with eyes was going to claim that, say, Earthworm Jim looked better on the Genesis than the SNES. Nintendo/Seaga competition taught me that brand loyalty is stupid, but hardware matters.

Currently, it takes arcane divination just to figure out rendering resolutions, and the instant you try to say, "The 360/PS3 port is technically superior," you get drowned in a wave of furious spittle.

The first few PS games were actually pretty shitty but 16 and 17 year olds were always going to choose Wipeout with it's techno music and Tomb Raider with her big tits over Star Fox and his cartoon animal chums. It's only really now that more people are buying based on quality alone rather than brand image...
What. Of course the PS1 had a library full of trash (as all consoles do), but stuff like Ridge Racer had no competition at launch, much less Wipeout. Air Combat, Tekken, Jumping Flash!, Warhawk, Doom--all first-generation titles, and all without peer on consoles at the time.

I see no evidence that current consumers are becoming more discerning; if anything, I think it's the opposite, since the Internet has made it easy to find a community that will support anyone's taste, no matter how awful.

This thing is sticky, and I don't like it. I don't appreciate it.
Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss
Motherfucking Chocobo

Member 589

Level 64.55

Mar 2006

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Old Jun 18, 2009, 10:45 AM Local time: Jun 18, 2009, 04:45 PM #20 of 40
What. Of course the PS1 had a library full of trash (as all consoles do), but stuff like Ridge Racer had no competition at launch, much less Wipeout. Air Combat, Tekken, Jumping Flash!, Warhawk, Doom--all first-generation titles, and all without peer on consoles at the time.
Oh no, I'm not saying all the launch games were crap, Ridge Racer, Worms and Wipeout were what sold most of the first batch of Playstations. There was a lot of graphic demo type stuff out at first though. Also did anyone honestly buy Doom on a console and if so, why when the superior PC version was available free everywhere and would run on pretty much any computer?

I don't remember there being any games on both Nintendo and Sega so I don't remember ever comparing tech-specs, you just got whatever was on the console you had. Again, nobody had a Megadrive though so everyone I knew always had the SNES version. If you start banging on about technical superiority these days then expect to get looked at funny. There are so few instances of there being one version significantly better than another technically now that you'd have to be a pretty huge nerd to even care. For me the deciding factor is Xbox Live. I know more people on there so I'd get the Xbox version and play with them, the relative framerates are entirely uninteresting to me.

As for current consumers being more discerning, what I meant was that people are more likely to get whichever console has the better games, not which they perceive to be the blanket better console based on what advertising execs have told them. People now say they bought a 360 because of the range of good games, not because it's by Microsoft and Sony suck ass just coz. I'm aware that there are a lot of shitty games getting bought, one only has to glance at the DS section in any shop to see that.

I am a dolphin, do you want me on your body?

Last edited by Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss; Jun 18, 2009 at 10:47 AM.
Old Jun 18, 2009, 11:03 AM #21 of 40
Doom 64 was supposed to be interesting. It got reworked on so many times and eventually a piece of shit was released. I was a big Doom 2 fan at the time so it was one of the titles I was looking forward to. Thank god I only gave it a rental.

I was speaking idiomatically.
I'm just informing you

Member 11

Level 61.64

Feb 2006

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:furious proofreading noises:

Member 11262

Level 15.40

Aug 2006

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Old Jun 18, 2009, 11:20 AM #22 of 40
Also did anyone honestly buy Doom on a console and if so, why when the superior PC version was available free everywhere and would run on pretty much any computer?
It ended up in the "Greatest Hits" collection on the PS1, surprisingly. It wasn't a bad port, to be honest--all the levels from Ultimate Doom and Doom II, new music and sound, and a few new tricks like colored lighting and transparencies. Of course the PC version is better, but maybe it's the allure of the TV + couch?

I understand your point about console choice, now. I remember everyone being all "lol Microsoft is making a console" and that attitude vanished pretty quickly after the Xbox came out.

And Acer, what is wrong with you. Doom 64 has some of the best levels in the series, along with the awesome sounds from the PS1 version and similarly creepy music.

Everyone with a Doom2.wad should download the PC "port" and play it right now:
Doom Depot - Doom 64 TC - Download

P.S. This thread is now about Doom.

What kind of toxic man-thing is happening now?

Last edited by Worm; Jun 18, 2009 at 11:28 AM. Reason: Eh, technically a TC, not a port. Whatever.
Leaf, not Leech

Member 11406

Level 6.55

Aug 2006

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Old Jun 18, 2009, 11:23 AM Local time: Jun 18, 2009, 06:23 PM #23 of 40
SNES Doom is about the most homosexual thing ever
I didn't have a PC back then so... It's not I wanted to say. Making your old father to play a console game is some sort of achieviement.

Also did anyone honestly buy Doom on a console and if so, why when the superior PC version was available free everywhere and would run on pretty much any computer
PS Doom has 32-bit color palette, some nice cool levels and awesome soundtrack. Other than that I agree.

PS2 was the last great console for me, but it had to much re-warmed steaks. I am not a fanboy, I have a few consoles and my number one would be the PSX. Then goes PS2 & NES. I like every console have - I wouldn't even sell the Jaguar for life. Jaguar & 3DO have the only Wolf3D ports so I had to buy them I won't hide it. I am console and FPS games maniac. I have Doom for EVERY possible platform etc.

map car man words telling me to do things
find animals!

Member 16

Level 47.67

Feb 2006

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Old Jun 18, 2009, 11:24 AM Local time: Jun 18, 2009, 07:24 PM #24 of 40
Hell yeah Doom 64 map are awesome. There was only shit hard one where you had to lift up a bridge or platform and then dash from the other side of the level over it. I never did make it, but it was still rad playing it on PC.

What, you don't want my bikini-clad body?

Leaf, not Leech

Member 11406

Level 6.55

Aug 2006

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Old Jun 18, 2009, 11:27 AM Local time: Jun 18, 2009, 06:27 PM #25 of 40
^ Yeah it was that damn Alpha Quadrant level.

And yep I recomend Worm's link. BTW the TC was made by my old pal (and others).

Jam it back in, in the dark.

Exploding Garrmondo Weiner Interactive Swiss Army Penis > Garrmondo Entertainment > Video Gaming > [Classic] Nintendo vs. Seaga: Anyone else miss those days?

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