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Member 80

Level 56.91

Mar 2006

Jun 1, 2007, 02:15 PM
Local time: Jun 1, 2007, 01:15 PM
#1 of 1
Reviewing Rules Thread.
Ok, so we talked about it for a bit, and here's a list of rules we came up with. It's not very long, but we might add to it down the road.
1) Screenshots and images are not needed. In fact, they're discouraged unless you really really need them to make a point. Also, don't use other website's pics, like IGN. Either create your own or use ones from official websites and things like that. Having those watermarks on reviews here would be silly.
2) Try to avoid ratings and breakdowns of graphics/sound/etc if you can. If you insist on ratings and a breakdown, be damn sure your piece is good enough to engage the reader.
3) No copy/paste from other review sites regardless if the work is yours. We don't want unoriginal work here. While we won't delete the ones that have already been posted in this manner, we will not accept them henceforth.
4) Reviews should review the game, not pick holes in someone else's review. While it's not happened yet, eventually someone's gonna slam another review someone else posted because of differing opinions. While we can have multiple reviews for one game, we don't want "XXX is wrong because..." in it.
Jam it back in, in the dark.