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[PC] Trickster Online
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Manny Biggz

Member 2988

Level 25.67

Mar 2006

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Old Aug 30, 2006, 05:00 PM #51 of 75
I deleted the Racoon because I didn't like the way I used his bonus points...

This thing is sticky, and I don't like it. I don't appreciate it.
( ´∀`)

Member 683

Level 2.25

Mar 2006

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Old Aug 30, 2006, 05:02 PM Local time: Aug 30, 2006, 03:02 PM #52 of 75
Mr. Ice comes from one of the quest NPCs in the bath house, in the Southeast part of Paradise Town. I forgot which one though, it might just be the Eliza Bath letters quest.

Most amazing jew boots
Sacred X
Revenge is a dish best served cold.

Member 4397

Level 13.52

Mar 2006

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Old Aug 30, 2006, 09:20 PM #53 of 75
Thanks a lot, Icetron.

I struck luck at Tut today, with digging at least. I found 6 equips in 30min, along with plenty of training pots and 100 Galder Coins. The thing is, I found these about 15min before they announced the patch. I REALLY hope they don't roll back at all.

Also, I only made it to level 46. It wasn't much at all, I didn't play too much because of what I stated in my privious post. Also the 2 hours lost because of this patch also negatively effected my training rate. I was supposed to be at Tut for an hour tops, turns out I only got to stay 30min. I do not complain, though. I am basically a poor user, so the amount I found today changed my luck a bit.

Lastly, I tried to get cheap at Tut and strike the last hit before he died to get the seal. Unfortunently for me I didn't, but I came really close one time. The delay for Dragons really throws me off. If it turns out that this patch fixes that up, then I'll be in trouble. Darn my slow speed. I guess I'll have to wait until I get Arrow Rush. This patch might also reduce the number of hacking lions, so that's a plus. There is another, weaker boss I could also try out, but he seems boring. Though seals are nice collectables. I'll probably try him out when I hit 51.

P.S: Does anyone have the level 51 wand? If so, count me interested. I also have an "Odd Katana", level 60 1 slot available if anyone wants, though I might NPC it if no one offers before the patch ends. I put it up on "MyTrickster" for 25k.

I was speaking idiomatically.

SSBB: 0602-5947-4393 ("SX")
PM me if you add.
SL Furry

Member 3141

Level 5.27

Mar 2006

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Old Aug 31, 2006, 06:05 AM #54 of 75
Reduce the whole pool of lions save some noobs, and dedicated people like me that actually play lions like they were meant to? Amazing =:P

What kind of toxic man-thing is happening now?
( ´∀`)

Member 683

Level 2.25

Mar 2006

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Old Sep 1, 2006, 02:18 AM Local time: Sep 1, 2006, 12:18 AM #55 of 75
No problem Sacred X, I think I partied with you before actually, not sure which character though.


Bunny might be 7X soon I hope.

- Nao | Cat | 5X | 4114

Mmmmm....Animal fires....Flying Dutchman.....20x20

Member 1315

Level 6.12

Mar 2006

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Old Sep 3, 2006, 11:20 PM Local time: Sep 3, 2006, 08:20 PM #56 of 75
Meh. I finally found time to play again. Just reached level 14 with my lion and I really can't wait to try out the gun. Any one have any advice for leveling with the gun? (by advice I mean areas) BTW, build is 3142.

What, you don't want my bikini-clad body?
SL Furry

Member 3141

Level 5.27

Mar 2006

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Old Sep 4, 2006, 06:12 AM #57 of 75
Best Advice is save all the points you can to instantly master Gun booster at 30. Your damage will litterly double at that point. Put at least 3 into AC per level with that build, your damage will skyrocket quickly. At Base 28-35 goto Ghost Blue's first map and hunt siremaids, should take about 4-5 snipe shots to kill them for some quick and easy exp. Avoid pirates, they spell and a spell crit will come close to killing you. Try to figure out what mobs crit hard and avoid or snipe shot them. Until you get invincible reload you'll need to "spamshot" when melee range with a mob, which is simply clicking a few times when it reaches the end of the bar before the mob hits you, it'll reset but you still get a shot off.

How ya doing, buddy?
Mmmmm....Animal fires....Flying Dutchman.....20x20

Member 1315

Level 6.12

Mar 2006

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Old Sep 4, 2006, 10:32 AM Local time: Sep 4, 2006, 07:32 AM #58 of 75
Thanks. I just reached lvl 15 and now I can't wait untill I get invincible reload. It's so damn annoying but at least I'm doing more damage now.

There's nowhere I can't reach.
Sacred X
Revenge is a dish best served cold.

Member 4397

Level 13.52

Mar 2006

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Old Sep 4, 2006, 12:19 PM #59 of 75
Well, I'm level 58 with 5 Tut seals and 1 Monkey seal. I found a Tutankhamen card last night, probably the best thing I found from him thus far. I'm not finding many expensive things, but the load of crap I find does add up.

It's sad that most mages, like me, have to use 2nd job SP on first job skills, like in order to max mana mist for example. Oh well, it's worth it.

Just a quick update.

This thing is sticky, and I don't like it. I don't appreciate it.

SSBB: 0602-5947-4393 ("SX")
PM me if you add.
( ´∀`)

Member 683

Level 2.25

Mar 2006

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Old Sep 4, 2006, 06:03 PM Local time: Sep 4, 2006, 04:03 PM #60 of 75

- Mahoro | Bunny | 7X | 4114

I make too many alts.

I am a dolphin, do you want me on your body?
Sacred X
Revenge is a dish best served cold.

Member 4397

Level 13.52

Mar 2006

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Old Sep 6, 2006, 03:36 PM #61 of 75
My Dragon is now 6X, leveling slow, mainly trying to get my TM level to 50.

I made a Master's Bronze Cane level 4, making it 12ma. Sadly it is only 1 slot, but I am glad that it's rare to get that far with a master weapon, am I correct? Either way, this will last me.

I'm usually at the Path ro Phantom School killing the thugs while digging for Jenny dolls. I'm also buying Poppuri whistles at 20k each for a quick TM powerlevel. I've done all of the TM quests for my level.

I was speaking idiomatically.

SSBB: 0602-5947-4393 ("SX")
PM me if you add.

Member 8

Level 26.84

Feb 2006

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Old Sep 7, 2006, 04:42 PM Local time: Sep 7, 2006, 02:42 PM #62 of 75
I haven't really been playing this much in recent days. I'm not sure why, but for some reason it just feels slow. Maybe it's the nature of my class (using SS and ST over and over...) or the fact that you really need parties to get good exp, but it just feels kind of meh.

I'll probably make myself play til I hit TM50, just so I'm prepped for jobchange when it comes out.

What kind of toxic man-thing is happening now?
SL Furry

Member 3141

Level 5.27

Mar 2006

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Old Sep 7, 2006, 09:54 PM #63 of 75
<Hasn't played much either as his GF is without a computer and he doesn't want to outlevel her char.

Sadly, the lions still hack and ruin the few good lions that actually dont' hack. "He's a lion, he's probably using speed hack on the next map" *sighs*

Sacred X
Revenge is a dish best served cold.

Member 4397

Level 13.52

Mar 2006

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Old Sep 7, 2006, 11:21 PM #64 of 75
I'm currently level 65 TM level 49. Since Mages usually need to use their 2nd job TM on first job skills, I'm passing TM level 50, though I would have anyway even if we didn't need to.

I've been slacking off the past few days, mainly only getting like 2 levels a day, mainly due to school. Also, I do strongly think Beta will get 2nd job, but I highly doubt 3rd.

EDIT: If anyone wants to add me, go ahead and do so. Just message me telling me you're a GFF member, and you can get an easy spot on my list. *Looks at Icetron* Yeah, anyone... *whistles*

What, you don't want my bikini-clad body?

SSBB: 0602-5947-4393 ("SX")
PM me if you add.
Manny Biggz

Member 2988

Level 25.67

Mar 2006

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Old Sep 8, 2006, 12:36 AM #65 of 75
Originally Posted by Sakabadger
I haven't really been playing this much in recent days. I'm not sure why, but for some reason it just feels slow. Maybe it's the nature of my class (using SS and ST over and over...) or the fact that you really need parties to get good exp, but it just feels kind of meh.

I'll probably make myself play til I hit TM50, just so I'm prepped for jobchange when it comes out.
Yeah, i'm the same way. The fact that you get such shitty exp without a 2.5x party makes me really only wanna play with that kind of party, but it takes FOREVER to get that kind of party, and when I do, people always keep moving around so it doesn't stay 2.5x. Just too damn frusturating...

Jam it back in, in the dark.
SL Furry

Member 3141

Level 5.27

Mar 2006

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Old Sep 8, 2006, 06:06 AM #66 of 75
Talking about 2.5X my goal is to see if I can gather enough friends that are on at the same time to do that task with just my friendlist, albit it's difficult since ATM my GF and two best friends from L2 are all mages X.x

There's nowhere I can't reach.
Sacred X
Revenge is a dish best served cold.

Member 4397

Level 13.52

Mar 2006

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Old Sep 8, 2006, 01:36 PM #67 of 75
Where do you guys train? It shouldn't be hard to get a 2.5x exp party. But if it's that bad for you guys, in which it SHOULDN'T be unless you guys strictly play on Ruby, the least populated channel, I recommend you guys get special parties rather than Royal. For Royal parties, if one person leaves, you can be shot down to 1.4x exp. But in Special, you're only at 2.0x exp, and it's usually not hard to pull it back up. Also, train in highly populated areas. They are popular for a reason. And don't worry, you'll be able to kill monsters. They won't kill THAT fast.

As for the moving around bit, yes it does get annoying, but when you get to a higher level in which people are GENERALLY more wealthy, thus allowing them to carry more pots at a time (which can also be the result of an expensive weight armor equip), they move around less and are more focused on exp.

Also don't RELY on 2.5x, even 2x is fine. Sometimes I go to a map and all parties are full on both servers, so I just put up a bulletin, and solo until party invited. Yes, my base exp will be slower, but:
1. I still get nice drops from the monsters.
2. I am still gaining TM exp.
3. Some exp is better than none.
4. I can dig around for (quest) items or armor until party invited.

But yes, in this game, you do need parties to level at a decent rate. It's much faster than Maple Story.

Final tip: Go on Pearl more. For a while, many users claimed Ruby to be their "permanent' channel only because when Trickster first came out, the Pearl channel was so packed and didn't allow users to log in. That problem does not happen anymore. Pearl is the best for selling, buying, recruiting members, joining parties, etc. Ruby is a secondary.

Most amazing jew boots

SSBB: 0602-5947-4393 ("SX")
PM me if you add.

Last edited by Sacred X; Sep 8, 2006 at 01:41 PM.
Mmmmm....Animal fires....Flying Dutchman.....20x20

Member 1315

Level 6.12

Mar 2006

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Old Sep 8, 2006, 11:10 PM Local time: Sep 8, 2006, 08:10 PM #68 of 75
Is anyone else getting a korean error page when trying to log on? It hasn't happened to me before but, I tried opening the home page with firefox as well, so I don't think its my browser. Is the server down or something?

I am a dolphin, do you want me on your body?
the sky remains the same as ever

Member 597

Level 10.26

Mar 2006

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Old Sep 9, 2006, 10:03 PM Local time: Sep 9, 2006, 08:03 PM #69 of 75
Either server...usually on Ruby
Racoon - Pyrus (lvl 13x)

I think I've seen a few of you around...
Feel free to add/whisper me

Most amazing jew boots

Last edited by pyrus421; Sep 9, 2006 at 11:43 PM.
Sacred X
Revenge is a dish best served cold.

Member 4397

Level 13.52

Mar 2006

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Old Sep 10, 2006, 04:03 PM #70 of 75
If any high leveled sense are still active, I'm wondering if any of you want to compound some stuff for me on your free time. Of course I'll pay you the money needed to compound as well as give you the items, as well as a tip depending on how good you do (we'll discuss that ingame), but I have some items I need compounded. Thanks in advance if you decide to.

IGN: SacredX

Usually on Pearl.

What kind of toxic man-thing is happening now?

SSBB: 0602-5947-4393 ("SX")
PM me if you add.
The Boss
Larry Oji, Super Moderator, Judge, "Dirge for the Follin" Project Director, VG Frequency Creator

Member 12364

Level 1.00

Sep 2006

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Old Sep 10, 2006, 06:45 PM Local time: Sep 10, 2006, 08:45 PM #71 of 75
Hey Guys, sorry to interrupting your chat here, but i'm having some problems with this game.

This happens everytime i try to play:

I have tried everything. Delete gameguard and then let the game install it again. I searched for all forum for some help. The only thing i didn't tried yet is to reinstall the game, since that patch update time really scare me -_-

Anyway, thanks for any help that you guys could provide me.


Ps: By the way, you guys have really a nice forum here, uh?

Sacred X
Revenge is a dish best served cold.

Member 4397

Level 13.52

Mar 2006

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Old Sep 10, 2006, 11:42 PM #72 of 75
^ Hmm, I don't know how to solve that problem of yours. Try reinstalling, or look at the quick-game access technique Saka posted on the first page.

I'm level 77 now, I was supposed to be 8X, but I got lazy. Also I've been hunting for material to compound/refine my armor and weapons.

As for the post I stated about the compounding, not sure if I'll need it anytime soon anymore, though I could be wrong. PM me (in game) if you're curious.


What, you don't want my bikini-clad body?

SSBB: 0602-5947-4393 ("SX")
PM me if you add.
SL Furry

Member 3141

Level 5.27

Mar 2006

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Old Sep 11, 2006, 06:05 AM #73 of 75
Don't look at me, Saka is higher than I am and I still haven't played in a while, GF's computer situation is pretty grim so I'm holding off on Trickster for the time being until she can level with me, cause a level 50 lion leveling a level 38 sheep would just be a little bit bleh X.X

Jam it back in, in the dark.
Sacred X
Revenge is a dish best served cold.

Member 4397

Level 13.52

Mar 2006

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Old Sep 28, 2006, 11:24 PM #74 of 75
Gah, I only have 1 Captain Skull seal, I haven't tried much due to the annoyance of getting the cards. I don't like paying for them neither, mainly because I found 1, and bought my first two, for a total of three. I went into Captain Skull today and I get a Captain down to his 2nd to last lifebar, he criticals me (even though he's across the map literally) and I die. Out of frustration, I buy the two foe Foe Cards I mentioned above for 250k each and go to try again. I just tell myself I'll be extrmeley careful and kill a skull safely and patient, then just go all out and try to quickly kill whatever else I can until I die, then try to resell this card for at least 300k or safe for when I'm level 120. Turns out I get Foe's life to a point in which one more Rush should just about kill him, and as I'm casting my next Arrow Rush, he heals and my rush doesn't kill him. Now his life is REALLY low. I take my time, he's far away, then I start to charge my next set, as I"m charging he walks toward me, hits me once, then criticals me. Now I'm pretty annoyed, I use my last Foe card, he healed to a point in which 2-3 hits kill him. I get him down to a point when I only need one blow, he runs towards me, my mana arrow actually hits him, but he killed me at the same time. I guess the game didn't register my hit because I saw my arrows hit him, he should have been dead, but I guess it didn't register from my death. Gah. I'm going again at level 120 and killing like 10 for revenge. I'm 6 levels away from 120.

That's my story. And my bump to this thread.

SacredX - Dragon - 114

There's nowhere I can't reach.

SSBB: 0602-5947-4393 ("SX")
PM me if you add.
SL Furry

Member 3141

Level 5.27

Mar 2006

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Old Sep 29, 2006, 06:05 AM #75 of 75
Heh, I got going again, with new chars and updates.
- Takiatra | Lion | 4X
- Yutaka | Dragon | 3X
- Marker | Buffalo | 3X

EDIT: Updated levels if Saka bothers to do an update on her post anytime soon.

How ya doing, buddy?

Last edited by Disembow; Oct 2, 2006 at 06:08 AM.

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