Now this is what the PS3 is meant for. Not only can all that power be used for pretty graphics and cool effects. Now games can use proper fighting moves and other crazy, more lifelike techniques that gamers have been waiting forever for.
For thoes who haven't seen the trailer yet, you have got to see it HERE in HD:
I am soon going to post some screens for this game too, so keep an eye open for further updates.
I just realized that there's already a thread for this in the RPG area, so I know that this is going to get shut down soon. I did do a search for this games before hand, but nothing was found, so I don't know what happened. And in my defense I don't make this mistake often and I've been here for about 5 to 6 years. So to the moderator who has to clean up my mess...
Jam it back in, in the dark.