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May 10, 2020 - 07:16 PM
Haven't been here for quite awhile.
It's weirdly nostalgic seeing this forum again, especially with the blue scheme that used to be oh so familiar for me from 2004-2009.

Anyway it's always nice to look back at you beautiful folks. Things have changed alot though, looking at my Chocojournal post is cringe inducing, What the hell was i thinking?!.

I guess Teenage-Early 20s are always like that. I miss some of the people here that i used to chat with back in the day, Hell i would love to chat with Kostaki again. I always thought he was an RPG snob (Which he was) but he was great to chat with. I forgot who it was but Megalith's Friend. who kept chatting with me bout Power Rangers and Rurouni Kenshin. Regardless it was nice looking back but i am here to stay.

Currently Playing: Hiroyuki Sawano - Gundam Unicorn theme.

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[public entry #131]

Dec 1, 2010 - 03:21 AM
Dayum Xbox 3rl D:
Damn, After 2 years it actually start failing on me.

I got my first 3rl last August of 2009, then another one on january 2010, then another on july 2010, then another one hit me just 3 days ago.

I have actually familiarized myself regarding the ways of Fixing my 360, But i guess it's time for me to purchase the Slim.

D: And i was just enjoying my kinect.

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[public entry #130]

Sep 15, 2010 - 10:19 PM
Oh Hay Guyz
Just droppin by

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[public entry #129]

Oct 6, 2009 - 11:48 PM
Birthday coming up, My mom giving me option to travel abroad/overseas~
As long as its asian countries.

My birthday (october 15th) is coming up, And my mom just told me as a Graduation/Birthday gift, I can go to any Asian country that i like.

My choices are~

Japan (I used to like anime and all that good stuff, it wouldn't be bad going to temples and just like.. ionno pictures?) Cons : I have lost interest in Anime/Manga and all that good stuff as the years went by, Although seeing that tall ass gundam wouldn't hurt

Korea (I have a Korean friend who's going to hook me up in korea, (South mind you) if i am going to korea, he promised me a tour of an broadcasting network, Also a chance to meet with some other Korean friends i've met through the years. Also will have a chance to watch music programs (They do music shows weekly in Korea) Cons: It would be nice but considering it will be my first time, I'm pretty certain i'd be having a hard time in korea as far as places to go and food are concerned (Although i do have a fascination for korean food)

Hongkong By far the cheapest travel i could go to, I've been to hongkong for almost 16 times now, I have memorized all the places i would and will go to if ever i visit there again, The only pro i have in this trip is the fact that i can spend much more money on buying while in Korea or Japan, I'll be on a tight budget.

Bangkok (bangcock) Frankly i don't even know why i am considering this place, Its pretty boring I went here last 2004 and i believed i had spent my 4 out of 5 days sleeping in the hotel.

Most of my choices are pretty much regular stuff, Since I am not really interested in landscape and all that stuff, I would just like to spend one more vacation before the harsh reality that is called "Life" begins for me.

(Singapore is out of the question, I would want to go there but prices are insane and pretty much anything i can do in Singapore can be done in Hongkong as well)

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[public entry #128]

Oct 6, 2009 - 02:14 AM
Way in over my head with Credit Card Bills
I just got my credit card bill for the month on September, and noticed the sudden influx of expenses.

First of all.

Bought stuffs for my new computer
Online Purchases
Dinners and all that fancy crap.

Its around 500 dollars (Which is pretty big if you convert it to Philippine pesos) So this is what a credit card does, It gives you confidence to purchase crap you won't normally buy and at the end of the month they fuck you in the ass with finance charges and all that.

Gotta delete paypal too >.>

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[public entry #127]

Oct 4, 2009 - 06:45 PM
Gut Renching Ass kIcking Diahrrhea from korean food
I was out last night for some good time with a couple of friends of mine, As we were deciding we came across a "Shabu Shabu" korean restaurant, Seeing as we all enjoy Kimchi(its good with rice and some filipino sidedish) we Decided to eat there.

Our order started with a couple of dumplings and a Big fish stew, Coupled with what they call a "Pork Platter" which consist of Sesame Leaf/Fine cuts of Pork and some random vegetables (beans...) and of course kimchi, We were munching it like there's no tomorrow, We went onto our next plate which was called "naengmyun" which is basically Cold noodles, It was really good, Our last place for the night was a Seafood Special which consisted of Crabs/Abalone/Shrimp, It was really good, couple with a few drinks of a korean alcohol "Soju" It was all nice, Until my stomach decided to digest it, In the end i was spending a full 30 minutes with my ass blowing out random food on epic proportions.

=D Korean Food + 1, Messy bathroom +1

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[public entry #126]

Oct 3, 2009 - 02:37 AM
Fallout the first and Fallout the sequel
Its 9.99$ in Steam, Are they good? I know it has an Isometric view and nowhere near Fallout 3, But I'm in the mood for more Post apocalyptic Settings, and all that.

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[public entry #125]

Sep 29, 2009 - 06:14 PM
Finished with school,
Done with school forever, Its nice to be back my Navy blue(?) themed forum, How i miss Gamingforce

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[public entry #124]

Dec 4, 2008 - 06:54 AM
I am going to hongkong next week, Need things to buy
Hi i am going on a trip to hongkong, saturday, in the week after this one.

I need something to buy

I am thinking of getting

Ipod Touch (since my Ipod Video is starting to crap out on me)
Playstation 3 games (need recommendation for this one)
I was thinking of getting wrath of the lich king, but i decided to stop playing World of Warcraft for now.

So yeah kindly recommend me any playstation 3 game that i should buy, Or a better mp3 player, with the same function like the ipod touch. probably in the same price range as well.

Thank you

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[public entry #123]

Dec 2, 2008 - 08:38 AM
I need to find my Playstation 2, before December 09, <3 Persona
Persona 4, Whee Once i finish Dead Space, I'll probably give my 360, a break and focus on my unfinished backlogs for my ps2.

anyway review of Persona 4

Here's Hoping they pull off an amazing soundtrack like they did for Persona 3.

Currently Playing: Mass Destruction - Persona 3.

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[public entry #122]

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