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Jessykins's Journal

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Dec 14, 2013 - 06:49 AM
Guess what dyke got Book of Mormon tickets?!
This one! I'm pretty excited. That's all.

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[public entry #258]

Oct 5, 2013 - 01:19 AM
I saw Gravity in 3D.
Now I'm so scared of space I don't want to even look at the sky.

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[public entry #257]

Jul 17, 2012 - 07:36 AM
My thoughts on the new seasons of Breaking Bad, Weeds, and True Blood...

I think that makes my point adequately. Oh, also, the Newsroom is pretty good too. I watch too much TV.

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[public entry #256]

Jun 30, 2012 - 11:08 PM
"Paul ejaculates voluminously and with very great force indeed..."
"In fact, he keeps on and on ejaculating, there's loads of the stuff, out it all comes, pint after pint, and he begins to wonder if it will ever cease"

Reading that on this article on huffington post made me laugh.

Reading it and then picturing this:

YouTube Video

made me laugh REALLY REALLY HARD. I have a very refined sense of humor.

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[public entry #255]

Jun 19, 2012 - 05:58 AM
Dragon's Dogma
This game is pretty fucking sweet. I really can't seem to stop wanting to play it. Kind of surprised I didn't see any of you GFF folk playing it ever. Did you guys get it on the ps3 or just not care?

Either way I'd say check it out.

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[public entry #254]

Apr 20, 2012 - 04:51 PM
As an actual weed enthusiast, here's what 4/20 means to me...
Response to: hey guys its 420 by Misogynyst Gynecologist

I'll always just remember it as the day I got to watch the Columbine shooting take place on a shitty TV in a shitty hospice in NYC while my mother was dying down the hall.


or a thousand bowls

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[public entry #253]

Apr 13, 2012 - 01:20 AM
Today I paid $112 for my doctor to get angry with me
And tell me that if I feel so bad then to just go ahead and fix the things that make me feel bad.

Gee, thanks doc! All I wanted was some fucking Xanax or something so I can tolerate being EYE FUCKED all day at work by bikers and meth addicts but that's cool too.

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[public entry #252]

Mar 18, 2012 - 06:46 PM
Today at 1:30 am.
I was out buying ice cream because I was high.

My friend's little brother was also dying of an OD.

The ice cream was really good.

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[public entry #251]

Mar 8, 2012 - 01:01 AM
The best lesbian pick up line I've ever heard.
So today I am at Whole Foods buying an assortment of unhealthy delicious things (without my girlfriend) and make my way to the checkout. As I often do, I went to the lane with the shortest line and the hottest cashier, who happened to be some sort of mixed girl that looks sort of like Rihanna but with a weird curly mohawk thing. I've seen her multiple times before and I liked her style so that's where I went. Anyway, this is where it got good.

"I love your shirt," she said as she rang the stuff up. It was purple and fairly nice I guess. It's a good, rich color, but nothing fancy as far as cloth.

"Oh, thanks! Purple is my absolute favorite color," I say back. This is when it got good. There's a long pause as we finish ringing out and as she hands me the last bag our eyes meet.

"Well," she says, "MY favorite color... is PINK."

She follows this with a sort of eyebrow raise like, Eh? EH?! And being the brilliant mind I am, I say, "That would probably be my second favorite!" and start toward the exit.

It wasn't until I got to my car that I realized what had just happened. How many cute dykes have I tricked into thinking I wouldn't be interested?! I mean I guess it's better that I was a dummy that walked off instead of having to tell her no, but still...

Who am I kidding? I can't ever say no.

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[public entry #250]

Mar 3, 2012 - 02:56 AM
I get called a slut all the time.
Where's MY call from the president?

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Jessykins's Journal

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