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Gamingforce Choco Journal
Boo-kun's Journal

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She knows what you did there.

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Jun 18, 2015 - 03:45 PM
Gentlemen... Behold!
It is that time of the year again when chocojournal comes to life with tales from the meet.

Tales of smiles, fun and good times, and how they liked this and that person and how they have meet withdrawal already...
And tales of drama, intoxication gone wrong, sunburns, oysters gone bad, meet-ebola, someone having a fetish or mania to something dissaproved by society and other accusations.

All the photos of GFF people doing goofy things, half whom you dont recognize, Hito trying to dodge the camera, Mo0 attempting to dethrone water in the pool and Skills' goofy face.

Homeforce has been waiting.

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[public entry #73]

Apr 10, 2015 - 05:28 PM
Another evening of literacy and bullying in gfchat
Chocojournals being empty and all, here's some shit:

[00:56:43] <Capo> mmhmm
[00:56:51] <Capo> wonderfully realized scene
[00:56:56] <Capo> as was eschaton
[00:56:59] <Radez> yes
[00:57:06] <Capo> though continuity helps
[00:57:07] <Capo> haha
[00:57:15] <Radez> that bugs me that I can't remember why he was depressed
[00:57:19] <Radez> is it because he lost a match?
[00:57:29] <Capo> not precisely
[00:57:37] <Radez> was he really high?
[00:57:45] <Capo> I believe only a little
[00:58:02] <Radez> Pem..what's his name, was talking about some awesome miracle drug DMZ that they're going to take in like two days.
[00:58:03] <Capo> I can grab my copy and see, I don't want to give you false information
[00:58:07] <Capo> Pemulis
[00:58:10] <Radez> thank you
[00:58:13] <Capo> mmhmm
[00:58:47] <Radez> There was the scene with his mother having sex with that one good tennis player.
[00:58:51] <Radez> he walks in on them
[00:58:53] <Capo> John "NR" Wayne
[00:58:57] <Radez> yeah
[00:58:59] <Capo> heh
[00:59:08] <Radez> his descriptions of the dude's ass were lovely
[00:59:20] <Capo> it was surprisingly homoerotic
[00:59:31] <Capo> only because he was ragingly hetero
[00:59:35] <Boo-kun> are you reading erotic homo&/incest literacy
[00:59:35] <Radez> how it was so taut that the jock straps didn't dimple it a bit
[00:59:42] <Radez> homoerotic is a good word for that
[00:59:47] <Radez> it quickened my pulse
[00:59:48] <CS|DevMachine> wait what are we reading
[00:59:57] <Capo> incest and homoeroticism both play a part
[00:59:58] <^___^> Boo-kun Quit (Leaving.)
[00:59:58] <Radez> literature
[01:00:01] <Boo-kun> not gay billionaire planes (---> referring to this)
[01:00:04] <Capo> lmao boo
[01:00:06] <Capo> lmao face
[01:00:11] <Capo> not boo
[01:00:13] <CS|DevMachine> oh man that was my fav book
[01:00:13] <Capo> sorry face
[01:00:14] <Radez> haha
[01:00:15] <Capo> sorry boo
[01:00:20] <Boo-kun> 2late
[01:00:27] <Capo> hahaha WHOOPS
[01:01:14] <Capo> I don't really care for the Decemberists, Radez, but this is a video they did based on the eschaton scene:
[01:01:18] <Capo> and it is good
[01:01:32] <Capo> unfortunately otis does not wind up with a monitor over his head
[01:01:38] <Capo> but that's a quibble
[01:02:38] <Radez> ahahaha
[01:02:58] <Capo> it's also funny: the two things that stick out to me about the avril/wayne scene are the cowboy hat and wayne
[01:03:01] <Capo> 's ass
[01:03:13] <Capo> football helmet, rather
[01:03:29] <Radez> yeah
[01:03:49] <Radez> I recall it was odd for tennis player, but I didn't remember the helmet specifically
[01:03:57] <Radez> just how the ass must have looked
[01:04:01] <Capo> heh
[01:04:13] <Capo> I believe Avril was wearing a cheerleading outfit and holding pom-poms
[01:04:20] <Radez> Hal is surprisingly non-sexual
[01:04:23] <Radez> that sounds right
[01:04:37] <Capo> why surprisingly
[01:04:39] <Radez> there was that other scene, where he's on his bed naked, clipping his toenails while on the phone with his brother
[01:04:43] <Radez> well, he's a teenager
[01:04:52] <Radez> isn't he like 17?
[01:04:59] <Capo> I do think that's explored from Hal's perspective.
[01:05:01] <Capo> He is.
[01:05:02] <Radez> if he's 13 I will feel dirty
[01:05:06] <Disslaptop> Sup internet
[01:05:09] <Capo> Nope, at least 17.
[01:05:11] <Capo> Hey Diss.
[01:05:13] <Boo-kun> flee diss, FLEE
[01:05:38] <Capo> boo's worried his sexuality is going to swap at any moment
[01:05:45] <Radez> It probably was, Capo, and probably not to my satisfaction, which is why I'm not remembering it
[01:05:45] <unshade> hi Diss
[01:05:49] <^___^> PONIES
[01:05:53] <Disslaptop> I thought it was pretty common knowledge that people couldn't turn straight
[01:05:58] <Boo-kun> I was just thinking I need to go watch some lesbians before sleep
[01:06:22] <Capo> [youtube link to the rosie show]
[01:06:24] <Disslaptop> That's what puts you to sleep huh
[01:06:26] <Radez> as much as boo doesn't want to be gay, I don't want boo to be gay either.
[01:06:31] <Radez> for what it's worth.
[01:06:34] <Capo> lol
[01:06:41] <CS|DevMachine> I just don't want boo
[01:06:43] <CS|DevMachine> like
[01:06:43] <CS|DevMachine> period
[01:06:44] <CS|DevMachine> to exist
[01:06:53] <Capo> but here we are
[01:07:06] <Radez> it would appear corrective measures must be taken
[01:07:34] <Disslaptop> Radez punch more
[01:07:49] <Capo> we could issue sanctions on finland cutting off coal imports
[01:07:58] <Capo> leaving their saunas unsatisfyingly steamy
[01:08:32] <Boo-kun> but that's not..
[01:08:33] <CS|DevMachine> they'd just light themselves on f...y'know what let's do that
[01:08:43] <CS|DevMachine> rescue Q first
[01:08:55] <^___^> just start a war with russia so that they can't get vodka anymore
[01:09:04] <CS|DevMachine> time for home
[01:09:06] * CS|DevMachine has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
[01:09:14] <Capo> off to rescue q

I need counseling.

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Aug 12, 2014 - 02:43 PM
Every time is corgi time
Seeing the Chocojournal is empty and all, here's more photos of my dog! OH JOY

Puppy is 8 months old now, and next month he's considered a young adult, or junior.
So here's some photos along the growing journey and most of them have about a week between the next:


First time meeting another dog outside his mom & siblings. They're good friends nowdays too.

Meeting with local corgis.

Recently he has learned to like swimming too.

A rug.

He loves going all bonkers on my bed, I usually have to fix the sheets.

Good mud, apparently.

In our visit to latest dog show, a corgi show, the breeder, also present there, had a experienced friend who offered to show our dog to the judge. Never even learned who the blue haired woman in crocs was

And lastly a fresh photo. And of course the lens was dirty...

Corgis are wonderful dogs, fo real.

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[public entry #71]

Jun 26, 2014 - 03:01 AM
Boo riding da hood and the big bad corgi
Since we're in the season for photos, I decided to take some shots of puppy while going for a morning walk in the woods.

He's 6 months and few weeks old now.


Hooray, I get to be free in the woods!

This damn jungle

What's there?

What's here?

All alert

Alert, but chillin

Wait a minute

I see you!

The Chase

I'm done with this stupid photoshoot!

Bonus photo of puppy and his brother at their first dog show few weeks ago. Relaxan, no pressure.

and yes, depending on the individual, corgi legs are made out of rubber.

Currently Playing: Eluveitie - King

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[public entry #70]

Feb 22, 2014 - 08:59 AM
Puppy pics part 2
So my old camera broke down, and I guess it was about time for that to happen...
Bought a new one and took some photos. Took a lot of photos actually, but since I still suck at this and need to learn, we'll have to make due with these for now:


The yawn.

Da cat.

Suprisingly they are quite good pals, even tho the cat hates every other animal. Sometimes puppy gets too excited and gets the bitch slap however.

The paws are massive, seriously, already as big as most adult dogs. He's going to be a beast.

"No stick is safe"

All vigilant.

As I said I took a lot of photos, but this camera is all fancy and shit and I need to learn how to use it better. I rather like this photo and I'm pretty annoyed it's slightly out of focus..

This has been the mildest, shittiest winter in some 70 years here and I'm not too keen on taking the camera out to rain and such that we keep having, hopefully there will be some nice spring days ahead and I've learned more to take some nice pictures.

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[public entry #69]

Feb 4, 2014 - 10:25 AM
So, family got a new dog.



Here's the little fluffy bugger from 3 to 7 weeks:

Arrival to new home:

Checking out the place:

Meeting with our cat:

Puppy fell asleep next to bed while exploring.


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[public entry #68]

Dec 24, 2013 - 12:58 PM
Merry Xmas and other horrors to all
Seasons greetings to you nerds.

And while we're at it, I happened to open some folders of xmas cards I shopped, cut, glued, and sent to couple of friends years ago, before I got too lazy to keep it up.
Here are some of them, and yes, the terrible ones are intentional:

YouTube Video

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[public entry #67]

May 10, 2013 - 04:54 PM
Random pictures from the folder vaults (56k warning)
For years and years I saved pictures (mainly from 4chan) to my random folder and kept thinking I'd post my favorites here some day. So here you are. Not too many, just stuff I picked while going through the folder.

I got to try this out!

Wait a minute--

So true ;_;

Sorry Mario, your dealer is in another castle.

Seen too much man, too much..

One of my favorites, cant get much more awesome than that, seriously.

Japan fixes everything

I've always known I'd go to hell for laughing at this every time... but it's worth it.

i like the perks they offer

I've had this as my mousemat for years, suprisingly good job from that chinese site I got it off for couple of bucks.

usable in most escape situations

that last bubble always gets me

Quite likely my favorite image from the internets

One of the oldest and best

as is this

learning things from the internets

silly newfag, dont you know


See Doom, this is why nobody invites you anywhere

My favorite quote from the internets


Visit us, please.

This is what I see whenever I accidentally hear dubstep

Glad I got this in, learning is fun!

So that was evening well spent. I don't save images anymore like I used to, with sites like imgur reposting everything everyday forever, but perhaps you saw something rarer here.

Currently Playing: 70s radio

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[public entry #66]

Jan 10, 2013 - 11:31 AM
Thank you for the long trek, friend
Today I had to put to sleep my closest friend of 18 years. Nalle-dog lived a exceptionally long and good life,
and I've never known a dog with more personality, kindness, loyalty and wisdom than her.
You hear them say "animals aren't people", but I know she was more of a person than half the people I've met.

Thank you for being with me 2/3 of my life, you were the best.

I intend to bury her ashes under a tree sapling, to grow a mighty tree that shall harass people with allergies for a hundred years.

Currently Playing: Wintersun - Time

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[public entry #65]

Nov 29, 2012 - 02:07 PM
YouTube Video

I feel bad for hearing this as a porn track

Currently Playing: whale porn

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Gamingforce Choco Journal
Boo-kun's Journal

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