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Final Fantasy Phoneteen's Journal

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Jun 4, 2013 - 11:52 AM
So the GF brought over her latest grad textbook.
She's reading what appears to be yet another stupidly dense book on early or medieval Japanese history for one of her classes. She's done for the summer, but wanted to get some ideas for her thesis from her older books.

Oh okay, looks dense enough. The design is kind of neat, so what about the back?


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Nov 23, 2012 - 05:24 PM
Black Friday money wasting wrap-up (tell me what pointless stuff you bought too)
With this last purchase right, I own just about every relatively new game that I've been interested in. Final tally:

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - $25 (MSRP $60, still)
Assassin's Creed: Revelations - $8 (MSRP... $20, I think)
12-month XBox Live Gold card - $35 (MSRP $60)
Resident Evil 6 - $25 (MSRP $60)
X-COM: Enemy Unknown - $25 (MSRP $60)
Diablo III - $30 (MSRP $60)
Gears of War 3 - $10 (MSRP $60, according to Microsoft. Dubious)

Which means I spent... $138. With tax, roughly $150. MSRP total is... $380, or roughly $415 with tax. So I saved about $265 bucks after tax. Of course, one would argue that I did not truly save that much since I would never had bought this all at MSRP in the first place, but eh.

About the only niggling thing left for me is that I kind of want the Last Remnant on Steam (currently $9 during the autumn sale). I found out a few weeks ago that I've somehow misplaced my GfWL version, and I'd like to think Skills goes around the world and steals GfWL discs and purges them in a holy flame. So yeah, it's tempting to own it again and on a decent platform.

Did anybody score some good stuff the past couple days?

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Nov 22, 2012 - 06:02 AM
Oh hey okay bye money
Not even three hours into Thanksgiving, and tons of vidya sales of note that I've been looking at. I got my early holiday pay, and it's quickly evaporating.

paying rent is for pussies

So far, I've picked up

Assassin's Creed: Revelations - $8
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - $25
Resident Evil 6 - $25
12 month Xbox Live Gold card - $35


Assassin's Creed III - $25
X-COM: Enemy Unknown - $35
Theatrhythm: Final Fantasy - $15
Wireless XBox 360 controller - $29

Oh GOD all of my money

Assassin's Creed III for $25 is a fantastic deal (it's at the Microsoft Store if you're interested), but I've never been in any rush to play a game in the series before. I'll fiddle around with Revelations and maybe scout out AC III for cheap next year.

The other things are what I would like to have, but am holding back on because I've already spent so much (after having just bought a Wii U on Sunday).

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Jun 26, 2012 - 01:01 PM
Mass Effect 3's expanded endings
...still suck. That is all.

YouTube Video

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[public entry #40]

Oct 10, 2011 - 02:11 PM
Who wants a Music Beta (by Google) invite?
I only had two originally, but now I have... more. Willing to invite a few people, if they want in.

About Music Beta by Google

If you have an Android spacephone, the Music app works seamlessly with it, and the new version that was leaked from Android 4.0 is fantastic.

But yeah, unlike Google+, I have a very finite amount. Let me know if you want one.

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[public entry #39]

Aug 20, 2011 - 08:47 PM
Jesus Christ, Tritoch.
Me: "So it looks like rebels have moved into Tripoli."

Tritoch: "So Italy has rebels now?"

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[public entry #38]

Jun 29, 2011 - 10:53 PM
Who wants a Google+ Invite?
Okay, so it didn't work out for poor Google Wave, but Google+ seems promising by being like Facebook without being Facebook. As such, I will do what I can to fire off invites wherever.

Just let me know, yo.

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[public entry #37]

Nov 18, 2010 - 10:03 AM
"Paula Poundstone is now following you on Twitter!"


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[public entry #36]

Nov 11, 2010 - 02:05 PM
Ah what the hell
Just got this text from my buddy. I am disappointed.

Yet also effeminately excited:

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Oct 23, 2010 - 07:48 PM
She knows me all too well.
At Disneyland with Kes. Gave me my birthday gifts a little while ago:

The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide, Crystal Bearers Music Collection, and the Ys I&II OST.

Goddamn she's good.

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Gamingforce Choco Journal
Final Fantasy Phoneteen's Journal

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