[00:52] <AcerBandit> you know what there was a recent silly sailor moon thread
[00:52] <AcerBandit> time to dump some shit from that
[00:57] * BZ|Windwakin (~b@PSI-86B6E070.dhcp.insightbb.com) Quit (Quit: )
[00:57] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/VGQmDTN.gif sailor scouts spin
[00:57] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/VqMr6mT.jpg sailor costanza
[00:58] <AcerBandit>
http://i.cubeupload.com/3bbGwl.gif sailor mercury falls down the stairs
[00:59] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/TXAVYVG.png sailor jupiter perspective of sailor mercury falling down the stairs
[00:59] <AcerBandit> i love those two but oh man this one
[00:59] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/k7DNpgd.jpg sailor mercury danger zone
[00:59] <AcerBandit> that is a thing that happened
[01:01] <Poncho_DeNews> ahahaa. Thanks acer.
[01:01] <AcerBandit> <3
[01:03] <AcerBandit> alright time for some more silliness
[01:04] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/0PlaNmA.png - rape horse
[01:04] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/YkhSobe.jpg poor pussy
[01:04] <AcerBandit> actually think that one would be really funny to try
[01:04] <Poncho_DeNews> lost it at the last panel.
[01:04] <Poncho_DeNews> meet drinking game?
[01:05] <AcerBandit> yeah
[01:05] <AcerBandit> why not
[01:05] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/YMg8O5S.jpg best puzzle
[01:06] <AcerBandit>
[01:06] <AcerBandit> not spoiling that one although high chance you've seen it
[01:06] <Poncho_DeNews> BAHAHAHAHA
[01:06] <Poncho_DeNews> I had not.
[01:06] <AcerBandit> the bunny did not stand down it was worth it
[01:08] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/5c6997e.jpg skills found this sign in his favorite stall at work
[01:09] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/ilSaULQ.gif rubberbandgun oh wow
[01:09] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/6eXaE1Q.jpg golden girls are now super metroid bosses
[01:10] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/1M2iSDJ.jpg question does she have a booty
[01:10] <Poncho_DeNews> the booty one is a personal favourite.
[01:12] <Taco> [01:05] <+AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/YMg8O5S.jpg best puzzle
[01:13] <Taco> literally worse than hitler
[01:15] * Juanzen (~Juanzen@PSI-9CA2288E.bbtec.net) has joined #gfchat
[01:15] * ChanServ sets mode: +v Juanzen
[01:15] <AcerBandit> it's such a great one, deni
[01:15] <AcerBandit> taco i don't care i'd want to try such an asshole puzzle
[01:15] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/ytuoa2W.jpg the aliens were right it was awful
[01:16] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/l4YXeeD.jpg every day is icecream day
[01:16] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/CsAB4Yg.gif happy boat
[01:17] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/179ZrBQ.gif mandela funeral balloon artist
[01:17] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/30DtWAL.gif dachshund is ready for winter i guess
[01:17] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/iidlUNt.png american kirby is a patriot we can all believe in
[01:17] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/BVrr3QA.jpg art
[01:18] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/OhhqBnw.jpg nightmare donald duck
[01:18] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/sSeaiKB.jpg clever simpsons movie advertisement
[01:19] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/PVVQkg7.png shade contemplates the meaning of the floating hotdog why hotdog why you do this thing
[01:19] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/1JFSpzb.jpg babar by tohad
[01:20] <CHz>
http://hejibits.com/comics/2013-06-02-arachnote.png deni.jpg
[01:20] <AcerBandit> looool
[01:20] <AcerBandit> suddenly we all are swarmed by insects and die
[01:21] <AcerBandit> thanks deni
[01:21] <Roph> seriously
[01:21] <Roph> who the fuck designed Star Trek: Enterprise's opening sequence
[01:21] <AcerBandit> but yes CHz I saved that one as deni gets a deathnote.png
[01:21] <CHz> ^
[01:22] <Roph> stupid montage with a gay cowboy country rock ballad over the top
[01:22] <Poncho_DeNews> BOAAAAAAAAAAAAT
[01:22] <Poncho_DeNews> saw arach, not clicking
[01:23] <CHz> Is actually SFD, does not contain any graphical depiction of spiders
[01:23] <Poncho_DeNews> Ahahaha.
[01:23] <Poncho_DeNews> Extra SFD.
[01:25] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/v280nBw.gif fuck your hat luigi
[01:25] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/ZS0XWzf.png picard at picard
[01:25] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/AjsM0sf.gif jesus and buddah share an apartment in japan
[01:26] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/wMwSgv5.jpg bayonetta changes the channel and adjusts the volume at the same time
[01:26] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/FB0GyWe.gif casting pearls before god into the ocean
[01:27] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/kYmwKbj.gif punching a frog
[01:27] * Hito (~hitokoei@PSI-E79D494F.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) has joined #gfchat
[01:27] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/B09k9Y1.gif speedrunner saves cat
[01:27] * ChanServ sets mode: +v Hito
[01:28] <Poncho_DeNews> you know, when the game clocks in at 9 hours, I don't think it counts as a speed runner.
[01:28] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/7uFPdec.gif suteki (which for some reason was a thumbnail of kreiger telling archer "Stop. My penis can only get so erect." but alas
[01:28] <AcerBandit> )
[01:29] <Garr> Hello again, internet.
[01:29] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/QtTuxt3.jpg seriously ritsuko what the hell
[01:29] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/DqpK07Y.gif kumin dance
[01:30] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/7wLsCWs.jpg even fags love the jungle queen
[01:30] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/SNUdM5y.png butt you can hardly swallow
[01:33] <AcerBandit> joke explanation:
Sonic Adventure 2 "Live and Learn" Music Request - YouTube
[01:37] <AcerBandit> haha imgur just prompted me to make sure i'm not some spambot
[01:37] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/XIg328L.jpg zelda's bizarre adventure
[01:37] <shade_> :3
[01:37] * shade_ is now known as shade
[01:37] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/7BKKHiD.jpg laughing crocs
[01:37] * ChanServ sets mode: +oa shade shade
[01:38] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/vOhOuvI.gif ursula is smashing
[01:38] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/7m7OnHw.jpg TOBLEROOOOOOOOOONE
[01:38] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/vfM9tY0.jpg slumber party court
[01:39] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/p1dBIeA.jpg i dunno shinji why don't you toke up some more
[01:39] <Talec> phew
[01:39] <Talec> now I'm only three VGCW shows behind! (plus EDBW)
[01:41] <Talec> oh my god so many links
[01:44] <AcerBandit> yeah deni has me uploading images cuz he's had a bad day and needs to cheer up =Y
[01:44] <Poncho_DeNews> It worked a bit.
[01:44] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/t7aGEXS.gif fatty makes the dunk
[01:44] <AcerBandit> i'm glad deni =)
[01:44] <AcerBandit> get more cheerful
[01:44] <Poncho_DeNews> blackmo0.
[01:45] <Poncho_DeNews> and please. when am I ever cheerful?
[01:45] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/Aw2Vbsi.jpg still your lettuce please give him back imma cry
[01:45] <AcerBandit> oh you are plenty happy sometimes
[01:45] <Poncho_DeNews> NEVER
[01:45] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/4fVeGVS.jpg crab nicholson figure gonna open this whiskey
[01:46] <AcerBandit> well you certainly are in my clown car and at the meet
[01:46] <Poncho_DeNews> No I just like you
[01:46] <AcerBandit> <3
[01:46] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/aGlDpVm.jpg domestic violence
[01:46] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/F0yOC5j.jpg roy is perfectly disguised
[01:47] <Poncho_DeNews> BAHAHA
[01:47] <AcerBandit> oh god this picture always kills me
[01:47] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/9rhhv4y.gif sometimes mysterious
[01:47] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/8YghJPZ.jpg and then the interview was over
[01:48] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/nQRLYYo.jpg ironman x samus
[01:48] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/0Ro6uva.jpg the purest slut
[01:48] <AcerBandit> oh god i love the light novel cover generator
[01:49] <AcerBandit> this one is for chz
[01:49] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/AoLuAcJ.gif wide upset
[01:49] <Poncho_DeNews> i love the cat one
[01:49] <CHz> :wiiiiiiide:
[01:49] <AcerBandit> yeah that one is one of my favorites too, deni
[01:49] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/fOkkcvX.gif every mario game
[01:50] <AcerBandit> oh god these two pictures
[01:50] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/kgKADgy.jpg someone likes marshal a bit much
[01:50] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/p2QSo0R.jpg yeah definitely like marshal a bit much there girl
[01:53] <Talec> awwww deni
[01:53] <Talec> I'd like to recommend some W/VGCW
[01:53] <Talec> shit always cheers me up
[01:58] <AcerBandit>
http://i.cubeupload.com/k0OFJL.gif M-masaka! He used THAT!
[01:58] <AcerBandit>
http://i.cubeupload.com/fwdfCQ.gif dinosaurs ruin dinner at the cobras
[01:58] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/dDK2YME.gif potemayo hnnnnngggg
[01:59] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/U9FntwV.gif the wa is angry
[01:59] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/iR76aD3.jpg dio saves christmas
[01:59] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/Hj1FP6o.gif hades is this mad
[01:59] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/mxBpoVq.gif is nothing easy
[02:00] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/A7zE4JG.gif falconpawnch
[02:00] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/nUSOjAw.jpg corgi squid adventure
[02:00] <AcerBandit> one of my most favorite screencaps
[02:01] <AcerBandit>
[02:02] <AcerBandit> i recognize that bulge
[02:03] <CHz> knew what that last one was without clicking
[02:03] <CHz> i recognize that i recognize that bulge
[02:03] <AcerBandit> this one took advantage of a couple years ago when some assholes were posting images embedded with code because there was no captcha in place
[02:03] * coeccias (~coeccias@PSI-3AEE5D49.rn.hr.cox.net) Quit (Quit: )
[02:03] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/LiNDqyz.png bowser's lava pits
[02:04] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/TljUjO2.jpg cat eat spaghetti
[02:04] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/mCpuOzh.png that's really really fucking cute
[02:04] <Poncho_DeNews> kitteh
[02:05] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/Yd2Xcdw.jpg fucking tails
[02:05] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/N9AUjna.png so then i'm like AAAAAA
[02:05] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/yDJU5e3.gif i never asked for this feel
[02:06] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/csvE9UX.jpg action boner
[02:06] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/lf97AmT.gif just going out to get some milk at the grocery store be back in a second
[02:06] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/rSrCAlb.jpg this chair would talk but the shock prevents it instead it meditates calmly reflecting on the good that is left in the world and ponders if those aren't lies as well
[02:07] <AcerBandit> here's a few for chz he's probably already seen
[02:07] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/sT7GFHU.jpg mulbruk pointing over there
[02:08] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/pxVQRqO.png palenque boss battle
[02:08] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/8JsScAn.png mulbruk these tissues did come in handy thanks
[02:08] <CHz> huhuhuhuhuhuhuhu
[02:09] <AcerBandit>
[02:09] <CHz> ^
[02:10] <AcerBandit> and oh god whatever artist made this they are just the best <3<3<3
[02:10] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/lClIK0T.jpg proud dads for ron paul
[02:10] <CHz> What.
[02:10] <AcerBandit> looool
[02:12] <AcerBandit> also lol the scanlator who did this must have been taking some liberties for a great wild wild west joke or the mangaka is haha wow
[02:12] <AcerBandit>
[02:15] * Boo-kun (~nope@PSI-EE5FADA6.bb.dnainternet.fi) has joined #gfchat
[02:15] * ChanServ sets mode: +v Boo-kun
[02:19] <AcerBandit> talec might like this one coulda sworn she linked me to them or something
[02:19] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/JtUGVMD.gif pokecapn finishes a stage of sonic06
[02:19] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/ys6Brxl.jpg GaoRed is a genius
[02:20] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/GmNxiiu.gif do you even puzzle
[02:20] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/k6SEWv4.jpg descartes give her the dig thread
[02:20] <AcerBandit> oh wait
[02:20] <AcerBandit> that was the image for the thread
[02:21] <AcerBandit> here's the thread
[02:21] <AcerBandit>
[02:22] <AcerBandit> time for la-mulana dump chz
[02:22] <CHz> lmao the barrel
[02:22] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/62GlgcM.png mulbruk judges your penniless deadbeat ass
[02:22] <CHz> 23:20 <+AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/k6SEWv4.jpg descartes give her the dig thread <<< highly accurate
[02:23] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/C2Emq3X.jpg mulbruk duck face
[02:23] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/jCrK9AJ.png mulbruk posing with flower
[02:23] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/H611Ohg.gif la-mulana i ain't scared of nuffin
[02:23] <CHz> Acer, you know Rose & Camellia? The Flash game with women slapping each other?
[02:23] <AcerBandit> yeah same dudes
[02:24] <CHz> The one with Mulbruk posing with the flower is from a La-Mulana version they did
[02:24] <AcerBandit> ahahaha yes!
[02:24] <AcerBandit> thought maybe that was fan art but that's fantastic
[02:24] <CHz>
Rose & Camellia & LA-MULANA - NIGORO
[02:24] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/E0OM8Aj.gif la-mulana mm 1 - da monster mash
[02:25] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/PNtO7yX.gif la-mulana mm 2 - It was a graveyard smash
[02:25] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/tzpqAO0.gif la-mulana mm 3 - they did the mash
[02:26] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/mtQwyYN.png la-mulana birds are kinda dicks
[02:26] <Boo-kun> time for acer to go to bed
[02:26] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/o27tcZV.jpg la-mulana here have this axe it's pretty neat
[02:26] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/0IKadHY.jpg everyone is sexy in la-mulana
[02:27] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/pPOl9LB.gif la-mulana IT KEEPS HAPPENING
[02:27] <DisslaptopDATLAPTOP> FFFFFFFF
[02:27] <CHz> AHAHAHAHA
[02:27] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/gXMpoc1.gif michael jackson in la-mulana
[02:27] <AcerBandit> looool knew that one would get you, diss ='D
[02:28] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/X779zhg.jpg mulbruk sleeping
[02:28] * DisslaptopDATLAPTOP (~Diss@54C55249.F529E917.6EA1F6E3.IP) Quit (Quit: DisslaptopDATLAPTOP)
[02:28] <CHz> So mad he quit.
[02:28] <AcerBandit> yup
[02:28] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/SjQe4Ow.jpg la-mulana where the hell am i 1
[02:29] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/rKnek3V.jpg la-mulana where the hell am i 2
[02:29] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/f9YTuCG.jpg sexualizing mulbruk
[02:30] <AcerBandit> pretty much that images is in most la-mulana threads
[02:30] <AcerBandit> *image is in
[02:31] <AcerBandit> oh and this is probably my most favorite BAW CAD abortion parody
[02:31] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/bbVU6cz.png all you need is loss
[02:31] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/0SOadBu.gif very flexible sigourney weaver
[02:37] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/5YVb4WS.jpg thumbs up neko-chan
[02:37] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/cFJpHQy.jpg yes human fly to the edge of dawn
[02:38] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/EeTbQ9s.gif crsty pls
[02:38] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/7pwj65J.png wow check out that roof it folds back
[02:38] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/EqmvlKB.jpg pooh the jackass
[02:39] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/unbS0KH.gif did you catch that yes i did
[02:39] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/FQBcwV8.gif yuuko and mio being non-suggestive
[02:39] <AcerBandit> haha chz you'll like this one
[02:39] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/yj3kDvd.jpg ranma boys troupe okay who the fuck let ryoga have the map and mousse be the eyes
[02:40] <Boo-kun> why is acer doing this
[02:40] <AcerBandit> deni told me to
[02:40] <CHz> lmao best navigation duo
[02:40] <AcerBandit> the best
[02:40] <CHz> Maybe they'll cancel each other out
[02:41] <AcerBandit> no you just get to go to everywhere but your destination
[02:41] <AcerBandit> until you leave the group and find it yourself and wait
[02:41] <AcerBandit> and then forget
[02:41] <AcerBandit> and then go back to your usual
[02:41] <AcerBandit> and then they'll come back all angry wondering where the hell you were
[02:42] <AcerBandit> and you'll be all THAT WAS TWO MONTHS AGO
[02:42] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/rUwEGLT.jpg toriyama pitch
[02:42] <Talec> <Hazel>
https://scontent-b-atl.xx.fbcdn.net/...94391345_n.jpg delicious looking on the outside, horrible on the inside
[02:43] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/CvBxEwS.jpg kamiya and his waifu
[02:43] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/oJFR34u.jpg isabelle what have you done
[02:44] * Talec is now known as Talec|Zzz
[02:51] <AcerBandit>
http://i.cubeupload.com/24kGsD.gif duane always ready to get down
[02:51] <AcerBandit>
http://i.cubeupload.com/W8CUrQ.gif diss using the internet
[02:52] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/1dUrxeI.jpg the no-pantsu brigade goes down the stairs with big dog in tow
[02:52] <AcerBandit> and now we begin the ballad of laser cheese cuz everyone loves a classic
[02:53] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/4kDkxB7.jpg laser cheese
[02:53] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/86FMe9y.jpg laser cheese 2 electric nightmare
[02:54] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/EJK9GPi.jpg laser cheese hd
[02:54] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/0uNkksU.png dark souls laser skeleton
[02:54] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/Jg8mV8c.png frickin lazer cheese
[02:55] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/JypbWeC.png bonemerang
[02:55] <Kishin> Acer is broken
[02:55] * Garr (~Garr@5A28620B.E41192B9.23093AFE.IP) Quit (Quit: )
[02:55] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/23ituHV.jpg i seriously hope you don't do this scooby doo
[02:55] <Kishin> last one: Mewbro
[02:55] <AcerBandit> yeah that one is cute
[02:56] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/4ufkIdJ.gif dogs crawling like baby
[02:56] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/pZHCIeb.gif dog showing up human
[02:57] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/MLJ5JoM.jpg why can't i hold all these kittens
[02:57] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/KX2dIAk.gif just gonna slide on in here
[02:57] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/h9lf8qO.png shining dragon
[02:58] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/Vkt3FJo.jpg samus waifu
[02:58] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/OX3ww4K.gif dogekind
[02:59] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/3UTXZKe.gif doge snow
[02:59] <AcerBandit> boo will enjoy this one if he hasn't seen it already
[02:59] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/X5WPfvi.jpg authentic mabel cosplay
[03:00] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/fKCsAmJ.jpg my neighbor seinfeld by spacecoyote
[03:00] <AcerBandit> <3 spacecoyote
[03:00] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/Lh6DKjA.jpg no thor that's the wrong lever
[03:00] <AcerBandit> op and q would love that one
[03:00] <CHz> tonari no seinfeld instant classic
[03:00] <AcerBandit> totally chz
[03:01] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/jrBLR1G.jpg where's wall-e
[03:01] <Kishin> ::slap bass no totoro::
[03:01] <AcerBandit> another one boo would like
[03:02] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/8OBkWay.jpg sweater buddies by nelmathyria
[03:02] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/12rxYzi.jpg captain falcon yes
[03:02] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/beqPfEi.png dale objection
[03:03] <AcerBandit>
http://i.imgur.com/75HMDur.jpg selling propane by daylight by tehsteveyurko
[03:03] <AcerBandit> and with that we've come back full circle to sailor moon
[03:04] <AcerBandit> i hope you've enjoyed this presentation of my pics folder in effort to cheer deni up
[03:04] <AcerBandit> speaking of deni i've got one little extra gif just for him <3~
[03:05] <AcerBandit>
[03:05] <AcerBandit> hope you feel better, buddy
[03:06] <CHz> ::Deni went to sleep an hour ago::
[03:09] <AcerBandit> well i guess i'll just post this in my journal then