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Member 548

Level 18.00

Mar 2006

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Old Jul 22, 2006, 08:48 PM #1 of 54

Yes yes, I know it's about a month away and no one can seem to wait anymore (OH GOD, so much sarcasm), but I'm interested in seeing which school everyone is attending and studying which subjects.

Me? I'm currently enrolled in my first year in the forensic sciences program at the University of Toronto at Mississauga. Its a pretty tough course to get into (~80%+), and I need to work my ass off since I need to actually apply for the specialist in biology program in February and depending on how good my marks are at the end of the year, I may be able to get an internship and already work during the summer. There are only 60 spots, so the university will be VERY picky with whose gets chosen.

Here are my two timetables:



Fall 2006

Winter 2007

As of right now, I'm going to have only 1 exam midway through, but a midterm test for chemistry. However, that also means I have 5 exams at the end of the year. So if I mess up on those, I'm dead!

How ya doing, buddy?

Last edited by Spyer; Jul 22, 2006 at 08:52 PM.
Did you see anything last night?

Member 629

Level 46.64

Mar 2006

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Old Jul 22, 2006, 09:32 PM Local time: Jul 22, 2006, 09:32 PM #2 of 54
Oooh, Yama. Didn't know you were a fellow Physicist of sorts =)

Currently I'm wrapping up my third and final summer term. Worthless courses essentially. But hell, I'm a Senior and I'll be done in May '07!

In the fall, I'm taking two Kinesiology courses (required). Also plan on taking an online course through another college to hammer down my Tech. Writing requirement sometime before that semester starts. It has a six-month window after you sign up to complete it. I can steamroll it after summer and before fall.

Anyhow, as for my real meaty courses?
Geophysics: Petroleum Seismology (Freakin' hard. Last GEOP class though! Last semester should've been the worst since I had two GEOP courses concurrently. Ouch)
Math: Topics in Applied Mathematics (Gotta take this then Wavelette Analysis in Fourier series for my Minor. The wave class will help cement my Electromagnetics specialty)
Advanced GIS (Hammering down my third minor shortly after this'un. After this I hafta take some chump course and it's done. Given, this is offered through the Geography department. By default, any class in that place is a chump course around here...)

The latter three will take time. GIS has lotsa projects that require groping around in the darkness for. Math and Geop are their own bag'o tricks.

Won't be too bad at all. Last Spring was the worst semester I'd had by far. It can't get worse than that. If it does, I'll suffer through it. My last semester will be cake and I'm sure this one won't be too bad if I put in time. And I definitely will.

There's nowhere I can't reach.
Hey, maybe you should try that thing Chie was talking about.

Smoke. Peat. Delicious.

Member 246

Level 21.94

Mar 2006

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Old Jul 22, 2006, 09:35 PM #3 of 54
Another physics major here, though beginning my first year (out of 3) at McGill University. My exact program choice is still somewhat fuzzy to tell the truth, not so much because I don't know what I want, but because I haven't been able to make my choice yet. I'm probably going to contact one of the advisors tomorrow to ask when exactly I'm supposed to choose a specific program. I just hope I'm not too late.

Anyway, I'm either going to be in the "Honours Physics" program (ideally), or majoring in physics with a minor in something I haven't decided about yet, most likely mathematics. Assuming I do end up in the honours program, I'll be taking the following courses for the next two terms:

MATH 247 Honours Applied Linear Algebra
MATH 248 Honours Advanced Calculus
MATH 249 Honours Complex Variables
MATH 325 Honours Ordinary Differential Equations
PHYS 241 Signal Processing
PHYS 251 Classical Mechanics 1
PHYS 257 Experimental Methods 1
PHYS 258 Experimental Methods 2
PHYS 260 Modern Physics and Relativity

I'm probably going to enjoy most of that stuff, too.

This thing is sticky, and I don't like it. I don't appreciate it.
Sensors indicate an Ancient Civilization

Member 1200

Level 26.94

Mar 2006

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Old Jul 22, 2006, 09:52 PM #4 of 54
Year Two of Computer Science at Michigan State University for me. My minor is in Criminal Justice since I'm semi-specializing in Cybersecurity.

Fall 2006:

MUS 114 - Marching Band
CSE 320 - Computer Organization & Architecture (Read: Learning Assembly Language)
CSE 335 - Object-Oriented Software Design (Read: The Weed-Out CS Class filled with Giant Projects)
CJ 110 - Introduction to Criminal Justice (*)
ISS 310 - People and Environment (*)

Spring 2007:

CSE 331 - Algorithms and Data Structures (*)
CSE 410 - Operating Systems
PHY 184 - Physics II for Engineers
PHY 192 - Physics II Lab
CJ 220 - Criminology

(*) are Honors Sections - I'm required to have 8 of them to graduate with honors, which works out to an average of one per semester.

I am a dolphin, do you want me on your body?

Member 1343

Level 28.80

Mar 2006

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Old Jul 22, 2006, 09:57 PM Local time: Jul 22, 2006, 07:57 PM #5 of 54
I'll be entering my final year of undergrad. I'm in audio/multimedia for a primary concentration, but really I'm in school for music composition, as I have an extensive music minor that's intended to propel me into grad school for filmscoring. For my last two semesters as an undergrad I plan not to stop composing at all. I hope it'll be a fun year.

I was speaking idiomatically.
Flying High

Member 488

Level 23.98

Mar 2006

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Old Jul 23, 2006, 10:30 AM #6 of 54
I'm going into my senior year at Seneca College - I'm just finishing up my flight training (hopefully will have my commercial license by next week, and then my instrument rating by the end of september). Classes for us start on august 21st - I'm not sure exactly what we will be taking - but I seem to remember things about Aircraft Design, Airline Ops, and something about a thesis project.

What kind of toxic man-thing is happening now?
Licensed Commercial Pilot!
Currently: Float Pilot in BC
Need a pilot? PM Me.
Commercial Pilot, land and seaplanes, single and multi engines, instrument rating... I'm a jack of all trades! I can even be type rated!

Last Star

Member 972

Level 10.31

Mar 2006

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Old Jul 23, 2006, 10:49 AM Local time: Jul 23, 2006, 07:49 AM #7 of 54
Mmm... interesting, most of the biology courses are like third year courses, yet are numbered as first year ones? What do they offer as third year bio classes then?


Member 548

Level 18.00

Mar 2006

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Old Jul 23, 2006, 01:14 PM #8 of 54
Here are the courses you can take in third year bio:

Marine Biology
Arctice Ecology
Physiology of Neural Systems
Laboratory in Physiology
Physiology of Regulatory Systems
Plant Physiology
Landscape Ecology of Animal Populations
Field Methods and Quantitative Analyses in Ecology
Laboratory in Cell and Molecular Biology
Advanced Cell Biology
Field Course in Ecology
Changing Ontario Environments
Animal Behaviour
Invertebrate Zoology
Functional Morphology of Animals
Lectures in Animal Behaviour
Plant Ecology
Freshwater Biology
Lectures in Freshwater Biology
Forensic Entomology
Plant Identification and Systematics
Advanced Genetics
Vertebrate Form and Function
Major Features of Vertebrate Evolution
Biometics I
Biometrics II
Microbiology Lectures
Molecular Biology
Human Development

And you wouldn't take all of these, if you're wondering. If you're specializing, you would only pick certain ones, but I think most of you already know that.

What, you don't want my bikini-clad body?
Retriever II
Syklis Green

Member 4083

Level 7.77

Mar 2006

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Old Jul 23, 2006, 06:30 PM #9 of 54
Going into my third year of Computer Science at University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Also working towards a minor in Mathematics. I'll be taking Ordinary Differential Equasions for Scientists and Engineers in the fall, and I'm kind of expecting it to knock my socks off, just given everyone else's experience with that course. >_<.

CMPSCI 320: Introduction to Software Engineering
CMPSCI 320H: Honors Colloqueum
CMPSCI 383: Artificial Intelligence
MATH 331: Ordinary Differential Equasions for Scientists and Engineers
PHYSICS 151: Physics 1
PHYSICS 153: Physics 1 Lab

CMPSCI 377: Operating Systems
CMPSCI 305: Ethics in Computing (Writing Class)
MATH 455: Discrete Structures
PHYSICS 152: Physics 2
PHYSICS 154: Physics 2 Lab

Then I should be able to take some more interesting courses senior year. I'll still need a history class, and 1-2 math classes to knock off my minor, and I'll need to take Computer Networks and Information Systems. I'm eyeing a Cisco networking class as an elective. Looks like I'll just be able to scrape by with my major and minor to graduate on time. The University General Education requirements are a real time killer.

Jam it back in, in the dark.
Last Star

Member 972

Level 10.31

Mar 2006

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Old Jul 23, 2006, 08:03 PM Local time: Jul 23, 2006, 05:03 PM #10 of 54
Originally Posted by Spyer
Here are the courses you can take in third year bio:

Marine Biology
Arctice Ecology
Physiology of Neural Systems
Laboratory in Physiology
Physiology of Regulatory Systems
Plant Physiology
Landscape Ecology of Animal Populations
Field Methods and Quantitative Analyses in Ecology
Laboratory in Cell and Molecular Biology
Advanced Cell Biology
Field Course in Ecology
Changing Ontario Environments
Animal Behaviour
Invertebrate Zoology
Functional Morphology of Animals
Lectures in Animal Behaviour
Plant Ecology
Freshwater Biology
Lectures in Freshwater Biology
Forensic Entomology
Plant Identification and Systematics
Advanced Genetics
Vertebrate Form and Function
Major Features of Vertebrate Evolution
Biometics I
Biometrics II
Microbiology Lectures
Molecular Biology
Human Development

And you wouldn't take all of these, if you're wondering. If you're specializing, you would only pick certain ones, but I think most of you already know that.
I see, well those courses listed sure are 3rd year level ones... I guess I was expecting to see more genetic/molecular bio-oriented courses, does UT have molecular biology major?

There's nowhere I can't reach.
Holy Chocobo

Member 682

Level 31.93

Mar 2006

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Old Jul 23, 2006, 08:15 PM #11 of 54
Going into my first year of High School.
Woot Woot!!!

English Honors

Really fun schedule.
Just in case you're wondering, it's a Magnet Program for Math and Medical Sciences.

How ya doing, buddy?
Good Chocobo

Member 679

Level 17.09

Mar 2006

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Old Jul 23, 2006, 08:41 PM Local time: Jul 23, 2006, 09:41 PM #12 of 54
I'm starting High School as well, but in Canada that's the 10th grade. I'm not exactly sure how everything is panning out, but since I'm doing Pre-IB, it's a pretty straightforward process.

DP = Diploma Preparation which basically means it's an IB course I believe.

Math 10DP
Math 11ADP
Science 10DP
English 10DP
History 10DP
French 10DP
Drama 10
Biology 11A

Basically, my only choices were Math 11 or 11A, to choose between Art, Drama, or Music, and what my one elective would be. I hate Biology, so I figure I'll suffer through it for a semester and take Physics and Chem as my two IB courses. I don't NEED Bio, but I figure some framework in all three is nice.

How ya doing, buddy?
Life @ 45RPM

Member 2299

Level 38.16

Mar 2006

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Old Jul 23, 2006, 09:41 PM Local time: Jul 23, 2006, 08:41 PM #13 of 54
I'll be starting my last year as an undergrad this fall, and for that semester, I have a relatively thin schedule:

CHI 604 - Accelerated First Year Chinese - for my foreign language credit. I am not too enthused about this because last semester I tried the beginners class and was forced to leave because I know too much for that class level.

GEO 371C - Tectonics II - the only geology elective I thought was interesting that was offered this semester. I also like the professor and the subject matter.

GRG 334C - Environmental Hazards - The last of my non-geology electives I need for my degree. This class deals with the stuff Discovery Channel will show to garner ratings: natural disasters.

M 316 - Elementary Statistical Methods - I could have taken a second geo-elective, but that conflicted with my schedule and I needed something to fill out my schedule, so I thought it might be useful to learn some statistics.

Overall, despite 15 credit hours (17 can be taken at most despite pressure to take more classes), my schedule is still rather slim since I don't any labs this coming semester (a first). My MWF ends at 1:00 PM and my TTH ends at 3:30 PM.

I was speaking idiomatically.

Classic J-Pop Volume 31
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Member 108

Level 12.68

Mar 2006

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Old Jul 23, 2006, 10:06 PM Local time: Jul 23, 2006, 09:06 PM #14 of 54
I'm a biology major (pre-med) trying to get my undergrad degree (A.S.) and I'm still in my first year of college. This is what I'm taking this fall:

Nutrition: It's a required course for the school that I'll be transferring to.
Anatomy and Physiology: It's required for my degree and I'm looking forward to it. We have to dissect cats and view an autopsy. I'll have a harder time dissecting the cat.
American Literature: British Lit wouldn't fit into my schedule.
U.S. History Part II: Part 2 to the exciting history of the U.S.! I chose a radical professor that I've had before, so it should be interesting.
Psychology: It's required. It might be interesting.

What kind of toxic man-thing is happening now?

Member 548

Level 18.00

Mar 2006

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Old Jul 23, 2006, 11:17 PM #15 of 54
Originally Posted by yangxu
I see, well those courses listed sure are 3rd year level ones... I guess I was expecting to see more genetic/molecular bio-oriented courses, does UT have molecular biology major?

Yep, they do. Heres a link to help you out:

Sin Ansem
Miyamoto digs Negi Springfield

Member 1148

Level 21.64

Mar 2006

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Old Jul 23, 2006, 11:34 PM #16 of 54
I'm a nerd.

I WANT TO GO BACK TO GEORGIA TECH. Tech is the shit for gaming nerds.

Second Year as a Comp Media major--as in, I design video games.

Calculus III for Computer Science - Math 2605 - Calc I was tough, Calc II was a bitch but I was told that Calc III was easier.

Introduction to Computational Media - LCC 2700 - Most of my friends in this major have already taken this class. I haven't because the Language Arts Classes are a prerequisite and I didn't take enough AP testing to earn it. It should be fun though.

Intro to Media Studies - LCC 2400 - Another facet to my pursuit for understanding videogames.

Objects and Design - CS2340 - One of the harder CS courses... and I barely made it through Java...

I'm also supposed to be taking a storyboarding class as well as a Health Class, but I have yet to sign up for those classes due to some rearranging.

What, you don't want my bikini-clad body?
Retriever II
Syklis Green

Member 4083

Level 7.77

Mar 2006

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Old Jul 23, 2006, 11:38 PM #17 of 54
Calc III falls somewhere between Calc I and Calc II. It got a little hairy towards the end, but at least they don't make you do all sorts of stupid-crazy integrals like in II. Or series. *shiver*

How ya doing, buddy?
Dive for your memory

Member 1285

Level 26.51

Mar 2006

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Old Jul 23, 2006, 11:54 PM Local time: Jul 23, 2006, 11:54 PM #18 of 54
This semester's classes:

Corporate Finance - Some advanced economics course I have to take.

Introduction to regression and statistical computing - More intermediate statistics... yay.

Mathematical sciences research - In continuation of my summer's research under a professor. At least I'm getting credit hours and free A!

Mathematical structure of economic theory - Say what?

Shakespeare - Totally going to audit this one. I love auditing humanities type classes since I don't need them to graduate... just taking them for fun.

Music theory for non majors - Finally a class that sounds like fun!

Ballroom dance - Just because I feel like it.

There's nowhere I can't reach.

Member 814

Level 22.27

Mar 2006

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Old Jul 25, 2006, 03:45 AM Local time: Jul 25, 2006, 12:45 AM #19 of 54
Originally Posted by Arainach
Year Two of Computer Science at Michigan State University for me. My minor is in Criminal Justice since I'm semi-specializing in Cybersecurity.

Fall 2006:

MUS 114 - Marching Band
CSE 320 - Computer Organization & Architecture (Read: Learning Assembly Language)
CSE 335 - Object-Oriented Software Design (Read: The Weed-Out CS Class filled with Giant Projects)
CJ 110 - Introduction to Criminal Justice (*)
ISS 310 - People and Environment (*)

Spring 2007:

CSE 331 - Algorithms and Data Structures (*)
CSE 410 - Operating Systems
PHY 184 - Physics II for Engineers
PHY 192 - Physics II Lab
CJ 220 - Criminology

(*) are Honors Sections - I'm required to have 8 of them to graduate with honors, which works out to an average of one per semester.
Oo a fellow bando! What instrument? Michigan State can go to hell.

Go Trojan Marching Band! (alto sax) USC.

Move course priority upMove course priority down

MPVA-141 Class Voice
FREN-120 French 1
ACCT-370 External Financial Reporting Issues
ACCT-371A Introduction to Accounting Systems
ACCT-374 Introduction to Tax Issues
BUAD-302T Business Communication for Accountants
Though I didn't sign up, I'm also in the marching band.

This thing is sticky, and I don't like it. I don't appreciate it.

Dance party!
everything is moving

Member 6422

Level 41.55

May 2006

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Old Jul 25, 2006, 09:46 AM Local time: Jul 25, 2006, 02:46 PM #20 of 54
Going into my penultimate year of high school next year, finally I get free periods... Subjects I'm taking are as follows:

English language
English literature

I plan on quickly dropping out of politics. I dropped a shitload this year - I no longer do German, design, physics, chemistry, religious studies, etc etc etc, and after eight years I've finally escaped having to do Latin. Yay!

I am a dolphin, do you want me on your body?

Last edited by Krelian; Jul 25, 2006 at 02:20 PM.
Mmmmm....Animal fires....Flying Dutchman.....20x20

Member 1315

Level 6.12

Mar 2006

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Old Jul 25, 2006, 12:09 PM Local time: Jul 25, 2006, 09:09 AM #21 of 54
My final year of high school is comming up, and frankly, I'm glad its going to be over. Lets see, I'm taking:

AP British Literature
AP Calc
AP C++
Intro to studio Art

I dropped band this year because I needed the art class since I'm planning to be majoring in it, but I still do marching band on the side. Go band nerds.

How ya doing, buddy?

Member 5523

Level 8.23

Apr 2006

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Old Jul 25, 2006, 12:50 PM Local time: Jul 25, 2006, 12:50 PM #22 of 54
I will be a junior at The University of Texas at Austin working towards an Electrical and Computer Engineering degree. My courses next semester consist of:

Electromagnetic Engineering
Electronic Circuits I
Engineering Communications
Probablility and Random Processes
Solid State Electronic Devices

What kind of toxic man-thing is happening now?
and after all this...

Member 945

Level 11.22

Mar 2006

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Old Jul 25, 2006, 01:08 PM Local time: Jul 25, 2006, 01:08 PM #23 of 54
Going into sophmore year at the University of Iowa. My freshman year was very nearly a disaster (the most important things I learned was that I don't want to major in anything related to computers, economics, or politics, and that everyone who lives in Mayflower dorm is a jerk), but at least I'm finally getting into more interesting classes. And not living in Mayflower. ^_^

To decode, I'm taking first year Japanese, Educational Psychology and Measurement, The Foundations of Communication, Accelerated Rhetoric, and a one-hour Conversational Chinese class. Educational Psychology and Measurement and The Foundations of Communication are two of the basic courses in what the University considers a teaching/education track, and the latter also fits in with journalism, which I have some interest in. Like all college students, I'm being forced to take Accelerated Rhetoric...don't ask why I didn't take it freshman year like everyone else, because I don't have a good answer. Japanese and Conversational Chinese should be self-explanatory, and I needed a one-hour course to fill in my schedule anyways.

How ya doing, buddy?
- won't you give me a smile...? -
if you want blood

Member 275

Level 17.17

Mar 2006

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Old Jul 25, 2006, 03:14 PM #24 of 54
I dropped out of high school in April, so I'll be taking the GED test in August. I could already have it by now, but I didn't have any photo ID for the July test. Then it's off to community college for two years, and then I'll transfer to a four-year school where I can get a bachelor's degree in music composition or American Literature. Since I still have to save up for college and learn how to drive, I'll have plenty of time to choose one or the other, I suppose.

What, you don't want my bikini-clad body?

Last edited by starslight; Jul 25, 2006 at 03:16 PM.
Indigo 1

Member 207

Level 22.37

Mar 2006

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Old Jul 25, 2006, 04:00 PM Local time: Jul 25, 2006, 03:00 PM #25 of 54
Will finally be starting college at the University of Colorado after taking a year off after High School. Should be good, I'll be an Aerospace Engineering major with the following course list for fall:

AIR1010 - Foundations of the USAF I (With Lab)
APPM1350 - Calculus 1 For Engineers
ASTR1010 - Intro to Astronomy (With Lab)
PHIL1000 - Intro to Philosophy (Had to take a sociology elective..)

Jam it back in, in the dark.


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