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[General Discussion] Your most memorable moments in gaming.
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Good Chocobo

Member 416

Level 16.09

Mar 2006

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Old Nov 1, 2007, 03:28 AM Local time: Nov 1, 2007, 02:28 AM #1 of 49
Your most memorable moments in gaming.

Look back on your gaming life. What events do you treasure most and feel will likely never happen again? Was it opening the box to a new system, completing game X on Y mode, did it totally shock you when character A killed character B? List your most exciting, memorable, or otherwise fun moments in gaming.

1. My mom bought me my own Sega Genesis. I had been wanting one ever since I saw the commercial for Sonic the Hedgehog. Fortunately my aunt had the game but she lived out of town and I only got to play it once or twice a month when she visited. When I got the system and the game for myself thats when my video games became my favorite hobby.

2. About 5 years later I got a Sega Saturn. I was really excited, it felt like getting a Genesis all over again. This was before I knew anything about Playstation and I was such a big Sega fan I ignored Sony completely. When I realized there were no good games coming out for Saturn I returned it to the store to trade it in for a Playstation. But PSX was selling like hotcakes back in those days and everywhere was sold out for months.

3. One Christmas later I finally got my Playstation and Final Fantasy 7. This would be #1 on my list but I'm going chronologically here. FF7 was my first RPG and I had no idea what I was getting myself into. This started a new addiction for me, I stopped playing regular 'games' and focused on nothing but RPGs. Until this day, thats still how I roll.. play. :P

4. Online Gaming. From Unreal to Starcraft to Phantasy Star Online (DC). Those games were the pioneers that got me even more addicted to games. Playing online was a whole new experience because it was so immersive, it felt like rediscovering the internet. Nothing like playing online with real people. I'd say playing Phantasy Star Online for the first time was the icing on the cake. For the few nights I got to play it at my friends house [before i got my own Dreamcast], the game was insanely fun.

5. Final Fantasy XI, the game I had been waiting for for five years. Yes five years, from the time it was announced in 1999 to the time it was released on PS2 in 2004. It was easily my most anticipated game of all time, it combined my two favorite things, Final Fantasy and Online gaming. It was well worth the 100$, I got a good two years of playtime out that game before tragedy struck.. My account was stolen and Square has such horrible customer service they could do nothing to help me get it back. Why? Because I couldn't provide the last four digits of the asshole's credit card who stole it. As if I would know that. Besides that, the game was a sweet, albeit often frustrating and challenging experience.

6. Last but not least, I finally got a new PC and was not only able to play loads of new PC games, but World of Warcraft as well. This made leaving FFXI behind so much easier because I knew for sure this was the ultimate MMORPG. And for a time it was, until my server got even worse after world transfers became available. Now I don't even play WoW anymore because it kind of sucks now. My main characters are alliance on a horde dominated server. I tried rerolling but honestly don't like playing neither horde nor alliance. And I REALLY don't have what it takes to level another job to 70 [Warlock was enough]. After getting three jobs to 75 on FFXI, I can't stand grinding anymore or any MMORPG.

Thats my list of most memorable moments in gaming. That meaning things I'll look back on and remember when I'm 60 years old complaining about how games aint what they used to be as I watch my grandkids play Final Fantasy 77 International Substance Final Mix Special Edition on their Playwiibox 264.

Jam it back in, in the dark.

Last edited by Jujubee; Nov 1, 2007 at 05:14 AM.

Member 770

Level 34.03

Mar 2006

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Old Nov 1, 2007, 03:54 AM Local time: Nov 1, 2007, 03:54 AM #2 of 49
1. I honestly don't remember what year it was, but in a situation similar to yours, I got an SNES of my very own for Christmas. It was the biggest single gift I'd ever gotten at that point, and it really slingshotted me into gaming. I mean, I played NES before that, but I never had that many games. With SNES, I had the option of renting and playing instead of buying them, which meant I got to play a lot more of them.

2. 1996 or so, my father bought me Doom II, which I played repeatedly, but I found my calling when my step brother introduced me to a little game called Diablo. I can still remember the exact setting when it happened. He had just gotten into Hell, and he was walking around and showing me some of the combat. Watching as he chopped enemies into screaming piles of bones, and seeing the bodies of villagers upended on pikes in the ground, I knew do want.

He would later get me interested in RTS games using Dark Reign (a moderately entertaining game with a better than average storyline) and Dungeon Keeper (Which remains one of my favorites even today).

3. 1997-98, I started hearing the buzz on Half-Life, and saw some gameplay and preview videos. I knew with a fierce determination that burned like the sun that the game would be something really special. Not only did it look great, using good looking 3d models and skeletal animation, but it was one of the first games to have scripted action sequences, and true interactivity on the part of the player. For once, the AI had reached the point that enemies didn't simply walk into your bullets, and the concept of NPCs was born in the FPS genre.

This is the one that well and truly stands out for me, because I bought the game at full retail price as soon as it came out, but it would be another 9 months to a year before my sister got a computer that could actually play it. I distinctly remember trying to play it using software rendering and having a blast regardless of the slideshow.

My love for mods grew out of this from TFC, Front Line Force, and some single player mods. The thought of getting content for free because of a proprietary engine was like sweet gaming bliss to me.

4. 1998, My friend managed to convince me to play Final Fantasy 7. I was hesitant at first, because I didn't consider myself an RPG gamer. Heck, I wasn't even that sure what an RPG gamer was, but I had never played a Final Fantasy game until that day. Seeing the cinematic approach the game took, as well as the steampunk setting and (for the time) unorthodox video game characters, and I fell in love.

I guess I don't have that many. There have been awesome games I've played since then, but my life as a gamer hasn't really changed much since those separate moments.

There's nowhere I can't reach.

Last edited by Skexis; Nov 1, 2007 at 03:57 AM.
Quarter-Circle + Paaaunch!

Member 1794

Level 21.29

Mar 2006

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Old Nov 1, 2007, 04:20 AM Local time: Nov 1, 2007, 08:20 PM 1 #3 of 49
Hmm... a lot of my most memorable moments in gaming were to do with Nintendo, but I'll just select the most memorable of those with ones from other consoles...

1) Getting a SNES and Mario All-Stars: My first, real introduction to console gaming. Of course, by then the SNES was at its peak but I was captivated by all the games in Mario All-Stars. All of them had so many secrets (I remember shouting in excitement finding that first warp pipe that lead to the room with coins) and back then was a great challenge, prompting me to play it day and night. Long live nostalgia!

2) Wonderboy and Sonic Series (Genesis/Mega-Drive): Wonderboy (not Zelda) was my first "fantasy" game and although Zelda would later become part of my most memorable moment in gaming, Wonderboy's ability to take me away from the mucky-muck that is reality (Tenacious D reference here) made an impact. Also making an impact was the Sonic Series (1, 2, 3 and Knuckles). Although I loved the Mario games, I was never into the whole "Sega VS. Nintendo" thang, which allowed me to enjoy the fastest (for its time), coolest and secrets-to-the-wazoo-est game for the Genesis. The ability to use Tails for co-op and the add-on function of Sonic 3 and Knuckles blew my mind away.

3) Tetris made my Parents Play: The greatest thing about Tetris is that no matter who you are, anyone can play it. One of my most memorable moments in gaming was watching my parents play Tetris. I loved Tetris and that game was bloody addictive (and thanks to Tetris DS, my life shall be taken forever!) but for adults to play what was perceived as children's toys in those days was a crazy idea. Well, it happened and I don't think I'll ever see my parents play another videogame again (not even Wii Sports)! Classic.

4) Playing the PS1 for the First Time: Now, I was born too late and was too young too collect magazines, so I knew nothing of the plans for the CD-based consoles Nintendo and Sega were trying to make. Suddenly, a thing called the Playstation came out, and it was cool. It was hip. It had 3D graphics and a kickass game called WipEout. It also had a kickass fighting game called Tekken. The music wasn't all bleeps and phony violins. It had TECHNO!!! And it had a cool name: the Play-Station. Playing in this station of cool. Yeh... It was then I said "now this is the future of gaming!". I had this same reaction when playing the PS2, but the PS1 had a bigger impact.

5) Zelda Ocarina of Time (Ninteod 64): Okay, by now you may have gathered that I'm recounting my memories chronologically (like jujubee), so why have I left out Mario 64? Mario 64 made me go "wow" like many other people, but the feeling of wanting to explore and being overwhelmed by a 3D adventure came from Zelda. No other game (apart from the next memory) has impressed me, affected me and involved me emotionally as Zelda OoT had. I would spend hours on the field finding secrets, defeating Poes and traveling on Epona just to watch the realistic (back then) sunset. The dungeons were genius and perfectedly adjusted (in terms of difficulty) and the minigames (especially fishing) never got old. If this list were by which moment was THE most memorable, ZELDA OOT is number 1.

6) Perfect Dark multiplayer: Long before (or after depending on your view) online multiplayer was mainstream, Perfect Dark was THE ultimate game between my friends. Forget Goldeneye (although the single player was more exciting), Perfect Dark's multiplayer introduced me to 3am and hallucinations (as well as coffee) due to the ridiculous amounts of time me and my friends would spend fragging each other. The options were limitless and we would create every scenario we could think of, then frag away. I recently pulled this out of the grave of old conoles and now that my cousins have grown up, the time has come for the frag-fest to rise once again!

7) Playstation 2: Although I am primarily a Nintendo guy (due to it being the reason why I play games), I have always had a secret love affair with Playstation. As soon as the PS2 was out, my breath was taken. Powerful machine, realistic graphics (some of which still impress today) and all the bells and whistles of a high-tech device (a DVD player? What the hell was a "VDV" player?). Some of the most memorable games came on the PS2, such as Metal Gear, Final Fantasy just to name a few. The hype before the PS2 came out was crazy as well, with one news story sensationalizing, "This, could start World War 3 (PS2 control shown)." Good times.

Good times indeed ^_^.

How ya doing, buddy?
The Latin Cockroach

Member 729

Level 16.74

Mar 2006

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Old Nov 1, 2007, 08:00 AM Local time: Nov 1, 2007, 10:00 AM #4 of 49
1) Those looong nights that I spent with friends playing multiplayer with the N64. The fun we had with Snowboard Kids and Goldeneye was absolutely priceless. The split-creen is soooo underated when it comes to fps. The level of strategy where everyone knew exacly where the other ones were was great. Playing Goldeneye for 8 hours straight is still our most memorable moment.

2) As many people already said, when I first got my Snes. I was kinda hoping to get the Nes and I didn't even knew the Snes existed. I was so amazed and happy to see the amazing graphics of Super Mario World and Super Adventure Island. That was my true introduction to gamimng.

3) When I finally got to play Megaman X. I've wanted to get that game so much. I watched every single video I've seen on Tv many many times (I recorded a game show with my VCR). I got it two years after it's released. It was one of the biggest mind orgasm of my life.

4) Finishing MGS3. I've never felt so much satisfaction from a game in my life. Half the game was ok, but as soon as I left the jungle the game became absolutely amazing. It was one of the few games that actually made me cry. It has a very special place in my heart.

I am a dolphin, do you want me on your body?

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A pretty face doesn't mean a pretty heart.

Member 769

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Old Nov 1, 2007, 08:59 AM Local time: Nov 1, 2007, 08:59 AM #5 of 49
My most memorable moment in gaming....

I can only think of one, but it was the best one ever.

When I beat EarthBound. I cried.

I was speaking idiomatically.
Loyal Einherjar

Member 2068

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Mar 2006

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Old Nov 1, 2007, 11:27 AM #6 of 49
1. My mom bought me NES for my birthday, complete with the good ol' zapper. I had played games before this, but this was really what made me a serious addict. Back then I was just a poor kid, so I was rented most of the games I played. I only owned like 7 games.

2. Got a Sega Megadrive, slightly before the SNES came out. It was the shit at the time, the SNES eventually matched it's success, and probably beat it in terms of sales, but I was a big Sega fanboy back then. Games like Streets of Rage 2 and Shinobi III will always be in my memory, even know, I still play them on a emulator.

3. I read in magazines about Nintendo's new console, the Ultra 64, later renamed the Nintendo 64, this was quite possible the console I was anticipating more then any other. I actually preordered it, which I had never done before. I had to do a lot to get the money to be able to buy it, several months allowance in advance, borrowed money from my sister, it was bad, but it was worth it. Mario 64 was great, and Goldeneye and Zelda: OOT are legendary games, I'm glad I was able to play them.

4. I met a guy from my class, and he was talking about his PSX, he didn't seem to play it that often, so at some point I asked if I could borrow it from him, up till that moment I never played it before. He only had a few games that I didn't really care for, but the demodiscs he gave had enough to gave me a good taste of the PSX. He never got his PSX back, I ended up buying it from him, and after a year or so, I modded it and well it were happy times.

5. I saw a lot of commercials of Final Fantasy 7 around the time I bought my friends PSX, so one day I went to the videostore and rented it, I had played some RPGs before it on the SNES, but this one, it really was the milestone for RPGs whether people like to admit it or not. It certainly got me hooked on them. I never played anything quite like it. It was so bad, that I invited a friend of mine to come play it with me, cause he had to see it, and well we ended up playing it for literally 3 days straight, doing nothing but the game.

6. I was relatively late in buying the PS2. Maybe 9 months after the release. I believe I waited for some must have games to come out, eventually I did, and bought more games for it then I ever had before for any console I owned. It was around this time that I really stopped renting games, and just buying them non-stop.

7. Somewhere between the N64 and PSX, I finally got a internet connection. I never experienced dialup modems, I went straight to a low bandwidth cable connection. I remember I was really excited when I finally got it to work. (it was a real hassle to set up at the time) and I couldn't decide what to do, download stuff? watch movies? but Eventually I decided that I should play something online, I never played anything online before. I read some things about Counter-Strike at the time, so I gave it a shot. It was certainly a great experience. I ended up playing CS on a daily basis, joined a few clans with some good friends I knew, and ended up becoming a pretty good player. Eventually I stopped playing, but for at least 3 years I loved it. Even went to several LAN parties and Internet Cafes to play it, but of course other games were played as well.

8. I played a lot of games on the PS2, but one thing that always annoyed me, was how a lot of games don't get released in PAL, for whatever reasons, so I eventually decided to import a NTSC PS2. Looking back now, I might has well just modded my PS2, but I didn't. Either way, it was a great decision. I was able to play a lot of RPGs that never did get released over here. It has other advantages as well, such as not having the black bars onscreen. Right Now I own even more NTSC games then PAL for the PS2. I believe over 60 last time I checked.

9. The Last "OMG" experience I had was with the infamous World of Warcraft. I am a victim of it as well. It all started when I got selected for the closed beta. I had absolutely no expectation of it, I honestly didn't even know anything about the game, I just signed up one time. It certainly was a great experience. I loved it right from the moment I started my little Night Elf in Shadowglen. After 6 months I bought the commercial game, and became a hardcore player. Ended up in a raiding guild, raiding everyday. It started with just Molten Core and Blackwing Lair, later ZG, AQ20/40 and Naxx, but unfortunately, fate had other plans, we had this nazi guildleader, who pretty much killed the guild, all my friends split up. Some quit, some changed server, some joined a new guild where the nazi was in charge again, I had my principles I wouldn't join a guild with her in it, so I decided to quit that day. For me the game was more about talking with my friends on ventrilo then it was about getting purples. It was great while it lasted. I tried the expansion when it came out, but it wasn't the same, playing without my friends made it pointless for me, I quit soon after, and haven't played it since.

What kind of toxic man-thing is happening now?

Soldier: Prepare yourself, rebel scum!!

Arngrim : (These slipshod soldiers think they can call me "rebel scum"?)
Wall Feces
Holy Cow! What Happened!

Member 493

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Mar 2006

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Old Nov 1, 2007, 12:44 PM #7 of 49
1. My first vivid video gaming memory was when my mom beat Dragon Warrior before me. Her name in the game was "POO" which I thought was bloody hilarious. (interesting postscript - She's playing through Phantom Hourglass and named her character Poo for lulz)

2. My uncle had Street Fighter 2 for SNES, and we would play it all the time together. One day, the day he got Game Genie, he not only played as the same character as me, but he showed me the mid-air fireball cheat, and it BLEW MY MIND. He refused to give me the code because he was a little shit back then, but I'll never forget the first time I saw that for some reason.

3. My friends and I were huge Mortal Kombat fans, and I managed to get ahold of Mortal Kombat 2 for SNES the night before it was supposed to be released to the public. When I got home around 8PM, and called my friends and they all came running over to play till 10PM, well past our bed time.

4. The fiasco in getting Ocarina of Time is a downer moment I'll never forget. I went to reserve the game, and the guy at EB told me that all I needed to do was put my name down for a copy and I'd be all set. So I did that, and I was all psyched.

A few weeks later, I went in to EB to collect my game, and they refused to give me a copy, saying that I needed to put money down. I pleaded with the asshole, telling him that I was told I could simply put down my name, but he wouldn't hear it. I walked out of EB, extremely pissed, and to be honest, a little sad.

A couple days went by, and my mom came home to surprise me with a copy of OOT that she found at BJs. I was so excited I played it for 7 hours straight. It wasn't the gold cartridge, but it was still Zelda, and I loved the shit out of it.

5. Junior year of college, it was a pretty terrible year for all of us because of a shitty film we were working on. My friend Matt never hung out with us because he was so god damn busy with this film and he hated every second of it. The year before, we would all gather and play Mario Kart Double Dash nearly every night. We had rarely done that this year.

One day, Matt was sick of all the shit he was putting up with, and he said "guys, Mario Kart." So he came over, we ordered pizza, and we played Double Dash for hours into the night. It was a great night.

Waltz of the Big Dogs

Member 633

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Mar 2006

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Old Nov 1, 2007, 12:56 PM #8 of 49
1. My first encounter with video games was with my cousin. He lived about 10 minutes away from where we lived and apparently they lived a very luxorious lifestyle living in one huge mansion style houses around the area. Anyway, he owned an NES. Back then, I would just be in shock and awe watching him play. I was too chicken to even try initially, since I knew I would do horribly and probably not play as awesome as he was playing. The memorable standout game for me was Super Mario Bros. 3. Thanks to him, I know a good majority of the in-game warps.

2. I believe it was 1994 when my brother had gotten a SNES. It was one of the first video game systems we owned and if there was any game that we were addicted to at the time, it was Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers. Game was hot back then. It was pretty much at that point when I took video gaming on as a habit. My parents, however, were very restrictive with me and my brother playing video games on the weekdays becuase they didn't want it to interfere with our school work. Even today, they're still like that. <_<

I don't really listen to them about that anymore though. I'm in college for christ's sake.

3. Next generation in gaming comes along and my parents are happy with my CAT scores in 2nd grade. To reward me, they decided to get a Nintendo 64 for me. Probably one of the greatest, but also, painfully long, days of my life. Why painfully long? A garbage truck flipped over on on the parkway blocking en route traffic both ways. What was supposed to be a 45 minute drive, turned into 2 hours of waiting. What the fuck.

So we finally get to the huge Toys R Us in Elizabeth and my parents are ready to decide on what game we want with the system. I almost made the tragic mistake of choosing NBA on NBC: Showtime, or whatever the hell it's called. Since my brother wasn't a huge basketball fan, he nudged me off of it and we ended up getting Super Mario 64 instead. I'm happy he made me change my mind.

4. So the dawn of the 6th generation is upon us, and I was a huge Nintendo fanboy. Of course, I still gave love for Sega since a good majority of my friends had Sega Genesis. However, it was around 1999 when my neighbor got a Dreamcast and Sonic Adventure with it. Me and my brother were so amazed with it, we HAD to get it. Lucky for us, my brother's birthday was rolling around the next month. So my parents forked over the $300 for the system, however much it cost to get Marvel vs. Capcom, and a decent 3rd party controller. It was heaven on earth for that amount of time.

5. Chirstmas the same year rolls around, we get Soul Calibur and Sonic Adventure II. Nuff' said.

6. Me and my family venture off to the Philippines and at the time the Playstation was still a hot commodity. So I finally convince my parents to get me one since we had never owned any Sony consoles in the past. What was a greater perk was that, not only was the system priced about the same in the Philippines as it was in the US, it came with free copied games upon purchase. So we ended up choosing about 25 free games with our system. One of the games (along with the various sequels) I picked up was Dance Dance Revolution. Since then, my life was changed forever.

7. It's about 2003 when I finally get PS2. My aunt gave me one despite the fact that my parents never wanted me to get one in the first place. Not like I cared, but hell, I could finally catch up with the PS2 games I never played.

8. Come present time, I was on the search for a Wii for about 3 months before finally picked up on Wal-Mart having some available. The ultimate win for me since they were still hard to find at the time and EVERYONE wanted one. The week long wait sucked, but hell, I got 6 games with the system, what was there to complain about?

That's about it for now.

What, you don't want my bikini-clad body?
Did you see anything last night?

Member 629

Level 46.64

Mar 2006

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Old Nov 1, 2007, 01:15 PM Local time: Nov 1, 2007, 01:15 PM 1 #9 of 49
o lawd. Gaming memories =d Gaming has been, like, my #1 hobby since FOREVER. Literally, I cannot remember NOT having an NES.

My memories kinda fade in to obscurity and -- ohh. I have a NES. To be honest, it was my older brothers' (five and two years older respectively) moreso than mine. I'd play and fuck around, not exhibiting much skill. But yes. Memorable moments?... We'll fast-forward to SNES since NES was an era of fucking awesome in itself.

1) FFIV or FF2 in the US. The game was a phenomenal, unprecedented RPG. The best scene in the whole game? It still gives me chills
The scene where Rydia shows up in the underworld right as Cecil is about to get struck down by Golbeze. Music changes, she steps in and I was all "WHAT THE FUCK =OOOOOOOOO" Most epic moment in the whole god damn game. I actually dropped the controller and almost got killed. Then I let it go and allowed Golbeze to kill me so I could load and rewatch the scene =D

2) I dunno why, but the Aladdin games for the SNES & Genesis had very fond memories o__O Awesome games, and I dunno why, but the SNES version was fucking awesome.

3) Phantasy Star IV. Comic-style cutscenes that stacked up like an anime. This was around when I started to get drawn in to Ranma and delve directly in to anime itself, so it was of rather special interest to me =3

4) The Shining Force games. The first two, along with the game gear game and the Sega CD one. Those were fucking awesome games. I've replayed all of them so many times but I always stop midway through the Sega CD one (beaten it once). Hmm.

5) Sega Saturn. Period. One of the best systems ever. I recently found a GOOD computer emulator for it, and it's just a huge amount of awesome, win, and nostalgia. All at once ='D Shining Force 3 on this was otherworldly. So fucking awesome.

6) Sega Dreamcast. Period. One of the best systems ever. The games and creativity were top notch, but this also led to a gateway drug, following which I was kept away, cold turkey. I am talking, of course, about Shenmue 1, then later #2 ;__; WHERE'S MY #3. I shouldn't wish too hard though... Sega will probably re-release Shenmue racing games or some fucking shit >=(

7) Playstation 1 had some awesome games, but the Lunar remakes definitely rank up there as "fucking awesome". I still have the original boxes, CDs, and goodies (and I don't wear Lucia's necklace. lol SirVG).

8) Playstation 2 had two monumental games: Metal Gear Solid 3. Nice gameplay, best storyline I've EVER seen in a game of the genre. It felt so god damn *real*. Xenogears had deep story but this for some reason just snagged me and pulled me right in. The ending was so sad ;_;

The other monumental game? Shadow of the fucking Colossus. I heard so much about it at E3 (when it didn't suck~). I bought it on a whim as soon as it came out, the premise sounding cool. It was a fantastic game when I was just walking around, enjoying the scenery. But when I finally got on to the first colossus?

OHH CHRIST ='D I was cackling like a madman at the game's awesomeness. Stabbing the weakspot and being met with a geyser of blood was just so damn awesome. Fuck. I need to get that back from my brother and play it on my HD TV this time through >=(

9...) I could list more, but I'll just go out on a limb and list most FPS games for the PC. The US RPGs don't interest me as much as Japanese ones (the structuring, leveling, story, mood, character development, etc) but most of the FPS games are fucking awesome. Deus Ex, Thief trilogy, Call of Duty, etc. But I think I'll leave it here =U

Jam it back in, in the dark.
Hey, maybe you should try that thing Chie was talking about.


Member 23132

Level 28.40

Mar 2006

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Old Nov 1, 2007, 02:19 PM #10 of 49
Getting to the airport in TMNT for NES.

Game is harder than medical school. Why lie.

There's nowhere I can't reach.
The Latin Cockroach

Member 729

Level 16.74

Mar 2006

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Old Nov 1, 2007, 02:32 PM Local time: Nov 1, 2007, 04:32 PM #11 of 49
7) Playstation 1 had some awesome games, but the Lunar remakes definitely rank up there as "fucking awesome". I still have the original boxes, CDs, and goodies (and I don't wear Lucia's necklace. lol SirVG).
I totally agree with you. It was an amazing experience playing Lunar. I specially like the second one more. It was the first time I ever cared about the characters. There are actually 3 games that made me cry like an idiot and gained the title of awesomeness: MGS3, Lunar Eternal Blue Complete and Shadow Hearts 2.

Metal Gear Solid 3. Nice gameplay, best storyline I've EVER seen in a game of the genre. It felt so god damn *real*.
I love you!

Xenogears had deep story but this for some reason just snagged me and pulled me right in. The ending was so sad ;_;
You mean Xenogears or Xenosaga? For me, Xenogears is the game that everyone must play and pay respect. It has the most amazing story I've ever seen in a videogame. And that's a fact.

If you ment Xenosaga, I wouldn't know, I'm half way Episode 3 and finally the saga is getting better (episode 2 was kinda let down)

Most amazing jew boots

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Did you see anything last night?

Member 629

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Old Nov 1, 2007, 02:35 PM Local time: Nov 1, 2007, 02:35 PM #12 of 49
Xenosaga? Ugh. No thanks. I watched (lol) #1 and didn't care for it afterwards. Plus they aren't going to remake Xenogears eventually. The original plan was to go through all the Xeno story stuff, Xenogears being, like, the second to last installment. It'd eventually get remade, but that fell through. I hate Xenosaga. So hyped >=(

I said Xenogears =V And I meant Xenogears!

I am a dolphin, do you want me on your body?
Hey, maybe you should try that thing Chie was talking about.

Loyal Einherjar

Member 2068

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Mar 2006

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Old Nov 1, 2007, 02:45 PM #13 of 49
I would agree with you on Xenogears if it wasn't for the crap they pulled on disc 2. The first disc was pure win, so why...? why did they have to ruin things on disc 2. There was hardly any gameplay involved, you just watched scenes, after scenes, it's far worse then Xenosaga episode 1. (which I btw didn't mind that much)

I was speaking idiomatically.

Soldier: Prepare yourself, rebel scum!!

Arngrim : (These slipshod soldiers think they can call me "rebel scum"?)
Tails is incompetent!

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Old Nov 1, 2007, 02:51 PM Local time: Nov 2, 2007, 03:51 AM #14 of 49
Planescape Torment (PC RPG). I had read from a few online discussions on how tough the final battle was, various strategies for beating it, etc.

I managed to talk my way to the ending. That's right, I finished the game without a fight due to my dialogue choices. VICTORY

What kind of toxic man-thing is happening now?
Did you see anything last night?

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Old Nov 1, 2007, 03:08 PM Local time: Nov 1, 2007, 03:08 PM #15 of 49
Xellos --
Disk 2 is where Square more or less went "hey guys hurry the fuck up" and rushed the game. It was still good but it didn't get the chance to get fleshed out. This was one reason I was hoping for a remake. It'd allow the story to get build as it should.

Hey, maybe you should try that thing Chie was talking about.

Loyal Einherjar

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Old Nov 1, 2007, 03:10 PM #16 of 49
Yeah, I read about that, but still, it's for that reason I can't rate it as high as I would other games that managed to stay true till the end. It's funny how they ended up doing it again with Xenosaga. =/

What, you don't want my bikini-clad body?

Soldier: Prepare yourself, rebel scum!!

Arngrim : (These slipshod soldiers think they can call me "rebel scum"?)
Wall Feces
Holy Cow! What Happened!

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Old Nov 1, 2007, 03:15 PM #17 of 49
I have another one to add.

My friend and I were playing Final Fantasy VII and we got to the part where Aeris dies, and it made his little sister cry. Awesome.

How ya doing, buddy?
Old Nov 1, 2007, 03:23 PM #18 of 49
Oh wow, that must have been hilarious to watch. ='D

:sworded: <-

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I'm just informing you

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Old Nov 1, 2007, 03:35 PM Local time: Nov 1, 2007, 02:35 PM #19 of 49
Plus they aren't going to remake Xenogears eventually. The original plan was to go through all the Xeno story stuff, Xenogears being, like, the second to last installment. It'd eventually get remade, but that fell through.
Nope. Common mistake, was never gonna happen, etc.

I really hate having to repeat this every time it comes up but Saga was not a prequel to Gears. There are too many story inconsistencies, there would be no Xenogears remake (Saga Episode 5 would not coincide with Xenogears Episode 5, since that implies Episodes 2 and 3 match up with the perfect works timeline of Episodes 2 and 3, which they don't), and so forth.

Plus the developers, y'know, said they weren't connected and shit.

See the Saga Ep. III thread where me and another fellow who's name I can't recall drop more facts than anyone would care to know about to prove this point. I ain't gonna reiterate it all here.

This thing is sticky, and I don't like it. I don't appreciate it.
Did you see anything last night?

Member 629

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Old Nov 1, 2007, 03:45 PM Local time: Nov 1, 2007, 03:45 PM #20 of 49
Note that I said the original plan. When #1 was about to come out, I remember folks mentioning this, but it strayed from that. At least from what I heard. Wrong, right, whatever. Bottom line is that it didn't happen.

Now. 'Nuff about that.

How ya doing, buddy?
Hey, maybe you should try that thing Chie was talking about.

Last edited by Gechmir; Nov 1, 2007 at 03:47 PM.
The Furious One
Good Chocobo

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Old Nov 1, 2007, 03:58 PM Local time: Nov 1, 2007, 08:58 PM #21 of 49
when playing Super Street Fighter 2 Tubro, and seeing Akuma appear as your opponent for the first time

I was speaking idiomatically.

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Old Nov 1, 2007, 04:20 PM Local time: Nov 1, 2007, 03:20 PM #22 of 49
Note that I said the original plan. When #1 was about to come out, I remember folks mentioning this, but it strayed from that. At least from what I heard. Wrong, right, whatever. Bottom line is that it didn't happen.

Now. 'Nuff about that.
Never was the original plan, sorry. That would have involved Monolith getting the rights to the story from Square, which would NEVER HAPPEN IN A BILLION YEARS.

It's a common mistake. I'm not faulting you for it, but I'm just sayin'.

What kind of toxic man-thing is happening now?
Sup GFF faggots, who can't handle shit?

Member 552

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Old Nov 1, 2007, 04:44 PM #23 of 49
1995: Dad picked up Sega Master System for my fith birthday, this was exciting since only games I ever played were those handheld mini games.

1997-1998: First PC. I remember saving enough money for Y's collection (The title was Y's and brackets around it saying Y's in Korean.), of course this was after getting free-set after buying gaming magazine. At the same time, I got Star Craft and Diablo. I never played them much since they scared the hell out of me.

1999: Bought N64, I chose N64 over PS due to LoZ [Looked so epic], 007, DK64 [Never liked CDs]

2002: Started playing R.O, my first MMORPG.

Aunt sent: Pump It Up, my first rythem based game.

2003: I got PS2 for Christmas, I was REALLY excited... but the excitement went really down due to

1. Slow loading time (I was still used to N64)
2. Crappy ass games (Never liked RPG on console)

During the christmas I bought SP, I remember this playing under bed cover during night >:]. Good ol' days.

2004: After R.O Beta being finished (2003), I remember Nabhan reintroducing me to the game [with English interface ._.]

On Xmas, got Nintendo DS. I didn't give a hoot what games came with it, I remember playing countless hours of Metroid Prime: Hunters Demo.

2005: First FPS on PC ever: F.E.A.R, started to play online, this is the game that hooked me with FPS.

2006: Preordered Wii and PS3. Ps3 wasn't exciting, I knew the price would be skyrocketing so I preordered to sell it.

Bought Nintendo Lite, kick ass system.

2007: I hate to admit it, I hate Sony. But some games on PSP grabbed my attention really bad and I ended up buying PSP slim/lite.

P.S Haha, M$ didn't get jack from me other than paying for OS.


Last edited by Kimchi; Nov 1, 2007 at 04:52 PM.

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Old Nov 1, 2007, 04:48 PM Local time: Nov 1, 2007, 04:48 PM #24 of 49
Fighting Kefka- hearing Dancing Mad and watching the ending for the first time in Final Fantasy VI- is about as good as it has gotten for me. I think I sat in silence for half an hour after it was over, just taking it all in. I was sad it had to end.

What, you don't want my bikini-clad body?
Rope Snake

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Jul 2006

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Old Nov 1, 2007, 05:09 PM #25 of 49
I've got a few memories of gaming in general, and of great personal achievements.

1. Buying my Nintendo 64. My parents bought me an NES when I was 3, and an SNES when I was 9, but they later told me video game systems were getting too expensive, so they wouldn't buy me anymore in the future. When the N64 was announced, I really wanted it, but my parents told me to save up for it myself. So I saved up my three dollar a week allowance for one and a half fricking years. And then I finally bought that sucker. (in an unrelated move of ass-hattery on my parents behalf, they turned around and bought my sister a Playstation the next week so she wouldn't feel left out)

2. 1999 was a great year for me and my NES. I pulled out my NES and decided to go through and beat those games that were impossible as a kid. Within a few weeks, I stormed through the following games, all for the first time.
-Super Mario Bros.
-Punch Out
-Castlevania 3
-Double Dragon 2
-TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA FRICKING TURTLES (haven't beat it since, haha) (and god, I was on my last half of a life bar too)

Man, I jumped up and down on my couch in joy so much that year.

3. DDR tournaments. Until DDR, I was never really great at any game which involved competition with others. I could only fare well against predictable computer opponents. But I started with DDR in 2000, before it was really big, and in 2002, I entered a tournament. I lost terribly, but I learned from a few good people, and met some cool people. I started constantly playing with these much better players, and got up to their skill level. By 2004, I was one of the top players in Michigan. I ended up winning a few tournaments and placing high in some others.

4. I moved on from DDR though, and on to IIDX. I was getting tired of it for a few reasons. I was already at the top tier of songs, and whether or not I did better was usually coming down to a matter of one misstep, and I didn't want to keep paying at the arcades for a slim shot at minimal improvements. One of my friends had imported some Beatmania IIDX games, so I played them at his apartment. I was amazed. The difficulty was ramped up so high, even with good DDR skills, I got destroyed by 90% of the songs. It was an incredibly masochistic challenge I was willing to take on. So I bought a Japanese PS2 and imported the games myself. After 3+ years of this game, I still am nowhere near passing some songs and still find fun in the vast improvements I can make. Apart from a few moments of frustration, this series has been a blast to play.

5. The Lunar series is awesome. Especially with what Working Designs did for it. I bought both of the games for the Playstation, and I love them both. They may have been the earliest instances of cutscenes in games for me, and the high quality art/voice acting really impressed me. Add to that the great script that WD put in and all the bonus material, and I was just amazed with the whole thing on every front. The included soundtracks made it even better, for someone like me who loved video game music but hadn't quite come to realize it yet.

6. Kind of similar to the previous one is the Metroid series. Every game has amazed me. The gameplay and atmosphere make for an incredible experience, allowing for a huge world, a lot of exploration, but a lot of fast, intense moments too. And with the added element of time attacking and item collecting that the games have always focused on, and I had reason to keep coming back over and over.

Jam it back in, in the dark.

Last edited by TheKnightOfNee; Nov 1, 2007 at 05:12 PM.

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