Jul 3, 2006, 08:58 PM
#1 of 1
Problem Ripping PC Game Music
I just installed the PC version of Sonic Mega Collection on my computer, and wanted to rip the music from the games since the sound is way better than the sound from the Genesis/Mega Drive games (much cleaner and less muffled). Running the game in Windowed mode, and using Adobe Audition, I attempted to play the sound test in the game and record it with Audition. However, the sound would go choppy and staticy here and there, for no apparent reason. It does this even when I am not recording.
I am running a P4 at 3ghz, with a gig of ram. The only things running were the game, Audition, and my AV. The soundcard is onboard, but isnt a terrible crappy one.
Any suggestions on how to remedy this issue? Is anyone able to rip all the music rom the multitude of games in SMC is they are provided with a copy of the PC version?
Jam it back in, in the dark.