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Making Video Files
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Good Chocobo

Member 4749

Level 17.91

Apr 2006

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Old Jun 18, 2007, 07:48 PM #1 of 1
Making Video Files

I need someone to help me make video files from DVD rips. I am trying to rip individual episodes (from Sonic the Hedgehog in this instance) and turn them into a compressed, but high quality files (avi, mov, mkv, whatever works). I've googled and come up with a few guides, but none of them were easy to understand. From what I've gathered it takes a LOT of work and time to do this kind of thing, and it's also complicated. I use a MAC. Is anyone willing to help me? Maybe if anyone would be interested in these files, I could even u/l them for the community.


Jam it back in, in the dark.

Exploding Garrmondo Weiner Interactive Swiss Army Penis > Garrmondo Network > Help Desk > Making Video Files

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