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CD Drive Problems
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Member 983

Level 17.72

Mar 2006

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Old Jan 9, 2007, 04:03 PM #1 of 1
CD Drive Problems

For a good long while now I have been without a CD drive because I thought it was broken. I haven't had a need to do anything with one but now I do so I figured I would try to fix it. I thought I would end up having to replace it, but I was playing around last night with my World of Warcraft Installation Disk trying to get it to work.

The Eject Button works fine, but when I put a disk in..the green light comes on but it doesnt read it. When I go to My Computer and click the drive it says to please insert a disk. I figure it just isnt reading right?

Ok heres the kicker. I reboot my computer with the disk in, and all of the sudden I can hear the drive working and go to My Computer ..and bam, it is reading the disk. I prematurely cheered and pressed eject and reinserted a disk in hopes that it was forever fixed. However it didnt read the disk after I put it back in.

Any idea of how I can fix this or can someone point me in the direction of where to find out how to get this fixed? Short Summary: CD drive not reading disk, rebooted computer with disk in, disk was read, opened drive, closed drive..not reading disk anymore. Another note, when i rebooted as I said I could hear it reading the there is nothing...just the green light coming on and flashing for 10 seconds or so before stopping.

How ya doing, buddy?

Exploding Garrmondo Weiner Interactive Swiss Army Penis > Garrmondo Network > Help Desk > CD Drive Problems

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