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Finals: Or how I should take this cyanide pill
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Member 814

Level 22.27

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 24, 2006, 12:01 AM Local time: Apr 23, 2006, 09:01 PM #1 of 33
Finals: Or how I should take this cyanide pill

Finals is right around the corner! Mine starts the beginning of May and ends the second week of May. Two whole weeks of cramming and studying and thinking about blowing up the school so you don't have to take finals. All those caffeine pills, and Adderall drugs!

I'm currently writing a 12 page marketing paper about critiquing a cell phone brand. It's hell reading over 10-k reports and other financial documents trying to write this. Because of litigation reasons, these assholes like to write like lawyers and make it ambiguos as hell.

Then I have an accounting midterm, which deals with management. This deals all about overhead management and the balance sheet. If this is credited, this is debited. If depreciation exists, it should be on the balance sheet for GAAP reasons. For cash budgeting, depreciation is excluded.

Then there is finance. What is the present value of this? You bid on an IPO that you think is worth $50. But knowing that it is underpriced, it is most likely going to be sold at $40. What is the probability of the success of this stock? Is it better to invest in bonds, where you have a higher guarantee of a return?

Then there's physics. This is actually a very easy class. Since I'm good with numbers, using the formulas to figure out what I need is relatively easy. For the first midterm, I studied four about two hours, and I set the curve.

But besides that, I AM SO SCREWED!!!

Care to share your woes/pains?

Jam it back in, in the dark.

Dance party!

Last edited by Trigunnerz; Apr 24, 2006 at 12:04 AM.

Member 2277

Level 27.57

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 24, 2006, 12:05 AM #2 of 33
I had like, 6 10 page essays, but i like/am pretty good at essays, so i don't really mind those. My last uni exam is tommorrow afternoon, so i'm pretty hyped for summer. I don't know, i don't really study for exams. I probably should, but i'm pretty unmotivated, especially this close to summer, so i just try and do well and don't stress myself at all over it (even thought i probably should be a little stressed.)

Summer ~

There's nowhere I can't reach.

Member 770

Level 34.03

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 24, 2006, 12:07 AM Local time: Apr 24, 2006, 12:07 AM #3 of 33
Got a test tomorrow in Short Story, so I'm working up the take-home essay portion of my all-essay test. There's also an essay due tomorrow for a piss-off class called Psychology and Life, which is basically like a counselor power-hour where we talk about our feelings. Got an oral presentation in Short Story on wednesday over my chosen author, which equates to half of my final, got two final papers due, 12-15 pages each, in Fiction & Feminism and Short Story, both of which equate the other half of my grade after oral presentation, and a Quantitative Methods final for which I haven't studied and haven't read the last 5 chapters.

And then my dad calls me this afternoon and tells me my grandmother is in bad shape and may not make it through the night. So aside from all the emotional shit, there's the funeral to consider, which will likely fall smack in the middle of everything coming up.

This thing is sticky, and I don't like it. I don't appreciate it.

Member 814

Level 22.27

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 24, 2006, 12:07 AM Local time: Apr 23, 2006, 09:07 PM #4 of 33
Originally Posted by of pom
I had like, 6 10 page essays, but i like/am pretty good at essays, so i don't really mind those. My last uni exam is tommorrow afternoon, so i'm pretty hyped for summer. I don't know, i don't really study for exams. I probably should, but i'm pretty unmotivated, especially this close to summer, so i just try and do well and don't stress myself at all over it (even thought i probably should be a little stressed.)

Summer ~

Oh yes, did I also mention I'm a frat boy who just drinks all day? :chug: I'm from the kappa kappa kappa frat! Need to represent!

Dude, my dad owns this dealership.

How ya doing, buddy?

Dance party!

Last edited by Trigunnerz; Apr 24, 2006 at 12:11 AM.
Did you see anything last night?

Member 629

Level 46.64

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 24, 2006, 12:13 AM Local time: Apr 24, 2006, 12:13 AM #5 of 33
Finals in:
Advanced Vector Cal
Theory Gravity & Magnetics
Structural Geology.

Here's my take-home final for Computational Methods in Geophysics. It's not very fun... ;(

Geop 470 Final Exam
Due: Monday, May1, 2006, 5 P.M.

You may use your book or notes, but may not work together on this.

1. Consider the fluid layer in T&S Figure 6-41, with the approximate velocities given by (6-355) and (6-356).
(a) Show that these equations describe an incompressible fluid; also, explain and show mathematically why the relationship (6-357) has to be true.
(b) Suppose that these are the velocities resulting from thermal convection. If you knew the velocity, u0, how would you write an expression for the thickness of the thermal boundary layer as a function of distance along the top wall?
Find the mean thickness of this boundary layer, by integrating your expression.
(c) Assume that you can describe the horizontally-averaged temperature profile as two thermal boundary layers over an isothermal core. With a uniform viscosity and no internal heating, the top and bottom boundary layers are the same thickness an must have the same heat flux. Sketch this temperature profile.
(d) Use your expression from (b) to find an expression for Nusselt number, in terms of the velocity, u0, box size and fluid properties. Use their calculated relationship (6-362) to write a relationship between Nu and Rayleigh number.

2. (a) Write very simple energy conservation equations for a planet that has differentiated into an iron core and silicate mantle. Write your equations in terms of spherically-averaged mantle and core temperatures, surface heat flux and the heat flux between core and mantle. Sketch the problem, and sketch a plot of temperature vs. radius. You will need to assume all of the following:
i. spherical symmetry
ii. the mantle is uniform in it’s properties (density, conductivity, viscosity, etc.)
iii. the mantle has a uniform source of radioactive heating, caused by a single long-half-life element (i.e., can be described by a single decay constant)
iv. the mantle is completely solid (no phase changes are occurring)
v. the mantle is convecting, and the boundary layers are relatively thin
vi. the core has uniform properties (but they are not necessarily equal to those of the mantle).
vii. there is no heat production in the core
viii. the core is completely liquid, convecting at such a high rate that it’s temperature can be approximated by a single value.
ix. the surface temperature is at a fixed value

You get to pick your own variables for everything. That means you need to define everything so I know what they are. Include a table, where you list the variable name, a verbal description and units.

Manipulate your equations until they have units of temperature/time (deg/s).

(b) Write an expression for conductive heat flux across the thermal boundary layer at the base of the core. Write an expression for surface heat flux in terms of the Nusselt number. Remember the Nusselt number is the ratio of the surface heat flux across the top cold thermal boundary layer to the heat flux that would arise from just conduction (no convection) from the core to surface (for this latter value, treat the mantle as a flat layer, rather than a spherical shell, for simplicity).

Substitute these expressions for heat flux into your conservation equation from (a).

(c) Assume that we can approximate the mantle as an iso-viscous fluid, that is primarily heated from below. In this sort of fluid, experiments tell us that thickness of the thermal boundary layer, , is related to the Raleigh Number by

where D is the thickness of the mantle, Racr is the critical Rayleigh Number and  a dimensionless exponent.
Given your definition of Nusselt number above, write an expression relating Nu to Ra.
Substitute for  and Nu in your equations.

(d) Non-dimensionalize your system of equations. HINT: I think it is a bit easier if you introduce a parameter that is the ratio of core radius to outer mantle radius. Choose your time and temperatures scales.

(e) You should now have two equations of this form:

where Tm and Tc are the average mantle and core temperatures, respectively, and the P’s are dimensionless parameters that you have calculated along the way.

Write out expressions for the P’s.

Now use the MATLAB script Convect1.m to solve these equations for core and mantle temperatures as a function of time. The parameter values to use for a silicate mantle and iron core are

mantle density = 3400 kg/m3
core density = 8800 kg/m3
mantle specific heat = 1200 J/kg-deg
core specific heat = 1200 J/kg-deg
thermal expansion coefficient=3x10-5 deg-1
mantle thermal conductivity = 4.2 J/m-deg-s
initial heat production rate = 3.4x10-11 J/kg-deg
time constant for radioactive decay = 1.3x10-17 s-1

For a first problem, let’s do the Earth: look up the radius and core radius in your book.
Set the initial mantle and core temperatures both equal to 3700 ˚C. Using these parameters, calculate Ra for internally-heated fluids (T&S equation 6-234), using a viscosity of 1021 Pa-s.
Assume that =1/3, and Racr=1000.
Calculate the P parameters.

Convect1 will read 12 numbers from the file cparams.txt. The first six are the P parameters, in order. The seventh is your time scale, the eighth is your temperature scale. The ninth and tenth are the planet radius and core radius. The eleventh is the initial temperature of the core and mantle, and the twelfth is Ra.
Change the dummy values in cparams.txt with your calculated values, and run the script. You will get a plot of core and mantle temperature vs. time, for 4.5 By.

From this output:
- print your plot
- from your plot (or by typing Tm(N) after the script finishes) get mantle temperature at the present day, based on your model. Using the previously calculated thermal boundary layer thickness, what is the average surface heat flow for your model?
- sketch mantle temp. vs. radius at 4 By ago, 2 By ago and today. Explain what the difference in your plots imply for heat transfer through the mantle.

(f) Another dimensionless number used in convection studies is the Urey number (Ur) which is the ratio of the total heat flow out of the surface of a planet, to the total of heat being produced within the planet. This is a measure of “secular cooling” or loss of the planet’s original heat. Write an expression for Urey number, and calculate it’s present day value according to the run in part (e). How does Ur change over time?

(g) Rerun your model with a Ra 10 times higher and 10 times lower than your original value. Show your plots, and describe how this changes the results.

(h) Mars: redo your calculation, with planet radius=3400km, and core radius 1400 km. Keep everything else the same, but recalculate anything that depends on the radii (like Ra). Print your cparams files and plot. Describe the differences from Earth.

(j) The Moon: planet radius=1740 km, core radius=400 km. Print your cparams files and plot. What has happened here and why? We discussed this problem with the Moon before. What characteristic of the mantle is likely to be different for the Moon? Change that value and rerun.

(k) For each of the three planets, recalculate the Ra for the present day (some of the numbers you put in the original Ra should have changed). As the heat source decays, the Ra will decrease, which should decrease the rate of cooling.

What if you account for temperature-dependent viscosity?
Suppose that the mantle viscosity is given by

where T0 is the initial mantle temperature, and Tm is the current mantle temperature. The script Convect2.m automatically adjust the Ra for increasing viscosity and decreasing heat production. You just give it the initial value.

Rerun your Earth calculation using the script Convect2.m. It reads all the same parameters, but it modifies your input Ra during the run, as the heat production decreases, and the viscosity increases. It will also plot the variation of Ra with time in a separate figure: you might need to use log axes to see this better.

Run a few trial cases with planets of different radii, but a core/planet radius ratio of 0.5; with all else equal, try to find the size planet that hit Ra=1 right about the present day. Just show your final run.

I was speaking idiomatically.
Hey, maybe you should try that thing Chie was talking about.

Wall Feces
Holy Cow! What Happened!

Member 493

Level 46.34

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 24, 2006, 12:18 AM #6 of 33

Tri-Lam liek wut. It's cool though when I get out of college I'm gonna go work at my dad's dealership.

What I have due-

- The first act of a feature-length script (30 pages)
- A 12 page research paper on film director John Huston
- A 30-minute film completely mixed for sound design
- Another 30-minute film completed edited AND mixed
- A take-home final

Yeah, I've been pretty busy lately.

What kind of toxic man-thing is happening now?

Member 41

Level 38.30

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 24, 2006, 12:27 AM Local time: Apr 23, 2006, 10:27 PM #7 of 33
Thank you for this thread. I need to complain, and I usually don't like to share my complaining with people. But since you want it...

I'm not worried about finals yet, and probably won't be ever. But this week is hell. I'm all-nighting right now because:

Between last Wednesday and tomorrow, I would have been through almost 30 meetings (yes, including the GFF meet!).

Tomorrow I have a 20-page business plan due for my technology start-up ventures class. I also have to submit the final revision of a three-year 150-page thesis for a team research project on electromagnetic weapons. I am also designing a Discrete Wavelet Transform filter for hardware image compression in Verilog for this Xilinx FPGA as the midterm project for my modern digital system design class.

Now, all the aforementioned are team projects, but I'm the head of all of them. So I have to coordinate and wait for everybody's parts, put them all together as well as fix all their mistakes, and test and debug and correct everything. The business plan is due in 15 hours. I have two meetings tomorrow. The thesis is due in 19 hours. The Verilog project is due Tuesday morning by 9AM. In addition, I have to prepare a presentation for it for Tuesday morning as well.

Then on Tuesday, I also have the second midterm in one of my computer science courses. I have yet to begin studying for that yet. ;_;

Right after Tuesday, I have to work on a Microprocessors project from almost two years ago, which is pretty much implementing a shitload of interrupt handling and DMA in assembly for an old x86-processor based board. I also have to write a file system. These two are due on Saturday.

Then there's just a few more end-of-the years events to coordinate for my school's Filipino group, since I am the Vice President and all. Plus there's a bunch of meetings for that this week.

Then there's venture capitalist presentations. O MAH GOODNESS!

I need to cry. ;_;

waka waka


Last edited by nazpyro; Apr 24, 2006 at 12:30 AM.

Member 22

Level 30.86

Feb 2006

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Old Apr 24, 2006, 12:27 AM Local time: Apr 23, 2006, 09:27 PM #8 of 33
I have finals in three weeks.

I'm currently setting the curve in my biology class, so I'm not too worried anymore. One paper in that class is due this week, and then one more quiz. I have a ten-page essay due in my English class, and it's the last assignment that counts.

The only four in-class exam finals are for my biology lecture, chemistry lecture, chemistry lab, and philosophy class. I tend to study about two weeks in advance for finals, so after I complete the last essays, I'll begin memorizing and reviewing.

How ya doing, buddy?
The Lotus Eater

Member 628

Level 30.15

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 24, 2006, 01:06 AM Local time: Apr 23, 2006, 11:06 PM #9 of 33
I'm in my second finals week now. I just recently completed my Flash final, which I chose to do a cartoon short. I hand animated the entire thing, save for scenes that I could reuse.

The second project I did was for Speculative Biology, which is basically anatomy that covers humans, animals and fantastic creatures. I had to make my own creature and present it in class.

For my Photoshop class, I have to make a themed collage, I chose Young vs. Old.

In my scene and lighting design class I have to pick a scene from any material and create a set and light it and make a 3D model, either physcial or in a 3D program and present it.

Finally in my Advanced Maya class I have to create a biped character. I'm going to make a zombie. I also have to finish up a car using NURBS.

My stuff isn't as work intensive as you guys, though it just piles up which gets frustrating.

How ya doing, buddy?
Larry Oji, Super Moderator, Judge, "Dirge for the Follin" Project Director, VG Frequency Creator

Member 5540

Level 2.12

Apr 2006

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Old Apr 24, 2006, 03:36 AM Local time: Apr 24, 2006, 12:36 AM #10 of 33

It's 1:31 a.m. and here's what I have to do:

(1) Study Compsci (don't know shit about this, I'm probably gonna fail)
(2) Study history (don't know shit about this either, but I need an Advanced on my Califoria Standarized Test tomorrow to get an A in the class :aargh: )

Next week:


AP English Language Test (i have to do tons of MC and essay practice before this test to ensure my 5; i'm at a 4 level right now )


AP Calculus B/C Test (still gotta touch up on plenty of things, though I got 5's on practice tests I've taken)


AP US History Test (boy was I fucking stupid to take this test, I'm not even enrolled in AP US History and seriously seriously underestimated how much material is in this course that is on the test; costs one-hundred something dollars to cancel the test, so i gotta study a shitload for this one)


AP Chemistry Test (I really need a 5 on this one to get an A in the class cuz I got a B first semester :aargh: ; still gotta study a lot for this test, which is the most difficult of the ones i'm taking)


How ya doing, buddy?
Flying High

Member 488

Level 23.98

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 24, 2006, 05:51 AM #11 of 33
Well, my first exam is this morning, in an hour... I found out about it on Sunday afternoon, lol.

Got drunk both nights, and smoking a joint right now, woo

This thing is sticky, and I don't like it. I don't appreciate it.
Licensed Commercial Pilot!
Currently: Float Pilot in BC
Need a pilot? PM Me.
Commercial Pilot, land and seaplanes, single and multi engines, instrument rating... I'm a jack of all trades! I can even be type rated!


Member 2496

Level 14.14

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 24, 2006, 06:13 AM #12 of 33
I have a chemistry final in 2 hours. It covers a years worth of material, mind you my university is based mostly on semestered courses. But for some, oh so LUCKY, reason this course was year long. Anyways, covering this material wasn't fun.

Had 3 finals so far, biology, psychology and physics. All three exams went terribly. So I'm ultra stressed for this upcoming exam. But lucky for me, I'll be done by tomorrow. So right now I'm more in the "I just want to get this over with quickly" mood.

I am a dolphin, do you want me on your body?
Smoke. Peat. Delicious.

Member 246

Level 21.94

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 24, 2006, 06:23 AM #13 of 33
Finals are gonna be easy this term. The only one where I might have trouble is the "advanced calculus" one, simply because it covers everything we've seen during the term, unlike other finals, and there's quite a bit of material overall, the biggest chunk of it being in the "advanced differential calculus" section, which is also what we've seen first, and thus the least fresh in my memory. Not that it's harder than the part on integral calculus or the one on Fourier Series. It's just that there's a lot of stuff.

Fortunately, my other finals don't cover much material. There isn't even one in french, english one should be easy, I've already went through my last philosophy course last term, done organic chemistry 2 terms ago, and my Statistics and Probabilities final, as well as my Astronomy/Astrophysics one should both be really easy.

So for the last time in my life I can actually not feel stressed about finals. I'm sure it'll change next year.

I was speaking idiomatically.
Baby shrink

Member 534

Level 37.83

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 24, 2006, 07:22 AM #14 of 33
It's the last week of finals here at McGill. As usual, I got FUCKED in my winter semester. I was recovering from mono for most of March and then I had two exams on April 19. That was not fun. Well, at least it was better than last year when I had two exams the first day of finals and then one the next morning. At least this time I had a week and a bit to prepare.

I've got another final on Wednesday - I just can't bring myself to study for it though, it's just boring. The material doesn't interest me at all. I've got a paper due on Friday which requires some minor editing and then I'm free for the weekend. I start work a week from now in Dr. Vogel's lab. I don't know what I'm doing yet...

I guess I'll be starting my med school applications this summer as well. I'll have a bunch due in October.

What kind of toxic man-thing is happening now?

Tails is incompetent!

Member 5

Level 45.31

Feb 2006

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Old Apr 24, 2006, 07:51 AM Local time: Apr 24, 2006, 08:51 PM #15 of 33
Originally Posted by nazpyro
Right after Tuesday, I have to work on a Microprocessors project from almost two years ago, which is pretty much implementing a shitload of interrupt handling and DMA in assembly for an old x86-processor based board.
Oh hell yes!
My project involves making a multimeter that talks. Basically interfacing an 80186 development board with an 8255, 2Mbit ROM, 7-segment array, keypad, DAC, amplifier + speaker, ADC, 4052 and other assorted components -- plus juggling timer interrupts in assembly code. Here's a picture of it from two weeks ago:

I have to hand it in by this week ;_;

Had my Computer Communication Networks II exam earlier today. Bunch of questions on link utilization, TCP congestion control, DNS and RTT convergence. Boring

I poked it and it made a sad sound

Member 24

Level 51.86

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 24, 2006, 08:40 AM #16 of 33
I admire Blah. I really wish I were learning the things he's learning. They seem so practical.

I probably have finals sometime in 2 weeks. I never pay attention, really. I just show up, eventually ask my professor "hey, don't we have finals soon?"

I never really panic over schoolwork. Mostly because I just don't care too much about it. I worry more about bills and work - things that matter in life, suppose. My grades never drop below a C+, but I don't strive for anything like a perfect GPA. It just doesn't matter to me.

But yea. I hardly think about finals. If I paid attention to the semester, I should do fine with a little refresher, in theory. I don't even really know how to study, really - what I study never STICKS.

What, you don't want my bikini-clad body?
The best exploding rabbit user there is.

Member 695

Level 43.57

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 24, 2006, 08:49 AM #17 of 33
Hey Blah that's my laptop!

Oh dear, well it looks like I'm fortunate to have my lethal exams out of they way. Although from what you described, Trigunnerz, I am starting to dread entering 2nd year commerce next year (assuming I passed my hardest exams).

My first was Macroeconomics, one of my achilles heels. It didn't help that our professor has overheads that are akin to children's scribbles, since he doesn't like to draw new graphs, he'll scribble all over the old ones. Rather, it was more textbook learning, and out of that, more like studying the duration of the week before the exam.

My second and the one that wasted many hours of my life was Calculus II. I'm one of those crazies that takes calculus for fun and then cries in the end when he realizes that only the geniuses and hard-workers should ever even look at this course. I spent every waking hour on MSN for a whole week doing the practice problems with a friend. May that never happen again! I understood the stuff a lot better after that and I think I would have failed if I hadn't done that. However, everyone in the class still got raped on the Remainder Theorem and series parts, just as on the second midterm.

My third was Linear Algebra. Fortunately this was not as bad as I thought. we had a generous professor who made the exam rather short and the material a hell of a lot more straightforward than Macro or Calc was. I actually have a potential shot at a perfect here rather than being capped at, say a 70%, assuming I didn't make any stupid mistakes like 6+1=6 in my matrices.

My two easiest exams are tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Linguistics and Commerce, respectively. Although the stupid part is that I haven't studied for either of them yet, and I still have to read 200+ pgs. by Wednesday for Commerce (stupid me!) because I didn't bother to do much work after that dreaded calc exam. Hopefully, the linguistics exam will be just as bird as the midterm:

Sample question: What Lexical Category is the word "shoe?"
Hopefully your answer is: "noun"

Q2: "Use it in a sentence"
Possible Answer: "I tied my shoe."

2 marks!

Jam it back in, in the dark.
Sensors indicate an Ancient Civilization

Member 1200

Level 26.94

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 24, 2006, 09:35 AM #18 of 33
This is the last week of classes for me. Next week is finals. Programming, Discrete Math, and Statistics I all enjoy and know like the back of my hand and shouldn't have an issue with. But Biology..... Cumulative over 20 Chapters (Of which I feel comfortable on maybe 11), the Prof has a habit of testing over crap he never went over in lecture..... all I want is a 2.5 in that class and I'll call it fine. The rest of my GPA will be more than enough to balance it out.

There's nowhere I can't reach.

Member 41

Level 38.30

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 24, 2006, 10:09 AM Local time: Apr 24, 2006, 08:09 AM #19 of 33
Originally Posted by Bigblah
Oh hell yes!
My project involves making a multimeter that talks. Basically interfacing an 80186 development board with an 8255, 2Mbit ROM, 7-segment array, keypad, DAC, amplifier + speaker, ADC, 4052 and other assorted components -- plus juggling timer interrupts in assembly code. Here's a picture of it from two weeks ago:


I have to hand it in by this week ;_;
Your board is much cooler than my board. Mine's an 80C188XL with a 2 Mbit Flash. I already got an A in the course (but it's denoted as "incomplete" for now), and my professor from it wanted the project (so I can... graduate). It really just builds on top of work I did already, but I just have to remember that crap from long ago. Anyway, it's got 12 push buttons, a rotary, an infrared sensor, 4 7-segment LEDs, and a couple of other LEDs to play with. It's just supposed to function as a precision heating-coil controller. I don't plan on putting much effort on it. There's an empty socket on it for an FPGA, and that would've been fun, but I never bought one for it.

Glad to hear the other engineering woes. Or maybe not.

This thing is sticky, and I don't like it. I don't appreciate it.
waka waka


Member 2277

Level 27.57

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 24, 2006, 12:05 PM #20 of 33
Originally Posted by Trigunnerz
Oh yes, did I also mention I'm a frat boy who just drinks all day? :chug: I'm from the kappa kappa kappa frat! Need to represent!

Dude, my dad owns this dealership.
Was this directed to me or something, because thats not really what my university life is like at all.

Originally Posted by Rydia
I have finals in three weeks.
We need money, better pass

I am a dolphin, do you want me on your body?
NES Oldskooler

Member 768

Level 10.31

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 24, 2006, 12:07 PM Local time: Apr 24, 2006, 06:07 AM #21 of 33
I've got some work to do for finals. Luckily I have no exams, but this is my final week and I've procrastinated on my major assignments.

The biggest ones are to create a character for my character design class and a C++ program using Windows and DirectX.

The thing about my character design class is that it's all been theory stuff up until about two weeks ago. Then, out of nowhere, my teacher assigns an assignment that would make even a first year animation student (I'm in first year game dev.) break a sweat. Create a character based on an existing game character, do a character rotation of them (front view, side view, 3/4 front view, and back), three dynamic action poses, six facial expressions, and three poses showing body language.

It may not sound like too much, but he hasn't even taught us how to do this. I had to go to a workshop on drawing characters to figure out what to do, but I doubt most people will be as well off as I am.

My other project, for C++, probably won't be too bad, but our teacher has kind of an interesting system he uses to create groups for group projects. He tries to pair up weaker programmers with stronger ones, and this time around I'm supposed to be the "expert" of my group. Unfortunately, I'm totally lost on Windows programming, and I first touched DirectX a few days ago. Since my group members know even less than I do, this is basically going to be a solo effort.

Plus on top of that, I've got an overdue assignment or two to take care of before Friday. I'm sure I'll get it all done, though.

I was speaking idiomatically.
I gotta get my hand on those dragonballz!1

Member 923

Level 24.97

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 24, 2006, 09:45 PM #22 of 33
My finals start this Friday, but because of the rampant confusion over the exam schedules at my school, I didn't find out until today what exam is on what day.
Because of this, I wasn't able to put in for the appropriate time off of work.
Thanks to that, I have to work late every night before an exam.
So basically I'm screwed.

As far as my exams go, I'm only worried about two:

Financial Accounting II.
Not that accounting is an exceptionally hard subject for me, but because of the fact that I have to: memorize 19 different financial ratio analyses and understand how they're used and why; understand the concepts behind cash flow statements; know the process of liquidation for partnerships, corporations, and proprietorships; investments in stocks and bonds (this about sums up the Bonds section); corporations (including stock offerings, dividend payouts, retained earnings, bond issuance, etc); and understand and be able to apply financial statement analysis.

Introductory Statistics.
Because I hate permutations and combinations and binomial probabilities...and greek letters.

The other two I have, Macroeconomics and Ethics shouldn't be too much of a bother. Economics is all supply and demand, which ain't no thang. As for Ethics, I just need to remember who preached what moral theory, and how that theory worked.

What kind of toxic man-thing is happening now?
Good to see you, England

Member 524

Level 28.48

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 24, 2006, 10:28 PM Local time: Apr 24, 2006, 09:28 PM #23 of 33
I have my Viola Jury (playing test) coming up on May 10th. Playing two pieces from the third JS Bach Cello Suite [from memory], the second movement of Bloch's Suite Hebraique and possibly Faure's Apres un Reve/After a Dream [also from memory]. That's looking pretty good -- my Piano jury will be murder, though. I can't play piano worth beans and we have to do improv.

I'm worried about my Theory final, since it's basically just going to be analysing a Sonata completely, form-wise and Roman numeral analysis . I'm sort of worried about my Music History final, but not too much. History/book-learning sort of comes naturally to me.

More immediate concerns are the sonata I have to write by next Friday, and the Research paper on Schubert's Death and the Maiden Quartet that's due *this* Friday. OMFG.

Wonderful Chocobo

Member 940

Level 19.45

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 24, 2006, 10:56 PM Local time: Apr 24, 2006, 07:56 PM #24 of 33
Man am I in a deep hole of shit. AP calculus, AP statistics and AP physics finals later this week on wednesday, thursday, and friday. AP Calculus, I really need to brush up on all the stuff we've learned all year. So many things that I've forgotten, its a wonder how I'm bumbling my way through this class. So much shit to cover, gotta go back and review how to do absolute value dx, Rolle's therom and those shitty Riemann sums, holy crap...
AP stats, I'm kind of okay with since I did rather well in-class, but during the practice exams I've found out that I'm not as well prepared as I think I was, more studying to do there to, blasted binomial probabilities.
And then there is AP physics, and holy shit I'm gonna get it up the ass with this one. I've really got to study for this damn test. Overall I understand most of the concepts, I just have a really really hard time applying those damned concepts and remembering how to translate concepts into mathematical equations. And all this is provided I remember to use the right concepts.
Basically I'm screwed for my finals, god, I never remember my AP psych and APUSH finals to be this hard to study for...yet I'm still here on GFF posting... better get back to the books...

How ya doing, buddy?
Good Chocobo

Member 555

Level 18.44

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 24, 2006, 11:06 PM #25 of 33
My school doesn't have finals, but that doesn't mean everything is peachy. Instead, the teachers assign major 50% of your trimester grade projects and they all happen to be due the same week. Last week was unbearable. I had to make a working roller coaster out of copper tubing for physics, write a 10 page adapation of Dante's Inferno for English, and a 5 page essay on Eastern Europe's economy post communism for history.

Jam it back in, in the dark.
"We Stole the Eagle from the Air Force, the Anchor from the Navy, and the Rope from the Army. On the seventh day, while God rested, we over-ran his perimeter and stole the globe, and we've been running the show ever since. We live like soldiers, talk like sailors, and slap the hell out of both of them. WARRIORS BY DAY, LOVERS BY NIGHT, PROFESSIONALS BY CHOICE, AND MARINES BY THE GRACE OF GOD."

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