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Ask An Obscure Question.
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For Great Justice!

Member 600

Level 38.35

Mar 2006

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Old Mar 3, 2006, 12:17 PM #1 of 102
Ask An Obscure Question.

I really hope this doesn't turn into a joke thread. I'd like to keep the questions serious, if at all possible.

In this thread, you can ask any weird or obscure question that's always plagued you. Who knows...maybe someone will know the answer!

Here are my questions:
1. Do blind people care what their partner looks like?
2. What is the origin of mayonnaise? (I've always wondered about that. I mean, did someone actually think, "Hey, I'll bet egg whites, oil and vinegar would taste really great together!" or was it an accidental discovery?

Jam it back in, in the dark.

Member 133

Level 28.95

Mar 2006

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Old Mar 3, 2006, 12:21 PM Local time: Mar 3, 2006, 11:21 AM #2 of 102
Well if I was blind... I'd want a virgin! Cause I think that's all that would really matter if you couldn't even see her (body-wise). And the mayonnaise... I have no clue.

There's nowhere I can't reach.
Carob Nut

Member 537

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Mar 2006

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Old Mar 3, 2006, 12:29 PM Local time: Mar 3, 2006, 05:29 PM #3 of 102
Originally Posted by AliceNWondrland
2. What is the origin of mayonnaise? (I've always wondered about that. I mean, did someone actually think, "Hey, I'll bet egg whites, oil and vinegar would taste really great together!" or was it an accidental discovery?
I had a friend who's training to be a professional chef, but before she started she was extremely interested in weird historical facts about food. We had a long discussion about mayonnaise once, because I too thought it was an odd creation and we had been doing emulsifiers in chemistry and she told me the story - basically it was made by the French chef of a duke who was preparing a feast after the duke's victory - I think he was to serve something with a sauce made of cream and eggs but since there was no cream he had to find a substitute - so he used oil. I think vinegar was added as a preservative at a later date.

This thing is sticky, and I don't like it. I don't appreciate it.
For Great Justice!

Member 600

Level 38.35

Mar 2006

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Old Mar 3, 2006, 12:36 PM #4 of 102
Wow. I really didn't expect that question to get answered. That's so cool that you knew that.

Anyway, I sincerely hope that chef was beheaded for his offense against the poor, unsusupecting duke.

I am a dolphin, do you want me on your body?

Member 175

Level 58.82

Mar 2006

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Old Mar 3, 2006, 12:39 PM Local time: Mar 3, 2006, 10:39 AM #5 of 102
wishfire and I were just discussing this morning...

What's up with liquor making techniques? I mean, did Mexicans just point at a buries cactus 3 times the size of a man and say, "Simon compadre! Let's make some fire-water out of it!"?

What the fuck?

I was speaking idiomatically.

Member 601

Level 52.11

Mar 2006

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Old Mar 3, 2006, 01:50 PM #6 of 102
Why is it that even on a major, 8-lane interstate, whenever a cop has someone pulled over, all other traffic feels the need to slow down? Do they really think the cop is going to jump back in his cruiser and chase them down? Isn't that the one time you know you could speed, because most likely the one cop in the area is occupied with someone else?

What kind of toxic man-thing is happening now?

Member 579

Level 12.39

Mar 2006

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Old Mar 3, 2006, 02:08 PM #7 of 102
Originally Posted by nuttyturnip
Why is it that even on a major, 8-lane interstate, whenever a cop has someone pulled over, all other traffic feels the need to slow down? Do they really think the cop is going to jump back in his cruiser and chase them down? Isn't that the one time you know you could speed, because most likely the one cop in the area is occupied with someone else?
It's called rubbernecking - everybody wants to slow down and see who got owned. The same thing happens with traffic accidents, no matter how minor. Sometimes traffic backs up for miles due to just stupid rubbernecking.

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Kore mite!!

Member 717

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Mar 2006

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Old Mar 3, 2006, 02:28 PM Local time: Mar 4, 2006, 03:28 AM #8 of 102
Originally Posted by AliceNWondrland
1. Do blind people care what their partner looks like?
I remember this episode of Nip/Tuck where this blind man and blind woman were on a date and sitting at a table. Later the man gets up and walks towards the bar and asks a guy standing there if the woman he was with was good-looking or not, or if she had big tits.

I thought "What a dumb fuck." Anyway, I'm pretty sure blind people don't care since they can't take in visual stimuli like everyone else. They wouldn't fret over their partner's looks 'coz they'd probably be more interested in how they care for one another then anything else.

That's what I reckon anyway.


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may carry parasites

Member 165

Level 22.05

Mar 2006

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Old Mar 3, 2006, 03:21 PM #9 of 102
To the color blind, what does a "non color," representing a color that they can not see, look like?

Jam it back in, in the dark.
you know i'm ready to party because my pants have a picture of ice cream cake on them

Member 482

Level 45.24

Mar 2006

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Old Mar 3, 2006, 04:43 PM Local time: Mar 3, 2006, 03:43 PM #10 of 102
Originally Posted by Snowknight
To the color blind, what does a "non color," representing a color that they can not see, look like?
To take this a step further, I've always wondered if different people see colors differently. What I see as yellow might be what someone else sees as blue, for example. We all call them the same thing, but how do we know we see the same thing?

There's nowhere I can't reach.

Member 21

Level 28.54

Feb 2006

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Old Mar 3, 2006, 05:45 PM #11 of 102
Alice, how in God's name is a blind person going to answer your question over the internet? Did the recently invent braille monitors?

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For Great Justice!

Member 600

Level 38.35

Mar 2006

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Old Mar 3, 2006, 05:49 PM #12 of 102
OK, try to follow me. Now this might get tricky, so pay attention.

It's a stretch, but someone might know someone who is blind.

I am a dolphin, do you want me on your body?
Little Brenty Brent Brent
Bulk's not everything. You need constant effort, too.

Member 235

Level 46.36

Mar 2006

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Old Mar 3, 2006, 05:50 PM Local time: Mar 3, 2006, 03:50 PM #13 of 102
Have they not yet invented text-to-speech software, or having a companion read to you, where you live?

I was speaking idiomatically.
Wall Feces
Holy Cow! What Happened!

Member 493

Level 46.34

Mar 2006

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Old Mar 3, 2006, 05:50 PM #14 of 102
Originally Posted by Minion
Alice, how in God's name is a blind person going to answer your question over the internet? Did the recently invent braille monitors?
There is always the "speak text" command

And I can only assume there are braille keyboards... but I digress...

My question is as follows -

With so much spring water being bottled and consumed all the time, do you think that someday we will run out of spring water?

What kind of toxic man-thing is happening now?
Holy Chocobo

Member 97

Level 32.96

Mar 2006

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Old Mar 3, 2006, 06:07 PM Local time: Mar 3, 2006, 07:07 PM #15 of 102
Originally Posted by knkwzrd
To take this a step further, I've always wondered if different people see colors differently. What I see as yellow might be what someone else sees as blue, for example. We all call them the same thing, but how do we know we see the same thing?
Most likely we all see the same thing.
Our retinas work in the same way. They respond to specific wavelengths in the same manner as everyone else. Except for color-blind people, who have damaged cones on their retinas.
Generally, those people who are partially colorblind either see nothing of that specific color, or, if it is a mixture of various colors, then they see the wavelengths minus the ones they cannot see.
For those people who are fully colorblind, they pretty much see everything in shades of grey. :-\ It sucks to be them.

Double Post:
Originally Posted by sprouticus
My question is as follows -

With so much spring water being bottled and consumed all the time, do you think that someday we will run out of spring water?

And yes, I realize that small dinosaur is jumping a giraffe. :P


Last edited by Fjordor; Mar 3, 2006 at 06:09 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

Member 21

Level 28.54

Feb 2006

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Old Mar 3, 2006, 06:11 PM #16 of 102
Considering that most "spring water" is legally require to contain all of 3 drops of actual spring water to avoid false advertising, I don't think we're going to run out anytime soon.

If you're not drinking filtered bottled water, you might as well go get a drink from the tap.

Most amazing jew boots

Member 438

Level 20.69

Mar 2006

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Old Mar 3, 2006, 06:27 PM Local time: Mar 3, 2006, 04:27 PM #17 of 102
Originally Posted by Fyodor D.
Most likely we all see the same thing.
Our retinas work in the same way. They respond to specific wavelengths in the same manner as everyone else. Except for color-blind people, who have damaged cones on their retinas.
I hear some women see a bit more reds and oranges than men. I know that doesn't really count as seeing something different, more like seeing more. But.. it's interesting anyways.

How ya doing, buddy?

Member 175

Level 58.82

Mar 2006

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Old Mar 3, 2006, 07:44 PM Local time: Mar 3, 2006, 05:44 PM #18 of 102
Why aren't you crackers answer my question?

How ya doing, buddy?

Member 996

Level 12.17

Mar 2006

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Old Mar 3, 2006, 07:46 PM Local time: Mar 3, 2006, 06:46 PM #19 of 102
Don't you mean our question? ;_;

And while most may not have answers, it would be nice how some random Russki looked at a potato and decided to get sloshed off of it. Or corn, or..well, another other random ingredient used for any given alcohol.

But certainly would be nice to know.

This thing is sticky, and I don't like it. I don't appreciate it.
For Great Justice!

Member 600

Level 38.35

Mar 2006

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Old Mar 3, 2006, 07:50 PM #20 of 102
I'm waiting for someone to ask a question I know the answer to, Ence. So far I'm feeling pretty stupid. =/

I am a dolphin, do you want me on your body?
Sir VG

Member 49

Level 25.67

Mar 2006

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Old Mar 3, 2006, 07:52 PM Local time: Mar 3, 2006, 06:52 PM #21 of 102
Why do you park in a driveway and drive on a parkway?

I was speaking idiomatically.
Lady Miyomi
Holy Chocobo

Member 796

Level 33.08

Mar 2006

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Old Mar 3, 2006, 08:57 PM #22 of 102
Originally Posted by AliceNWondrland
1. Do blind people care what their partner looks like?
Alice, you just gave me a good question to ask my friend. I'll see what he says about it and let you know (he's blind).

What kind of toxic man-thing is happening now?
Atomic Duck
Bunny Eat World!

Member 1407

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Mar 2006

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Old Mar 3, 2006, 09:23 PM #23 of 102
Whenever my kitty Pippin sees me reading he always jumps up into my lap and looks up at me and wimpers until I start reading to him. And interestingly enough, I've found that he reacts differently to some books than to others, such if it's espionage or fantasy he's more likely to curl up and fall asleep where as if it's horror he just sits around for few paragraphs and wanders off. Yet when he's scratching at the rug and I start yelling at him I might as well be telling a fish to walk on land.

So what I'm wondering is if cats really do understand what you're saying and only give a damn when it benifits them, or if they don't really get it at all, or if it's somewhere in between, like they understand the tone but not really much else.

Holy Chocobo

Member 635

Level 32.46

Mar 2006

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Old Mar 3, 2006, 09:45 PM #24 of 102
What exactly does "shiver me timbers" mean, and where did it originate?

What, you don't want my bikini-clad body?
Son of Wiseness

Member 367

Level 10.84

Mar 2006

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Old Mar 3, 2006, 09:48 PM Local time: Mar 3, 2006, 08:48 PM #25 of 102
Why is football called football?

Jam it back in, in the dark.

Exploding Garrmondo Weiner Interactive Swiss Army Penis > Garrmondo Network > General Discussion > Ask An Obscure Question.

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