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It’s time to do the drill, LEVEL POWER UP TIME!
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Politically Incorrect

Member 617

Level 43.41

Mar 2006

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Old Oct 9, 2006, 08:07 PM Local time: Oct 9, 2006, 06:07 PM #1 of 31
It’s time to do the drill, LEVEL POWER UP TIME!

After playing the same dungeon for over 8 hours now in Valkyrie Profile 2, I’m busy trying to level up my guys in an almost over powered level. Honestly, I’ve gotten quite sick of hearing the same battle theme (albeit it being a pretty good theme by Sakuraba), going to the EXACT same spot to launch my attacks, and I basically almost have this leveling up part down to a science for VP2. In this thread, state and describe how you level up your characters in RPGS, if at all. Several points to consider:

1) Do you level your guys up SIGNIFICANTLY higher than what’s expected for the current level/boss?

2) Do you level your guys up so they can fight the boss on more “equal” footing, but still have some difficulty?

3) Do you level only certain party members in which ever RPG you might be playing, or do you go the full nine yards and get everyone maxed out?

4) What RPG do you recall has having the longest time spent on pure leveling up? Alright, running to the local town to restock supplies you can count, as long as it’s mainly just raising the level of your characters?

5) Do you normally level up in every RPG you play? By that - ie grinding like an over-worked bitchy mom.


For me, let’s see.

1) I usually like to level my guys up to a level where they can fight the boss on square footing, unless you’re talking about a super boss like the Ultima/Omega Weapon or some boss that’s similar.

2) I usually only bothered to level up characters that I know I would be using a lot. For Final Fantasy X for example, I only bothered to keep using Tidus, Auron, Wakka, and Yuna, if I remember, since they were basically the powerhouse team. I don’t see what was so special about using Rikku, since she’s not really a magic user, nor is she a heavy hitter type. Simliarly with FFVII, I think I only bothered to really soup up Cloud, Barret, Tifa, Cid, and Yuffie. The others I just stuffed in the back and hoped they survived Sephiroth’s first form.

I think the only RPG where I got everyone to level 100 was FFVIII. I’m not sure why, but leveling up in that game was easy, thanks to a constant 1000 experience required for each level. Still, I don’t think I ever did face of the Omega weapon – I beat the Ultima in the research facility.

3) For the longest time spent leveling up, my big multi-hour run of leveling up sure puts a spot up there, but I think it’s not the longest. I can’t recall off top of my head, but probably one of the earlier FF’s, like FFVI. Although since it had such a huge cast of characters, only a select few I kept using for the final showdown with Kefka.

4) I don’t level up for every RPG I play, although I might spend a few battles doing so to perhaps help me get past the next boss. I basically didn’t bother with anything else of Final Fantasy IX, since I was sort of getting sick of that game and wanted to see the “controversial” ending with Kuja and that other myserious freak that popped out of nowhere. Similarily, I’m still one the first disc for Lunar 2: EB, and yet I don’t think I’ve had a single level up session. Most of the regular enemies are easy enough, but I have to say the bosses are tough customers. Also I find getting items in Lunar 2 isn’t exactly easy. Not so much that it’s expensive, but you have such a tight limit of items that you can carry.

Well, that’s all I can think about leveling up. Also, do you find leveling up absolutely necessary for most RPGs that you play?

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Last edited by Spatula; Oct 9, 2006 at 09:07 PM.
De Arimasu!

Member 1222

Level 37.11

Mar 2006

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Old Oct 9, 2006, 08:29 PM Local time: Oct 10, 2006, 02:29 AM #2 of 31
Originally Posted by Spatula
1) Do you level your guys up SIGNIFICANTLY higher than what’s expected for the current level/boss?
Only if I am playing the game for a second time, or if the game makes it too easy to grind levels. When I play through for the first time, I try to avoid a lot of grinding.
2) Do you level your guys up so they can fight the boss on more “equal” footing, but still have some difficulty?
Only if the boss kicks my ass the first time I go into the fight. If I can get by without much extra grinding, I will.
3) Do you level only certain party members in which ever RPG you might be playing, or do you go the full nine yards and get everyone maxed out?
I like to keep everyone who is available to me at a similar level, and I like to gain all available abilities by the end of the game. I don't mind a little grinding if it might gain me some extra abilities, but I don't want the game to be easy.
4) What RPG do you recall has having the longest time spent on pure leveling up? Alright, running to the local town to restock supplies you can count, as long as it’s mainly just raising the level of your characters?
Does Disgaea count? If not, then I'd have to say that one of the Suikoden games was a big grindfest for me. At least those games make it relatively easy for you.

5) Do you normally level up in every RPG you play?
If you mean grinding, then no. I could list several RPGs that I finished without ever doing that. I usually try to complete as many of the optional objectives in an RPG as I can find, and there are some RPGs that just lend themselves to level grinding, but other than that... such things are usually reserved for those RPGs that earn a second go-around.

There's nowhere I can't reach.
Politically Incorrect

Member 617

Level 43.41

Mar 2006

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Old Oct 9, 2006, 08:31 PM Local time: Oct 9, 2006, 06:31 PM #3 of 31
Oh, level grinding, not familiar with that term. Usually I just say Concentrated Leveling Up or something.

::new RPG vocabulary::

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Member 1380

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Mar 2006

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Old Oct 9, 2006, 08:46 PM #4 of 31
On my first time through I tend to be around the same level or a bit lower than the boss. It just seems to be constant for all RPGs I play, and I always have fun with it since the difficulty is a bit up there.

Though every time I go through a game a second or third time I always find myself higher than the bosses. I was always confused as to why as I'm usually trying to speed through it, but it's always been that way. High levels and best magic/abilities a lot earlier than I did my first time through (and not on purpose either).

How ya doing, buddy?
De Arimasu!

Member 1222

Level 37.11

Mar 2006

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Old Oct 9, 2006, 08:53 PM Local time: Oct 10, 2006, 02:53 AM #5 of 31
Originally Posted by Spatula
Oh, level grinding, not familiar with that term.
It's what the guys I know who play WoW call it. Since MMORPG are mostly about gaining levels in a routine and efficient manner, it was inevitable that some terms would be coined to describe it.

I don't play WoW, but it's just the perfect term to describe that feeling for the parts where you feel like you need to gain levels just to be able to progress. Somehow the word "grinding" describes the tedious process perfectly to me.

Incidentally, I gave up on Star Ocean 3 because I felt like I needed to grind just to stay alivel, and that made it feel like work, not fun. That's something I thought would be revelevant to your topic. I like for the progression to feel natural, in a game.

For some reason, I enjoy Disgaea and other titles in the SRPG genre though. I even enjoy the power-levelling in Disgaea. It's a different gameplay experience than gaining levels in a traditional RPG, and I can enjoy that kind of levelling up, and stat-based gameplay. It taps into a whole different part of my gaming brain.

I was speaking idiomatically.

Last edited by Soluzar; Oct 9, 2006 at 08:57 PM.
I'm not your friend, buddy...

Member 649

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Mar 2006

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Old Oct 9, 2006, 08:54 PM Local time: Oct 9, 2006, 05:54 PM #6 of 31
I usually try to go through the least amount of battles possible the first time through to keep the game difficult and to progress through the story faster. If I have alot of trouble staying alive during a boss fight twice in a row then I will take a bit of time to level up a bit or to buy some better equipment. I usually try leveling up a bit more the next time around to get some good abilities that I may have missed, or got too late in the game.

I havn't played any RPG's that require tons of leveling up, so I am going to say I spent alot of time leveling in Pokemon Red/Blue since that was the first RPG I ever played and played it were ever I went.

What kind of toxic man-thing is happening now?
Politically Incorrect

Member 617

Level 43.41

Mar 2006

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Old Oct 9, 2006, 09:01 PM Local time: Oct 9, 2006, 07:01 PM #7 of 31
Incidentally, I gave up on Star Ocean 3 because I felt like I needed to grind just to stay alivel, and that made it feel like work, not fun. That's something I thought would be revelevant to your topic. I like for the progression to feel natural, in a game.
Yeah, I hate that point where something that is designed to be fun now turns into mindless repetitive tasks. I mind as well go to work and fold envelopes cause I'm getting paid for it >_>.

Note to self, get Disgaea.


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Member 331

Level 5.97

Mar 2006

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Old Oct 9, 2006, 09:03 PM Local time: Oct 9, 2006, 08:03 PM #8 of 31
Originally Posted by Spatula
1) Do you level your guys up SIGNIFICANTLY higher than what’s expected for the current level/boss?
I will never level up to such a degree that I can trounce every story boss for the rest of the game, that's no fun. Side bosses, like the WEAPONs from Final Fantasy, I view a little differently, but even with those extra hard baddies, I'll consiously try not to overshoot them (too much) in terms of ability.
2) Do you level your guys up so they can fight the boss on more “equal” footing, but still have some difficulty?
I actually enjoy being on a lower level than the game expects you to be at for any given boss. In being disadvantaged from the start, you can learn to better utilize your party's skills, items, and limits, and you're forced to focus on the battle.
3) Do you level only certain party members in which ever RPG you might be playing, or do you go the full nine yards and get everyone maxed out?
I just don't like some characters; they get left in the dust. HOW YOU LIKING THOSE 8 SPHERE LEVELS, KIMAHRI? In games where you're forced to use all the characters as some point or another, I'll bring the scrubs up to the bare minimum needed for them to make up for whoever they're replacing in my regular party.
4) What RPG do you recall has having the longest time spent on pure leveling up?
It's a toss-up between Diablo 2 and Final Fantasy X, But D2 probably takes the cake here, since it's all items, skills, and levels anyways.
5) Do you normally level up in every RPG you play?
If you're talking about power leveling, no. If you're not... yes?

What, you don't want my bikini-clad body?

Last edited by Twikite; Oct 9, 2006 at 09:06 PM.
Lunar Delta Cybernetics

Member 704

Level 31.89

Mar 2006

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Old Oct 9, 2006, 09:25 PM Local time: Oct 9, 2006, 07:25 PM #9 of 31
1) Do you level your guys up SIGNIFICANTLY higher than what’s expected for the current level/boss?
Yes, always. In Final Fantasy Tactics all of my characters were at level 60+ before the end of the first chapter. In FFVII, all of my characters were at least at level 40 before the end of the first disc.

2) Do you level your guys up so they can fight the boss on more “equal” footing, but still have some difficulty?
No, I level up as much as possible. That Ice/Fire dual dragon head boss in FFVII, the FAQ I was reading said he was very difficult. I killed him in three hits.

3) Do you level only certain party members in which ever RPG you might be playing, or do you go the full nine yards and get everyone maxed out?
Everyone, unless they really suck. It was easiest to do this in Final Fantasy X, where you could easily switch out party members during battle.

4) What RPG do you recall has having the longest time spent on pure leveling up? Alright, running to the local town to restock supplies you can count, as long as it’s mainly just raising the level of your characters?
FFX. I took (and take) the time to use every character in EVERY battle (when possible). Just before the battle with Seymour on the Bevelle highbridge, I spend an hour or two fighting all of the machines that show up. They are very easy to kill and give a LOT of sphere points. I max out everyone's sphere grid and learn all of their attacks before fighting Seymour. Then I kill him in two or three hits. Next would have to be FFVII. I fought grasshoppers in that mountain cave (first disc) for hours and hours. The majority of my levelling up was done there.

5) Do you normally level up in every RPG you play? By that - ie grinding like an over-worked bitchy mom.
Yes, always.

Jam it back in, in the dark.

Last edited by PiccoloNamek; Oct 9, 2006 at 09:29 PM.
Rei no Otaku

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Mar 2006

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Old Oct 9, 2006, 09:59 PM #10 of 31
1) Do you level your guys up SIGNIFICANTLY higher than what’s expected for the current level/boss?
Not usually. My system is when I enter a new town I buy all the best equipment. If I can't afford it, then I get in battles until I can. That tends to keep my leveled up enough.
Do you level your guys up so they can fight the boss on more “equal” footing, but still have some difficulty?
I might level up if I'm having difficulty, but it's rare.
Do you level only certain party members in which ever RPG you might be playing, or do you go the full nine yards and get everyone maxed out?
Only certain ones. There's just some characters I refuse to use. Cait Sith? I don't think so. I'm not using something as stupid looking as that. He could have been the best character in the game, it doesn't matter.
What RPG do you recall has having the longest time spent on pure leveling up? Alright, running to the local town to restock supplies you can count, as long as it’s mainly just raising the level of your characters?
Probably Tales of Symphonia. I enjoyed the battle system so much that I would just run around getting in battles. Also I wanted to crush Abyssion and the arena.
5) Do you normally level up in every RPG you play? By that - ie grinding like an over-worked bitchy mom.
No. I'd rather playthrough the game than waste time on grinding.

Most amazing jew boots
~Need a break~

Member 2021

Level 10.71

Mar 2006

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Old Oct 9, 2006, 11:45 PM Local time: Oct 10, 2006, 12:45 PM #11 of 31
Originally Posted by Spatula
1) Do you level your guys up SIGNIFICANTLY higher than what’s expected for the current level/boss?
Usually no, unless I get my ass kicked by that boss on several attempts, then I would go back and level up till I beat the boss. But I rarely had any problems with bosses so far in most RPGs that I play.

2) Do you level your guys up so they can fight the boss on more “equal” footing, but still have some difficulty?
I don't mind some challenge, so it's either I get ireally mpatient levelling up or I just try my luck. I did that with one of the Weapons in FFVII (I think it was the one in the dessert..Ruby correct?) and I was lucky enough to win that battle. In FFVIII I really had to do some planning against Omega Weapon though.

3) Do you level only certain party members in which ever RPG you might be playing, or do you go the full nine yards and get everyone maxed out?
Usually I'll just concentrate on my main party, although FFX was an exception since you could switch party members in battle (which I adore so much). Even then, I just had a few strong ones (Tidus, Auron, Yuna, and Wakka) as my powerhouses at the end of the game. I rarely dislike characters in an RPG, but when I do (like Irvine in FFVIII) I just dump them aside to rot.

4) What RPG do you recall has having the longest time spent on pure leveling up? Alright, running to the local town to restock supplies you can count, as long as it’s mainly just raising the level of your characters?
Should be a close call between FFVII and FFVIII, since I played those two when I was younger and had tons of time after school. I had my main characters levelled up to level 99 for both games just to go against the weapons. I didn't bother levelling up much with recent games like Star Ocean III, Grandia III, and SH:C.

5) Do you normally level up in every RPG you play? By that - ie grinding like an over-worked bitchy mom.
Nope, it gets tiring fighting over and over again, so I usually just swift through my way if I don't get into trouble.

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Generic Ninja

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Jul 2006

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Old Oct 10, 2006, 12:41 AM Local time: Oct 9, 2006, 11:41 PM #12 of 31
1) Not really. I'm usually more interested in the story and try to focus on that, but when the game has a high encounter rate (hello, FFI) sometimes my party gets a few extra levels on the way. However, if a boss kicks the crap out of me then I try to level up so I can "repay" the favor.

2) Hardly. If the party levels up, it's usually to have an advantage against the boss.

3) Depends. If it's a game that I enjoy, I usually level everyone up (even the characters that I hate) but if it's the contrary, just a main team to finish the game.

4) I would say... FF Tactics Advance. Took me a loooong time to level/learn abilities with my characters (16 characters to be exact) up to 50. I would say... maybe 30-40 hours? maybe a little more. I even had the plan to learn all the abilities for all their jobs but once I saw it was a serious pain in the ass, I said no freaking way.

5) No.

Good thread by the way Spatula.

I am a dolphin, do you want me on your body?

The War of the Lions

Last edited by Xaekid; Oct 10, 2006 at 12:44 AM.
The Wise Vivi

Member 136

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Mar 2006

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Old Oct 10, 2006, 01:21 AM Local time: Oct 10, 2006, 01:21 AM #13 of 31
1) Do you level your guys up SIGNIFICANTLY higher than what’s expected for the current level/boss?

Well, generally, at the beginning of the game I level up as much as possible so I can move quickly through the first few hours of the game. One problem is I get so much into the story that I forget to level up again, then I get totaled by the boss.... then I seem to struggle to the end of the game... and usuallu never end up finishing it.

2) Do you level your guys up so they can fight the boss on more “equal” footing, but still have some difficulty?

The first few bosses I make sure that my guys are leveled up over and above the boss. If there is some difficulty, I get sweating palms and start making mistakes which cause me to lose.

3) Do you level only certain party members in which ever RPG you might be playing, or do you go the full nine yards and get everyone maxed out?

I try to make things as even as possible but it can get difficult after a while. This is especially the case when there are many characters and it takes a while to level them all up. I usually get fed up around halfway through the game.

4) What RPG do you recall has having the longest time spent on pure leveling up? Alright, running to the local town to restock supplies you can count, as long as it’s mainly just raising the level of your characters?

Hmmmm.... That is an interesting question. Breath Of Fire III had me doing that often. But I would have to say that Final Fantasy VI and Final Fantasy VII both made me put a lot of time in. VI, I finished, VII , I didn't....

5) Do you normally level up in every RPG you play? By that - ie grinding like an over-worked bitchy mom.

Sometimes, especially when the story is VERY interesting. Final Fantasy X was a game that made me need to level up to keep the story going.

Yeah, I normally level up in every game. It just makes things easier. You can enjoy the game more than frustrating over the same enemy boss that kicked your rear more than ten times...

How ya doing, buddy?
Politically Incorrect

Member 617

Level 43.41

Mar 2006

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Old Oct 10, 2006, 08:49 AM Local time: Oct 10, 2006, 06:49 AM #14 of 31
Final Fantasy X was a game that made me need to level up to keep the story going.
I personally found the story of FFX bleh, and I wasn't really looking forward to fighting some big blob of weird gooey crap, and I didn't quite like the sphere grid system, although it was neat compared to just simple level up stats, this time you have some sort of "control". Also I didn't see the need of levelling up, I just got all the Aeons to max overdrive as well as getting the Celestial weapons for the main characters.

What kind of toxic man-thing is happening now?

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Lunar Delta Cybernetics

Member 704

Level 31.89

Mar 2006

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Old Oct 10, 2006, 09:55 AM Local time: Oct 10, 2006, 07:55 AM #15 of 31
Anyone who thinks the story of FFX is "bleh" needs to read this article thoroughly:

Really, I thought the story of FFX was the most wonderful, detailed, and realistic out there. The difference between FFX and all other FF games, to me, was that Spira actually felt like a real place to me, with its own people, culture, and history, rather than just another nameless VGM world.



Member 13167

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Sep 2006

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Old Oct 10, 2006, 11:32 AM Local time: Oct 10, 2006, 09:32 AM #16 of 31
Do you level your guys up SIGNIFICANTLY higher than what’s expected for the current level/boss?
Depends. On games like Final Fantasy Tactics, it was hard not too - and even if I weren't at a higher level than the boss, I still pissed them off by stealing weapons/causing status effects. In other words, IF I CAN'T HAVE IT, NEITHER CAN THEY. XD

Do you level your guys up so they can fight the boss on more “equal” footing, but still have some difficulty?
Most bosses are pushovers except for those ultra-special hidden ones that should be the real bosses.

Do you level only certain party members in which ever RPG you might be playing, or do you go the full nine yards and get everyone maxed out?
Certain classes/party members. I grind who I know I'm going to use the most, which makes it hard to bring in new blood because they're so far behind.

What RPG do you recall has having the longest time spent on pure leveling up? Alright, running to the local town to restock supplies you can count, as long as it’s mainly just raising the level of your characters?
FFT by a long shot.

Do you normally level up in every RPG you play? By that - ie grinding like an over-worked bitchy mom.
At the beginning of games, because I hate being weak and having low stats. I want the fancy-pants moves and stuff, so I punish any similarly weak enemies until I get there, then I plow through the rest of the game with occasional "grind sessions" to learn the next fancy special.

How ya doing, buddy?

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D.Gray-man, Red Garden, DESU NOTO | Suggest something?
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I'm busy at work!

Member 1252

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Mar 2006

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Old Oct 10, 2006, 11:44 AM Local time: Oct 10, 2006, 11:44 AM #17 of 31
Originally Posted by Spatula
1) Do you level your guys up SIGNIFICANTLY higher than what’s expected for the current level/boss?
Not in general. Although I do do everything possible to maximize my EXP gain per battle. I'm just hitting the final dungeon of Chapter 3 of Valkyrie Profile 2 and I have four people at 31+, which seems to be high if I've heard correctly. Haven't tried levelling up at all either.

Originally Posted by Spatula
2) Do you level your guys up so they can fight the boss on more “equal” footing, but still have some difficulty?
I only level up for a boss if I get beat about three times and it doesn't look like I was even close to winning. Then I usually grab a level accross the board and try again.

Originally Posted by Spatula
3) Do you level only certain party members in which ever RPG you might be playing, or do you go the full nine yards and get everyone maxed out?
Just the characters I like. Everyone else can rot. I do like games that give other characters EXP even outside of battle, though.

Originally Posted by Spatula
4) What RPG do you recall has having the longest time spent on pure leveling up? Alright, running to the local town to restock supplies you can count, as long as it’s mainly just raising the level of your characters?
Probably Disgaea 2. I broke that game so much.

Originally Posted by Spatula
5) Do you normally level up in every RPG you play? By that - ie grinding like an over-worked bitchy mom.
No, just ones that are easily abusable (e.g. Final Fantasy II, Disgaea/2, Phantom Brave).

Most amazing jew boots
We've met before, haven't we?

Member 805

Level 19.24

Mar 2006

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Old Oct 10, 2006, 01:40 PM Local time: Oct 10, 2006, 12:40 PM #18 of 31
In any properly-designed and adequately balanced RPG you shouldn't be able to level up so much you just whomp a boss on virtue of pure stats alone. FF lets you do this for some godforsaken reason, but most of the better RPGs I've played have a point at which you can level up so as not to be COMPLETELY eaten for lunch, but at which point you are also forced to employ strategy as the boss isn't getting any easier. Whether by stat-matching (FF8, Lunar) or by giving the boss certain elemental advantages and disadvantages (Megaten, LoD) or a secret-weapon attack to employ against cheesiness (DDS secret boss, FUCK YOU Gaea's Repast).

It was a real bitch, too, finding that out after transitioning from Final Fantasy over to real RPGs, as I was still expecting to out-level and subsequently decimate bosses. Rude awakening.

Now I level up in cases wherein I lose in 3 turns or less as I'm quite obviously not ready for the boss. I still, though, pay attention to what exactly the boss is doing and see if I can figure out patterns or stat weaknesses to employ against him.

Nowadays Final Fantasy bosses piss me off as it's too often a case of "figure out the super-damaging secret attack that will let you summarily pwn every boss in the game and finally stand a chance against this one." No. Fuck the you. Fortunately, other Squaresoft franchises don't have this problem (SaGa Frontier/Romancing SaGa comes to mind).

There's nowhere I can't reach.

It is not my custom to go where I am not invited.
Single Elbow
You have no dignity.

Member 707

Level 34.01

Mar 2006

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Old Oct 10, 2006, 05:36 PM Local time: Oct 10, 2006, 03:36 PM #19 of 31
1) Do you level your guys up SIGNIFICANTLY higher than what’s expected for the current level/boss?

Hell naw. That'd bore me already. I spent all my time back then trying to out-level his ass only to be brought down by cheap tricks. Screw that.

2) Do you level your guys up so they can fight the boss on more “equal” footing, but still have some difficulty?

Yeah, this I can attest. Basically I want somewhere near or about three levels lower to the boss. In Valkyrie Profile 2, the very first boss did not give me trouble at all, and I was at level 6. If it were 10, I'd be walking down Alberta without a plane ticket.

3) Do you level only certain party members in which ever RPG you might be playing, or do you go the full nine yards and get everyone maxed out?

In Star Ocean 3, I plan to get EVERYONE maxed the fuck out. Seriously, that's my biggest challenge. In Onimusha 4, the very same (but only level 80 for Soki and I'm bored of the Netherworld challenge. In Valkyrie Profile 2, ONLY the main characters I will max out, the rest shall look pretty in the sidelines, or if I want someone released, sure. Basically the main ones for some games.

4) What RPG do you recall has having the longest time spent on pure leveling up? Alright, running to the local town to restock supplies you can count, as long as it’s mainly just raising the level of your characters?

Star Ocean 3. Clocked at 200 hours already (Yeah, I don't have patience with long-ass games honestly. I could be doing something else). 1/3 (3 characters) are already at level 255. The others are about 200.

5) Do you normally level up in every RPG you play? By that - ie grinding like an over-worked bitchy mom.

Valkyrie Profile and VP:2 had me working like a Japanese worker on overtime; same with Star Ocean 3. Most games I pay a lot of attention to but few of them will stand out in the future

This thing is sticky, and I don't like it. I don't appreciate it.

Member 8055

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Jun 2006

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Old Oct 10, 2006, 06:24 PM Local time: Oct 10, 2006, 11:24 PM #20 of 31
Usually I will level along with the story. Its very rare that I will sit mid way through the game and grind up 30 levels. In FFVII I never spent time levelling, I merely fought what was thrown in front of me until I got to the final cave, where I had to start grinding because I just couldnt beat the final boss as I was. In most RPG's I will just enjoy the story and let the levels come naturally.


Once I get to the point where it says "This is it, no turning back after this point, make sure you get all your affairs in order" I will explore the worlds and obtain as much as I can as long as it doesnt involve too much repetitveness. For example, I set Quistis to yellow HP and ran around the high level mob areas in FFVIII using Destruction in every battle. That got my characters maxed in very VERY little time, so I kinda enjoyed that. In Kingdom Hearts II I completed the story and fought the final boss, then after watching the ending I decided to try my hand at the Goddess of Fate cup and killing Sephiroth. I found a very quick way of getting Sora to 99 (I was level 34 at the time) so I did it. Made Sephiroth a little easier and also alot of other stuff.

I think if a game is playable without having to "grind" then its a successful game, if a game requires you to sit in the same area for hours on end just to get strong enough to fight something in the story, then its a flawed game. Its this reason why I think the Final Fantasy series are perfect, because I have never had to grind much to complete them. Fair enough, you have to "grind" to kill some of the extra bosses cause its not necessary to see the ending, but you should never have to commit to a repetitive system to complete it.

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Old Oct 10, 2006, 08:48 PM #21 of 31
Oh crap. I didn't answer the last 3.

3) Do you level only certain party members in which ever RPG you might be playing, or do you go the full nine yards and get everyone maxed out?

4) What RPG do you recall has having the longest time spent on pure leveling up? Alright, running to the local town to restock supplies you can count, as long as it’s mainly just raising the level of your characters?

5) Do you normally level up in every RPG you play? By that - ie grinding like an over-worked bitchy mom.
3) I usually just level up the characters I use most of the time, though if I feel like "mastering" the game or whatever people call it, then time to time I try to get everyone maxed out but not normally.

4) Uh...Kingdom Hearts II cause of Sephiroth.

5) Um, I level up normally - I rarely bother with grinding. If I'm under level then I try the boss anyway, if I die a few times then I'll do a dungeon run (run to the boss, then back to the opening of the dungeon, heal/save, then back to the boss again) once or twice to gain a few levels.

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Old Oct 11, 2006, 11:04 PM Local time: Oct 11, 2006, 10:04 PM #22 of 31
Originally Posted by Spatula
1) Do you level your guys up SIGNIFICANTLY higher than what’s expected for the current level/boss?
Not usually. The only time I do this is when the boss repeatedly pisses me off (I.E. 30 consecutive kills with no relief in sight). Then I sometimes level really high just to get the satisfaction of absolutely crushing the enemy.

Originally Posted by Spatula
2) Do you level your guys up so they can fight the boss on more “equal” footing, but still have some difficulty?
Again, not usually. I don't like to grind when I don't have to, and I've found that most bosses in most games can be beaten in one or two tries.

Originally Posted by Spatula
3) Do you level only certain party members in which ever RPG you might be playing, or do you go the full nine yards and get everyone maxed out?
I like to keep everyone around the same level, unless there are characters I really like and/or dislike.

Originally Posted by Spatula
4) What RPG do you recall has having the longest time spent on pure leveling up? Alright, running to the local town to restock supplies you can count, as long as it’s mainly just raising the level of your characters?
Hmm... I think someone said before, Disgaea, but that's only because it was really entertaining to see what happened when you got to uber high levels. I think my Laharl is around lvl. 2500 now.

Originally Posted by Spatula
5) Do you normally level up in every RPG you play?
I rarely grind, at least on the first time through. If I enjoy the game, I might try and max out on the second play-through.

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Old Oct 11, 2006, 11:38 PM #23 of 31
1) Do you level your guys up SIGNIFICANTLY higher than what’s expected for the current level/boss?

I don't try to but alot of times I think I do by accident. I mean if my guys level up easily in an area that I'm at I might grab a few extra levels out of the place before I move on. But I think I must cause I swear every time a strategy guide tells me "I'm in for a tough battle" I whoop the boss. I don't use a strategy guide to get through areas my first time through but I'll often look over areas I've already been through to see if I missed anything.

2) Do you level your guys up so they can fight the boss on more “equal” footing, but still have some difficulty?

Like I said in my last answer I don't really try to be a certain level by a certain time. The only exception is if someone warned me about a hard boss or I'm playing through again and remember a hard boss.

3) Do you level only certain party members in which ever RPG you might be playing, or do you go the full nine yards and get everyone maxed out?

Depends on the game. I tend to make sure my favorites get used plenty, like Yuffie and Vincent in FF7. If I absolutely hate a character chances are they're gonna be sitting on the sidelines alot, like Gau and Umaro in FF6.

4) What RPG do you recall has having the longest time spent on pure leveling up? Alright, running to the local town to restock supplies you can count, as long as it’s mainly just raising the level of your characters?

Final Fantasy 4, the bosses in the last area whooped me plenty of times and I'd have to level and try again. Also Crono Trigger, even after I had seen all the endings I kept using new game+ everynow and then till all my characters were maxed out. Magus took the longest since you get him so much later in the game then everyone else.

5) Do you normally level up in every RPG you play?

It really depends on the game, some of them are push overs even if you don't try to level. Back in the SNES era, I can say yes for like everygame. But nowadays we get alot that don't really require you to TRY to level.


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Old Oct 14, 2006, 01:38 PM Local time: Oct 14, 2006, 07:38 PM #24 of 31
1) Do you level your guys up SIGNIFICANTLY higher than what’s expected for the current level/boss?[/COLOR]
nah. I generally just level up by playing the game, and I don't hunt down enemies just to level up to stupid levels. Unless I am having trouble with a particular boss then I leave the leveling up for later on in the games when I find the "secret" bosses.

2) Do you level your guys up so they can fight the boss on more “equal” footing, but still have some difficulty?
The only times that I level up for bosses is when I'm having a hard time beating them. This is normally after the fifth or so try of the same boss. If I manage to beat them in less than this, then I don't go out and level up.

3) Do you level only certain party members in which ever RPG you might be playing, or do you go the full nine yards and get everyone maxed out?

I only ever level up the main characters that I use in RPG's. The other characters I just don't bother about.

4) What RPG do you recall has having the longest time spent on pure leveling up? Alright, running to the local town to restock supplies you can count, as long as it’s mainly just raising the level of your characters?

Either FFVII on the island to the south of the map (I forgot the name), or inside the crater. Or FFVIII for the island with the dragons. I spent many hours in these places in the later parts of the games getting my levels up so that I would have some small chance of beating the weapons.

5) Do you normally level up in every RPG you play? By that - ie grinding like an over-worked bitchy mom.
Only in the later part of the games, after I have finished the game to beat the "secret" bosses, if there is any.

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Old Oct 15, 2006, 03:27 AM Local time: Oct 15, 2006, 03:27 AM #25 of 31
Originally Posted by SILBER-4
1) Do you level your guys up SIGNIFICANTLY higher than what’s expected for the current level/boss?
In nearly all games, no. I'll level up my characters until I can fight a normal battle without the chance of dying regularily. That's it. This way boss battles are actually interesting and challenging.

2) Do you level your guys up so they can fight the boss on more “equal” footing, but still have some difficulty?
See above.
3) Do you level only certain party members in which ever RPG you might be playing, or do you go the full nine yards and get everyone maxed out?
Usually on my first playthrough, I'll only level the characters I use. On subsequent playthroughs, I'll try for the max everything, but that is of course only in games that I like enough for multiple playthroughs. Many RPGs now (the Final Fantasy series is bad for this) offer me lame characters overall, and I never want to level them anyway. I'd rather go for a game that offers me a character creation option to create my own optimum team.

4) What RPG do you recall has having the longest time spent on pure leveling up? Alright, running to the local town to restock supplies you can count, as long as it’s mainly just raising the level of your characters?
Final Fantasy Tactics and Disgaea 1/2 both I have spent rediculous amounts of time on for leveling (currently I'm over 250 hours on Disgaea 2 making my perfect party. I really haven't touched any of the story characters).

5) Do you normally level up in every RPG you play? By that - ie grinding like an over-worked bitchy mom.
Nope, not at all. Only RPGs where characters I actually enjoy playing will get levelled, as well as games that I can tolerate playing for long periods of time.

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