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Gamer Girl or Hot Girl
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Member 759

Level 32.36

Mar 2006

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Old Jul 27, 2006, 11:42 AM #1 of 144
Gamer Girl or Hot Girl

Sorry, the thread title is a little biased. My question can extend to girls as well.

A good portion of the GFF community is gamers. I was wondering if "gaming" is a characteristic you look for in girls or guys.

Personally, I dated a conventionally "hot" girl in high school. She had blond hair, green eyes and was athletic. She hated games though so I felt embarassed talking about it around her...;_; We eventually broke up due to compatability issues but you know, a pretty face and body will only get you so far.

Now I'm dating a gamer/anime girl. It may seem strange that I take "gaming" as a consideration but it is much easier for 2 main reasons.
1) We share a common hobby
2) I don't have to be ashamed of it
I felt like because our hobbies lined up, a lot of our personality traits did as well.

So my real question isnt about gaming or not gaming as much as it is about compatability. I read through the "Hot or Not" thread and "Looks Matter."

So yeah, discuss...?

Jam it back in, in the dark.
Good Chocobo

Member 240

Level 14.69

Mar 2006

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Old Jul 27, 2006, 12:44 PM #2 of 144
Gaming isn't exactly a trait I look for in a girl. What matters most to me is not that she be a gamer, just that she accepts the fact that I am one. I've worked in gaming retail hell long enough to see those types that sit there on their boyfriends arms crying "I WANNA GO THIS STUFF IS BORING" after the guy has been in there for all of about a minute and a half. Those are the types I cannot stand.

Maybe this is why I've never had a real lasting relationship. The girls that don't mind your nerdy habits don't seem to come around too often.

There's nowhere I can't reach.
Indigo 1

Member 207

Level 22.37

Mar 2006

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Old Jul 27, 2006, 01:12 PM Local time: Jul 27, 2006, 12:12 PM #3 of 144
No way. Gaming is my hobby, I don't care if a girl games or not. It's not necessary.

Most amazing jew boots

Rope Snake

Member 9705

Level 32.27

Jul 2006

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Old Jul 27, 2006, 01:52 PM #4 of 144
My girlfriend and I play games together. It's definitely a very nice point. I guess I could've got along with one who doesn't plays, I don't think it would've gone over as well, because I play games a lot. Conveniently enough, I also find my girlfriend hot, (though some people may not consider her so, she fits my tastes well), so I I am happy both ways.

I do think finding someone with similar interests is the most important thing though. You two can have more fun together if you like the same things.

I am a dolphin, do you want me on your body?
Fleshy Fun-Bridge
Hi there!

Member 907

Level 22.05

Mar 2006

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Old Jul 27, 2006, 02:41 PM #5 of 144
Physical looks simply do not last. Time takes its toll on everyone. The good looks fade. The hair turns grey and falls out. The skin wears thin, wrinkles, stretches, and sags. The sex drive dries up and stops all together.

I do think finding someone with similar interests is the most important thing though. You two can have more fun together if you like the same things.
Having some interests in common is a good place to start off. Its also important to have differences. I've met some people who seem to think they need to find someone with almost identical interests or personalities. I think that finding someone who was pretty much just like me would get a annoying after a while, as well as deprive me of the opportunity to challenge myself to grow.

I was speaking idiomatically.
The best exploding rabbit user there is.

Member 695

Level 43.57

Mar 2006

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Old Jul 27, 2006, 07:39 PM #6 of 144
It would be ultra-nice if you were able to meet up with a gaming girl. That would be ideal for me, since I don't know if I could stand a girl that gets bored of video games after a minute. I wouldn't mind her on the sole condition, that she wouldn't mind my gaming.
A gamer girl could be the ugliest person ever, and I'd still choose her over a hot one, just because I know that we share the common interests that will last for a quite a while. A hot girl would turn me off if she couldn't relate to the things I like as well.

What kind of toxic man-thing is happening now?

Member 7372

Level 18.98

May 2006

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Old Jul 27, 2006, 08:03 PM Local time: Jul 28, 2006, 02:03 AM #7 of 144
Having a girlfriend would mean sharing things with her and if I have to hide a side to me than that's me not being honest in the relationship. Honesty is important and I feel that if she doesn't mind then it's not too much of a problem. It's an important part of me and it means we lose out on this link.

Looks to me matter. Initially at least. That's not to say I MUST go out with someone HOT, I'll go out with someone who I find looks acceptable. I know it is disgraceful of me to be judge, but at ugly it could be a while before I look beyond that.

I think I have come across one girl who was into games, and she was quite hot but since then we have lost contact. I'd like to know some girls in gaming but unfortunately I don't know many girls full stop. ;_;


Member 137

Level 34.72

Mar 2006

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Old Jul 27, 2006, 08:38 PM #8 of 144
Every guy I dated never played video games and couldn't understand why I did. I consider it my version of watching sports.

It's one of those things I do that they didn't. If people can't deal with that, then they shouldn't be in a relationship.

And, Ronz, I've been in EB and heard that "I WANNA GO" line from some girl. I just looked at her boyfriend and rolled my eyes. He did, too. He told her to wait outside if she was going to act like a baby. I laughed. To myself, but I laughed.

How ya doing, buddy?

Member 23

Level 15.40

Mar 2006

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Old Jul 27, 2006, 08:58 PM Local time: Jul 27, 2006, 07:58 PM #9 of 144
Well, I don't game as much as I used to, but as long as she doesn't get pissy when I do have some games going or whatever, I'm cool with it.

It would be more fun if she was at least into gaming, in that it's something in common, something to converse about, and it's always easier to talk when you have something to talk about.

So it all really comes down to attitude, and if she's accepting of my habits or not. If she's like those girls that Ronz describes, than forget that.

Jam it back in, in the dark.
Hatred on the fact that I lost my old sig, maybe I'll get it back someday. Or not!
Indigo 1

Member 207

Level 22.37

Mar 2006

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Old Jul 27, 2006, 09:30 PM Local time: Jul 27, 2006, 08:30 PM #10 of 144
Actually, if I found a girl who could own me in an RTS, I'd have to marry her.

That being said, why do people suck at RTS games.

Most amazing jew boots


Member 1343

Level 28.80

Mar 2006

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Old Jul 27, 2006, 09:35 PM Local time: Jul 27, 2006, 07:35 PM #11 of 144
Originally Posted by Devo
Also guys tend to be intimidated by a girl gamer, and don't get me started about how when guys are owned by their girlfriend or some other dudes girlfriend they get pissy.
Holy shit rock on. Last semester I took a whole course on this precise subject. There are a ton of psychological underpinnings related to causes of this.

Anyway, when it comes to hobbies, the only commonality I have with my girlfriend is reading. I can't really talk about Zelda or Star Wars or Lord of the Rings or other things equally awesome with her because she'll make fun of me for liking it; the only sensible counterattack is to make fun of her for not liking it. I guess I'm grateful for it, though, because it leaves room to explore other areas of common interest.

This thing is sticky, and I don't like it. I don't appreciate it.
...was there

Member 4377

Level 19.38

Mar 2006

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Old Jul 27, 2006, 10:25 PM #12 of 144
My girlfriend once played through Secret of Mana with me.

She's not a gamer by any means... you know, her brother had a nintendo at home, played her some Mario 64, etc, but not much else. I admire that she had enough of an open mind to share something like SoM with me even though she didn't have much interest in it. It made me really feel special.

So in a way it's good that she's not a gamer. But I'd like to convert her, if it's possible.

I am a dolphin, do you want me on your body?

Pokemon Diamond: 1547 1670 1982
Shorter than girls should be.

Member 8290

Level 18.41

Jun 2006

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Old Jul 27, 2006, 11:05 PM Local time: Jul 27, 2006, 08:05 PM #13 of 144
Most of my friends are big gamers, but I'm not. I'll play on my old Super Nintendo, and there are some new games I like, but I don't play that often. That being said, I don't mind hanging out with my friends while they play video games, and I only start complaining after watching them play first person shooters for four hours. As long as the game interests me, I'll sit and watch them play. So, even though I'm not a big gamer, I tend to like guys that are into gaming because I just seem to get along with them better than I get along with other people.

I was speaking idiomatically.
Fuck yea dinosaurs

Member 748

Level 53.85

Mar 2006

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Old Jul 27, 2006, 11:14 PM #14 of 144
Originally Posted by ElectricSheep
Physical looks simply do not last. Time takes its toll on everyone. The good looks fade. The hair turns grey and falls out. The skin wears thin, wrinkles, stretches, and sags. The sex drive dries up and stops all together.
You must slay them at parties.

Personally speaking, anyone who says looks aren't important simply hasn't had very much experience dating. But that's not what the thread is about; no, I don't look for matching hobbies while looking for a partner. I'm one of those people who are strangely competitive but not very good at anything; I wouldn't sit well dating someone who's better than me. I also like it when people nerd it up about something they're passionate about; I love learning new things. If he's passionate about his hobbies that's cool, he can educate me and I can become a more well-rounded person. Hopefully I can have the same effect, too.

What kind of toxic man-thing is happening now?
No. Hard Pass.
Salty for Salt's Sake

Member 27

Level 61.14

Mar 2006

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Old Jul 27, 2006, 11:19 PM Local time: Jul 27, 2006, 10:19 PM #15 of 144
Originally Posted by a lurker
You must slay them at parties.

Personally speaking, anyone who says looks aren't important simply hasn't had very much experience dating. But that's not what the thread is about; no, I don't look for matching hobbies while looking for a partner. I'm one of those people who are strangely competitive but not very good at anything; I wouldn't sit well dating someone who's better than me. I also like it when people nerd it up about something they're passionate about; I love learning new things. If he's passionate about his hobbies that's cool, he can educate me and I can become a more well-rounded person. Hopefully I can have the same effect, too.
Absolutely. I don't care how much you love their mind, if the gear comes off and there isn't something there that makes you want to throw them against a wall and fuck them until you speak a language you don't even know, it isn't going to last.

Anyway, personally, gaming is entirely secondary so long as they're respectful. I'll put up with hobbies of theirs if I don't overly like them, so long as she understands that some days I will ditch her to play through some game I'm utterly taken with. I haven't had many girls with issues like this, but the ones who did, well... gaming was the least of my problems. You should have heard the shit I took for my pub crawling. They don't make it past about a week, so it really isn't a problem though.

The short answer? Neither. A complete person is vastly superior.

How ya doing, buddy?

John Mayer just asked me, personally, through an assistant, to sing backup on his new CD.

Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss
Motherfucking Chocobo

Member 589

Level 64.55

Mar 2006

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Old Jul 28, 2006, 07:56 AM Local time: Jul 28, 2006, 01:56 PM #16 of 144
Originally Posted by Denicalis
You should have heard the shit I took for my pub crawling.
That's where you're going wrong mate. You shouldn't ever get involved with any bird who can't stick it out in the juicer as long as you can. There's nothing worse than some whiny bint nagging one of your mates about going home when you're all getting nicely hammered.

But otherwise, the only interests that matter to me in a girl would be their taste in films and music. I ain't going out with someone who doesn't like horror films or anyone who listens to all that guitar shite kids seem so fond of these days. My current girlfriend l9ikes a bunch of games on the DS which is handy as it gives her something to do if I'm playing something else.

But choosing someone for their hobbies over thier looks is retarded and symptomatic of low self esteem.

Most amazing jew boots

Member 400

Level 18.87

Mar 2006

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Old Jul 28, 2006, 08:07 AM #17 of 144
I know some girls who game and they're not hot but they're really pretty and attractive. (hot and pretty are different) Anyway, I think it's better to have a girl who enjoys gaming that way you both can play some games together or sometimes one person can play and the other watches. Some people rather watch others play instead of wanting to join in the game.

Jam it back in, in the dark.

Member 647

Level 33.65

Mar 2006

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Old Jul 28, 2006, 11:41 AM Local time: Jul 28, 2006, 09:41 AM #18 of 144
I guess I got girlfriend is extremely attractive, then again beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and now is "pissed" at me because I got her readdicted to gaming.

It makes me laugh since shes a good sport about it and calls me more competitive that her, which is

But mainly for me it was, if you can accept me being a nerd and spending alot of my time playing games and we want to go out, cool. If not...GTFO!

How ya doing, buddy?
Jonathan Ingram
Rattle Your Goddamn Head!

Member 135

Level 9.79

Mar 2006

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Old Jul 28, 2006, 01:27 PM #19 of 144
What about a middle ground? You know, a relatively attractive, but not quite "hot" girl who occasionally plays video games? It's all about compromises people.

This thing is sticky, and I don't like it. I don't appreciate it.
No. Hard Pass.
Salty for Salt's Sake

Member 27

Level 61.14

Mar 2006

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Old Jul 28, 2006, 02:38 PM Local time: Jul 28, 2006, 01:38 PM #20 of 144
Originally Posted by Shin
That's where you're going wrong mate. You shouldn't ever get involved with any bird who can't stick it out in the juicer as long as you can. There's nothing worse than some whiny bint nagging one of your mates about going home when you're all getting nicely hammered.

But otherwise, the only interests that matter to me in a girl would be their taste in films and music. I ain't going out with someone who doesn't like horror films or anyone who listens to all that guitar shite kids seem so fond of these days. My current girlfriend l9ikes a bunch of games on the DS which is handy as it gives her something to do if I'm playing something else.

But choosing someone for their hobbies over thier looks is retarded and symptomatic of low self esteem.
I dumped the bitch. Really, Shin. What do you think of me not to realise that?

I am a dolphin, do you want me on your body?

John Mayer just asked me, personally, through an assistant, to sing backup on his new CD.

Tawnee Van Pelt
Everybody Hertz

Member 227

Level 23.36

Mar 2006

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Old Jul 28, 2006, 02:38 PM Local time: Jul 28, 2006, 01:38 PM #21 of 144
Having a girl that enjoys gaming is a plus but not a definitive factor in a relationship. You can always have them watching you as you play and sometimes get her involved. Not always, of course. You'll bore her to death as if she took you to shopping, for example.

I was speaking idiomatically.


Member 1180

Level 28.87

Mar 2006

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Old Jul 28, 2006, 05:21 PM Local time: Jul 28, 2006, 11:21 PM #22 of 144
Looks are important, but not as important as personality in a relationship, you could be going out with the most attractive person in the world and they could be less interesting than a wet sponge, so looks aren't always the most important aspect of a relationship.
Having a partner that shares your interests (i.e. gaming) is a good basis for a relationship, wheter they be hot or not.
Originally Posted by Jonathan Ingram
What about a middle ground? You know, a relatively attractive, but not quite "hot" girl who occasionally plays video games? It's all about compromises people.
I would settle for that.

What kind of toxic man-thing is happening now?
Fuck yea dinosaurs

Member 748

Level 53.85

Mar 2006

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Old Jul 28, 2006, 10:41 PM #23 of 144
you could be going out with the most attractive person in the world and they could be less interesting than a wet sponge
No one who has ever posted on this forum will ever date Jessica Simpson, so I don't know why she keeps getting brought up every single time someone mentions attractiveness.

Indigo 1

Member 207

Level 22.37

Mar 2006

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Old Jul 29, 2006, 02:14 AM Local time: Jul 29, 2006, 01:14 AM #24 of 144
Originally Posted by a lurker
No one who has ever posted on this forum will ever date Jessica Simpson, so I don't know why she keeps getting brought up every single time someone mentions attractiveness.
You do realize you're the first to bring her up in this thread?


What, you don't want my bikini-clad body?

Fuck yea dinosaurs

Member 748

Level 53.85

Mar 2006

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Old Jul 29, 2006, 02:20 AM #25 of 144
No, someone else brought up the 'perfect broad except she's devestatingly dull' strawman that the perpetually lonely beat on when someone suggests that physical attraction is important.

I'll explain it again for you if you need. My time is valueless.

Jam it back in, in the dark.

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