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View Poll Results: Which game do you want to play, heroes?
Exalted 5 14.29%
ShadowRun 19 54.29%
Dreamcast 11 31.43%
Voters: 35. You may not vote on this poll

Next GFF PBP RPG. Exalted or Shadowrun? YOU decide.
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Old Jan 5, 2009, 10:18 PM Local time: Jan 5, 2009, 09:18 PM #1 of 81
Next GFF PBP RPG. Exalted or Shadowrun? YOU decide.


So, Gamingforce. When D&D first got rolling, I claimed I was going get a game of Shadowrun up and running almost right away, but after being cautioned that we should wait and see how the D&D plays out, I held off.

Well, the returns are back on D&D and it's a galloping success, so here we are, about six months later, and I am asking you what you want to play, GFF. You have a choice. It's like voting for a president, only this matters. This is important. Here you can actually make a difference.

So, you want to be informed on what you're voting on? Why, that's fair.

Let's start with Shadowrun, shall we?


Shadowrun - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A pdf of the core rules book:


Characters in Shadowrun can be humans, orks, trolls, elves and dwarves, as well as certain diverging subspecies (known as metavariants) such as gnomes, giants, minotaurs, etc. As magic returned to the world, Humans began to give birth to elf and dwarf infants, a phenomenon called Unexplained Genetic Expression (UGE). Later, some juvenile and adult humans "goblinized" into other races (mostly orks, but also some trolls). The term "metahuman" is used either to refer to humanity as a whole, including all races, or to refer specifically to non-human races, depending on context. With the return of Halley's Comet new human variants called "changelings" arose. While not as many people were affected by this change as the previous "goblinizations" it was enough to spark new controversy in the Awakened World, especially since changelings were frequently regarded as mutants or freaks due to the large variety of exotic traits they show.
Two of the metahuman races have fictional languages. Many elves speak Sperethiel which some of them, being immortal, remember from the last age of magic. Some orks speak Or'zet, which was forgotten until the will of an assassinated dragon released the Or’zet Codex to the public.
Additionally, a virus known as Human Meta-Human Vampiric Virus (HMHVV), with many variant strains, has been known to cause further change, frequently resulting in fierce abominations that are no longer human and sometimes no longer even sentient—bandersnatches, banshees, dzoo-noo-quas, goblins, ghouls, nosferatus, vampires, Wendigos, wild Fomorians, and other creatures, depending on the victim's original race.

Game background

Further information: Shadowrun timeline

The game is set in the year 2072,[3] following a great cataclysm that has brought use of magic back to the world, just as it begins to embrace the marvels (and dangers) of technologies such as cyberspace, omnipresent computer networks, genetic engineering, and the merger of man and machine called cyberware.
The emergence of magic, the outbreak of the VITAS plagues (Virally Induced Toxic Allergy Syndrome), the Computer Crash of 2029 (caused by a complex and nearly unstoppable computer virus called "The Crash Entity"), the Euro-Wars, in which the western-European countries once fought off an invasion from neo-communist Russia and then a pan-Islamic invasion like that of 800 years ago, and the fevers for independence of Amerindian tribes, Chinese provinces, etc. left the world's governments tumbling and falling. With the fall of the existing political structures, mega-corporations emerged as the new superpowers.

The nations

As the world endured the string of state-changing events and conflicts, the political landscape fragmented and reformed. In North America, for example, some nations broke apart and reformed, as was the case with the Confederated American States and the United Canadian and American States; others became havens for specific racial or ethnic groups, like the councils of the Native American Nations or the Elvish principality of Tír Tairngire; and some, like the California Free State, simply declared independence, or became de facto corporate subsidiaries like Aztlan to Aztechnology. Despite the new role of megacorporations, many nations still hold considerable sway through economic, social and military means.

The corporations

The monolithic "enemies" of the Shadowrun world (borrowing heavily from cyberpunk mythos) are the corporations, dubbed "megacorporations", "megacorps", or simply "megas" or "corps" for short. Megacorporations in the twenty-first century are global, with all but the smallest corps owning multiple subsidiaries and divisions around the world. They are the superpowers of the Shadowrun universe, with the largest corporations having far more political, economic, and military power than even the most powerful nation-states.
In Shadowrun, corporations are effectively "ranked" by the amount of assets under their control, including material, personnel, and property, as well as profit. These ranks are A, AA, and AAA; AAA corporations are top tier. Most corporations in the AA and AAA level are immune to domestic law, responsible only to themselves, and regulated only by the Corporate Court, an assembly of the ten AAA-rated corporations.
All AAA-rated and most AA-rated corporations exhibit a privilege known as “extraterritoriality”, meaning that any land owned by the corp is sovereign territory only to the corp and immune to any laws of the country within. Corporate territory is not foreign soil but corporate soil, just like its employees are corporate citizens, though dual citizenship in a corporation and a nation is common.
The AAA corps, as well as numerous minor corporations, fight each other not only in the boardroom or during high-level business negotiations but also with physical destruction, clandestine operations, hostile extraction or elimination of vital personnel, and other means of sabotage. Because no corporation wants to be held liable for damages, it has to be done by deniable assets, or shadowrunners, invisible to the system where every citizen is tagged with a System Identification Number (SIN).
Shadowrunners fall outside the structured corporate world. Many are outcasts, having risen from the streets or fallen from corporate or government ranks. Their ranks include idealists and pragmatists, professionals and amateurs, disillusioned ex-corp/government/military personnel who have thrown off the shackles of corp society to achieve freedom and those who have never known any life outside the shadows. The one thing they have in common is that through necessity or by choice, they work in the shadows cast by the gigantic corporate buildings. Players of Shadowrun most commonly assume the role of these shadowrunners.


Despite the Crash which caused much data corruption, technology advanced at a tremendous rate. Cyberware, technical implants, and Bioware, genetically engineered implants which enhance a person's abilities, emerged. Characters can also augment their bodies with nanotechnology implants.

The Matrix

Originally, direct neural interface technology enabled humans and metahumans to directly access computers and the Matrix, the global computer network restructured after the 2029 Crash. Access to the Matrix was accomplished by "deckers": individuals that have cyberdecks which are futuristic equivalent to modern day laptop computers. These interface machines are connected to the brain through a Datajack generally located at the temple or behind the ear. (The "behind-the-ear" jack was most common with Riggers - vehicle and drone specialists - who required better connection with the motor centres of the brain, rather than to the higher brain functions.) The "deck" would then be plugged into a port that is connected to the wider Matrix.
In Shadowrun 4th edition, the Matrix rules have changed, thanks to the setting's constant evolution and a drive to match real world technological developments. After the second Matrix crash in 2064, Matrix technology was moved away from the wired network and led into a wireless technology. This technology was originally proposed in the early 2060s by Transys Neuronet and Erika, now part of NeoNET.
The most noticeable difference between the Matrix in the 2070s and the earlier editions is that wireless technology has become completely ubiquitous. Communications and Matrix access is provided through wi-fi nodes placed throughout the infrastructure of just about every city on Earth, fulfilling a service similar to contemporary cell towers - but as these nodes are as numerous as telephone poles, only a tiny percentage of their range is necessary. The nodes of all electronic devices a person carries are connected in a similar manner, creating a Personal Area Network (PAN). People access their PAN with their Commlink, a combination personal computer/cell phone/PDA/wireless device available either as an implant or a head-mounted display. This access can be the total sensory immersion common to cyberpunk fiction, or a sensory enhancement by which the virtual features of one's physical surroundings can be perceived and manipulated. The Matrix of the 2070s is thus not only a virtual reality, but an augmented or mixed reality.
Cyberdecks are obsolete, so "deckers" have once again become "hackers". In turn, the otaku of previous versions (deckers who did not need decks to access the Matrix) have evolved into technomancers, gifted individuals who possess an innate connection to the Matrix that permits them to access the wireless network without hardware.
The use of the term 'Matrix' in the Shadowrun game to refer to an immersive virtual world predates its use in the popular feature film The Matrix. In Shadowrun, the Matrix is not just a simulation of reality but is also the global communications and information network that is the successor to the internet.


Those able to actively interact with the magical energies of the Sixth World are known as awakened. An awakened character's power in magic is linked to their Essence statistic. A magic user's approach to working with mystic energy is called their Path. The Awakened fall into three general Paths: Magicians, Adepts, and Mystic Adepts.
Magicians are able to cast spells, summon spirits, and create magical artifacts called "foci". All magicians follow traditions that determine their understanding of magic.
Adepts use magic internally in order to accentuate their natural physical abilities. Adepts can run on walls, use mundane objects as deadly thrown projectiles, shatter hard objects with a single unarmed blow, and perform similar feats of incredible ability. All adepts follow a very personal path (Path of the Warrior, Path of the Artist, etc.). This path normally determines their abilities which might be very different for any two adepts: while one might demonstrate increased reflexes and facility with firearms, a second might possess unparalleled mastery of the katana, and a third might be able to pull off incredible vehicular stunts.
Mystic adepts, also known as physical mages, are half magician and half adept. They distribute their magic power between the abilities of both.
What's the long and short of it? This is by far the grittier option. Gone are the high fantasy tropes of damsels and kings, and looming large are the mega-corporations and Gibson-esque cyberpunk. You're Robin Hood. Only you rob from anybody, and instead of giving it to the poor you buy new guns, cyberware or wiz focii to boost your magic. Maybe you're a Troll with huge assault weapons, and more metal in your body than my tattoo artist. Maybe you're a dwarven conjurer, using your natural body strength to withstand the debilitating drain of calling up the spirits of the underworld.

Or maybe you're just an average guy, with average skills, who happens to know just what to say and just who to say it to. Whatever keeps you alive in the Sprawl, Chummer. Because in the slums of Seattle, death comes easy, life is cheap, and it's still better than living in what's left of Chicago.

Smaller cockroaches.

And yet, as cool as that is, a challenger still exists. And she is potent.


Core Rules Book:

Exalted - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The basic premise of the game is that the player characters are chosen by a higher being and imbued with the powers of a demigod (thus, "exalted," or "raised high"). The main game is based around the Solar Exalted, with the Core Rulebook covering the Solars and their abilities and skills.
According to the core sourcebooks and many of the supplementary materials, in the history of the Exalted setting, during "the time before anything," there were the Primordials who were titanic, unfathomable beings similar to the Primordial Deities of Greek mythology or the Great Old Ones of H.P. Lovecraft's works, even going so far as to use similar epithets. The Primordials took the unshaped chaos that was later to be called the Wyld, which they formed into Creation – a flat, elementally based world. The elements of the world of Creation are similar to the five elements of Chinese and Japanese philosophy. The Primordials created all life, and then created the gods, who are similar both to the Titans of Greek mythology and the gods of various mythological pantheons. Chief among the gods were the Celestial Incarnae, who were charged with ruling Creation while the Primordials indulged in the mysterious Games of Divinity. These Celestial Incarnae form the bulk of deities that "exalt" beings.
Peace lasted for millennia, but in time, the gods grew jealous of the Primordials. They wanted the power that they had been denied for so long by their creators, but because of powerful oaths they had been forced to swear upon being created, they could do nothing to fight the Primordials directly. For this reason, they created the Exalted. After a centuries-long war, the Exalted finally became victorious over the Primordials, either slaying them or imprisoning them into a prison forged from the body of their own general, known as Malfeas. The slain Primordials became known as the Neverborn, and those imprisoned on oaths sworn on their own names are called the Yozis. With this victory, the Gods ascended to a heavenly city, known as Yu-Shan, to oversee Creation. As a reward for their fight against the Primordials, the Exalted were given rulership over Creation. The Solars gained supreme power, with Lunars being their lieutenants and mates, the Sidereals being their advisers, and the Dragon-Blooded being their shock troops and infantry.
Common to all of White Wolf's games, the primary character archetype, the Exalted, suffer from a character flaw. In this case, this flaw is represented by a "Great Curse", placed upon them by the fallen Primordials. This Great Curse manifests itself in a variety of ways and causes the "heroes" of the setting to be flawed and thus more realistic. In the game's history the Solars grew decadent and corrupt in their great power, driven slowly mad with power and rage. After centuries of plotting and waiting, the Solars were slaughtered to a man in a massive insurrection by the Dragon-Blooded and Sidereals known as the Usurpation.
The exalted "essence" or "shard" (different from the magical energy in the game, also known as Essence) of each hero who passes from life inhabits itself in a new mortal, and thus, most Exalts are reborn. The exception to this rule lies in the Terrestrial Exalted, also known as the Dragon-Blooded, who are able to pass their Exaltation down to their children. In the game setting, the majority of the essences of the Solar Exalted were locked away in the Jade Prison. During this time, the Terrestrial Exalted became the rulers of the world, ruling in a system not unlike the Shogunate of classical and feudal Japan. After plague and war with the Fair Folk (who are somewhat similar in nature and type to the faeries of mythology, but often more sinister) a strong leader, the Scarlet Empress, emerged and forged the Scarlet Empire to rule over Creation. Five years prior to the "present day" of the Exalted setting, the Scarlet Empress has disappeared and the Scarlet Empire is on the brink of tearing itself apart. The Solar essences have escaped their imprisonment and new Solar Exalted are emerging into Creation, their numbers growing. Now it is a race to see if the newly-risen Solar Exalted will survive their enemies long enough to make their mark upon the world, for good or for ill.[2]
The flat world of Creation is the primary setting of Exalted. Creation has two continents, the Blessed Isle and the unnamed super-continent which covers the northern, eastern and southern edges of Creation, populated by many nations and tribes. The Blessed Isle is located in the center of Creation. The Realm rules the Blessed Isle and its surrounding islands directly. The frigid North is divided by the White Sea. The heavily forested East is the most densely populated region of Creation other than the Blessed Isle. The Scavenger Lands, formally named the Confederation of Rivers, is an organization of allied nations within the East. The South is an arid region. The West consists largely of the Great Western Ocean. Creation has five Elemental Poles, the five powerful elementally charged hubs of Creation's dragon line network. The Elemental Pole of Earth, the least hazardous of the five, is located at the top of the Imperial Mountain in the center of the Blessed Isle, and the Elemental Poles of Air, Wood, Fire and Water are located at the far northern, eastern, southern and western edges of Creation respectively. Outside of Creation is the Wyld, divided into the relatively stable Bordermarches, the somewhat stable Middlemarches and the unstable Deep Wyld; beyond the Deep Wild lies Chaos, the pure, unstable Wyld. The cosmology of Exalted also includes the Underworld, the celestial city of Yu-Shan, the demon realm of Malfeas, the machine world of Autochthonia and Elsewhere.

Types of Exalts

As a large part of the setting, there are different types of Exaltation, which largely determine both background and point of view for the various protagonists and antagonists of the game. Each different type of Exalt will often have certain predispositions toward or against other Exalt types, and may be viewed differently by the various mortals of Creation, either as monsters or demigods. The Exalted of Creation can be divided into two categories: Terrestrial Exalted and Celestial Exalted. Celestial Exalted are significantly more powerful than Terrestrial Exalted, and can live for millennia, but their numbers are limited by a fixed number of Exaltations. Terrestrial Exalted, while less powerful, can pass on their Exaltations to their children, much like one would pass on other genetic features. The Abyssal and Alchemical Exalted technically fall outside of the two categories, as do the Green Sun Princes, though their power level is comparable to that of Celestial Exalted. A brief synopsis of each type is given here, organized by relative power levels within the game.

Solar Exalted (Lawgivers, Solars)

The default protagonists of Exalted and the champions of the most powerful of the gods, a being known as the Unconquered Sun.[3] There are five castes (similar in nature to the Portuguese "caste") of Solar Exalted: Dawn (the warriors and generals), Zenith (the priest-kings of the Unconquered Sun), Twilight (the scholars and sorcerers), Night (the spies and assassins) and Eclipse (the ambassadors, diplomats and negotiators).
In the era that the game is set, known as the Second Age of Man, the Solar Exalted are returning to the world in numbers for the first time in thousands of years, and their actions and choices have the potential to shape the fate of nations due to the nature and strength of their magical powers. The Solar Exalted are the most powerful of the Exalted and during the First Age of Man, they were the rulers of the world. Their achievements were a beacon to humanity. The Terrestrial Exalted who served them, also known as the Dragon-Blooded, murdered the Solars at the fall of the First Age. However, it was not possible to destroy their essences, so most were captured and imprisoned with the assistance of the Sidereal Exalted. However, those that were not imprisoned continued to reincarnate again and again through the ages. Each time a Solar re-emerged into the world by reincarnating in a mortal, they were hunted down and killed by Terrestrial Exalted, who used their greater numbers to overcome the newly-Exalted person in a crusade known as the Wyld Hunt.
Considered to be anathema to the rest of the world, the Solars are regarded as monstrous demons and are feared by anyone with the knowledge of who and what they are. This is due to long-standing and widespread propaganda against Solar Exalted by the Terrestrial and Sidereal Exalted. Various sourcebooks for Exalted state that Solars lack the ability to specialize in the shapeshifting magic of the Lunars, the raw aggressive force of the Abyssals, the elemental manipulation of the Terrestrial Exalted, or the Fate-manipulation of the Sidereals, though their raw prowess in most skills easily exceeds any of the others.
Their two greatest advantages are their large Essence pools that give them more raw power to work with, and their ability to use the highest of all forms of sorcery, the Solar Circle – likely named due to the Solars alone being able to access that circle of sorcery.

Abyssal Exalted (Deathknights, Abyssals)

Twisted souls that are loyal servants of the Deathlords, powerful spirits of long-dead Exalts, who in turn serve the Neverborn, the dead husks of what were once the ancient Primordials that were slain by the Exalted during the great war between the Primordials and the gods.[4]
The source materials, primarily the first-edition sourcebook Exalted: The Abyssals, present the Deathlords as corrupted remnants of fallen First Age Solars who are easily among the most powerful beings in the Underworld of Exalted. The Deathlords have varied goals, but most strive not to conquer or corrupt Creation but rather to wipe it and everything else out of existence, although conquering and corrupting Creation are listed among their tactics.
In the present of Exalted, the Neverborn sow their revenge from beyond the grave through their Deathlord servants. The named agents of the Deathlords in the world of the living are the Abyssal Exalted, also known as Deathknights; these antagonists are dark reflections of the Solar Exalted and are presented as being their equal in power. Deathknights are described as finding themselves bound to their dark fate; holding onto the trappings of life inevitably spells disaster for those who rebel. Within the last five years of the game's fictional history, they and their Deathlord masters have begun to corrupt Creation with the power of the Underworld. They field vast undead armies, bolstered by ancient knowledge and powerful necromancy. Several sourcebooks present the Abyssals and the Deathlords as having a tentative foothold in Creation, likely representing its gravest threat.
Abyssals cannot draw Essence from Creation as other Exalts do and can only replenish their Essence in the Underworld or with powerful artifacts. The easiest way for an Abyssal to restore Essence away from the Underworld is by feeding on the living. Willing Solar Exalted can be converted to Abyssal Exalted with a powerful necromancy spell.

Lunar Exalted (Chosen of Luna, Stewards)

Presented as the most chaotic and savage of the Exalted. In the sourcebooks, they are often referred to as cunning shapeshifters, skilled fighters and capable generals.[5] Their history and characteristics are described in the first-edition book Exalted: The Lunars and the second-edition book The Manual of Exalted Power: Lunars. In second-edition materials, they are presented less as barbaric warriors and much closer to their original First Age description.
Within the game's history, they were very commonly bonded in wedlock with the First Age Solars; those that were not killed along with their Solar mates fled to the edges of Creation. At the borders of the order of Creation and in the chaotic energies of the Wyld, their natures were changed over a great many years. Lunars follow a tribal hierarchy and ritually tattoo each other to protect themselves from the warping effects of the Wyld. This further serves to mark them as different from the rest of humanity, as the tattoos are often visible over much of the Lunar's body. In addition to their self-inflicted distinguishing marks, each Lunar has a "Tell" that manifests as an animal-like characteristic that is visible to some degree or another in their human forms, further setting them apart from mortals.
Lunars often shun civilization; some of them lead and sometimes breed or guide anthropomorphic barbarian tribes. Other Lunar Exalted went into deep seclusion in their territories, and still others let their shapechanging animalistic instincts overtake them until their humanity was hardly recognizable. This last group of Lunars are known as "chimera", having been changed by the chaotic energies of the Wyld, becoming monsters with no unifying form, or sometimes forms that constantly change.
With the return of the Solar Exalted, the uncertainty of the imperial rule of the Dragon-Blooded, the encroaching influence of the Wyld and its Fair Folk manifestations, and the new threat of the Deathlords, the Lunar Exalted are possibly returning to a Creation that has changed as much as they have – though this is entirely at the discretion of the Storyteller (see Storytelling System).
One of their most notable feats is the Thousand Streams River Project, a complicated system of social engineering designed to create self-sufficient human societies that do not require Exalted leadership to function. Such social engineering is presented within the game to give players who wish to play Lunar Exalts optional goals to work toward, or as antagonists, a plot hook for Storytellers to include within their own games.

Sidereal Exalted (Chosen of the Five Maidens, Viziers)

These Celestial Exalted are the least numerous of all the Exalted types, yet are described as major players in the fate of Creation. Sidereals, in addition to their unparalleled mastery of martial arts, evidenced by their access to the highest forms of martial-arts magical abilities (known as Charms), excel at foreseeing and manipulating fate.[6] Within the Exalted universe, they are often presented as celestial bureaucrats who often work in the Bureau of Fate of the Celestial City of Yu-Shan, the home of the gods, directing events in the mortal world from behind the scenes.
They were the viziers, prophets and cunning advisers of the First Age. Toward the end of the First Age, a prophecy came to them that seemed to offer two options: either destroy the Solar Exalted or watch Creation be destroyed instead. The arrogant and prideful Sidereals, possibly under the effects of the Great Curse laid upon them by the Yozi, blindly followed their predictions without taking the time to verify them, orchestrating the end of the First Age, known as the Great Usurpation. It was with their behind-the-scenes guidance that the Dragon-Blooded were able to completely wipe out the Solar Exalted and effectively direct the Wyld Hunt to the predicted Exaltation of new Solars. The Bronze Faction of the Sidereal Exalted supported and orchestrated the purge of the Solar Exalted from Creation, while the Gold Faction worked to support the Solars and lost much in the way of power and influence at the end of the First Age.
Because of the effect of the Great Curse, Sidereals slip from the minds of those who meet them, mortal and Exalt alike, which can be beneficial to Sidereal characters or harmful, depending on their intended goals as player characters and non-player characters. Some events prior to the "present" setting of Exalted, such as a devastating plague known as the Great Contagion which eluded their predictions, have jarred their faith in their precognitive abilities, and the loss of the Scarlet Empress, their secret ally at the top of the Scarlet Dynasty, has marginalized their influence.
With the emergence of the Deathlords (who, as the authors describe them, are inscrutable to their power of prediction), the return of the Solars, and a growing rift between the Bronze Faction and the Gold Faction, who are now gathering their power and directing it into an organization known as the Cult of the Illuminated, the Sidereal Exalted are uncertain of their future.

Terrestrial Exalted (Chosen of the Elemental Dragons, Dragon-Blooded)

[7] In the history of Exalted, they were the elite infantry and servants to the rest of the Exalted in the First Age. They are less powerful than other types of Exalted, but most of their strength lies in their inheritance – rather than being chosen by a god, the Dragon-Blooded have the potential to pass their Exaltation on to their children, although some Dragon-Blooded, the "Lost Eggs", Exalt into families that have no Dragon-Blooded in their genealogy. The Dragon-Blooded are not limited by a set amount of "Exalted essences" like Celestial Exalted. Due to their overwhelming numbers in comparison with the Celestial Exalted (Terrestrial Exalted numbering in the tens of thousands as compared to the hundreds of Celestial Exalted), they were able to usurp the power of the Solar Exalted at the height of their power with the help and guidance of the Sidereal Exalted, thus ending the First Age. The majority of the Dragon-Blooded in Creation make up the ruling class of the Realm, currently the most powerful empire in Creation, although the Old Realm ruled over by the Solars was far more advanced and successful than the current Realm ruled over by the Dragon-Blooded. The state-sanctioned faith known as the Immaculate Order paints the Solar and Lunar Exalted as dangerous anathema who will bring ruin to the world if allowed to exist, thus encompassing the propaganda against Celestial Exalts. Because of this, the Realm organizes the Wyld Hunt, which actively seeks out newly Exalted Celestial Exalted (Solars and Lunars, although they also hunt Abyssals and God-Blooded) and overwhelms them before they can master their new powers. This practice, which had effectively kept the Solars from rising to power again since the end of the First Age, has faltered recently in the Exalted timeline because of the recent disappearance of the Scarlet Empress – the absolute monarch of the Realm – and the stability and leadership that she was able to bring to the Dragon-Blooded. The power struggle by the great Dragon-Blooded houses to fill the resulting power vacuum has destabilized the Scarlet Empire and allowed the Solar Exalted to escape the purges of the Wyld Hunt and rise in Creation once more. The greatest advantages of the Dragon-Blooded are the considerable resources granted to them by their noble status and their ability to work cooperatively with each other to create greater effects with their Essence. There are five elemental aspects to the Dragon-Blooded: Air (the Azure Children of Mela), Earth (the Ivory Children of Pasiap), Fire (the Scarlet Offspring of Hesiesh), Water (the Ebon Offspring of Daana'd) and Wood (the Verdant Children of Sextes Jylis). The ruling Dragon-Blooded of the Realm are made up of the eleven Great Houses. Most houses were founded by and named after one of the Scarlet Empress's Exalted offspring, though at least two are descended from the Empress' late husbands, and three unspecified houses are descended from adopted children of the Empress. Of the 13 former Great Houses, only two, Jerah and Manosque, have been named. The prominent Dragon-Blooded families are known as Gentes. There are five major or great Gentes: Amilar (Air), Karal (Fire), Maheka (Earth), Teresu (Water) and Yushoto (Wood), as well as approximately a dozen minor Gentes.

Alchemical Exalted

[8] Android creations made from clay and the Five Magical Materials, built in the world of Autochthonia. They were introduced in the supplement "Time of Tumult."[9] They are the only type of playable characters besides the Dragon Kings that were designed after the core rulebook was released, and are occasionally referenced in subsequent materials. Alchemicals serve the Great Maker Autochthon, one of only two primordials that was not imprisoned or killed in the Primordial War, and are infused with the souls of dead Autochthonian heroes. Within the context of the game, they serve as protectors of the inhabitants of a parallel world made up of the body of Autochthon himself, and enforce the will of the Tripartite, the theocratic government of this world. They divide themselves into castes according to which material was mainly used in their construction: there are five canon castes, one for each of the Five Magical Materials, as well as the optional Adamant caste. Autochthon designed them before the other four original types of Exalted, but they were not constructed until after the Primordials were overthrown and Autochthon retreated from Creation. Instead of wielding Essence directly and using their Charms in a "magical" fashion like other Exalted do, the Alchemicals have Charms "installed" like peripheral parts and fuel these machine implants with Essence from their own bodies. Unlike the Celestial Exalted, there is no hard cap on the number of Alchemicals, the main limiting factor on their numbers being the immense resource investment required for their construction. As Alchemical Exalted raise their Permanent Essence, they increase in size, eventually joining with Autochthon and growing into cities. The Alchemicals are not subject to the Great Curse, as they did not fight in the Primordial War. In gameplay, in place of a Limit track, they have a Clarity track which measures their distance from humanity. Those Alchemicals who suffer from Gremlinism have a Dissonance track in place of a Clarity track, with Dissonance measuring their madness and corruption. Willing non-Alchemical Exalted can become "Akuma" of Autochthon, gaining the ability to have Alchemical charms installed and gaining a Clarity track. A brief tour of the world of Autochthonia can be found on the game's website.[10]

Infernal Exalted

They currently have less published material covering their nature, back-story and abilities than other Exalts. There are two types of Infernal Exalted, the Akuma and the Green Sun Princes. Akuma are Exalted of another type who have given themselves over to the cause of the Yozis (living Primordials) and have been remade according to their masters' desires. They retain access to their native charm set and gain the ability to learn and use Infernal charms. The Green Sun Princes are made with the fifty Essences of Solar Exalts which the Yozis took in payment from the Neverborn (slain Primordials) and corrupted in exchange for teaching the Neverborn to corrupt Solar Essences to create the Abyssals. The only confirmed modern Akuma in print is Lintha Ng Hut Dukantha.[11][12] Dukantha was a Water-Aspected Dragon-Blood before his change into an Akuma. This detail, and the Investiture of Infernal Glory charm in the Exalted Player's Guide[13] can be used to create Akuma from any Exalt type. An unnamed female Infernal with a Solar Dawn caste mark is depicted in two comics: one in the second edition Storyteller's Companion and one in Compass of Celestial Directions Volume 2: the Wyld, but she has not been mentioned outside of those comics. A sourcebook covering Infernals is in development as of May 2008.[14]

Other magical beings

Alongside the various types of Exalts found in Creation, there are also other magical creatures that use the same Essence that Exalts use to power their magical effects.
BehemothsBehemoths are unique, immortal monsters. There are two broad categories of behemoths: Primordial Behemoths, created by the Primordials, and Wyld Behemoths, created by the Fair Folk. Wyld Behemoths are classified according to power; in ascending order, the three types are fey beasts, daikaiju and Deep Wyld horrors. Dragon Kings[13]Like the Fair Folk, the Dragon Kings are not Exalted; they are supernatural creatures offered as a player character type. The Dragon Kings are large dinosaur-like beings of great power. Dragon Kings are sworn in allegiance to the Unconquered Sun, their creator. According to the fictional history of Exalted, before the time of the Exalted, the Dragon Kings ruled Creation and the mortals who dwelt there, but as the methods of Exaltation were crafted and improved they become obsolete in the gods' eyes. The Unconquered Sun used them as powerful servants to his chosen whom they served faithfully, honoring their Exalted brethren. After the First Age ended in war and disease, few survived. Their numbers grow slowly but steadily in the Second Age, though the once great Dragon Kings remain hidden in the farthest corners of Creation. Their most powerful stronghold is Rathess, an ancient home filled with a variety of powerful artifacts made by the Dragon Kings in the glory days of the First Age. The developers describe four types of Dragon Kings, each living in a quadrant of Creation; the graceful flying Pterok (North), the nimble and lithe Raptok (East), the powerful and loyal Anklok (South), and the clever amphibious Mosok (West). Rules for playing Dragon Kings are presented in the Exalted Player's Guide in 1st edition and Scroll of the Fallen Races in 2nd edition. Fair Folk[15]Like the Dragon Kings, they are an alternative player character race. Also referred to as Raksha, they are creatures composed of raw Essence, and inhabit the Wyld – the place that exists between the ordered Creation and pure Chaos. Inhuman and beautiful beings born from chaos, they feed on the dreams and aspirations of the inhabitants of Creation in order to give them strength and form in their own intermediate realm. In essence, they are the "kissing cousins" of the Primordials, their territory having been pushed back when the Primordials formed Creation. They prey upon the dreams of mortals and do a brisk slave trade with The Guild, a powerful economic organization in Creation. The Raksha are divided into four castes: Diplomats, who favor the Staff Grace and the virtue of Conviction, Entertainers, who favor the Cup Grace and the virtue of Compassion, Warriors, who favor the Sword Grace and the virtue of Valor, and Workers, who favor the Ring Grace and the virtue of Temperance. Noble Raksha belong to two of the four castes, favoring the Graces and virtues of both. There is also a fifth Grace, the Heart Grace, which is associated with identity and the trait of Willpower. Graces are differing outlets for the use of Essence and are similar to the suits of tarot. The most powerful of the Fair Folk are the Unshaped. Unlike the Raksha, the Unshaped are unable to survive within Creation for extended periods of time; each Unshaped is actually a symbiotic cluster of Fair Folk consisting of a single "guiding intelligence" and one or more "subsidiary intelligences" with no true form. Rules for playing Fair Folk are presented in Exalted: The Fair Folk in 1st edition, 2nd edition rules are due to be included in Graceful Wicked Masques: The Fair Folk, scheduled for release in 2009. God-Blooded[13] Refers to, as a collective whole, offspring of a mortal or animal and a magical being, or the mortal offspring of two magical beings, in which case they take after the more powerful of the two. The resulting offspring bears traces of its mystical parentage. According to the authors, they stand somewhere between divinity and mortality, less than Exalted, but more than human. Those with awakened Essence can purchase the same types of Charms as their supernatural parent, though their power is limited by a low Permanent Essence trait and a small Essence pool. There are several subtypes of God-Blooded: God-Blooded are the children of gods, Elemental-Blooded are the children of elementals, Demon-Blooded are the offspring of demons, Ghost-Blooded are the children of ghosts using powerful Charms to help them reproduce with mortals, and Half-Caste are the children of powerful Exalts (although exceedingly rare). Solar, Abyssal, Lunar, Sidereal and Terrestrial Half-Castes are known as Golden Children, Shadewalkers, Moon-Born, Star-Blessed and Dragon-Touched respectively. The Fae-Blooded are the children of a union between the Raksha and mortals. The Mountain Folk can also produce God-Blooded offspring, but there is no specific term for them. Mountain Folk[16] Also known as the Jadeborn, a long-lived subterranean race distantly related to the Fair Folk. The Mountain Folk are divided along two lines, Caste and Enlightenment. The vast majority of the Mountain Folk are Unenlightened – limited in intelligence, creativity and supernatural power. A small minority, including the entire Artisan Caste, are Enlightened, with much greater creativity as well as mundane and supernatural potential. The three Jadeborn Castes are the Artisans, Warriors and Workers. Mountain Folk society is ruled by the Artisan Caste, who make up the nobility, with Unenlightened Warriors and Workers making up the commoners and Enlightened Warriors and Workers occupying an intermediate position. Rules for playing the Mountain Folk are presented in 1st editon's Exalted: The Fair Folk and 2nd edition's Scroll of the Fallen Races. Spirits[17][18] Spirits are divided into four broad categories: demons, elementals, ghosts, and gods. With the exception of elementals, spirits are naturally immaterial, generally require Charms to materialize in Creation, and will reform when killed unless some supernatural effect prevents them from doing so. Rules for playing ghosts in 1st edition are presented in Exalted: The Abyssals, and rules for 2nd edition are presented in The Books of Sorcery, Vol. V: The Roll of Glorious Divinity II: Ghosts & Demons. Rules for playing elementals and gods are presented in The Books of Sorcery, Vol. IV: The Roll of Glorious Divinity I: Gods & Elementals. DemonsThe greatest of the demons are the Yozis, exiled, imprisoned and twisted Primordials. For each Yozi, there are at least a dozen Third Circle demons, each of which rivals the most powerful gods and elementals in power and embodies an aspect of the Yozi, and each Third Circle demon has seven Second Circle demons which reflect facets of its nature. First Circle demons are the descendants of greater demons rather than aspects of them, generally divided into various demonic species, with individuality and uniqueness quite rare among them. All demons other than the Yozis can be summoned through sorcery. Autochthon and Gaia, the two remaining free Primordials, have counterparts to Third Circle demons in the form of Gaia's Five Elemental Dragons and Autochthon's eight Divine Ministers and Core. Autochthon also has a counterpart to Second Circle demons in the form of the Revered Subroutines. Unlike true demons, these beings cannot be summoned through sorcery. ElementalsElementals maintain Creation, and with a few exceptions, embody one of the five elements: air, earth, fire, water or wood. Elementals are naturally material, requiring charms to dematerialize, and with a few exceptions, cannot reform when slain. Unlike other spirits, their growth is largely unrestricted. The most powerful elementals are the Lesser and Greater Elemental Dragons. Elementals are generally outranked by gods of similar power. Elementals can be summoned through Terrestrial Circle Sorcery, however, unlike demons, powerful elementals often have designated proxies who can be sent to respond to the summoning in their stead. The elementals of Autochthonia embody one of the machine world's elements: crystal, metal, oil, lightning or steam, and cannot be summoned through sorcery. GhostsThe most common type of ghosts are the hun or higher souls of mortals who have refused to pass into Lethe and reincarnation due to their attachment to their mortal lives. Ghosts are much weaker than Exalted, and they can only respire Essence in the Underworld and Shadowlands. Hungry ghosts generally come into existence due to betrayal, vengeance or a traumatic death. Initially, a hungry ghost includes both the higher soul and the po, or lower soul, but the hun soon moves on, leaving the hungry ghost largely mindless. Unlike other ghosts, hungry ghosts are naturally material in Creation at night. Nephwracks are ghosts who have been corrupted by the Neverborn. Unlike uncorrupted ghosts, they are capable of using necromancy. The Deathlords are thirteen ghosts of powerful Solar Exalted who have been empowered by the Neverborn, and although they are not technically Exalted, they have access to Abyssal Charms. Spectres, also known as plasmics, are bizarre creatures spawned by the nightmares of the Neverborn. Hekatonkhire are the ghosts of demons and Primordial behemoths, as well as the manifested nightmares of the Neverborn. The Neverborn are the ghosts of slain Primordials. Immensely powerful, they are difficult to rouse from their slumber, and their power seems largely constrained to the Labyrinth. Only mundane ghosts and Hekatonkhire can be summoned through necromancy, and only mundane ghosts can be summoned through sorcery. GodsGods represent objects, locations and concepts, but they are separate from them. In order of least powerful and influential to most, there are least gods, minor gods, gods, major gods and Celestial Incarnae. Examples of least gods include gods of a single pebble, whereas major gods include gods of concepts such as wealth or war. Most gods are members of the Celestial Order, which is stratified into two divisions: the Celestial Court, comprised of gods of concepts, and the Terrestrial Bureaucracy, made up of the gods of physical objects and locations. The Celestial Court is ruled by the seven Celestial Incarnae, and is divided into the Bureaus of Destiny, Heaven, Humanity, Nature and Seasons, with the other four bureaus reporting to the Bureau of Heaven. The Terrestrial Bureaucracy is nominally ruled by the Five Elemental Dragons, and is divided into various spirit courts. Technically, all members of the Celestial Court outrank all members of the Terrestrial Bureaucracy. In practice, Terrestrial courts are largely independent. Outside of the Celestial Order, there are also the machine spirits of Autochthonia, unemployed gods whose domains have been usurped or destroyed, rogue gods who have abandoned their duties, and forbidden gods who have been exiled due to madness, an abhorrent nature or because they sided with the Primordials. Gods can generally only significantly increase their power by getting promoted or expanding their purview.

Essence is the mystical force which the Exalted and gods manipulate to gain their supernatural powers. It is similar to the philosophical terms "Essence" or "Quintessence". Within the game, the mystical force "Essence" is always capitalized to distinguish from other uses of the word.

Five Magical Materials

The Five Magical Materials are used to forge artifacts and weapons. Each material is associated with a type of Exalted, as well as one of the castes of Alchemical Exalted, who are partially constructed from that material. These materials are all easily enchanted, and each one resonates with a particular type of Exalted.[19][20] This resonance makes any item that is both constructed from one of the magical materials and attuned to an Exalt's anima preternaturally deft and sure in that Exalt's hands. It also gives the Exalt access to the powers of any hearthstone mounted on the item.
Jade is the most common material, and is associated with the most common, least powerful of the Exalted, the Terrestrial Exalted. There are five different colors of jade, each of which corresponds to one of the Elemental Dragons. Blue jade resonates with Air, white with Earth, black with Water, green with Wood, and red with Fire. Jade weapons are unnaturally fast, and jade armor doesn't tire the wearer. Starmetal is the rarest of the magical materials, forged from meteors, the husks of godlings cast out of Yu-Shan, the Heavenly City. Like its wielders, the Sidereal Exalted, Starmetal re-weaves fate, causing weapons to strike especially lethal blows and armor to turn aside all but the mightiest attacks. Moonsilver is considered by the Lunar Exalted to be a gift from their patron, Luna. It must be harvested by moonlight, using no crafted tools, forged at night and cooled only with water that has never seen the sun. Swords made of Moonsilver are more accurate, bows shoot farther and armor does not impede the wearer's mobility. Like the protean Lunars, Moonsilver can shift into new forms easily. Soulsteel is made from human souls and the substance of the Labyrinth of the Underworld. It is jet black, and agonized faces of the souls it contains can be seen moving and screaming in the metal. Unsurprisingly, this material is used almost exclusively by the Abyssal Exalted. Soulsteel weapons inflict heavy damage on living beings and frequently drain small quantities of Essence as well. Orichalcum is used primarily by the Solar Exalted. Orichalcum is rarely found in pure deposits; usually, it is created out of gold that has been heated by lava and sunlight reflected from mirrors of occult design. Orichalcum weapons excel at no one thing; instead of adding a large bonus to speed, damage or defense, they add a small bonus to all.
So what does that all sum up to?

Yeah. Pretty much that.

Exalted is, well, Exalted is fucked. Gone is this concept of playing a weak character who will grow into a hero. You start as a God. Or a demi-god. Or a scion of a god. Or a dude so powerful he can kill a god. or a dude who can manipulate the power of a god. You get the idea. You get even more potent as you go. Want to destroy entire armies by yourself? Want to take on Nature spirits and gods who overstep their bounds? Want to deal with inner team conflict based on ancient beliefs? Want a crazy game that goes from wuxing to social combat and back? Want to get the chance to say things like: "I want to punch a hole in the face of the god of the forest" and have it happen?

Then Exalted is the game for you.

No matter which game you choose, I have all the sourcebooks in both hard copy and digital copy, so I can provide all sorts of background information for either campaign.

I'm going to leave this up for a few weeks, and then get started on whichever campaign you, the heroes, decide on.


Jam it back in, in the dark.

John Mayer just asked me, personally, through an assistant, to sing backup on his new CD.

Fuck yea dinosaurs

Member 748

Level 53.85

Mar 2006

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Old Jan 5, 2009, 10:25 PM #2 of 81
Exalted sounds cool if you're into roleplaying.

There was a time where I could mean that as a non-hypocritical insult.

I'm still going with Shadowrun, since you said I could have knives for fingers.

There's nowhere I can't reach.
No. Hard Pass.
Salty for Salt's Sake

Member 27

Level 61.14

Mar 2006

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Old Jan 5, 2009, 10:28 PM Local time: Jan 5, 2009, 09:28 PM #3 of 81
Not FOR fingers. In your fingers. Like some sort of robot cat.

Most amazing jew boots

John Mayer just asked me, personally, through an assistant, to sing backup on his new CD.

Little Brenty Brent Brent
Bulk's not everything. You need constant effort, too.

Member 235

Level 46.36

Mar 2006

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Old Jan 5, 2009, 10:33 PM Local time: Jan 5, 2009, 08:33 PM #4 of 81
Yeah but in Exalted you could be the god of knives and then fucking turn into a knife like medieval Megatron and have your second-in-command stab people to death. With your knife body.

I am a dolphin, do you want me on your body?
you know i'm ready to party because my pants have a picture of ice cream cake on them

Member 482

Level 45.24

Mar 2006

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Old Jan 5, 2009, 10:37 PM Local time: Jan 5, 2009, 09:37 PM #5 of 81
I don't really have time to think about another RPG for a few months, but in the interest of being on the waiting list Shadowrun sounds like the more intriguing of the two.

I was speaking idiomatically.
Crash "Long-Winded Wrong Answer" Landon
Zeio Nut

Member 14

Level 54.72

Feb 2006

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Old Jan 5, 2009, 10:37 PM #6 of 81
I choose Shadowrun merely because it's a setting with which I am loosely familiar, making the learning curve smoother.

What kind of toxic man-thing is happening now?
Fuck yea dinosaurs

Member 748

Level 53.85

Mar 2006

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Old Jan 5, 2009, 10:37 PM #7 of 81
Yeah but in Exalted you could be the god of knives and then fucking turn into a knife like medieval Megatron and have your second-in-command stab people to death. With your knife body.
That's a good point. I retract my statement.


Member 933

Level 36.14

Mar 2006

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Old Jan 6, 2009, 03:02 AM Local time: Jan 6, 2009, 01:02 AM #8 of 81
Both sound pretty fun, so I'll just abstain from voting.

What, you don't want my bikini-clad body?
Evil Grinch

Member 666

Level 50.98

Mar 2006

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Old Jan 6, 2009, 05:16 AM Local time: Jan 6, 2009, 06:16 PM #9 of 81
Playing a deity appeals to me. More than playing the difficult Shadowrun campaign as mentioned earlier!

Jam it back in, in the dark.
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Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss
Motherfucking Chocobo

Member 589

Level 64.55

Mar 2006

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Old Jan 6, 2009, 05:43 AM Local time: Jan 6, 2009, 11:43 AM #10 of 81
Originally Posted by Denicalis
Gibson-esque cyberpunk

Exalted sounds pretty gay; any game with that many stupid names and races is strictly for furfags and their ilk.

Shadowrun sounds a far more interesting proposition given it's real-world groundings, especially as I'll more than likely just be reading this one rather than playing it, it'll be a distinct change of tone from the DnD I imagine. I hope someone still plays as a medieval bard though, possibly with guns built into their guitar case Robert Rodriguez style.

So yeah, voting Shadowrun in expectation of a gun-slinging mariachi.

There's nowhere I can't reach.

Member 933

Level 36.14

Mar 2006

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Old Jan 6, 2009, 05:57 AM Local time: Jan 6, 2009, 03:57 AM #11 of 81
I don't get the Dreamcast joke, chat brigade. Plz expln.

This thing is sticky, and I don't like it. I don't appreciate it.

Member 74

Level 51.30

Mar 2006

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Old Jan 6, 2009, 06:21 AM Local time: Jan 6, 2009, 03:21 AM #12 of 81
We're currently working on a press release.

Top posters will be briefed shortly.

Most amazing jew boots
Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss
Motherfucking Chocobo

Member 589

Level 64.55

Mar 2006

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Old Jan 6, 2009, 06:35 AM Local time: Jan 6, 2009, 12:35 PM #13 of 81
I don't get the Dreamcast joke, chat brigade. Plz expln.

Not chat brigade, geek mafia.

I was speaking idiomatically.
Old Jan 6, 2009, 09:46 AM #14 of 81
Shadow Run seems like it would allow for the most players and probably the most fun. If everyone has a pretty high chance of dying for whatever reason and we still all have a good time I could see it being time well spent however short your turn may be.

I remember my D&D buddies talking about Exalted and it seemed more of a lets create the most hilariously obtuse characters to dropkick the universe into the moon as we can and not too much more. Sure that's fun in passing but long-term I dunno. It could work but I still find Shadow Run more appealing.

How ya doing, buddy?
I'm just informing you

Member 11

Level 61.64

Feb 2006

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I'm going to write the most erotic, graphic, freakiest friend fiction ever

Member 122

Level 55.02

Mar 2006

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Old Jan 6, 2009, 04:47 PM #15 of 81
Shadowrun. If we're going to play white wolf, why not go nuts and do an open World of Darkness game?

Also, what happened to LeHah running a D6 Star Wars campaign?

Edit: I keep voting for the opposite thing than what I post. Deni, why was the OP with Shadowrun first when the poll has Exalted first?

It was lunchtime at Wagstaff.
Touching butts had been banned by the evil Headmaster Frond.
Suddenly, Tina Belcher appeared in the doorway.
She knew what she had to do.
She touched Jimmy Jr's butt and changed the world.
No. Hard Pass.
Salty for Salt's Sake

Member 27

Level 61.14

Mar 2006

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Old Jan 6, 2009, 04:48 PM Local time: Jan 6, 2009, 03:48 PM #16 of 81
I wonder if its possible for mods to not fuck with poll options anymore. I'm assuming this was Skills.

Anyway. Early leader seems to be Shadowrun. Apparently GFF likes their games gritty and frost-bitten.

If we're going to play white wolf, why not go nuts and do an open World of Darkness game?
Because V:tM, Mage and Werewolf are all so fucking queer it hurts?

Originally Posted by wvlf
I keep voting for the opposite thing than what I post. Deni, why was the OP with Shadowrun first when the poll has Exalted first?
Because learn to read.


What, you don't want my bikini-clad body?

John Mayer just asked me, personally, through an assistant, to sing backup on his new CD.

Last edited by No. Hard Pass.; Jan 6, 2009 at 04:50 PM.
The unmovable stubborn
(Feeling Inspired)

Member 1512

Level 62.24

Mar 2006

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Old Jan 6, 2009, 04:49 PM 1 #17 of 81
an open World of Darkness game?
Because GFF doesn't need more emo, that's why

Jam it back in, in the dark.
Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss
Motherfucking Chocobo

Member 589

Level 64.55

Mar 2006

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Old Jan 6, 2009, 04:51 PM Local time: Jan 6, 2009, 10:51 PM #18 of 81
I wonder if its possible for mods to not fuck with poll options anymore.
No, it's not.

And why is it everytime I go messing with thread titles and polls round here Skills gets the credit?

There's nowhere I can't reach.
No. Hard Pass.
Salty for Salt's Sake

Member 27

Level 61.14

Mar 2006

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Old Jan 6, 2009, 04:52 PM Local time: Jan 6, 2009, 03:52 PM #19 of 81
No, it's not.

And why is it everytime I go messing with thread titles and polls round here Skills gets the credit?
Because he generally plays the asshole faster than you. If it helps, you were my second choice, sweetums.

This thing is sticky, and I don't like it. I don't appreciate it.

John Mayer just asked me, personally, through an assistant, to sing backup on his new CD.

I'm going to write the most erotic, graphic, freakiest friend fiction ever

Member 122

Level 55.02

Mar 2006

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Old Jan 6, 2009, 04:57 PM #20 of 81
But But But Oldschool Changling lets you be a fucked up dream creature!

I am a dolphin, do you want me on your body?
It was lunchtime at Wagstaff.
Touching butts had been banned by the evil Headmaster Frond.
Suddenly, Tina Belcher appeared in the doorway.
She knew what she had to do.
She touched Jimmy Jr's butt and changed the world.
Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss
Motherfucking Chocobo

Member 589

Level 64.55

Mar 2006

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Old Jan 6, 2009, 04:59 PM Local time: Jan 6, 2009, 10:59 PM #21 of 81
Pssh, Skills has to run his plans past the rest of the Team Awesome Events Commitee before shit gets done and even then it's normally something some chat-troll suggested. My alterations have far more panache and are made in a split second, with no thought to the consequences...

...And we generally operate in almost completely opposite halves of the day, chances are if it happened daytime GMT, I did it. If it wa during the night it was him.

All I ask is for recognition of my incredibly childish behaviour.

I was speaking idiomatically.
The unmovable stubborn
(Feeling Inspired)

Member 1512

Level 62.24

Mar 2006

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Old Jan 6, 2009, 05:00 PM 4 #22 of 81
I believe in you, Shin

I believe in your tard-power

Most amazing jew boots
I'm going to write the most erotic, graphic, freakiest friend fiction ever

Member 122

Level 55.02

Mar 2006

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Old Jan 6, 2009, 05:01 PM #23 of 81
His power of MIND BONDAGE?

It was lunchtime at Wagstaff.
Touching butts had been banned by the evil Headmaster Frond.
Suddenly, Tina Belcher appeared in the doorway.
She knew what she had to do.
She touched Jimmy Jr's butt and changed the world.
The unmovable stubborn
(Feeling Inspired)

Member 1512

Level 62.24

Mar 2006

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Old Jan 6, 2009, 05:03 PM #24 of 81

What, you don't want my bikini-clad body?
No. Hard Pass.
Salty for Salt's Sake

Member 27

Level 61.14

Mar 2006

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Old Jan 6, 2009, 05:03 PM Local time: Jan 6, 2009, 04:03 PM #25 of 81
Pang. I have to teach you the real spells at some point. Remind me later, or I'll forget.

Jam it back in, in the dark.

John Mayer just asked me, personally, through an assistant, to sing backup on his new CD.


Exploding Garrmondo Weiner Interactive Swiss Army Penis > Garrmondo Entertainment > Pang's Violence Basement > Next GFF PBP RPG. Exalted or Shadowrun? YOU decide.

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