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View Poll Results: "I live with my parents, wanna come to my 30th Birthday Party?"
Wow, that's sad. 28 35.90%
Will there be cake? 50 64.10%
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Living with Parents
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Member 4123

Level 28.07

Mar 2006

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Old Nov 13, 2007, 03:19 AM Local time: Nov 13, 2007, 01:19 AM #1 of 51
Cool Living with Parents

Of course I mean after the age of 18 (or presumably when you are "of age").

I understand that there are some hardcore slackers in the world who live with there parents as there are people who are pampered by there parents even at grotesque ages, but regardless of how sad or pathetic the reason it never sounds good to say, "Yea, I live with my mom."

I will admit, I am moving back with my mother after living an incredibly long three months away from any family. This is not because I'm a slacker, although this could be argued, but my mother is having financial issues and with my ability to get a decent paying job I will be paying a part of the mortgage to her house until she figures out how to lower the payment. There is also a possibility that I'll be cosigning for the house as well, which means I'll be living with my mom in a house I partially own. Now that doesn't sound so bad, but my mom would still be the "bread winner".

Coming from a family where there is a long history of single mothers, living with my mom doesn't feel wrong at all. I've only come to realize that now, at age 22, it does sound really bad, especially if I'm trying to pick up women.

So my questions for you, my fellow GFFers are the following:

Are you living with the parents?
Are you a slacker or in a somewhat peculiar situation?
When did you leave the "nest"?
What's the first thing you think, without knowing the details, when somone says they live with their parents (and they normally "shouldn't" be)?

Of course you can interject your opinions where needed.

Jam it back in, in the dark.
Never Forget

Member 7

Level 44.22

Feb 2006

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Old Nov 13, 2007, 04:10 AM Local time: Nov 13, 2007, 02:10 AM #2 of 51
I left home when I went to college. Stayed away every summer except for the one of my freshman year where I worked full time as a chemist at a local company.

After graduating a semester early I was planning on living at home until I went off to graduate school nine months later. After two weeks I decided I couldn't stay there just because it was so hard to get back into living with my parents (we get along great, I call them and talk for at least an hour at least two-three times a week). I wound up working for a professor at the school I had graduated from for the winter, spring, and summer. Went back home for two weeks before starting grad school, and now I'm living out here 3000 miles away on my own.

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Member 180

Level 35.46

Mar 2006

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Old Nov 13, 2007, 04:35 AM Local time: Nov 13, 2007, 11:35 AM #3 of 51
Nice poll, this will draw the line between people who have prejudice and people who are tolerant. I myself don't have any problem with living with parents, because in Chinese culture it's more than normal.

This thing is sticky, and I don't like it. I don't appreciate it.
Grub Killer

Member 737

Level 27.82

Mar 2006

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Old Nov 13, 2007, 04:49 AM Local time: Nov 13, 2007, 01:49 AM #4 of 51
My wife and I are living with her parents until I leave for Air Force training in January, but that's only because the cheapest we can find for apartments here is $600 a month, whereas we only have to pay $150 a piece here.

How ya doing, buddy?

Member 26124

Level 9.15

Nov 2007

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Old Nov 13, 2007, 05:57 AM Local time: Nov 13, 2007, 11:57 AM #5 of 51
People live with their parents for a variety of reasons (for example financial); this doesn't make them "slackers". It's their life, and none of my business.

I've been living in a different country from my mother since I graduated from high school in 2006, and I have to admit that I do feel guilty about it, because she needs me, not physically, but emotionally. I'm fine with living on my own, although there are days when I miss Germany a lot, and I have etablished a life for myself here for now. That's what keeps me here, that and the fact that my mother and I need some distance to get along well. And still, I will go back to Germany after I get my Bachelor's degree here and move a lot closer to her, because I can't keep doing this to her. So my reason wouldn't be that I want her to do my washing, but that I'm worried about her and want to be there for her during the time she has left on this planet, and who knows how much that is?

I think we should be careful before judging people so quickly. I quite honestly admire people who live with a parent/their parents and take care of them (not so much if it's the other way around), because I know how difficult it can be. It's called making sacrifices, and is not very common in our culture anymore, since parents are viewed as having an obligation to love and give unconditionally, but never receive.

I was speaking idiomatically.

Member 634

Level 32.09

Mar 2006

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Old Nov 13, 2007, 06:00 AM #6 of 51
Note to Katchum: I have noticed that myself. There are definitely strong bonds between children and their parents. I find it admirable.

Anyway, to answer the questions:
-I could have left home when I first went to college but finicially I was MUCH better off paying some of the rent and food. In fact, by the time I graduated from my first college and went to my second, I owned nothing in terms of loans. For my second college, had i lived on campus, I would have had at least twice as much with regards to loans. So monetary reasons was why I stayed with my 'rents.
-Basically as soon as I graduated from college.
-I tend not to judge. There ARE good reasons why. Heck, when I and my wife finally go to the States, I'll be living with my 'rents again for a variety of reasons including that in which we will lower the amount of initial financial strain on us. I also know of others who live with their 'rents for other good reasons (i.e. loss of a job, financial problems, focus on studies (like graduate school), etc).

I actually have no problem with the idea. in fact, I think it's rather noble of parents to help their child out. Of course, I do feel that their children should help out in a variety of ways whether it be housework, helping pay the rent/food/etc., taking care of younger family members, or so forth.

Of course, I am a bit anxious when I have to move back in. I guess the idea of living by myself (and now with my wife), doing things my (or now our) way, etc. not being totally applicable because I will have to go under my 'rents rules makes me feel a bit uneasy. I did visit them for a month this past summer, and for the most part things went rather well. If anything, I felt I followed my 'rents rules MORE when I came for a visit then before I left. But I guess that's part of learning those lessons on your own, huh?

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Member 6422

Level 41.55

May 2006

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Old Nov 13, 2007, 06:20 AM Local time: Nov 13, 2007, 11:20 AM #7 of 51
I've not lived with my parents for more than a month at a time since the age of eight. My mother no longer has a permanent base, and I have no clue where my father is, so I doubt I'll ever be living with them again.

I've lived at school nigh-on full time for ten years, and can't really imagine a different lifestyle, despite my situation not exactly being perfect. Life will be a shit ton more fun once I'm doing my own thing this time next year.

I don't have a 'cutoff age' at which I start to think something's amiss, but when I see someone who's finished school still living with their parents, my instinctive reaction is "...why" - I know, it's kind of prejudiced, and most of the time I won't know most of the details, but from my perspective, if they have the option of leaving their parents' home, it just seems... Somehow wrong. For lack of a better word (not trying to use it in a pejorative sense here; please take it literally) it seems retarded.


Member 1401

Level 12.13

Mar 2006

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Old Nov 13, 2007, 06:30 AM #8 of 51
I'm 20, and still live with my parents, although only during break. (Great house too <3 ) Although I could always move out, it would just seem silly when they're my financial supporter for part of my living expenses as well as college (and those GREAT loans)

When I was younger, if I heard that someone older than twenty is living in their parent's house, I'd immediately get a mental image of a fat nerd eating junk food and living in the basement. Now, I'm not so judgmental, and it doesn't sound odd for people to live with their parents, even after they're married.

After college, I might get a place of my own, or live with my parents (paying rent and whatnot), depending on my financial status, I suppose.

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Wall Feces
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Member 493

Level 46.34

Mar 2006

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Old Nov 13, 2007, 08:49 AM #9 of 51
Just graduated college, but am still living at home. I don't plan on staying long, because for 1, me and a bunch of guys are gonna find a place in NYC together, and 2, I simply don't want to. I love my parents, but I love independence more at this point of my life. College gave me a taste of freedom that I so desire.

How ya doing, buddy?
Syklis Green

Member 26180

Level 6.69

Nov 2007

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Old Nov 13, 2007, 08:54 AM Local time: Nov 13, 2007, 08:54 AM #10 of 51
I never really had a Real home, My Parents got divorced when I was really young (like 3) and then they left me with my cousin's Family. I pretty much been very independent since I was very young. I had to learn how to take care of myself, and understand the really obvious fact that IT'S NOT A GOOD IDEA TO WAIT AROUND AND EXPECT THINGS TO HAPPEN FOR YOU, IF YOU WANT SOMETHING DONE, LEARN HOW TO HAVE TOUGH SKIN AND BE RESPONSIBLE AND YOU HAVE THE POWER TO TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR OWN LIFE AND FUTURE.

Most amazing jew boots

Member 1176

Level 12.28

Mar 2006

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Old Nov 13, 2007, 09:09 AM Local time: Nov 13, 2007, 06:09 PM #11 of 51
I lived with my mother and brother quite "long", I moved away when I was 20. But I wasn't some lazy bastard who wanted to get free meal and laundry service.
The whole time I was looking a job that could support me and my two cats without me begging cash from my parents. My family isn't rich, so I needed to be sure that when I move away, I don't need to loan money, because that wasn't an option. And because I'm too proud to ask help.
So, I don't judge people who live at their parents' house after they've turned 18, but if you're, say 30 and still live like that... There's gotta be a damn good reason for that.

Most amazing jew boots

Member 26124

Level 9.15

Nov 2007

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Old Nov 13, 2007, 09:11 AM Local time: Nov 13, 2007, 03:11 PM #12 of 51
Like I said, people forget that sometimes, it's an inverse care relationship, with your parents needing YOU.

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K_ Takahashi

Member 2103

Level 26.24

Mar 2006

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Old Nov 13, 2007, 11:46 AM #13 of 51
Recently I moved back in with my parents in their small as shit motel room (long story) due to the fact I'm broke/ my job pays shit (not to mention gas prices are too high to be commuting to and from work some extra 30 miles while my folk's place is a mere 3).

I was speaking idiomatically.
Grilled Carrots

Member 26049

Level 13.98

Nov 2007

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Old Nov 13, 2007, 11:51 AM Local time: Nov 13, 2007, 10:51 AM #14 of 51
Cultural and financial stuff matter a lot in this area... for example, in some places it's quite ridiculous to expect someone to leave the house when the country/region/family 's economy doesn't allow such things. Or when the family bounds are so (traditionally) strong that is natural to have several generations under the same roof/neighborhood/etc.

On my case, I'll leave my parents house when the time comes for me to make a new family.

What kind of toxic man-thing is happening now?
Fire On Ice
Shockingly Sheepish

Member 428

Level 18.61

Mar 2006

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Old Nov 13, 2007, 11:53 AM #15 of 51
Yup, I live at home. I had actually moved out when I started college but then I got really sick and had to drop out and move back home during my treatment. I'm better now and steadily recovering but I'm still at home. I want to move out in the near future but the free food, easy money, mom doing a bunch of the chores and not to mention, access to the car - are making it a hard choice. I am only 20 so I got a year or so ahead of me before it starts to feel like a real problem.

Sadly, what I think of when someone says they live at home is "Hey, me too!"


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Member 16658

Level 28.10

Dec 2006

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Old Nov 13, 2007, 12:47 PM #16 of 51
I'll be finishing college within the next few months, and I know that I'll be living with my parents for a little while after that. I'm not talking forever, but I need to earn money for when I move to the NYC area, and moving out, paying those bills plus my student loans and such just wouldnt get me where I want to go. I'd say that within two years of graduating I'll be moving out.

Its really not a bad thing to be living with your parents for a while, if it helps with money troubles. Especially because of how high college tuitions are getting, its almost expected at this point.

What, you don't want my bikini-clad body?
Congle line of abuse. Or is that conga-line. Or congaline.
3.1 inches of glory

Member 4123

Level 28.07

Mar 2006

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Old Nov 13, 2007, 01:23 PM Local time: Nov 13, 2007, 11:23 AM #17 of 51
Well I suppose it also has a lot to do with the parent-child relationship. Are the parents over bearing in their beliefs and drown the children in them? This would definitely drive me crazy and want to be free from that.

Luckily my mother and I see eye-to-eye on most things and I've never had many strict rules set before me. Sure as a young teenager I hated her guts for whatever juvenile reasons, but in retrospect I understand all of her actions and decisions. This and I can never hold anything against her, mostly because she is my mother and she worked hard for twenty years to give me as much of a life that wasn't ghetto as possible. I must say she did a splendid job!

I really don't want her to have to get a lame apartment or condo, her house is pretty great, and if I can help her keep it then I will. The house is almost a symbol of her "making it" as a successful person, even with all the circumstances that wouldn't have allowed it.

Jam it back in, in the dark.
Did you see anything last night?

Member 629

Level 46.64

Mar 2006

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Old Nov 13, 2007, 01:32 PM Local time: Nov 13, 2007, 01:32 PM #18 of 51
I lived with my folks through college and planned on doing so whilst offshore (to save cash), but they had to move almost right when I started work in Houston, and the new house is quite small.

I visit quite often though. My parents never spoiled us, but I have the utmost respect for my folks. I love visiting quite often, and my old man is a bottomless fountain of information on anything I'm interested in. So he's quite nice for advice on most things.

I got back onshore just yesterday morning, and the first place I went (after checking my apartment and the mail in Houston) was head home to visit them. When I was off last time, I'd visit every weekend, and my brother (probably my best buddy) would visit as well. We're a pretty darn close-knit family.

I probably won't live with them ever again, but in their later years, they probably will need financial support. If they need to move under my roof, I won't have a problem with that.

There's nowhere I can't reach.
Hey, maybe you should try that thing Chie was talking about.

Erisu Kimu
Stealth Assassin

Member 8250

Level 15.02

Jun 2006

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Old Nov 13, 2007, 07:58 PM #19 of 51
I'm 24 and I still live with my parents. That's not to say that I'm going to continue to live with them by the time I'm 30. I consider myself somewhat of a slacker if you're talking about laziness. But, I know what needs to be done, so I'm not completely avoiding any important tasks. I'm also job searching, so financially, I wouldn't be able to support myself at the moment. I hear about all these 19-year olds living out on their own and sometimes I feel inferior/embarrassed to say that I still live at home. It's kind of hard to be apathetic about it. Other times, I think about what family really means to me. It's about helping/supporting mom and dad and vice-versa. I'm also Korean and the only one fluent in English in my entire family, so I have to act as the translator for my parents. Ah well, at least I can enjoy mom's cooking.

This thing is sticky, and I don't like it. I don't appreciate it.
Good Chocobo

Member 4749

Level 17.91

Apr 2006

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Old Nov 13, 2007, 08:55 PM #20 of 51
Are you living with the parents? I do not live with my parents! I would HATE to do that again.

Are you a slacker or in a somewhat peculiar situation? I guess I'm a bit of a slacker. I'm a stay-at-home mom.

When did you leave the "nest"? Hm..I moved out of my mom's apartment when I was 18. We got into a fight, and she said, "If you don't like it, move out!" So, I did! I lived with my boyfriend until 2004, when I broke up with him and moved in with my dad's family...for 6 months. I've been living with my husband ever since.

What's the first thing you think, without knowing the details, when somone says they live with their parents (and they normally "shouldn't" be)? I think the person must be a geek or loser. Judgemental, I know, but 30 is kinda old to still be depending on mom or dad!

I am a dolphin, do you want me on your body?

Member 22

Level 30.86

Feb 2006

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Old Nov 13, 2007, 09:01 PM Local time: Nov 13, 2007, 06:01 PM #21 of 51
I don't currently live with my parents, although I do live with my older brother. I left my parents' home when I was 18 to attend college. My brother lived near campus, so it was convenient. I don't pay rent because no one thinks it's necessary. I simply help my brother out as needed by doing simple chores and cooking whenever I have time. I'm also in nursing school, so I don't have time to manage a part-time job. On that note, I don't consider myself a slacker. I'm rarely at home because I have to do a lot of patient or clinical work when I'm not in class.

I also don't find it too unusual if I hear that people my age live with their parents. They may have their own personal reasons for doing so. Someone I know lives with her parents and helps them pay their mortgage as well as other bills. I know not many people do that, but she has her reasons for helping her parents.

I was speaking idiomatically.
I poked it and it made a sad sound

Member 24

Level 51.86

Mar 2006

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Old Nov 13, 2007, 09:34 PM #22 of 51
I've lived on both sides of the fence. Being a rebellious teenager, I wanted out-the-door as soon as I turned 18. And I got it. Landed my pretty little face straight into a steaming pile of shit and went bust after 18 months.

I moved home to lick my wounds and stayed there for years on end.

I did, however, manage to save my dollars and could consequently afford nicer things and pay for them. I put my money away and realized living by myself was not economically sane just for the title of "independent."

Now, I have a nice, fortified bank account and am moving out with someone. The ideal situation that I was waiting for.

I was never a slacker. I've never been unemployed for more than a week since I was 14 years old. I've always worked, I've always LOVED working, and I've never asked for handouts. I'm proud of this fact, and I am even more proud of the money I've saved through the years to afford what I want, when I want it.

What kind of toxic man-thing is happening now?
The Lotus Eater

Member 628

Level 30.15

Mar 2006

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Old Nov 13, 2007, 11:00 PM Local time: Nov 13, 2007, 09:00 PM #23 of 51
I currently live with my parents but I hope to move out in a few months. However my financial situation is not as great thanks to my fucking car breaking down. So I'm basically trying to save while paying off some of the bills that I have. I hate living here, I need my own space.

Sensors indicate an Ancient Civilization

Member 1200

Level 26.94

Mar 2006

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Old Nov 13, 2007, 11:12 PM #24 of 51
My parents live a 12 minute drive from the college I go to. And they're really not that bad of people. Hence I'd have to be nuts to not take advantage of the cheap living for the duration of my Undergrad. I'll move out for Grad school, but I see no issue with staying at home until I'm 22.

Now, granted, if my GF didn't have an apartment and still lived with her parents, then there would be issues, but thankfully that's not the case.

What, you don't want my bikini-clad body?

Member 571

Level 2.38

Mar 2006

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Old Nov 14, 2007, 12:19 AM #25 of 51
I'd say I have one of the more harmonious arrangements living at home. I'm 19 and live with my father and sister. I haven't moved out yet because I attend college in the city, and especially in NYC it wouldn't make much financial sense to try and get a dorm. The three of us all work so it's not like we see too much of each other, and we got along just fine when we are together. We all split the bills for rent, internet, and electricity, so it's like living with roommates except they can boss me around because I'm the youngest member, sigh.

I do plan on moving in with a friend of mine but these are long-term plans that probably won't be realized until after we graduate college. I'm in no hurry anyway, since I won't have it this easy ever again, so I want to save up as much as possible. (and failing miserably at that)

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