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Lawyers going after fast food...
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255% Bitch, 78% Slut

Member 1397

Level 10.92

Mar 2006

Old Aug 26, 2006, 01:55 AM #1 of 87
Lawyers going after fast food...

Okay, so I'm watching the news the other day. Turns out, a group of lawyers are starting to claim that fast food is causing health problems in the same way that cigarette manufacturers cause health problems.

I really am speechless. How insane can they get, anyway? Fast food, in and of itself, does no real harm. French fries made at McDonald's are no more or less healthy than ones you make at home. Same for burgers (which aren't unhealthy to begin with). Same for everything! This is beyond stupid . . .

To compare fast food to cigarette manufacturing, and to claim that they are equally adictive, is insulting to any intelligent being and is quite laughable. Nicotine is a truly addicting drug. Fast food, no, that's no addiction, at least not a true addiction. Smokers, they are the ones getting hurt, the ones truly addicted. Fat people, no, apples and oranges. There is no true addiction there. They just gotta stop being lazy and exercise, and demonstrate some self-control.

There is virtually no difference between fast food and home-cooked food. If you go after McDonald's, don't you have to go after every food manufacturer on the planet? There is no difference after all . . . Cigarettes are something that have no positive use and are terribly addicting by chemical nature. Fast food supplies us with something we need (food and drink), and it's not their fault if you overeat. Guess what? Drinking too much milk can kill you too. Why not just outlaw everything and sue everyone?

This is so stupid. I really want to know something now. How does this kind of stupidity happen? Seriously.

How ya doing, buddy?
Guns don't kill people. Chuck Norris kills People.

Why are you arguing with WoW players? It's pronounced "Shut the fuck up and get a job. Raiding isn't a job." - Lukage

Member 43

Level 18.48

Mar 2006

Old Aug 26, 2006, 02:28 AM Local time: Aug 26, 2006, 02:28 AM #2 of 87
This has been happening for years. Where have you been?

There's nowhere I can't reach.

Member 74

Level 51.30

Mar 2006

Old Aug 26, 2006, 02:30 AM Local time: Aug 25, 2006, 11:30 PM #3 of 87
Originally Posted by PattyNBK
Okay, so I'm watching the news the other day. Turns out, a group of lawyers are starting to claim that fast food is causing health problems in the same way that cigarette manufacturers cause health problems.

I really am speechless. How insane can they get, anyway? Fast food, in and of itself, does no real harm. French fries made at McDonald's are no more or less healthy than ones you make at home. Same for burgers (which aren't unhealthy to begin with). Same for everything! This is beyond stupid . . .

To compare fast food to cigarette manufacturing, and to claim that they are equally adictive, is insulting to any intelligent being and is quite laughable. Nicotine is a truly addicting drug. Fast food, no, that's no addiction, at least not a true addiction. Smokers, they are the ones getting hurt, the ones truly addicted. Fat people, no, apples and oranges. There is no true addiction there. They just gotta stop being lazy and exercise, and demonstrate some self-control.

There is virtually no difference between fast food and home-cooked food. If you go after McDonald's, don't you have to go after every food manufacturer on the planet? There is no difference after all . . . Cigarettes are something that have no positive use and are terribly addicting by chemical nature. Fast food supplies us with something we need (food and drink), and it's not their fault if you overeat. Guess what? Drinking too much milk can kill you too. Why not just outlaw everything and sue everyone?

This is so stupid. I really want to know something now. How does this kind of stupidity happen? Seriously.
There's such thing as a psychological addiction, and I'm sure some people are addicted to food such as this, but people can become addicted (in a completely psychological sense) to completely anything. It's ludicrous people are suing for this, though. It really makes no sense.

This thing is sticky, and I don't like it. I don't appreciate it.

Member 104

Level 55.36

Mar 2006

Old Aug 26, 2006, 02:32 AM #4 of 87
Originally Posted by PattyNBK
To compare fast food to cigarette manufacturing, and to claim that they are equally adictive, is insulting to any intelligent being and is quite laughable. Nicotine is a truly addicting drug. Fast food, no, that's no addiction, at least not a true addiction. Smokers, they are the ones getting hurt, the ones truly addicted. Fat people, no, apples and oranges. There is no true addiction there. They just gotta stop being lazy and exercise, and demonstrate some self-control.
And all smokers have to do is stop being retards and quit smoking. Addiction is addiction. Fat people have just as hard a time trying to not eat so much shit as smokers do trying to quit.

There is virtually no difference between fast food and home-cooked food.
That's about a bold face lie if I've ever heard one. If I eat at McDonalds for 30 days straight (for all 3 meals) there's a pretty good chance my heart will stop or I'll have some sort of massive heart attack. The odds of the same happening if I eat at home on a regular basis are much much further from that (of course you have to give and take a little for different diets, but the difference is still astronomical).

If you go after McDonald's, don't you have to go after every food manufacturer on the planet? There is no difference after all . . . Cigarettes are something that have no positive use and are terribly addicting by chemical nature. Fast food supplies us with something we need (food and drink), and it's not their fault if you overeat. Guess what? Drinking too much milk can kill you too. Why not just outlaw everything and sue everyone?

This is so stupid. I really want to know something now. How does this kind of stupidity happen? Seriously.
You're not making any sense here at all. Sure, McDonalds provides us with a cheap and easy solution for food rather than going to the grocery store and just making some shit yourself (hell, even heat-n-eat would be better than McDonalds in most cases, except Banquet. That shit is the worst garbage on earth), but it's certainly nothing positive or neccessary.

I am a dolphin, do you want me on your body?

#654: Braixen

Member 74

Level 51.30

Mar 2006

Old Aug 26, 2006, 02:38 AM Local time: Aug 25, 2006, 11:38 PM #5 of 87
Tails, smoking is an actual physiological addiction. It's a shitload harder to quit than fastfood, or any other non-physiologically addicting substance. Hell, I've heard it being compared to opiate withdrawal in some cases.

I was speaking idiomatically.
Fuck yea dinosaurs

Member 748

Level 53.85

Mar 2006

Old Aug 26, 2006, 02:54 AM #6 of 87
Originally Posted by PattyNBK
There is virtually no difference between fast food and home-cooked food.
Keep talking, buttermound.

How is it that you take such a juvenile stance on everything? Like here, you have a gimme of a "lol selfish lawyers" stance but somehow you dumb it down.

I do not think anyone is suggesting that McDonalds is specifically and uniquely the cause of obesity, sir.

Most amazing jew boots

Member 516

Level 36.18

Mar 2006

Old Aug 26, 2006, 03:13 AM #7 of 87
Do you guys remember that episode of Fresh Prince when Uncle Phil had a heart attack because he kept eating fast food? That right there is proof that fast food is addictive and deadly. My mom died of secondhand cholesterol, it was tragic and since then I only eat caterpillars and wheat.

─ ─╘Don't rob me of my ─ ─ hate: It's all I have.

Member 4527

Level 17.53

Apr 2006

Old Aug 26, 2006, 04:46 AM Local time: Aug 26, 2006, 02:46 AM #8 of 87
Ok, first of all, yes, people don't exercise enough and don't have a lot of self-restraint, discipline, or whatever else, and some people pig out on fast food so much that they end up like pigs, no surprise. And I do think that suing these fast-food companies is pretty stupid, just like the guy who bought coffee and McDonald's, spilled it (by his own actions) into his lap or something and gets burmed, so he sues McDonalds, or at least there was some story like that. Anyway, people suing other people or business from their own stupidity is pretty stupid. It's not like medical malpractice or something. What really bugs me though is what you say about the nutritional value of fast food.

Originally Posted by PattyNBK
Fast food, in and of itself, does no real harm. French fries made at McDonald's are no more or less healthy than ones you make at home. Same for burgers (which aren't unhealthy to begin with). Same for everything! This is beyond stupid . . . There is virtually no difference between fast food and home-cooked food.
Are you stupid or something, or have you only eaten fast food your entire life? Just do a little bit of research and you'll find out how "healthy" fast food is. Anyone with a basic education knows fast food is not healthy for you, and they don't have to be those rocket scientists that are doing all these studies just to prove to you that it's not healthy, especially when compared to a decent home-cooked meal. But, I guess you never learned this, so here is some information excerpts on the matter:
Nutritional value

Because the fast food concept relies on speed, uniformity and low cost, fast food products are often made with ingredients formulated to achieve a certain flavor or consistency and to preserve freshness. This requires a high degree of food engineering, the use of additives and processing techniques that substantially alter the food from its original form and reduce its nutritional value.


Because of its convenience, fast food is popular and commercially successful in most modern societies, but it is often criticized for having the following shortcomings, among others:
  • Many popular fast-food menu items are unhealthy, and excessive consumption can lead to obesity.
  • Exploitative advertising and marketing are used, especially directed at children (which can have an adverse effect on their eating habits and health).
  • It causes environmental damage through excessive packaging and clearing forests for animal rearing.
  • It reduces the diversity of local cuisines.
  • It survives on a low-wage, low-benefit employment model, promoting exploitative labor practices throughout the food and food service industry
  • Its franchising scheme (royalties).
  • Its often lower quality versus sit-down restaurants. - Also shows nutritional values of popular fast food choices in relations to recommended daily values.
Numerous studies have shown that a diet low in fat and high in fiber can reduce the risk of many types of cancers, as well as heart disease and can improve general health over time. Also, young girls who consume more calories and fat than is recommended increase their risk of developing Breast Cancer later in life. Unfortunately, fast food tends to contain high fat and many calories, making it an unwise choice. If you choose to eat fast food, however, there are steps you can take to making these types of food healthier.

The average adult should consume approximately 2,000 calories per day in order to maintain his or her weight. This value tends to fluctuate, depending on body size, age, gender, and with pregnancy. 2,000 calories is, however, the average and is the value used to calculate the percent daily values presented in this brochure. The following table contains the corresponding values for various other food components based on these 2,000 calories.
"It's clearly the composition of fast food meals that we feel plays a role, with a lot of saturated fat and low quality carbohydrates, white bread and lots of soda," said Pereira. "And what you are not getting is also critical, including fiber and more healthful types of fats. It's a dietary pattern that is the opposite of what's recommended for health."

And of course, there are all those calories. A supersize fast food meal may exceed 1,600 calories, more than many people should eat in an entire day.
Eating at Fast-food Restaurants More than Twice Per Week is Associated with More Weight Gain and Insulin Resistance in Otherwise Healthy Young Adults

Young adults who eat frequently at fast-food restaurants gain more weight and have a greater increase in insulin resistance in early middle age, according to a large multi-center study funded by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) and published in the January 1 issue of The Lancet*.

After 15 years, those who ate at fast-food restaurants more than twice each week compared to less than once a week had gained an extra ten pounds and had a two-fold greater increase in insulin resistance, a risk factor for type 2 diabetes. Diabetes is a major risk factor for heart disease.

“Obesity and diabetes are on the rise in this country and this important study highlights the value of healthy eating habits,” said NHLBI Acting Director Barbara Alving, M.D.

Fast-food consumption has increased in the United States over the past three decades. “It’s extremely difficult to eat in a healthy way at a fast-food restaurant. Despite some of their recent healthful offerings, the menus still tend to include foods high in fat, sugar and calories and low in fiber and nutrients,” said lead author Mark Pereira, Ph.D., assistant professor of epidemiology at the University of Minnesota. People need to evaluate how often they eat meals at fast-food restaurants and think about cutting back, according to Pereira.

One reason for the weight gain may be that a single meal from one of these restaurants often contains enough calories to satisfy a person’s caloric requirement for an entire day.
Here are some more links if that wasn't enough reading material for you:

What, you don't want my bikini-clad body?
255% Bitch, 78% Slut

Member 1397

Level 10.92

Mar 2006

Old Aug 26, 2006, 05:00 AM #9 of 87
When I say no difference, I mean if you cook the same product. A cheeseburger is a cheeseburger. Yeah, I can make it healthier by cooking on a George Foreman Grill (love those things, so handy), but at the end of the day, there is no true difference.

Sure, if you eat tons of french fries, you're gonna probably get fat. Well, if you use a Fry Daddy to cook french fries at home, same thing'll happen over the same period of time, assuming the same rate of intake.

Someone also mentioned the important fact that nicotine is a psysical addiction, and that's the primary difference. As for the rest, all I know is that I eat home-cooked about three times a week, out about twice a week, and fast food about twice a week, and I'm not overweight in the least. Perhaps it's because I exercise? Very key thing, there. Whatever you take in, you gotta burn it off. The more you eat, the more you have to exercise. Beyond a certain point, you can't exercise enough, so you need restraint. Craving so much food is purely psychological, and is not the fault of the manufacturers of the food (unlike in the case of cigarettes, where the manufacturer is producing something that is lethal and physically addictive).

Still, at the end of the day, a cheeseburger is a cheeseburger. This just disgusts me that the lawyers are trying to compare fast food with cigarettes. It's beyond ludicrous.

Most amazing jew boots
Guns don't kill people. Chuck Norris kills People.

Why are you arguing with WoW players? It's pronounced "Shut the fuck up and get a job. Raiding isn't a job." - Lukage
Fuck yea dinosaurs

Member 748

Level 53.85

Mar 2006

Old Aug 26, 2006, 02:12 PM #10 of 87
When I say no difference, I mean if you cook the same product. A cheeseburger is a cheeseburger. Yeah, I can make it healthier by cooking on a George Foreman Grill (love those things, so handy), but at the end of the day, there is no true difference.
So a McDonald's salad is the same as a salad of your own concoction?

You are so fat it hurts.

As for the rest, all I know is that I eat home-cooked about three times a week, out about twice a week, and fast food about twice a week, and I'm not overweight in the least.
Well, there are two points here, aren't there? For one, you are not fourty years old and you probably should not have the metabolism of one. For another, you eat out entirely too often, chubbs. Also for those of you keeping score at home, I don't think you can walk off the cholesterol or jazzercise away the 250% RDA of sodium you take in every day. What I'm trying to say is that it is very possible to be within a target weight while having deplorable nutrition.

There's nowhere I can't reach.

Last edited by Sarag; Aug 26, 2006 at 02:16 PM.
255% Bitch, 78% Slut

Member 1397

Level 10.92

Mar 2006

Old Aug 26, 2006, 03:29 PM #11 of 87
Originally Posted by a lurker
So a McDonald's salad is the same as a salad of your own concoction?

You are so fat it hurts.
Leave it to someone as dumb as you to call an athletic woman who's 5'11" and about 150 lbs. fat. You're exactly what's wrong with society today. So because I'm not anorexic, I must be fat? You're beyond ignorant. Why don't you go crawl back under the rock from whence you came?

I know I should just ignore you, but you know what, I don't take crap from anyone, especially not retarded juveniles online. So go fuck yourself.

Originally Posted by Devo
Also at fast food places the burgers aren't freshly made, they usually stored on a heater.

I call bullshit, also you don't need a Fry Daddy.
You can call whatever you want, you'll still be wrong. Who cares if they're put under a heater to be kept warm? Heck, I've nuke a leftover burger before at home, no harm. The only thing I have is my personal experience. I listed my average diet and I exercise, and I'm probably in better shape than most others on this web site.

This thing is sticky, and I don't like it. I don't appreciate it.
Guns don't kill people. Chuck Norris kills People.

Why are you arguing with WoW players? It's pronounced "Shut the fuck up and get a job. Raiding isn't a job." - Lukage
Fuck yea dinosaurs

Member 748

Level 53.85

Mar 2006

Old Aug 26, 2006, 03:58 PM #12 of 87
Originally Posted by PattyNBK
Leave it to someone as dumb as you to call an athletic woman who's 5'11" and about 150 lbs. fat. You're exactly what's wrong with society today. So because I'm not anorexic, I must be fat? You're beyond ignorant. Why don't you go crawl back under the rock from whence you came?

I know I should just ignore you, but you know what, I don't take crap from anyone, especially not retarded juveniles online. So go fuck yourself.
Meanwhile you think a McDonalds salad is equivilant to a salad that I would make. You think exercise is a food version of Hail Marys. You think that having a country whose majority of its citizens are obese, including very young children, is no big deal.

It doesn't matter what your stats are, made up or not, you have a very obese soul.

I am a dolphin, do you want me on your body?

Last edited by Sarag; Aug 26, 2006 at 04:00 PM.
Pre-defined Avatar~

Member 121

Level 17.12

Mar 2006

Old Aug 27, 2006, 12:42 PM Local time: Aug 27, 2006, 10:42 AM #13 of 87
Originally Posted by a lurker
So a McDonald's salad is the same as a salad of your own concoction?

You are so fat it hurts.
Wait, are you telling me that those options for chili and side salads are loaded with fat somehow, too?

Fuck. No WONDER the weight won't come off.

I was speaking idiomatically.
255% Bitch, 78% Slut

Member 1397

Level 10.92

Mar 2006

Old Aug 27, 2006, 11:50 PM #14 of 87
Originally Posted by a lurker
You think that having a country whose majority of its citizens are obese, including very young children, is no big deal.
You know what, I've really had it with you. I never said it's no big deal, and I will not tolerate any further bullshit and lying from you. I know it's a big deal. What I'm saying is that fast food restaurants are not to blame for the problem! So stop lying about what I say and get a clue.

Originally Posted by a lurker
It doesn't matter what your stats are, made up or not, you have a very obese soul.
What kind of dumb bullshit is that? I'm guessing you toss insults so freely because you never have anything intelligent to say.

Originally Posted by Devo
Keep tooting that self-righteous horn Patty. It's funny how yet again you get pissed at lurker for her generalizations, but post this:
No, I get pissed off because of her baselss insults and complete ignorance. I made no generalizations; that statement was not meant as a dis to anyone here. I made that statement because I know it to be true, because I know myself. I push myself to the limit. I have to. I'm a woman in a predominantly male line of work, and I have to be able to do my absolute best, so I need to be in the best shape possible, period. I have to push myself harder than most in order to prove myself, and that's exactly what I do.

Originally Posted by Devo
I would make the assumption you're not healthy too. Given that you think home-cooked is food is equivalent to fastfood in nutrient/fat content.
Like I keep saying, a cheeseburger is a cheeseburger. Besides, you miss the entire point. These lawyers are trying to claim that fast food is a real addiction exactly like nicotine addition, and scientific fact says that is simply not true. People only think they're addicted to fast food, they are addicted to nicotine. Thus, the point is that fast food restaurants have absolutely no blame in any of this!

I don't even know why I bother with this web site. I've met a grand total of three people on here whom I consider to be intelligent. The rest of you just waste my time. Some day, you'll be in a position where you have to take responsibility for your own place in life, just like I did, and from the looks of it, most of you won't be ready for it. I pity you. You can't blame others forever!

Most amazing jew boots
Guns don't kill people. Chuck Norris kills People.

Why are you arguing with WoW players? It's pronounced "Shut the fuck up and get a job. Raiding isn't a job." - Lukage

Member 74

Level 51.30

Mar 2006

Old Aug 28, 2006, 12:13 AM Local time: Aug 27, 2006, 09:13 PM #15 of 87
A cheeseburger is not a cheeseburger. That's what everyone is trying to get across. I don't stuff shitloads of preservatives in my burger, and I sure as hell hope you don't.

Most amazing jew boots
Fuck yea dinosaurs

Member 748

Level 53.85

Mar 2006

Old Aug 28, 2006, 12:43 AM #16 of 87
Originally Posted by PattyNBK
You know what, I've really had it with you. I never said it's no big deal, and I will not tolerate any further bullshit and lying from you. I know it's a big deal. What I'm saying is that fast food restaurants are not to blame for the problem! So stop lying about what I say and get a clue.
Anyone with two braincells to rub together will make the 'cigarette addiction : Big Tobacco' connection. It's telling you don't.

What kind of dumb bullshit is that? I'm guessing you toss insults so freely because you never have anything intelligent to say.
All I'm saying is that there's one kind of girl who uses the "just because I'm not anorexic" gambit when her weight is questioned.

I need to be in the best shape possible, period.

Besides, you miss the entire point. These lawyers are trying to claim that fast food is a real addiction exactly like nicotine addition,
That's the fourth time you said that without bringing any backup. Why do you keep pulling your arguments from your voloptuous ass?

What, you don't want my bikini-clad body?

Member 43

Level 18.48

Mar 2006

Old Aug 28, 2006, 01:57 AM Local time: Aug 28, 2006, 01:57 AM #17 of 87
Originally Posted by PattyNBK
Like I keep saying, a cheeseburger is a cheeseburger.
Just like a cigarette is a cigarette, huh? There all exactly the same no matter what they are made of or how they are prepared. Yup, Yup.

Jam it back in, in the dark.
255% Bitch, 78% Slut

Member 1397

Level 10.92

Mar 2006

Old Aug 28, 2006, 03:41 PM #18 of 87
Originally Posted by a lurker
Were you born this freaking stupid? I'm telling you that, for fact, the fast food has not had any negative effect on my health whatsoever. That's fact, you have no place to dispute that. Or are you saying you know more about me than I do?

You see, I'll let you in on my secret: balance. Fast food, in and of itself, is not a killer. Excess is the problem, and it is not the fault of fast food chains. Tabacco companies are marketing a product that is addictive and kills. The same can't be said about fast food restaurants, period. Unfortunately, lawyers are trying to do exactly that, and I say it's total BS that they would pull something like that.

How ya doing, buddy?
Guns don't kill people. Chuck Norris kills People.

Why are you arguing with WoW players? It's pronounced "Shut the fuck up and get a job. Raiding isn't a job." - Lukage
De Arimasu!

Member 1222

Level 37.11

Mar 2006

Old Aug 28, 2006, 03:53 PM Local time: Aug 28, 2006, 09:53 PM #19 of 87
Originally Posted by Capo
A cheeseburger is not a cheeseburger. That's what everyone is trying to get across. I don't stuff shitloads of preservatives in my burger, and I sure as hell hope you don't.
Nor is it likely that you deliberately process your food in such a way that it will absorb extra fat during the cooking process. I'm led to believe that McDonalds and other fast-food chains do this, in order to increase the perceived bulk of the product, for a low cost.

This thing is sticky, and I don't like it. I don't appreciate it.
spectre of humanity

Member 684

Level 18.92

Mar 2006

Old Aug 29, 2006, 10:20 AM Local time: Aug 29, 2006, 10:20 AM #20 of 87
Not to mention that they've lied about nutritional information & cooking ingredients in the past.

Oh, sorry, those fries you're eating actually have 3x the saturated fat and were cooked in beef fat. You say you're jewish and can't eat that stuff? Oops, guess you're going to hell!

How ya doing, buddy?
I poked it and it made a sad sound

Member 24

Level 51.86

Mar 2006

Old Aug 29, 2006, 01:28 PM #21 of 87
Patty, you really should just leave GFF and join a board that is more, you know, conducive to your kind Because, you know, stupidity is kind of PICKED ON HERE.

A hamburger made at home compared to one made at McDonalds is so different, it's not even funny. I won't get into that, since everyone else is totally all over that point.

Let's talk about the addiction, though. Smokers have a physical addiction to smoking, but poor people have an economical addiction to fast food. Devo is absolutely right when she says that it saves money to eat fast food.

Some people are willing to compromise their health and their wallet for the money cheap-ass, fucked up food gives. Extreme measures, you know. When you have money, it's easier to be healthy.

In fact, I am tempted to say that it would be EASIER to quit smoking than it would to quit fast food. Fast food is not so much a physical addiction as it is a social problem. Smoking is something an individual can overcome - REGARDLESS of income. In fact, quitting the cancer sticks SAVES money. Its a wonder more people don't quit.

Shoving Big Macs in your face as incredible rates for $10 is a really hard habit to break if you only make so much a week and can't afford nice, healthy, fresh food. McDonalds also offers fast food. People these days (or the blue-collared ones I know of) have little time to eat on their breaks and after hours. The kids, the chores, the bills - best to just swing by the drive-thru and grab a cheap burger on the way home.

It's so convenient, why would a person slave over a stove for much, much longer to cook more expensive food? The industry knows what they're doing. They make it so easy. If you're stupid, you can fall into the trap easily.

It's about income. Not about addiction.

I was speaking idiomatically.

Last edited by I poked it and it made a sad sound; Aug 29, 2006 at 01:31 PM.
pisscart deluxe

Member 5656

Level 9.10

Apr 2006

Old Aug 29, 2006, 06:29 PM #22 of 87
I am not in favor of rewarding stupidity, and encouraging the trend of raising people to be quivering nancies. Everyone practices some form of self abuse. None of them should be litigable.

Most amazing jew boots

Last edited by pisscart deluxe; Aug 29, 2006 at 06:32 PM.
Fuck yea dinosaurs

Member 748

Level 53.85

Mar 2006

Old Aug 29, 2006, 10:14 PM #23 of 87
Originally Posted by PattyNBK
Were you born this freaking stupid? I'm telling you that, for fact, the fast food has not had any negative effect on my health whatsoever. That's fact, you have no place to dispute that. Or are you saying you know more about me than I do?
I think it's safe to say that you don't know much about healthy eating, that's all I'm saying. The mere idea of a salad without ham cubes, bacobits and ranch dressing is anathema to you.

You see, I'll let you in on my secret: balance. Fast food, in and of itself, is not a killer. Excess is the problem, and it is not the fault of fast food chains.
By your own conservative estimate, you eat fast food twice a week and your own home cooking is similar enough to fast food that you can't tell the difference. This is not what they had in mind when they said McDonalds is a 'sometimes' food.


Last edited by Sarag; Aug 29, 2006 at 10:17 PM.
Never Forget

Member 7

Level 44.22

Feb 2006

Old Aug 29, 2006, 11:46 PM Local time: Aug 29, 2006, 09:46 PM #24 of 87
Originally Posted by Sassafrass
Shoving Big Macs in your face as incredible rates for $10 is a really hard habit to break if you only make so much a week and can't afford nice, healthy, fresh food. McDonalds also offers fast food. People these days (or the blue-collared ones I know of) have little time to eat on their breaks and after hours. The kids, the chores, the bills - best to just swing by the drive-thru and grab a cheap burger on the way home.

It's so convenient, why would a person slave over a stove for much, much longer to cook more expensive food? The industry knows what they're doing. They make it so easy. If you're stupid, you can fall into the trap easily.
I don't know how you cook, but I don't know if any meal I've ever made for myself has been more expensive than $5 a plate. Not to mention I probably save time by cooking my own food over going out to buy it pre-made. I spend, maybe, an hour every third day cooking a meal for myself that makes enough leftovers to eat for lunch and dinner for a few days. It takes me at least ten to fifteen minutes in walking time alone to get to food for each meal.

What, you don't want my bikini-clad body?
For Great Justice!

Member 600

Level 38.35

Mar 2006

Old Aug 30, 2006, 05:41 AM #25 of 87
Fast food is cheaper to buy, RR. It usually costs me around $20-30 to cook a meal for my family. Sometimes more, depending on what we're having. We can eat at McDonalds's for under $20. I can see why money would factor into this, and convenience is also an issue. I only work part-time and sometimes it's still a struggle to get dinner on the table at a reasonable hour. A couple of times a month I break down and buy fast food just because I didn't have time to cook. I sympathize with mothers who have to work full-time. I honestly don't know how they would cook a meal every night.

Jam it back in, in the dark.
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