Apr 24, 2008, 12:53 AM
#1 of 1
Video Game House - The Little Things. Not the large things. 3 cubic cm or smaller.
I'm not exactly sure where such a thread like this would go.
So yeah, some of us have thought about it. What would it be like to have a 'Video Game House'. Sure, we have seem examples of it. Some houses shaped like an NES, some shaped like a castle from Zelda, some with various video game characters painted on the wall.
However, what about the LITTLE things (so not painting the entire house, not how it's constructed, etc)? Those things that add that little extra touch?
Here's one idea that came to my mind. At some of my friends housing, they have magazines in the bathroom for guests to look at while they are, um, yeah, doing their business. My thought is, why not put a tiger handheld or two instead (remember those?)? Do your business, play a quick game, and you're outta there.
What ideas would you all have? Again, this is not something big, but rather the small things that aren't noticable until you sit down and say 'wow, this person put a lot of thought/precision into the smallest details'.
How ya doing, buddy?