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[Wii] Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Ver. 214. Gobble Gobble Gobble, Slurp Slurp Slurp
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Member 205

Level 22.32

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 9, 2008, 06:40 PM #1301 of 1567
(as Blah mentioned) upto 4P over just 2P,
I've only played brawl online doing 1 v 1 matches and it was plagued with horrific lag. So i think my comparison is valid. I don't even want to fathom how bad it is with up to 4 people.

Additional Spam:
The price is just an example because people would think that they paid X amount of money to get their money worth. Online or not, Brawl is worth $50. And as it said before online experience varies depending on everybody connection and distant. Nintendo might as well recalled all copies of US Brawl and re-release a non online version stating, "Due to the nature of an online fighting game, we decided that the rest of the world will never get internet speed here in Japan thus we remove it so you won't experience the horrible lag that you get from your throttled ISP." So Brawl online is acceptable IMO. They can't help it if people subscribe to the low package speed from their ISP or whatever is available to them or their ISP is doing something to their connection or the distant between multiple players (because Brawl can be play up to 4 players instead of your usual/traditional 2 players) or if you have a brother that's leeching all the bandwidth to download his TV shows and movies that he missed while being away. >_>
First off. For many people, Brawl isn't worth the 50 bucks if the online is broken. Also can you stop talking about the ISP crap, it is very little of the problem going on with Brawl. I play about 10-20 games online consistently and I never experience any form of lag and some of these games support 50 players online at once and there is no lag. Hell even some nintendo Wii games with online functionality are lag-free like Mario Strikers Charged.

You have come in with this attitude like you're a know-it-all when it comes to online gaming and i have one thing to say. PLEASE SHUT THE FUCK UP. Most of the people here who have complained about the lag are veteran online gamers who know how to get the most out of their connection and optimize the shit to flawless performance on nearly every game they play.... but Brawl.

I was speaking idiomatically.

Last edited by Iwata; Apr 9, 2008 at 06:54 PM. Reason: This member got a little too post happy.
Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor
Reactor online.
Sensors online.
Weapons online.
All systems nominal.

Member 80

Level 56.91

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 9, 2008, 07:02 PM Local time: Apr 9, 2008, 06:02 PM 1 #1302 of 1567
BigCN, if you honestly think this is more the fault of the service provider or bandwidth one has allocated, you're beyond stupid. You've entered into a realm of impossibly frightening retardation that borders on the type Slayer X was showing before he got himself banned from here. For someone who seems to harp on other people not knowing what they are speaking of, you certainly trip all over yourself a lot.

Since there's clearly no arguing with a fanboy moron such as yourself, I'll let the topic drop. I clearly can't make you think that this isn't acceptable. You seem to be happy with being shit on, so I'll leave you be.

However, this should be taken as a warning for everyone in general, as I'm just going to reinforce something that should have been apparent recently.

Making up shit and spurting it out is not going to work to anyone's favour. It didn't work for Lix, it didn't work for Slayer, and it won't work for you. All it ends up with in the end is thread and forum bans. Why this thread generates the worst of the fucking worst on this forum is beyond me. I should close it. Give me a reason not to, folks.

What kind of toxic man-thing is happening now?

Last edited by Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor; Apr 9, 2008 at 07:07 PM.
Traumatized Rat
Final Fantasy VI

Member 294

Level 31.22

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 9, 2008, 07:05 PM #1303 of 1567
I've only played brawl online doing 1 v 1 matches and it was plagued with horrific lag. So i think my comparison is valid. I don't even want to fathom how bad it is with up to 4 people.
Well, it can be fine with four players but the minute you get one person who's connection is slow, it bungs everything up. At any rate, it seems that my personal experience is the exception, not the norm; so for most people, online Smash is super frustrating to play, especially with all the beginners spamming smash attacks with Ike. It seems to me that Nintendo overlooked the fact that not everyone has super fast internet like Japan does. While that is an oversight, it is still a problem. They screwed up.

First off. brawl isn't worth the 50 bucks if the online is broken to many many people, myself included. Also can you stop talking about the ISP crap, it is very little of the problem going on with Brawl. I play about 10-20 games online consistently and I never experience any form of lag and some of these games support 64 people online at once and their is no lag.
For the sake of being pedantic, there is no such thing as 'no lag' online. What you are saying is that the lag doesn't affect gameplay.

I agree that some people bought the game for the online play (maybe they have no friends or something) and it is damn annoying when it doesn't work right.

For those of you who bought the game because you like the game physics and you have nerd friends willing to come over to game at their leisure, that's great. I am also quite pleased the game physics work well and the game is damn enjoyable to play with three other people in my living room. Just be aware that some people wanted the game solely for the online component and for them, this is a major disappointment. If you buy a game that promises a feature you expect that feature to work correctly. If a game requires near frame specific accuracy to play correctly, then a developer better ensure that this problem is solved before they send the product to market. Perhaps the argument can be made that they needed more development time? I guess you can't ever win.


Member 205

Level 22.32

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 9, 2008, 08:33 PM 1 1 #1304 of 1567
Well, it can be fine with four players but the minute you get one person who's connection is slow, it bungs everything up. At any rate, it seems that my personal experience is the exception, not the norm; so for most people, online Smash is super frustrating to play, especially with all the beginners spamming smash attacks with Ike. It seems to me that Nintendo overlooked the fact that not everyone has super fast internet like Japan does. While that is an oversight, it is still a problem. They screwed up.

I played with skills. Someone i know who has a decent connection. Can you people stop trying to justify the shitty netcode with banal excuses such as " it must be your connection ". There is also a little thing called localization that basically nulls the whole " but japan is faster " argument. Hell, when i was living in Japan just a couple of months ago. I actually had slower internet then i do now and i was living in one of the major metropolitan areas of Japan. Japan may have the fastest connections in the world, but the vast majority of the citizens don't have access to them.

I agree that some people bought the game for the online play (maybe they have no friends or something) and it is damn annoying when it doesn't work right.
It's called people having better things to do then play videogames when friends are over.

What, you don't want my bikini-clad body?

Last edited by Iwata; Apr 9, 2008 at 08:36 PM.
whipping boy

Member 1106

Level 23.57

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 9, 2008, 08:59 PM Local time: Apr 9, 2008, 05:59 PM 2 #1305 of 1567
It's called people having better things to do then play videogames when friends are over.
Blasphemy! Begone heretic, no more shall you taint us with your sinful ways!

Jam it back in, in the dark.
value tart

Member 267

Level 49.52

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 9, 2008, 09:42 PM #1306 of 1567
Give me a reason not to, folks.
Reminder: Those are the reasons FOR closing.

Preparations for the 5 mile hurdle jump are taking place here. Good luck!

Additional Spam:
It's called people having better things to do then play videogames when friends are over.
For someone with as high of a gamerscore as yours, an elitist "I have a social life" argument isn't going to fly very well. Just sayin'.


There's nowhere I can't reach.

Last edited by value tart; Apr 9, 2008 at 10:34 PM. Reason: This member got a little too post happy.

Member 205

Level 22.32

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 9, 2008, 10:23 PM #1307 of 1567
Reminder: Those are the reasons FOR closing.

Preparations for the 5 mile hurdle jump are taking place here. Good luck!

Additional Spam:
For someone with as high of a gamerscore as yours, an elitist "I have a social life" argument isn't going to fly very well. Just sayin'.
I also have a 30% completion ratio and 58k outta a possible 140K. I've put no more time into my 360 then any other one of us in the xblive crew. GS is no indication of one's playtime on a system unless they're getting achievements such as Gear's "seriously..."

This thing is sticky, and I don't like it. I don't appreciate it.

Last edited by Iwata; Apr 9, 2008 at 10:32 PM.
Traumatized Rat
Final Fantasy VI

Member 294

Level 31.22

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 9, 2008, 10:36 PM 1 2 #1308 of 1567
I played with skills. Someone i know who has a decent connection. Can you people stop trying to justify the shitty netcode with banal excuses such as " it must be your connection ". There is also a little thing called localization that basically nulls the whole " but japan is faster " argument. Hell, when i was living in Japan just a couple of months ago. I actually had slower internet then i do now and i was living in one of the major metropolitan areas of Japan. Japan may have the fastest connections in the world, but the vast majority of the citizens don't have access to them.
Well this 'ere is the biggest Strawman I ever dun see.

You know what the real problem with this thread is? People like you and these other assholes who would rather look for any stupid excuse to hop up on your soapboxes and bitch away instead of actually perusing a post. I'm speaking about both sides right now. If you had taken the time to consider what I was saying instead of bellowing away like an angry elephant, you would have been surprised to find out that I was actually agreeing with you and I was trying to tell these other idiots to quit being such fanboys.

All this blathering about bad netcode vs connection speed is a pile of semantic BS and you know it. So you had trouble playing against Skills. If the bottleneck isn't at either of your ISPs then it is possibly occuring at the servers that are being used. I figured you of all people would actually have been intelligent enough to realize that 'having slow connection speed create lag while playing over the internet' is an obvious symptom of poor code. Most people are smart enough to know that if the packets of information are too big for the information pipeline available, the transfer of information is slowed down creating lag. Simple, right?

Also, everyone including you must be aware that statistics are averages. You have to think that Nintendo may have looked at a graph similar to what Skills posted and designed the netcode for Brawl based on the average connection speeds available in Japan. They said they had little to no lag during their trial runs. Perhaps the testing conditions were not representative of the real world? Who knows what they were thinking? Perhaps another problem is that Nintendo does not have enough servers to deal with the online traffic created by Brawl? Yes, this also can be a problem with netcode because the information flow will be affected by whatever bottleneck occurs in the pipeline. Of course, there is also the possibility that their servers simply can't handle the demand placed on them by all the nerds wanting to 'smash it up' online. While I doubt the problem is this simple, it would be pretty funny if it was.

So ya, I really am at a loss to how you conclude that speculation about the cause of lag equates to an attempt to defend Nintendo. I did imply that they are responsible for doing a crap job designing their online service in my last post.
Originally Posted by rat
While that is an oversight, it is still a problem. They screwed up.
No matter how you slice it, the bottom line is that the online portion of Brawl is broken and it doesn't look like it is getting fixed anytime soon. There are many other titles available so gamers might be best to move along and play something else. I hear Xbox 360 has some good games. Anyway, based on conversations we've had in the past, I know you are not stupid, so don't act like it, dude.

It's called people having better things to do then play videogames when friends are over.
I'm not even going to dignify this one with a response.

[Edit] Geez, Mo0 and Garr just said in a few words what took me three paragraphs to articulate. I guess I am using poor code for communication.

Originally Posted by Iwata
I also have a 30% completion ratio and 58k outta a possible 140K. I've put no more time into my 360 then any other one of us in the xblive crew. GS is no indication of one's playtime on a system unless they're getting achievements such as Gear's "seriously..."
I wasn't aware that XBLive crew reflects the gaming habits of the average North American. I think it is a safe assumption that those guys are all pretty hardcore.

I am a dolphin, do you want me on your body?
Sin Ansem
Miyamoto digs Negi Springfield

Member 1148

Level 21.64

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 9, 2008, 10:55 PM #1309 of 1567
*Ignores connection rage*

Yeah, I find it kind of weird/stupid too. But I think you use the song in a custom stage. >_>
You can? I can't find it at all. Did you unlock it in some fashion?

I was speaking idiomatically.

Member 104

Level 55.36

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 9, 2008, 11:38 PM 2 #1310 of 1567
Lmao, what is this SSE shit. Do I really have to go through and fight a dark version of EVERYONE before I can finish this? (Delicious overused plot devices, how I love them.)

Other than that it's been pretty cool to play. Not because it's anything stellar, but seeing a bunch of series cast members side-by-side (Ness rescuing Lucas, Ike and Marth tearing shit up) that would never otherwise interact with each other is pretty cool.

This Great Maze shit can leave forever though, just like Rat. Leave Rat.

What kind of toxic man-thing is happening now?

#654: Braixen

Member 8

Level 26.84

Feb 2006

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Old Apr 9, 2008, 11:43 PM Local time: Apr 9, 2008, 09:43 PM #1311 of 1567
Don't diss SSE, that guy who wrote FF7 was in charge of the scenario!


Member 104

Level 55.36

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 9, 2008, 11:44 PM 2 #1312 of 1567
Don't diss SSE, that guy who wrote FF7 was in charge of the scenario!
Does this mean I beat that weirdo looking final boss with Omnislash.

How do I acquired Chocobo.

In before OWA is the final stage theme. No Materia. Sephiroth Only.

What, you don't want my bikini-clad body?

#654: Braixen
Sin Ansem
Miyamoto digs Negi Springfield

Member 1148

Level 21.64

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 10, 2008, 07:37 AM #1313 of 1567
Speaking of SSE, they had an update showing off the story of SSE. Unfortunately, they still don't explain why the hell tabuu went through all of his effort. Even one sentence "because he is a bastard" would do, but NOOOOOOOOOOOO they don't even include that.

Jam it back in, in the dark.
Waltz of the Big Dogs

Member 633

Level 45.75

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 10, 2008, 09:23 AM #1314 of 1567
Speaking of SSE, it's today's update.

Supposedly bringing an in-depth analysis of the whole thing. I still need to read it. o_o

There's nowhere I can't reach.
Currently Playing: Phantom Brave

Member 2043

Level 29.93

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 10, 2008, 09:40 AM #1315 of 1567
You know a story isn't very good if you need somebody next to you explaining it. :/

I found the SSE story to be shallow at best. That being said, I still found it to be a lot of fun, but I'm quite sure the story contributed very little. They explain nothing, and there are no voices or subtitles to suggest otherwise.

On a random note, I find myself trying to use different control schemes often. More specifically, I'm attempting to master to a competent degree, the Wiimote+Nunchuck layout. It's actually quite effective, IMO. I don't grab/throw often, so that doesn't pose much of a problem for me. The only thing that poses a problem is me unleashing a special move when I really meant to shield/roll/dodge.

Does anybody else use/like to use any other combination outside of the GCN controller? Just curious.

This thing is sticky, and I don't like it. I don't appreciate it.

Anime FTP
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I apologize for nothing!

Member 353

Level 15.08

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 10, 2008, 09:54 AM #1316 of 1567
I use the wiimote + nunchuck with a slight variation. I've changed the c-button on the joystick to grab so I don't need to hit two buttons simultaneously at any time. It's just more comfortable to hold two parts of the gamepad separately for me.

One issue I have though, is with the tilt-jump style (where you use the joystick to jump rather than a button) is that it's harder to use moves like your up a in midair without taking a second jump or your tilt a on the ground.

I am a dolphin, do you want me on your body?

"Oh sirrah"
-Hedonism Bot

Member 603

Level 25.61

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 10, 2008, 10:18 AM Local time: Apr 11, 2008, 01:48 AM #1317 of 1567
Speaking of SSE, they had an update showing off the story of SSE.
Speaking of SSE, it's today's update.
Speaking of SSE, I didn't really find it boring or tedious as many have. Although it really doesn't pose much more than a play it once scenario. I have had alot more fun with the Classic mode.

I was speaking idiomatically.

Member 667

Level 21.47

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 10, 2008, 11:40 AM #1318 of 1567
*Ignores connection rage* ...

... You can? I can't find it at all. Did you unlock it in some fashion?
I think you need to KO'ed 5 or more to unlock the music. I got screwed and only KO'ed 9 (need one more to unlock something). @_@

SSE, I thought the dojo update explain everything. It's your typical video game villain that wants to take over the world... into his world.

I also cleared SSE with 93%. I should go back and try to collect anything I'm missing.

What kind of toxic man-thing is happening now?
Waltz of the Big Dogs

Member 633

Level 45.75

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 10, 2008, 11:52 AM #1319 of 1567
Speaking of SSE, I didn't really find it boring or tedious as many have. Although it really doesn't pose much more than a play it once scenario. I have had alot more fun with the Classic mode.
Speaking of SSE, I apologize for the redundancy. But I didn't really mind the whole thing at all. it was tolerable to get through, and I'd rather go through the whole thing alone, but Given the Great Maze was a little tedious, they had some nice looking cutscenes... And that's about all I could say about it.

At least they put some effort into it unlike Melee.

Additional Spam:
I think you need to KO'ed 5 or more to unlock the music. I got screwed and only KO'ed 9 (need one more to unlock something). @_@
And nay on that bit of info.

5 KOs unlocks the Red Alloy trophy.
10 KOs unlocks the Liquid Snake sticker.

Nothing about unlocking the music.


Last edited by Chaotic; Apr 10, 2008 at 11:54 AM. Reason: This member got a little too post happy.

Member 667

Level 21.47

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 10, 2008, 12:09 PM #1320 of 1567
And nay on that bit of info.

5 KOs unlocks the Red Alloy trophy.
10 KOs unlocks the Liquid Snake sticker.

Nothing about unlocking the music.
Heh, maybe I was mistaken for the Muti-Man Melee music.
I don't remember at the top of my head to what I've done and unlock on Muti-Man Brawl. Cruel Brawl and 15-minutes Brawl made me stay away from it.

What, you don't want my bikini-clad body?

Member 8

Level 26.84

Feb 2006

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Old Apr 10, 2008, 07:35 PM Local time: Apr 10, 2008, 05:35 PM #1321 of 1567
Does anybody else use/like to use any other combination outside of the GCN controller? Just curious.
I don't own a GCN controller or a classic controller, so I use the Wiimote + nunchuk with a bit of remapping. I switched down on the d-pad (does anybody even like tilt jumping) to jump and c to grab. I rarely use the other directions on the d-pad, but they're currently set to smash attacks.

SSE was fun, though I miss some of the aspects of the earlier games. Mainly, the random stages where you race across the stage. I guess with Sonic being in the game, they felt there might not have been any need for displays of speediness.

Jam it back in, in the dark.
Waltz of the Big Dogs

Member 633

Level 45.75

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 11, 2008, 02:36 AM #1322 of 1567
Today's Update: Screenshot Selection #2

Monday is the last update. The last one better be worth it.

There's nowhere I can't reach.
Currently Playing: Phantom Brave

Member 2043

Level 29.93

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 11, 2008, 06:09 AM #1323 of 1567
(does anybody even like tilt jumping)
.....*raises hand*

Seriously though, I do it just because it feels so natural to me to use up to jump.

Most amazing jew boots

Anime FTP
Server Status: -XP MODE-
Anime - PM Request
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Member 667

Level 21.47

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 11, 2008, 10:39 AM #1324 of 1567
Today's Update: Screenshot Selection #2

Monday is the last update. The last one better be worth it.
I LOLed when Mr. Sakurai said...
Originally Posted by Mr. Sakurai @
... Please understand that snapshots depicting inappropriate content or containing inappropriate comments will not be eligible for selection.

To this point, I’ve received a great number of screenshots that focus on peeking at the undergarments of certain Brawl combatants. So let me just say it again—shots like these will never be posted to the Dojo or sent out to users via the Smash Service.
...because that was expected, even if the game was rated M and receiving that many screenshots. People are sick.

But then this screenshot made it to the Japanese page!

Well, it doesn't focus on what Mr. Sakurai said. So if any of you sicko like taking screenshot like this, then you know when it's just TOO much.

Also, to what Mr. Sakurai said above, even when the daily update will stop next Monday, it seems like he's saying the dojo will receive update from time to time as they want to upload more screenshot in the future... and announce when Brawl will be release in EU/AU.

I am a dolphin, do you want me on your body?
...Or is it?

Member 29243

Level 3.09

Apr 2008

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Old Apr 11, 2008, 12:22 PM #1325 of 1567
The Japanese ones were a lot better. The US page had like five decent screenshots across all four pages... Too many "cool" shots and not enough creative/funny shots. Most of them weren't even cool--just horrible.

I was speaking idiomatically.

Exploding Garrmondo Weiner Interactive Swiss Army Penis > Garrmondo Entertainment > Video Gaming > [Wii] Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Ver. 214. Gobble Gobble Gobble, Slurp Slurp Slurp

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