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[Movie] WWE/TNA fanfiction thread
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Such a Lust for Revenge!
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Member 9287

Level 40.98

Jul 2006

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Old Jun 1, 2007, 05:24 PM Local time: Jun 1, 2007, 04:24 PM #1301 of 3609
I never saw it when he hurt himself. Just heard. And thanks for the video, that was fucking awesome. The pose he did as soon as he landed was like a brave dog standing over his weak and fallen prey.

I was speaking idiomatically.

Member 634

Level 32.09

Mar 2006

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Old Jun 1, 2007, 07:26 PM #1302 of 3609
Basically, Andre ripping the necklace off of Hogan all those years back.

Well, Wright did it too, with Hogan replying, "This isn't happening again!" or something like that.

What kind of toxic man-thing is happening now?

Member 647

Level 33.65

Mar 2006

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Old Jun 1, 2007, 07:48 PM Local time: Jun 1, 2007, 05:48 PM #1303 of 3609
I still thought the wrestlemania SSP was pretty sick too. To me thats still of the biggest wrestlemania highlights and also one of the biggest wrestlemania botches ever

Such a Lust for Revenge!
Where's Kostaki!?

Member 9287

Level 40.98

Jul 2006

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Old Jun 2, 2007, 09:18 AM Local time: Jun 2, 2007, 08:18 AM #1304 of 3609
I'll have to get that one on YouTube too. If it was the 2003 WM I was locked up. =X

Who the hell is Wright? And that's a classic Hogan reaction. Dumbass. I remember some dumb ass ancient promo he cut for some tag match he was gonna have where he said him and his partner got attacked while they were hitting the weights at the gym.

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Member 72

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Mar 2006

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Old Jun 2, 2007, 09:22 AM #1305 of 3609
I'll have to get that one on YouTube too. If it was the 2003 WM I was locked up. =X
Whatever year Wrestlemania XIX was (I think that's the one he did it at. Whichever one was Lesnar vs. Angle)

Who the hell is Wright? And that's a classic Hogan reaction. Dumbass. I remember some dumb ass ancient promo he cut for some tag match he was gonna have where he said him and his partner got attacked while they were hitting the weights at the gym.
Paul Wright. aka The Giant/Big Show.

Jam it back in, in the dark.

Such a Lust for Revenge!
Where's Kostaki!?

Member 9287

Level 40.98

Jul 2006

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Old Jun 2, 2007, 09:48 AM Local time: Jun 2, 2007, 08:48 AM #1306 of 3609
Shit. I thought it was White, not Wright.
Holy fuck.

There's nowhere I can't reach.

Member 72

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Mar 2006

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Old Jun 2, 2007, 10:01 AM #1307 of 3609
Shit. I thought it was White, not Wright.
Holy fuck.
lololol. That was all Lesnar's fault anyway. He should have had a better sense of surrounding and went to nail it from another post.

This thing is sticky, and I don't like it. I don't appreciate it.

Such a Lust for Revenge!
Where's Kostaki!?

Member 9287

Level 40.98

Jul 2006

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Old Jun 2, 2007, 10:06 AM Local time: Jun 2, 2007, 09:06 AM #1308 of 3609
Haha, as soon as they stop showing the botched move and show him in the back with the regular people... He just looked so huge next to everyone that it was like he was a CGI creature in McMahon's stable.

How ya doing, buddy?

Member 72

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Mar 2006

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Old Jun 2, 2007, 10:25 AM #1309 of 3609
Haha, as soon as they stop showing the botched move and show him in the back with the regular people... He just looked so huge next to everyone that it was like he was a CGI creature in McMahon's stable.

the first few seconds were priceless. Rico got into so much shit for that. "Come on Jeff, hurry up Goddamnit" lolol That's always funny.

That video is pretty good there.

Here you go bro, this one'll make you go Holy shit, like Tazz did:

I was speaking idiomatically.

Last edited by dagget; Jun 2, 2007 at 10:37 AM.

Member 634

Level 32.09

Mar 2006

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Old Jun 2, 2007, 10:39 AM #1310 of 3609
Eh? Dumbass? Confused on that comment (as to who is being referred to...HOPEFULLY not me!).

Yeah, Wright is Paul Wright, or The Giant. The Giant/Big Show is just going by his real name now, and in his last match (he wrestled Hogan at some smaller show as Hogan was trying to one-up Vince since he's pissed at Vince) wrestled that name (Paul Wright).

Ironically, I saw Lesnar's SSP where he did it successfully in OVW (WWE's training ground), but never saw the botched one until after I got the tape and someone mentioned it to me. It's pretty scary to watch. IT reminds me of H in FMW who had similar botches (with one of them, sadly, ending his career after he was paralyzed). And yeah, it was Mania XIX. Mania XVIII was Jericho/HHH/Steph. Mania XVII was Rock/Austin II. Mania XVI was the fourway with Show/Rock/HHH/Foley. And going upwards, Mania XX was, of course, HHH/Benoit/HBK.

What kind of toxic man-thing is happening now?
Such a Lust for Revenge!
Where's Kostaki!?

Member 9287

Level 40.98

Jul 2006

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Old Jun 2, 2007, 11:05 AM Local time: Jun 2, 2007, 10:05 AM #1311 of 3609
Mortis, I was refering to Hogan. I'm not going to randomly insult anyone, especially in this thread. =O

The first video was intense. What the fuck was Hogan's problem with that chokeslam? Also to note: I remember the Undertaker scared me when I was little but when I saw him Tombstone Hogan onto a chair to win the title (and he'd drag the title after that) he was instantly a Legend in my eyes. Funny seeing them wrestle again.

Man, see Goldberg get partially knocked out by the ringpost? And lolies and Kane slipping when he was gonna do that flying clothesline of his outside the ring. Great closing video.
Always thought Sid was a big bully, an asshole, and a horrible wrestler but no man deserves that.

HOLY SHIT RING COLLAPSE. I've never ever seen some shit like that in wrestling. 800 pounds plus the extra force... That poor fucking ring. And I like how there was medical attention afterwards. They probably sold that shit pretty good.

Winter Storm
Distant Memories

Member 2209

Level 27.54

Mar 2006

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Old Jun 2, 2007, 07:50 PM #1312 of 3609
I seen that match with the ring collapsing. The botched SSP is one of the many reasons why Vince banned a lot of high risk moves.

What, you don't want my bikini-clad body?

Member 647

Level 33.65

Mar 2006

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Old Jun 2, 2007, 08:22 PM Local time: Jun 2, 2007, 06:22 PM #1313 of 3609
That and Vince can still screw the fans by taking away such high risk, entertaining moves and not have any fans steer away

Jam it back in, in the dark.

Member 163

Level 40.01

Mar 2006

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Old Jun 2, 2007, 10:47 PM #1314 of 3609
Huh...didn't realize Saturday Night's Main Event was on tonight. They trying to compete with TNA or what?

How ya doing, buddy?
Malahk Angel
Hooray Beer!

Member 9195

Level 8.84

Jun 2006

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Old Jun 3, 2007, 09:56 AM #1315 of 3609
SHIT. I knew I missed something last night. Anyone who watched SNME wanna fill me in on what went down?

This thing is sticky, and I don't like it. I don't appreciate it.
If there is evil in this world, it lies within the hearts of mankind.
Winter Storm
Distant Memories

Member 2209

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Mar 2006

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Old Jun 3, 2007, 12:44 PM #1316 of 3609

Cena got owned by Khali.

That's all.

Moving on...
Here's my predictions for One Night Stand.

Lashley's going to win, but through the power of Vince, Umaga wins the title and through the power of Vince, Umaga ended up winning the title "for Vince". Since it's a street fight, that means NO DQ and that means Vince, Shane and Umaga vs. Bobby.

Edge through some miracle is going to walk out still the Champion and Batista is going to go berserk, starting a new era of heel for him.

Not sure about the Hardy's and "The World's greatest tag team".

Melina, while I <3 Candice... is going to go nuts and really put a hurting on Candice.

Don't give a crap about six man tags.

Eh...RVD is going to get hurt.

Kane is probably going to get his ass kicked by Mark Henry.

And the last match you all already know the outcome. Cena is going to get raped throughout the whole match but in the end his mighty STFU is going to save the day.

I am a dolphin, do you want me on your body?

Last edited by Winter Storm; Jun 3, 2007 at 01:02 PM.

Member 647

Level 33.65

Mar 2006

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Old Jun 3, 2007, 03:46 PM Local time: Jun 3, 2007, 01:46 PM #1317 of 3609
RVD will lose no matter what, his contract ends tonight.

Lashley will probably win because everyone knows that Sandman and Dreamer will somehow help out.

I was speaking idiomatically.

Member 634

Level 32.09

Mar 2006

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Old Jun 3, 2007, 05:53 PM #1318 of 3609
Not a sure thing Slash. Supposedly people are pissed at the openly-known fact that this is RVD's last match and wanted to keep things a surprise. So they might have him win, then lose a few weeks later (although I am fairly positive THOSE rumors are there to give people who know for sure this is RVD's last match and he will lose, second thoughts).

Cena will beat Khali, after being beaten by him.

Edge will beat Batista. Batista can't turn heel because if he does, there aren't any built up faces who are worthy enough to face Edge (save for perhaps, Benoit), at the moment.

Why is this match not the main event (even if, ironically, it does mean having someone over 60 in the main event), and by that I mean Lashley Vs Vince. At any rate, it is the ECW PPV, and Lashley will win it back.

Kane will lose to Henry.

Punk's team will probably lose the table's match.

And I don't care about the rest of the matches.

What kind of toxic man-thing is happening now?

Member 647

Level 33.65

Mar 2006

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Old Jun 3, 2007, 06:21 PM Local time: Jun 3, 2007, 04:21 PM #1319 of 3609
Why would WWE make Orton lose as opposing to having RVD lose?


Member 72

Level 36.40

Mar 2006

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Old Jun 3, 2007, 06:41 PM #1320 of 3609
Orton's in a deeper shithouse than RVD, that's why. Orton was supposed to get this big push and then he completely flipped out and destroyed the hotel room he was in because he was told to go home early during the UK tour.

It's tough which one will win/lose. If RVD is leaving on good terms, (just by not re-signing, doesn't mean it's particularly bad terms, unless Steph has a hate-on for him, which is possible because RVD still is ECW and one of Paul Heyman's best friends) then he may win the match. Hell, he might win anyway. It could also end in a DQ where someone runs in to start shit with Orton.

It's like the Lesnar/Goldberg match. Since Brock pretty much said "fuck you WWE" and decided he wanted out of his 10 year contract to go join the NFL (LOL), they were pissed at him and decided to have Goldberg win, even though they were both leaving. If he had stayed (Lesnar), you could be pretty much sure that he would have won that match.

I missed SNME cause I didn't remember it was on.

I think it really depends on if Lashley wins or not. He could win and be ECW champion again, or he can win and there will be another one of those "instances" like said above Vince retains the title and tells Lashley he will never again be ECW champion.. whiiiiiich you know will lead tooooo

"OH MY GOD, LASHLEY'S BEEN DRAFTED TO RAW! THE TITLE HUNT WILL BEGIN AGAIN!" (or Smackdown since Edge is reported to have a lengthy title run. ._.)

What, you don't want my bikini-clad body?

Last edited by dagget; Jun 3, 2007 at 06:43 PM.
Winter Storm
Distant Memories

Member 2209

Level 27.54

Mar 2006

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Old Jun 3, 2007, 09:50 PM #1321 of 3609

Hardy's won. Expect a lengthy fued between these teams. There was a huge fight in the locker room between them.

RVD won but it came a high price.
CM Punk's team won. Matt Striker is a burden to the new breed clearly.
Mark Henry won by bear hug submission(no joke).
Lashley won. He beat the shit out of Vince, I've seen Vince beat up a lot but I've never seen him take so many chair shots to the back and to the head. This victory did lead to him being champion - No "Mr.Mcmahon instances".

Candice won.

Edge won, and Batista flipped out sorta. No real details here. It was all Edge trying to make a B-line for cage door or going over the top.
Cena won by FU'ing Khali off the top of a crane. No way in hell ANYONE would kick out after that.(I also didn't know submissions were a no go)

Jam it back in, in the dark.

Last edited by Winter Storm; Jun 3, 2007 at 09:56 PM.

Member 163

Level 40.01

Mar 2006

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Old Jun 3, 2007, 11:05 PM #1322 of 3609
Cena won by FU'ing Khali off the top of a crane. No way in hell ANYONE would kick out after that.(I also didn't know submissions were a no go)
What the hell...lose the title Cena. Nobody likes you. If Angle or HBK were still around, they wouldn't put up with this shit. Seriously, who's left to go against Cena? I guess the reason for the draft lottery is now clear. Cena no longer has any competition on Raw. Actually, draft his ass to Smackdown and bring Edge back over to Raw.

Most amazing jew boots

Member 634

Level 32.09

Mar 2006

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Old Jun 4, 2007, 05:22 AM #1323 of 3609
Okay, so...

Batista looks to be having that long-expected heel turn. Actually, I am SURPRISE given that he is the only face on the roster that can compete against Edge AND...

Benoit is rumored to have been told that he will go to Raw.

So yeah...I hope Kennedy comes back REAL fast.

Kane PASSED OUT to Mark Henry's bear hug? Okay, at LEAST have Kane lose via a splash on a chair or SOMETHING.

Hardyz Vs WGTT for the tag titles? GOod, although saw for Shelton as had he shown charisma, he could have been a future world champion.

Cena won't lost the title. It isn't his fault either. He supposedly ASKED to lose the title and get out of main event feuds for a while as even he realized his character is somewhat stale.

However, Cena is a good person to put the title on. He wrestles a fairly conservative style, has a decent amount of experience, and is young meaning he can be with the WWE for many years. He also can talk, which is an important factor (see Benjamin, and so many others) in making or breaking potential stars.

Furthermore, the idea of Khali winning the title, or Umaga is just...scary. They can't talk, and Khali can barely wrestle. Him being champion=no. RIght now, until HHH or HBK comes back, Cena is the best pick.

Candice won in a wonderful, technical match in which she can show her children and grandchildren as a fine display of wrestling. Or not. *Sigh*, does anyone remember the FIRST ONS, and what it stood for...say..oh...two years ago?

Actually, there is SOME hope in the form of Punk who won his match. Good for him, but they really need to let him shine. He has had matches of all types and has done well, but needs to go for that next big push. Too bad it wasn't HE who beat Vince instead of...

Lashley who beat Vince for the ECW title in a match in the middle of the card despite it being an ECW event (okay, so maybe not anymore, but you get the idea). Nice to see Vince NOT holding the title, but seriously, why Lashley instead of say, Punk? Punk who provide that shock value, and could have a nice feud with a freshly turned Lashley. Punk could even win it in ECW style fashion (goading McMahon to defend the strap), perhaps at THE END OF THE NIGHT like the WORLD TITLE match should have been.

This thing is sticky, and I don't like it. I don't appreciate it.
Winter Storm
Distant Memories

Member 2209

Level 27.54

Mar 2006

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Old Jun 4, 2007, 06:40 AM #1324 of 3609

What the hell...lose the title Cena. Nobody likes you. If Angle or HBK were still around, they wouldn't put up with this shit. Seriously, who's left to go against Cena? I guess the reason for the draft lottery is now clear. Cena no longer has any competition on Raw. Actually, draft his ass to Smackdown and bring Edge back over to Raw.
I think Kennedy and Batista are the only ones who did not face Cena on Smackdown :x cause Kennedy wasn't even in the WWE and Batista was on RAW at the time.

And Mortis..

Well Kane had serious back trouble throughout the match and Henry worked on it. It got worst when Kane chokeslammed Henry. Then Dykestra and his partner dashed in and attacked Kane, and Kane used more back energy to one hand chokeslam Kenny(stupid). Henry then went for the bear hug again and that was it.

Batista didn't flip out in the way I expected but he was pretty peeved. He went after Edge after the match, but Edge made a B-line for the exit via the crowd. So Batista proceeded to beat on stuff and tear up an announcement table. I somewhat respect his obsession with the title. Not many people really care for the defunct WCW title.


How ya doing, buddy?

Member 72

Level 36.40

Mar 2006

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Old Jun 4, 2007, 07:52 AM #1325 of 3609
Hows about instead of putting Cena on Smackdown and Edge on Raw, WWE just pushes new talent. OWAIT~

I'm tired of seeing the same sad-ass people with no passion. I want a reason to not miss Raw again. I want another Stone Cold to come out and just whup ass. I want another Rock to come out and smacktalk people and put them in their place. More feuds that tell a story with great ring action and presense(not to mention storylines that would keep me entertained like none-other). I want to be shocked when something happens, not go "figures". Backstage skits that make me laugh, or maybe something like the 24/7 hardcore title rule again.

Sadly those times are gone, and now it's times where titles never change on TV, but rather, PPVs (if they even change then). The writing blows because they want to hire writers who worked on sit-coms, soap operas and god knows what else. They don't want to push young talent that might take the spotlight from some of the more veteran guys.

Of course I turn in every week in hopes something will surprise me. Hoping maybe something will happen that makes me go "OMG WTF". The last time I really got into a match that I can remember, was the Undertaker/Jeff Hardy ladder match for the title. That was a long damn time ago. :|

I was speaking idiomatically.


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