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[Movie] L O S T [possible spoilers]
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Member 814

Level 22.27

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 25, 2008, 12:18 PM Local time: Apr 25, 2008, 09:18 AM #76 of 595
What an awesome episode!

A bunch of random people die. We also see the French chick, Alexis, and her boyfriend die. Hmmm.

The end suggests both Charles and Ben cannot go back on the island? Or at least they can't find it anymore?

Also, did Ben and Charles have some "gentleman's rule" or something? Like daughters are hands off?

Most amazing jew boots

Dance party!
Sea King!

Member 7052

Level 11.50

May 2006

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Old Apr 25, 2008, 09:06 PM #77 of 595
What an awesome episode!

A bunch of random people die. We also see the French chick, Alexis, and her boyfriend die. Hmmm.

The end suggests both Charles and Ben cannot go back on the island? Or at least they can't find it anymore?

Also, did Ben and Charles have some "gentleman's rule" or something? Like daughters are hands off?
Indeed it was!

It was so funny when those people kept coming out of the house and getting shot. Lemmings! I still think Rousseau is alive, but Alex and Karl are goners. Poor kids. =(

Widmore can't find the island, I'm not so sure about Ben. It seems easier to get off the island than it is to actually find it. Now that The Flame is destroyed and The Looking Glass is out of commission, I'm not sure if Ben can get back to the island at the moment. I was assuming he could, but it would be difficult.

I guess they had some sort of agreement about what lines they could cross. Killing daughters, summoning smokey, who knows. They're both vying to take control of the island and it's like a big game of chess. Ben can't kill him in the same way everybody can't just haul off and kill Ben, no matter how much they want to. That's how it seems, anyway!

Now for a wacky theory: In the flashfoward when it shows Ben steaming, alone in the middle of no where and waking up out of breath with a shocked look... I thought that was a little odd. Then he got to the hotel and asked for the date and the year, which was also just a little bit odd. It made me think of The Orchid and that Ben may have teleported into Iraq. The location of where the video comes from might explain why Ben was injured and why he was wearing a coat. I know, seems kind of silly, but look at the vid and read the article~

I was speaking idiomatically.
Sousuke was not.

Member 1133

Level 33.80

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 25, 2008, 10:10 PM #78 of 595
There was a theory I read somewhere [but I can't find the link anymore] that said something about the island being stuck in a constant time loop, in the year 2004. The loop was 'broken' when Desmond turned the key under the Swan station, thus 'starting time' once again on the island. This might be why Ben was 'disoriented' by time.

It went into way more detail than that [along with many others] and was pretty believeable. If I find the link again I'll definitely post it here.

Also, I'm curious about a few things: What was really in the room that Ben entered before Smokey appeared? What is at The Temple station?

And of course, the age-old... What exactly IS Smokey?

[edit] Found it! Took some digging, but here it is. It's a decent read, albeit a bit of a long one.

What kind of toxic man-thing is happening now?
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Last edited by Sousuke; Apr 25, 2008 at 10:21 PM.
So Call Me Maybe

Member 20

Level 52.53

Feb 2006

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Old Apr 26, 2008, 04:03 PM Local time: Apr 26, 2008, 10:03 PM #79 of 595
Hey, wow, this episode was veeeeeeeeeeeery good -- I was pleasently suprised! There is a lot of room for a new story now. Benjamin Linus vs. Charles Whitmore, that's going to be awesome.

And I wonder when the hell they gonna give Hurley a new t-shirt.

Most amazing jew boots
I poked it and it made a sad sound

Member 24

Level 51.86

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 26, 2008, 04:16 PM 1 #80 of 595
Why is everyone so pleased where this show is going. Seriously. Ever week, I get more and more angry.

For example: SINCE WHEN would Sawyer give a shit about Claire. Calling people "sweetheart" when it's not sarcastic? Trying to be a hero? What happened to Sawyer's character. I don't even CARE if he dies anymore.

And I ABSOLUTELY HATED the typical SLAP IN THE FACE extras who are APPARENTLY survivors from 815 and are staying with Locke, but RANDOMLY come out and get shot, but Sawyer doesn't obtain a scratch from the face off. Ugh, more Arzt, Nikki and Paolo SHIT. I hate it so much.

And I like how out of nowhere the smoke monster appeared, presumed to kill everyone that Marine dickhead was leading, and then in the preview for next week, there he is, alive and well.[/quote]

Every week, they disappoint me more and more. It seems like they're trying to rush towards an end goal now, and throwing all these new people at us without really focusing on anything on the Island.

There's no more mystery, there's no more intrigue, and there's no more fucking interest in watching this show for me.

I will, however, continue to watch it despite all my negativity. Why? Because I feel emotionally connected to the survivors and I want to see what happens. I am sure to be disappointed, though.

I think they bit off way more than they can chew here. They should have stuck to simple intrigue. Now, we're lost in a war between two retarded men (Whitmore and Linus), who seemingly pit these pawns against each other. This is not why I loved the show. I don't care about a Charlie's Angels scenario, I don't care who the good guy or bad guy is - I PLAIN DON'T CARE. Every OTHER thing I watch usually boils down to this typical duality, and I had hopes that Lost would be about something more.

Poor Sayid. I sympathize with him so hard.


I am aware that this latest gap in episodes (for the sixteen episode season) was due to the writer's strike, but if they keep trying to reel people in and then give them breaks which are so long and with a show going rapidly downhill, I suspect they're going to lose a lot of their fan basis.

So I am a bitter, bitter person. Shoot me.

What, you don't want my bikini-clad body?
So Call Me Maybe

Member 20

Level 52.53

Feb 2006

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Old Apr 26, 2008, 04:40 PM Local time: Apr 26, 2008, 10:40 PM #81 of 595
Je ne sais pas, madame, mais je pense que vous êtes en retard.

I dunno, but what we are experiencing I think is the very best you can hope for after three and a half seasons. I mean, what the hell, do you want them to run and search for more hatches or, I dunno, do you wait for Bernhard to confess that in fact - haha - he is Aaron's father or something like that? This island/real world - past/present storyline is excellent and I find myself enjoying this season to its full extent.

I won't shoot you, though, I don't hurt women!

Jam it back in, in the dark.

Member 337

Level 18.92

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 26, 2008, 09:50 PM Local time: Apr 26, 2008, 08:50 PM #82 of 595
I don't care much for the gentlemen's war either. I was hoping to see how there could a purpose for each character to be on the island to make some difference in the outcome, but as of now they could all be killed easily and their lives will have no meaning at all.

As for Alex's death, isn't it Ben's fault for telling Keamy that she wasn't his real daughter? If there was a "family = hands off" rule, Ben shouldn't have bluffed him. And now Ben is whining about changing the rules.

There's nowhere I can't reach.
So Call Me Maybe

Member 20

Level 52.53

Feb 2006

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Old Apr 27, 2008, 03:50 AM Local time: Apr 27, 2008, 09:50 AM #83 of 595
As for Alex's death, isn't it Ben's fault for telling Keamy that she wasn't his real daughter? If there was a "family = hands off" rule, Ben shouldn't have bluffed him. And now Ben is whining about changing the rules.
Then again, it's Ben. I was pretty sure he wouldn't care too much about his daughter, since we know that he didn't hesitate to kill his father. I was a bit surprised that he took it so personal when Keamy actually killed her.

This thing is sticky, and I don't like it. I don't appreciate it.
Dr. Uzuki
Gary Oldman and Morgan Freeman shall be allowed to participate in the film

Member 1753

Level 37.97

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 27, 2008, 09:19 AM Local time: Apr 27, 2008, 06:19 AM #84 of 595
What really irks me about this season is the focus on time travel. It's obviously a diversion as to the importance of the island. It's still interestingly handled for sure, but let's get back to the faith based aspects of it, eh?

It's kinda hilarious how they mucked up on the development of three characters over the past couple seasons and just decided MERCENARIES KILL 'EM.

There were many plot threads pulled on this past episode, some more recent, some dating back to the first episode. Ben sicked the smoke monster on his pursuers and the result heavily resembled what was heard and seen in the pilot. What was the thing going apeshit on like that when they all first crashed?

Also hilarious, the three red shirt never seen before extras being offed. I almost couldn't believe it. One would serve as a nice inside joke as to the random disposable survivors, two is pushing it, three is just absurd. As was the swelling music during Ben's radio speech to Keamy.

I am a dolphin, do you want me on your body?

so they may learn the glorious craft of acting from the dear leader
Wall Feces
Holy Cow! What Happened!

Member 493

Level 46.34

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 27, 2008, 10:38 AM #85 of 595
The extras being offed was remarkably dumb. That entire action scene was as stupid as it gets. 3 bullets kills 3 people, yet a flurry of gunfire can't even fucking touch Sawyer when he's running in front of a white picket fence? Yeah, okay.

Other than that baffling scene, everything was great. Glad to see smokey come back, with a hint that maybe we'll find out more about it in the coming weeks with Jacob.

Pumped... This season is by far my fave. And Sass, good news - We get to watch the finale together in Maine <3

How ya doing, buddy?
Midnight Rider

Member 2104

Level 15.76

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 27, 2008, 01:52 PM #86 of 595
Sawyer was totally out of character too, that was weird and kind of annoying. Decent episode otherwise.

What kind of toxic man-thing is happening now?
Sea King!

Member 7052

Level 11.50

May 2006

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Old Apr 28, 2008, 03:38 AM 3 #87 of 595
Why is everyone so pleased where this show is going. Seriously. Ever week, I get more and more angry.

For example: SINCE WHEN would Sawyer give a shit about Claire. Calling people "sweetheart" when it's not sarcastic? Trying to be a hero? What happened to Sawyer's character. I don't even CARE if he dies anymore.

And I ABSOLUTELY HATED the typical SLAP IN THE FACE extras who are APPARENTLY survivors from 815 and are staying with Locke, but RANDOMLY come out and get shot, but Sawyer doesn't obtain a scratch from the face off. Ugh, more Arzt, Nikki and Paolo SHIT. I hate it so much.

And I like how out of nowhere the smoke monster appeared, presumed to kill everyone that Marine dickhead was leading, and then in the preview for next week, there he is, alive and well.

Every week, they disappoint me more and more. It seems like they're trying to rush towards an end goal now, and throwing all these new people at us without really focusing on anything on the Island.

There's no more mystery, there's no more intrigue, and there's no more fucking interest in watching this show for me.

I will, however, continue to watch it despite all my negativity. Why? Because I feel emotionally connected to the survivors and I want to see what happens. I am sure to be disappointed, though.

I think they bit off way more than they can chew here. They should have stuck to simple intrigue. Now, we're lost in a war between two retarded men (Whitmore and Linus), who seemingly pit these pawns against each other. This is not why I loved the show. I don't care about a Charlie's Angels scenario, I don't care who the good guy or bad guy is - I PLAIN DON'T CARE. Every OTHER thing I watch usually boils down to this typical duality, and I had hopes that Lost would be about something more.

Poor Sayid. I sympathize with him so hard.


I am aware that this latest gap in episodes (for the sixteen episode season) was due to the writer's strike, but if they keep trying to reel people in and then give them breaks which are so long and with a show going rapidly downhill, I suspect they're going to lose a lot of their fan basis.

So I am a bitter, bitter person. Shoot me.

Sawyer was totally out of character too, that was weird and kind of annoying. Decent episode otherwise.

Have you two been paying attention to the show at all while you've been watching it? Sawyer's hard exterior has been chipped away as the show has progressed. From the beginning his relationship with Kate began to change him. They have like personalities and backgrounds, so they shared that affinity and it drew them closer. Whenever he began to get too comfortable (such as being an asshole about his "stuff" to everyone) and push people away, she understood why. Even when he was trying to push people away he still made connections with a lot of the characters and befriended them. Sawyer fell in love with Kate, he called Jack his "closest thing I have to a friend on this island," he got closer to Jin and Michael as they all built the raft together, and most importantly Hurley.

I think at this point is when Sawyer really begins to realize that he wants to be part of the community and not alone. Hurley taught him this in Left Behind by tricking Sawyer "into being decent." Before that he had to face up to what he did to Sun and actually feel something for including her in his con. More recently, how Sawyer reacted to Ben's goading in Confirmed Dead. Ben hit the nail right on the head. On the island Sawyer IS someone. He has friends and people respect him. However, off the island he's just a "low life scam artist" and how could he "compete with a first class surgeon" over Kate. It's obvious at this point that the people he's grown to know really mean something to him and that he wants to protect them.

Basically all of this is leading to Sawyer becoming a leader within their community. After seeking revenge his motivation as a character changed and this is the direction it's going. In Left Behind Hurley calls Sawyer their temporary leader since most of the A-Team was missing and he's next in the leadership chain. I think once the episodes catch up to the flashfowards, Sawyer will be leading them in place of Jack or at least will be looked upon as a leader if nothing else. It's all been a big setup to develop Sawyer as a leader that people can trust and to redeem him. Yanno, that thing called character development.

Anyway, as for the stuff with Alex:
lex was already screwed at that point. Ben knew that and tried to get her out of the situation the best he knew how. I think he knew it was futile at that point, which is why he said Widmore "changed the rules." She was the one keeping him even somewhat human, so it's going to be interesting to see how much worse he can get now that the kiddie gloves are off. Still, I really don't want Penny to die...

Also, I don't think the time travel thing is just being pulled out of nowhere. I think it'll definitely play a big part later on and I've been waiting for them to bring it up in the show.

I'm having a lot of fun with the show and I'm interested to see where the new developments will lead. I think a lot of people get disgruntled with the show simply because they have to wait so damn long to get answers. I do care about the answers and what is going to happen to the characters, but I'm not going to get bitter while waiting.

I poked it and it made a sad sound

Member 24

Level 51.86

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 28, 2008, 11:12 AM #88 of 595
Have you two been paying attention to the show at all while you've been watching it? Sawyer's hard exterior has been chipped away as the show has progressed. From the beginning his relationship with Kate began to change him. They have like personalities and backgrounds, so they shared that affinity and it drew them closer. Whenever he began to get too comfortable (such as being an asshole about his "stuff" to everyone) and push people away, she understood why. Even when he was trying to push people away he still made connections with a lot of the characters and befriended them. Sawyer fell in love with Kate, he called Jack his "closest thing I have to a friend on this island," he got closer to Jin and Michael as they all built the raft together, and most importantly Hurley.

I think at this point is when Sawyer really begins to realize that he wants to be part of the community and not alone. Hurley taught him this in Left Behind by tricking Sawyer "into being decent." Before that he had to face up to what he did to Sun and actually feel something for including her in his con. More recently, how Sawyer reacted to Ben's goading in Confirmed Dead. Ben hit the nail right on the head. On the island Sawyer IS someone. He has friends and people respect him. However, off the island he's just a "low life scam artist" and how could he "compete with a first class surgeon" over Kate. It's obvious at this point that the people he's grown to know really mean something to him and that he wants to protect them.

Basically all of this is leading to Sawyer becoming a leader within their community. After seeking revenge his motivation as a character changed and this is the direction it's going. In Left Behind Hurley calls Sawyer their temporary leader since most of the A-Team was missing and he's next in the leadership chain. I think once the episodes catch up to the flashfowards, Sawyer will be leading them in place of Jack or at least will be looked upon as a leader if nothing else. It's all been a big setup to develop Sawyer as a leader that people can trust and to redeem him. Yanno, that thing called character development.
I think that is purely the shittiest explanation for Sawyer's immediate and radical attitude turn-around ever.

Who the fuck ELSE has changed on the island? I think the point is that people still fall victim to their traits they had on the mainland - while being offered a chance to change, they often revert right back to who they are. Jack hasn't changed, Kate hasn't changed, Jin and Sun haven't changed - NO ONE has been able to free themselves from their own past. And for some reason, Sawyer is now a loveable and caring guy? What kind of drugs are you ON?

I think your excuse is a vehement excuse for the show and it's slacking lately.

Even if you WERE right, they'd have had to address this "change" in Sawyer. If anything, he should go the opposite way (and NOT call people "sweetheart") due to his murdering Locke's dad. They made it very clear to the audience that this was NOT a positive thing for Sawyer.

Are you telling me they're writing this event off, and changing his attitude in the wind without substantiation?

What, you don't want my bikini-clad body?
Crazy people don't know they're going crazy. They think they're getting saner.

Member 693

Level 13.91

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 28, 2008, 12:22 PM #89 of 595
The action sequence was no different from any other show/movie. Jack Bauer dodges hundreds of bullets in one day yet people don't bat an eye. If anything, you should be making fun of Claire surviving a direct hit from an RPG on her house.

Sass, the transition of Sawyer was seen all the way back in season 2. It was just that stupid character arc of him being "the new sheriff" that ruined all of that. More recently, Through the Looking Glass showed that he is looking out for other characters on the show. I, too, thought that the death of Cooper would be a dark turn for the character, but instead it has relieved him of his baggage. It could have gone either way, and who knows, he might relapse.

It looks like they've been hanging out with Aaron, so is it so hard to believe that he would want to save the mother of the baby?

I agree season 4 hasn't been my favorite, but it might be because I don't like the whole freighter saga. Stupid tricks such as the one they pulled in Ji Yeon (flashforward and flashback) make me wonder whether they are taking this set deadline seriously or not.

Seaon 4 is MUCH more balanced than season 3, though. That season had amazing individual episodes, but the overall story arc was bland. Season 4 is really not bad, Sass. You're letting your fears get the best of you.

Also, Jin has changed significantly. So have Claire, Hurley and Desmond. Are we watching the same show?

Jam it back in, in the dark.
Midnight Rider

Member 2104

Level 15.76

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 28, 2008, 08:36 PM #90 of 595
Elegy, I think Sass is being too harsh (some characters did change, others not so much) and you bring up some good points... yes, Sawyer is changing a bit. But that still didn't mean he's some sort of selfless hero now. Sawyer will help out the others when he's got nothing better to do, or when he has ulterior, more selfish motives, but it's not like him to simply risk his life and run past bullets just to save the girl. Kate, maybe, depending on circumstances, but he's hardly ever spoken to Claire now has he?

Also remember when Kate asked him (paraphrased here) "what are you doing, Sawyer?" when he decided to go with Locke, and Sawyer responded, "doing what I've always been doing... survivin'." Dodging bullets to save a possibly doomed girl is not exactly "surviving". Hence, it's out of character.

rockthepartay: dodging bullets is typical of 24, and people expect this kind of action in 24. What was silly in that sequence in Lost is that not only it didn't really fit, but it felt completely forced, what with the three red shirts being offed one after the other (is there anyone who didn't LOL at that? seriously?) and then Sawyer not only behaving like Jack Bauer, but also the fact that there are bulletproof picnic tables now... c'mon, it was a silly sequence that didn't fit at all, we can admit it. And yes, Claire surviving that shot was also silly (and also predictable).

There's nowhere I can't reach.
I poked it and it made a sad sound

Member 24

Level 51.86

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 28, 2008, 09:50 PM #91 of 595
The action sequence was no different from any other show/movie. Jack Bauer dodges hundreds of bullets in one day yet people don't bat an eye. If anything, you should be making fun of Claire surviving a direct hit from an RPG on her house.

Sass, the transition of Sawyer was seen all the way back in season 2. It was just that stupid character arc of him being "the new sheriff" that ruined all of that. More recently, Through the Looking Glass showed that he is looking out for other characters on the show. I, too, thought that the death of Cooper would be a dark turn for the character, but instead it has relieved him of his baggage. It could have gone either way, and who knows, he might relapse.

It looks like they've been hanging out with Aaron, so is it so hard to believe that he would want to save the mother of the baby?
You don't see that interaction too much, and if they expect me to think that Sawyer has changed, I'm sorry, but they're going to have to convince me.

Not only that, but I would resist the change of Sawyer. Maybe I am presently. I don't want another nicey-nice on the goddamn island. We have Jack for that. If you're right, Ben must be sucking up all the evil on the island - it would make sense. ^_^

I agree season 4 hasn't been my favorite, but it might be because I don't like the whole freighter saga. Stupid tricks such as the one they pulled in Ji Yeon (flashforward and flashback) make me wonder whether they are taking this set deadline seriously or not.

Seaon 4 is MUCH more balanced than season 3, though. That season had amazing individual episodes, but the overall story arc was bland. Season 4 is really not bad, Sass. You're letting your fears get the best of you.
You're right - I'm not trusting of them at all. When I see things like Nikki and Paolo, most of how S3 was executed, and so on, I get really worried.

While I don't want static characters, I would appreciate reasons for dynamic characters. You can't expect me to bond with Sawyer, Kate, Jack, Locke, or anyone else unless I understand who they are and why they have become that way.

I no longer sympathize with many of the characters. I'm considering not watching because of it. The characters were established in season and and parts of season 2, I understand.

Maybe I am demanding too much of what I think is the best TV show I've ever seen.

Also, Jin has changed significantly. So have Claire, Hurley and Desmond. Are we watching the same show?
How has Claire changed? I see the same repeat behavior in her, but I probably won't anymore since I could gauge her character mostly on her interaction with Charlie.

Hurley is just as batty as he was when they got there and Des is changed how?

How ya doing, buddy?
Sea King!

Member 7052

Level 11.50

May 2006

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Old May 1, 2008, 08:42 PM #92 of 595
I think that is purely the shittiest explanation for Sawyer's immediate and radical attitude turn-around ever.
Perhaps because it explains that his turn around was neither radical nor immediate? Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems that the only reason you dislike the explanation is because you want the old Sawyer back. That's understandable, but you're allowing your valid disappointment and bias toward the character to masquerade as invalid and senseless critique. Sawyer's evolution over the course of the show has been logical and well documented. I think you understand it perfectly but just don't like where it's going.

Who the fuck ELSE has changed on the island?
Several characters have evolved over the course of the show, and while many of their old habits die hard (Sawyer stealing all the guns, for instance) they have in other ways come together and have at times been forced to look inward. Sun for example has changed quite drastically. When she first arrived on the island she'd been planning to leave Jin. She'd been lying to him for years, cheating on him, and no longer knew him as she had in the past. Sun's character is now closer to Jin than she had ever been before. You're saying she hasn't changed? You'd have to have slept through the entirety of Seasons 2 and 3 in order to miss that.>>

As far as other characters that have grown and evolved since arriving on the island (some more than others), Kate has grown up quite a bit and in some ways has stopped constantly running away, as illustrated by her recent flashforward and allowing herself to become closer to Sawyer. While she's still a sort of fugitive from herself in many ways, she's grown a lot since the crash.

Charlie obviously went through quite a bit of development over his addiction to heroine, his feelings for Claire and her baby, his relationship with Locke, and his resentment toward his brother and subsequent view of himself. All of that had changed quite a bit over the course of the show since the pilot.

Hurley has also developed quite a bit since the beginning with regards to his oft feeling free of his Numbers curse and the fear of responsibility that he developed prior to said curse which were greatly worsened afterward.

Jin is learning English. Beyond that there's the fact that he's REALLY warmed up to the rest of the survivors. In the the beginning he wouldn't so much as look at any of them and approved even less of Sun having any association with them at all. He's now perhaps the most loyal to the group as a whole next to Jack, willing to risk his life for everyone and nearly dying in the process, and relying on Sun as his liaison to communicate.

The list goes on and on and on...The island has been a healing experience for many of those that come to it. They TRIED VERY HARD to emphasize this with Rose's flashback, but I guess either the message was too nuanced or you just plain don't like change. Over time nearly every character has had to confront their past and have had to move past it on several occasions.

Even if you WERE right, they'd have had to address this "change" in Sawyer. If anything, he should go the opposite way (and NOT call people "sweetheart") due to his murdering Locke's dad. They made it very clear to the audience that this was NOT a positive thing for Sawyer.

Are you telling me they're writing this event off, and changing his attitude in the wind without substantiation?
They already have addressed it, as I stated at the top of my post and in my previous post. Sawyer killing Locke's dad was a release to him, not something negative. It freed him of the burden he carried since he was a child and allowed him to move on from living simply for revenge. The only reason he wanted to leave the island in the first place was to continue seeking revenge. Now that he has it, he really has no reason to leave and the ENTIRE focus of his character has changed.

Elegy, I think Sass is being too harsh (some characters did change, others not so much) and you bring up some good points... yes, Sawyer is changing a bit. But that still didn't mean he's some sort of selfless hero now. Sawyer will help out the others when he's got nothing better to do, or when he has ulterior, more selfish motives, but it's not like him to simply risk his life and run past bullets just to save the girl. Kate, maybe, depending on circumstances, but he's hardly ever spoken to Claire now has he?
Kate a maybe? No way in hell. Sawyer definitely loves her and I'm pretty sure he'd try to protect her no matter what. She's the closest person to him, period. If Sawyer has conversed with Claire on screen often wasn't the point I was making in my other post. It's that she's part of their community and he wants to protect them ALL. You guys can think it's horribly out of character, but he's grown and changed as character and wants to help these people. You guys are acting like Left Behind didn't happen and are completely ignoring it. During at that episode Hurley tricked him into being nice and it really built his commradery with the rest of the survivors and made him think about how important it was to be part of the community.

Also remember when Kate asked him (paraphrased here) "what are you doing, Sawyer?" when he decided to go with Locke, and Sawyer responded, "doing what I've always been doing... survivin'." Dodging bullets to save a possibly doomed girl is not exactly "surviving". Hence, it's out of character.
The reason he went with Locke is because he doesn't want to get rescued. Ben hit the nail on the head by telling Sawyer that Sawyer doesn't want to leave because he has nothing left outside of the island. There is absolutely nothing left outside of the island for him now that he has gotten his revenge. Aside from being a redneck thief, but he doesn't want to live that way anymore. On the island he has friendships and people who actually care about him. Seems to me he wants to keep that. As for Kate, he said that to her because that's his way of talking to her. Always trying to tell her he's an asshole and she always counters with you're not a bad guy, you're doing it on purpose, etc. Yanno, keeping with their whole dynamic.

Anyway, for tonight's ep:
Someone who was thought to be dead will return. I want to believe it's Jack's dad, but I still don't think Rousseau is dead, so perhaps it's her instead. It's gonna be fun to see~

I am a dolphin, do you want me on your body?
Sousuke was not.

Member 1133

Level 33.80

Mar 2006

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Old May 1, 2008, 08:46 PM #93 of 595
On AOTS tonight, Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof said that...

Tonight's episode...:
Christian Sheppard will make an appearance.

But they didn't say anything further than that, so we don't know exactly when in the LOST timeline it's going to be.

I was speaking idiomatically.
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Member 337

Level 18.92

Mar 2006

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Old May 1, 2008, 10:42 PM Local time: May 1, 2008, 09:42 PM #94 of 595
Tonight's ep.

That red head is annoying, but an interesting surprise on her tonight. I could have gone without her constantly glancing over at Jin and Sun talking. That one smile would have been enough. Good call on Jin's part though.

Looks like the island does catch up on the ones who left it. First Hurley and now Jack. I think it's safe to assume that the Season 3 finale twist is a flashforward of after Jack goes crazy. And that the person that was waiting on Kate was probably Aaron. And that casket, instead of who everyone thought it was at the time (Ben) ...could it be.. Hurley?

You would think that a larger concentrate of the smoke monster would wipe out Keamy and his friends, but it failed. Maybe Keamy found out how that sonic barrier works. By the way, who took the time to bury Danielle and Karl?

I was fine with Sawyer saving Claire during Keamy's raid, but tonight's ep is pushing it with him constantly yelling for Claire in the jungle at the end.

How ya doing, buddy?
Wall Feces
Holy Cow! What Happened!

Member 493

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Mar 2006

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Old May 2, 2008, 09:32 AM #95 of 595
Some random thoughts on last night's episode:

Did anybody else pick up on the fact that the smoke detector was beeping before Jack saw his dad? Even though it was just a "low battery" signal, it still seemed fishy. Also very interesting to note that Miles also saw him when Claire did.

I don't think that person in the coffin from last season was Hurley because it was a noticeably small coffin. I think it may be Aaron.

I think it's retarded that smokey didn't at least HURT those guys severely. You saw that thing fucking up their world and yet there was only one guy actually hurt? Please.

I'm curious to see what this promise is that Kate made to Sawyer.

That's all. Good episode!

How ya doing, buddy?
I poked it and it made a sad sound

Member 24

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Mar 2006

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Old May 2, 2008, 10:43 AM #96 of 595
Last night's ep:

So that entire episode was predictable. Chris and I sat there and called every single "twist."

O look! Red head understands Korean! O look! Jack is going to go mad after visiting Hurley! O hey, Kate is in the shower at Jack's house! Jack has appendicitis! Didn't see THAT coming!

I think it's all coming in to focus - especially after seeing that bit in the preview about Ben's Dad's friend being "dead for 12 years." I think I know where this is going.

I think Jin's grave in Korea which Sun visits is genuine, now.

A little more focus on Locke next week which will be refreshing. I'd like to see where that's going.

I wish they'd cut the filler crap and get right to the chase, here. I'd be 100% satisfied if they started addressing old issues and stopped with the new ones. Appendicitis. YES, JACK IS A TRAITOR. ISLAND HATES JACK. We got it.

At the same time, I should probably add some POSITIVE to this episode before I get jumped on by the fans:

I'm glad they did a little more character focus, even if it's on Jack and Kate. I'm glad they revealed a little more this time. I was happy to see Sawyer again, even if his role has been made into saccharine poo. I enjoy watching Jin being protective of Sun.

And I really like Daniel Farraday. He's my new favorite. I was thrilled with how he spoke to Irish Bitch there.

What, you don't want my bikini-clad body?
So Call Me Maybe

Member 20

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Feb 2006

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Old May 2, 2008, 11:46 AM Local time: May 2, 2008, 05:46 PM #97 of 595
Wow, I totally expected someone like Bernhard to step out of the shower, but instead, it's just her. How boring.

Jam it back in, in the dark.
Dr. Uzuki
Gary Oldman and Morgan Freeman shall be allowed to participate in the film

Member 1753

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Mar 2006

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Old May 2, 2008, 04:53 PM Local time: May 2, 2008, 01:53 PM #98 of 595
I don't think that person in the coffin from last season was Hurley because it was a noticeably small coffin. I think it may be Aaron.
Not likely, judging from Kate's reaction to Jack being all distraught over the death at the end of season 3. She probably would have been a bit torn up about it. Also, she says she has to get back to him, that him's most likely Aaron. The newspaper article also talks about how the person hanged himself in his own apartment. Although the coffin did appear strangely small, it'd have to be talking about an adult there. My money would be on Ben.

There's nowhere I can't reach.

so they may learn the glorious craft of acting from the dear leader
Midnight Rider

Member 2104

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Mar 2006

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Old May 3, 2008, 10:30 AM #99 of 595
I had a theory that Charlie's ghost is possessing Sawyer. That's the only way to explain his overly protective behaviour towards Claire.

I mean sure, he's becoming nicer and all, but getting all angry and defensive just because Miles is "looking", giving a "restraining order"? What? Hahaha.

How ya doing, buddy?

Member 1343

Level 28.80

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Old May 5, 2008, 10:12 AM Local time: May 5, 2008, 08:12 AM #100 of 595
Episode before last:
Ben's a time traveller. He was going into the future to take revenge because Alex was killed, then we flashforward into the future where he wakes up in the middle of the Sahara desert with a Dharma jacket. Then he asks the desk clerk what year it is. The bald guy Sayid shot in Iraq was one of the marines on the island. Then we jump back to the island. Then he jumps back in time back to the island and unleashes the smoke monster, which only kills one guy (the same guy who was shot in the future), erasing him from time. This also explains the Dharma jacket that Charlotte finds in the desert.

Ben and Widmore can't kill each other because they're each other's anchors. Eh? Anyone?

I am a dolphin, do you want me on your body?

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