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Order it rare, Kurado.
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Member 1109

Level 5.51

Mar 2006

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Old Nov 25, 2006, 08:54 AM Local time: Nov 25, 2006, 11:54 PM #51 of 79
BTW, you guys do realise that a bloody steak has no blood in it? It's the juice from the tendons.

Anyone go for that Wagyu stuff? it's nice, but I don't think it's 10 x better than a normal steak...

And what's this I hear about how steaks can only be turned over once while cooking? (apparently, it makes it tastier)

This thing is sticky, and I don't like it. I don't appreciate it.
love me

Member 3476

Level 53.02

Mar 2006

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Old Nov 25, 2006, 11:10 PM Local time: Nov 26, 2006, 02:10 PM #52 of 79
My steak? I'm not too fussy, but I never have it rare. Medium-rare, well-done or medium, usually the latter.

As for sauces etc: no, no sauces. Unless the steak's really, really bland (which seldom happens [to me]), I never put sauces on my steak.

I am a dolphin, do you want me on your body?
you know i'm ready to party because my pants have a picture of ice cream cake on them

Member 482

Level 45.24

Mar 2006

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Old Nov 25, 2006, 11:16 PM Local time: Nov 25, 2006, 10:16 PM #53 of 79
Originally Posted by minkeyboodle
In 1925, a girl was killed by a serial killer. While the killer fed on her flesh she chanted, "Ra sho wei na po."
Should we take that as a "rare"?

How ya doing, buddy?

Member 1380

Level 27.88

Mar 2006

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Old Nov 27, 2006, 02:43 PM #54 of 79
Originally Posted by Taco
And on the side, gotta have the baked potato, and usually a salad to go with it.
I don't know about the salad, but I always have a baked potato to accompany my steak.

I had steak a few nights ago, and I've found Worcestershire sauce to be quite awesome with steak.

What kind of toxic man-thing is happening now?
Larry Oji, Super Moderator, Judge, "Dirge for the Follin" Project Director, VG Frequency Creator

Member 16197

Level 1.21

Nov 2006

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Old Nov 29, 2006, 08:54 PM Local time: Nov 29, 2006, 05:54 PM #55 of 79
i eat mine med-rare, and when i go to Fridays i get the jack daniels sauce...nothing better than that sauce =D

How ya doing, buddy?
Lunar Seal
i wish my grass was emo so it would cut itsself

Member 12670

Level 9.15

Sep 2006

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Old Nov 29, 2006, 10:10 PM #56 of 79
Medium-well. I like mine a little tough, with hardly any pink in the middle.

I do know someone who won't eat it unless there is blood gushing from it. I find it pretty disgusting, for some reason. Just give them the fucking cow if you're going to be like that.

What, you don't want my bikini-clad body?
Slacker Extraoridinaire

Member 686

Level 14.87

Mar 2006

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Old Dec 1, 2006, 10:46 AM #57 of 79
I like em' medium rare. Though a little marinating with some lemon, peppers(black and chili), and give it A1 sauce and its golden.

Jam it back in, in the dark.
Now you're king of the mountain, but it's all garbage!

Member 468

Level 26.17

Mar 2006

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Old Dec 1, 2006, 10:57 AM #58 of 79
Originally Posted by CLOudkiller
Though a little marinating with some lemon, peppers(black and chili), and give it A1 sauce and its golden.
Wow. That sounds really good. I believe more people should put peppers on their steaks.

There's nowhere I can't reach.
Retriever II
Syklis Green

Member 4083

Level 7.77

Mar 2006

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Old Dec 1, 2006, 10:50 PM #59 of 79
I guess I'm one of the few people here that orders medium-well. I'm not really picky with meat so as long as it's not charred or swimming, I don't have a problem with it, but my preference is medium-well. Usually steak is good enough on its own, but I'll ouccasionally break out the A1 sauce.

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The Wise Vivi

Member 136

Level 37.96

Mar 2006

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Old Dec 1, 2006, 11:50 PM Local time: Dec 1, 2006, 11:50 PM #60 of 79
I enjoyed medium well. for the most part, I don't like bloody steaks. But I have some leeway on whether its too much blood ... I usually BBQ them at home.

My favorite sauce is HP, Bar None. But if there isn't any HP, then it is Bullseye.

I am a dolphin, do you want me on your body?
Waltz of the Big Dogs

Member 633

Level 45.75

Mar 2006

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Old Dec 5, 2006, 09:44 PM #61 of 79
Originally Posted by Retriever II
I guess I'm one of the few people here that orders medium-well. I'm not really picky with meat so as long as it's not charred or swimming, I don't have a problem with it, but my preference is medium-well. Usually steak is good enough on its own, but I'll ouccasionally break out the A1 sauce.
You're not alone. I get my medium-well also. Cooked to the point where there's almost no blood, but still juicy enough to be eaten. I can't stand well done anymore...

I was speaking idiomatically.
Larry Oji, Super Moderator, Judge, "Dirge for the Follin" Project Director, VG Frequency Creator

Member 2414

Level 1.00

Mar 2006

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Old Dec 17, 2006, 10:45 AM #62 of 79
With a good cut, like USDA Prime or if you can get your hands on a Super Prime from Japan (the coveted Kobe beef) rare is the only way to eat it. What makes a steak good and tender is its marbled fat content. Cooking it too long burns and melts all that away. In fact, Kobe beef is typically supposed to be quick seared with a hot iron pan or a kitchen torch. Basically you don't want it cooked, just browned on the outside. It's delicious though.

What kind of toxic man-thing is happening now?

Member 1401

Level 12.13

Mar 2006

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Old Dec 18, 2006, 08:58 PM #63 of 79
I'm too chicken to try rare (plus, the thought of *that* much blood in my dish kinda sickens me), but I love having beef that isn't cooked too long.

A1 sauce is divine, but I don't like using it too much (even if I use a little, it overpowers the taste of the meat to me). A little bit of salt and a dash of pepper, and we got ourselves a GREAT steak <3

Strangely enough, I don't think I know anyone who likes getting their steaks rare/on the bloody side. Their loss, I suppose

21. Arch of the Warrior Maidens

Member 2028

Level 30.81

Mar 2006

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Old Dec 21, 2006, 04:29 AM Local time: Dec 21, 2006, 02:29 AM #64 of 79
My favorite has always been medium rare with ginger sauce from Benihana.

I rarely go to Benihana (like once or twice a year if that), but that's what my steak is, medium rare. Doesn't matter the cut or what part of the animal the flesh came from. Mustard sauce is nice but my preference is more of the ginger sauce.

A little bit of my own trivia: I grew up in the kitchen of the local Benihana my first years before kindergarden. It's kinda silly now considering how I can tell who the veteran chefs are just by looking at what's in their cart, or the way they make their fried rice, or the tricks they do. :-P

Most amazing jew boots

Last edited by Shorty; Dec 21, 2006 at 04:34 AM.
Wonderful Chocobo

Member 940

Level 19.45

Mar 2006

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Old Dec 21, 2006, 11:33 PM Local time: Dec 21, 2006, 08:33 PM #65 of 79
Before I came to this thread I was under the impression most people liked their steak medium or medium-well. Guess not.

Like most of the other people here I too prefer my steak medium-rare. I guess its just because for me its easier to chew. Also I like my steaks simple. Nothing fancy. Just the meat and some A1.

Jam it back in, in the dark.

Member 7659

Level 6.62

May 2006

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Old Dec 29, 2006, 07:57 PM #66 of 79
I usually order most of my steak medium-rare...i can't handle rare and anything above medium-rare just reduces how tender the steak is, in my opinion. However I do order my burgers medium well to well-done, I don't really know why that is...I guess it's just habit

There's nowhere I can't reach.
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Member 6422

Level 41.55

May 2006

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Old Dec 30, 2006, 12:37 PM Local time: Dec 30, 2006, 05:37 PM #67 of 79
Yeah so I just discovered how much I really love steak less than a week ago. Medium-rare strip steak is excellent to the extreme to the point that it was dinner for three nights in a row in three separate restaurants.

Most amazing jew boots

Member 305

Level 9.10

Mar 2006

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Old Feb 15, 2007, 10:38 PM Local time: Feb 15, 2007, 07:38 PM #68 of 79
i'll probably never eat my steak rare, but i order them medium-rare. no steak sauce on mine, thanks.

then again, i DO eat beef sashimi. does that count?

I am a dolphin, do you want me on your body?
Such a Lust for Revenge!
Where's Kostaki!?

Member 9287

Level 40.98

Jul 2006

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Old Feb 16, 2007, 07:51 AM Local time: Feb 16, 2007, 06:51 AM #69 of 79
What the hell is that? Sashimi... Sounds kinda good though. Like something Splinter would've eaten.

I was speaking idiomatically.
For Great Justice!

Member 600

Level 38.35

Mar 2006

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Old Feb 16, 2007, 12:20 PM #70 of 79
Sashimi is completely raw meat. I've never heard of beef sashimi, though. It's usually seafood.

What kind of toxic man-thing is happening now?

Member 52

Level 19.28

Mar 2006

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Old Feb 16, 2007, 12:51 PM Local time: Feb 16, 2007, 10:51 AM #71 of 79
Sashimi is completely raw meat. I've never heard of beef sashimi, though. It's usually seafood.
Kobe Beef sashimi... sliced so thin the meat literally melts on your tongue. If you ever get the chance to find a restaurant that serves this as part of an appetizer then I fully recommend it.
I think the time I had it it was served along with another appetizer on the dish that was like an egg salad topped with caviar. Total deliciousness ^_^

thats it

Member 568

Level 6.75

Mar 2006

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Old Feb 16, 2007, 04:23 PM Local time: Feb 16, 2007, 02:23 PM #72 of 79
how about raw liver? (I know to some this might sound absolutely disgusting)
It's a side you eat while drinking, me and my Dad orded it until the Cali Laws sorta banned it...

I like my steaks medium to rare, I like my meat not dry and chewable.
oh man, A1. I also like to use ponzu, I'm mildly obessive about ponzu.

What, you don't want my bikini-clad body?

Member 52

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Mar 2006

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Old Feb 16, 2007, 04:42 PM Local time: Feb 16, 2007, 02:42 PM #73 of 79
I think it depends upon the liver... a fois gras that is raw I would figure would be less dangerous than any other type of liver. Would I eat raw liver? Doubtful... I prefer my fois gras pan-seared ^_~

Jam it back in, in the dark.
Such a Lust for Revenge!
Where's Kostaki!?

Member 9287

Level 40.98

Jul 2006

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Old Feb 16, 2007, 11:49 PM Local time: Feb 16, 2007, 10:49 PM #74 of 79
I'd eat sashimi based on the name along, don't give a fuck what it is. But liver, man, I'll never eat that shit unless it's so burned it just tastes like ash.

There's nowhere I can't reach.

Member 17747

Level 13.94

Jan 2007

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Old Feb 17, 2007, 08:17 AM #75 of 79
There is this small steakhouse by my house that serves the thickest and juiciest steaks I've ever seen. Depending on the size, you can get a fresh steak for $10.00! and it is the most awesome steak I've ever had!!

I would NEVER NEVER NEVER use any sauce on this steak, just some fried onions and cooked mushrooms. OMFG, I am SO going there today!

Oh, and I get it cooked medium.

This thing is sticky, and I don't like it. I don't appreciate it.

Exploding Garrmondo Weiner Interactive Swiss Army Penis > Garrmondo Network > I make a bitch sandwich > Order it rare, Kurado.

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