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[DS] Nintendo DS/Lite discussion thread
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Little Shithead
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Mar 2006

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Old Mar 4, 2006, 01:57 AM #51 of 738
Originally Posted by AcerBandit
Well the main thing that attracts me to the DSlite is that I can view it from any angle. With the DS I always have to view it at a certain angle or it looks like crap and my hands start to cramp up after a while. I'll still keep my DS if I get a DSlite. It would be good for multiplayer.
How many more angles of viewing do you need besides "Looking directly at the damned thing"?

It's a personal handheld unit. For laptops, a wide viewing angle can be important, but last I recalled, the DS wasn't a laptop, and certainly wasn't meant for many people to look on at obscure angles.

I don't see a problem with the viewing angle for the DS, anyway. They try to design it so that you'll hold it in a natural position, like a game controller. And to me, Nintendo has done that well. The only problems I have come across is with Mario Kart DS, but everyone cramps up during that game.

Originally Posted by Akai-chan
Same for me...It's especially awkward if someone is trying to watch you play and the only way they can see is if they stick their face right into yours!
I can save you $100, right now. Instead of buying a DS lite to accomodate them, just say:

to accomodate yourself.

It'll teach them to just ask what you're playing.

In all honesty, I've never had a problem with people looking onto my DS. Maybe you all just socialize with complete assholes, or something.

This thing is sticky, and I don't like it. I don't appreciate it.
Waltz of the Big Dogs

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Old Mar 4, 2006, 02:04 AM #52 of 738
Or maybe just people who are curious on what the hell you might be doing. Happens alot when I play Trauma Center at school. Or maybe there's just alot of Japanese people who want to surround their friend who was lucky enough to get DS Lite before it sold out.

I though the timing was off when the decided to release the Micro though. They had just released the DS and anyone in their right mind would reccomend a DS over a Micro since it does the same damn thing and more. (I realize this has NOTHING to do with the topic. But at least they're timing the upgrade right, better than what could be said for the Micro.)

Having no idea what the hell i'm saying anymore, it would help improving somethings that we wrong with the DS to begin with... Brightness... Angles, Size... The look. That kind of thing.

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Carob Nut

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Old Mar 5, 2006, 04:25 AM Local time: Mar 5, 2006, 10:25 AM #53 of 738
The DS lite really looks good. I always wanted to buy a DS, but didn't had the money. Now I have, but I rather now wait for the DS lite. I hope this cute thingy will come soon in Europe.

I was speaking idiomatically.
Quarter-Circle + Paaaunch!

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Old Mar 5, 2006, 06:35 AM Local time: Mar 5, 2006, 10:35 PM #54 of 738
The perfect solution for people's mums who somehow think that their younger child owns it even though their older one bought it with her cold, hard-earned cash (my girlfriend's mum *cough*).

Well, I got the original one and my girlfriend will get a DS Lite. "Whatever is mine is hers as well," so technically I'll be getting a DS Lite as well.

Brightness of Screens? The Normal DS was good enough. It was playable. Sharpness of the graphics and views? Nice. Bigger stylus? I know who's DS I'll be playing with for Osu! Tatakae! Quendan. Size? Smaller... It might just fit in my pocket now...

As for the asthetics, it's awesomeness. However, all you need to do with the original DS is to put a skin on it and it'll look good. So PLZ Nintendo, Apple White skins for the original DS PLZ??

What kind of toxic man-thing is happening now?
Crash "Long-Winded Wrong Answer" Landon
Zeio Nut

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Feb 2006

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Old Mar 5, 2006, 07:48 AM #55 of 738
Nintendo has a long history of frequent, somewhat superfluous product redesigns. The GameBoy Pocket was an okay improvement.
GameBoy Advance SP would've been an optimal redesign if the damned thing had been given a headphone jack. Everything else was done correctly, except the jack. The SP was still highly useable even without it though.

But to me, the DS redesign seems practically meritless. The new DS isn't doing anything that it previously couldn't. What's more, some of the things that made the original DS good have been stripped down into near worthlessness.

Let's first consider the case. It's smaller and lighter, yes. However, the weight and size deferentials are somewhat negligible. The unit is no more or less "portable" than it's ever been. Smaller does not necessarily mean better, since durability is often sacrificed to shed those grams. The DSLite's shell design appears to be remarkably thin, especially in the upper half. Dropping it while open would seem to be more apt to cause a crack or shatter in the shell. The original DS can take a hit or three; I should know, I've dropped mine plenty of times and it works just fine. I'd be almost paranoid of letting the DSLite take a small tumble. The plastic looks so fragile.

Now let's consider the variable brightness. BIG WHOOP DEE DOO. I cannot think of any situation in which one would need a screen to be that bright. If you're playing with good ambient lighting, then you'd only need the first level, perhaps the second if the light is incandescently yellow. Using the higher brightness levels only dulls the contrast in the graphics, resulting in a blander, muddier picture.
On the other hand, if you're playing in the dark, you definitely don't need the SUPER OMEGA BRIGHT level. With such a concentrated source of light, you'd be doing more harm to your eyes than good. I've often found myself squinting just to reduce the glare from my original DS when playing in the darkness. And I wear thick glasses. I can only imagine the strain it places upon someone with good vision.

Let's look at the peripheral specs. First, GameBoy Advance cartridges do not fully insert anymore, instead sticking out a half inch. This does not facilitate "portability" well at all, having to finagle the unit to accomodate the awkward protrusion while inserting the DSLite into a pocket. That's just annoying. The DS original may take up more cubic space but it has clean edges all around, making pocket access very quick and easy.
Also, the new stylus placement is questionable to me. I like how the stylus inserts into the top of the unit. This works out well because the stylus doesn't fall out when the DS is turned on its side as it's kept in a pocket. And I certainly don't play the DS upside-down. I've never had my stylus slip out unless I was fiddling with it.
But with the DSLite's side placement, it's more prone to catch onto a fabric seam and remain left behind when the unit is withdrawn. Also, some players tend to shift and lean during certain games, particularly Mario Kart. Subconsciously leaning into a turn too far could lead to accidentally nudging the stylus out of its docking bay, and onto a floor or something. Seems a bit chancy to me.

Finally, there's price. Right now, the DSLite is approximately $150 USD. This is a little more than the cost of a normal DS, except that the DSLite comes with possibly inferior casing, an unweildy GBA accomodation and possible stylus issues. Factor in that it weighs less than an original DS, and you're paying more money for less DS.

The DSLite offers no new features that are actually useful. (Hyper backlighting is overrated. Wait until you try it in action; you'll see how unnecessary those settings are.) It retains its current features but several are presented in a more clumsy manner. The DSLite may also be prone to increased damages due to thinner casing. It costs more than the original too.

All in all, I see no reason to get excited over the DSLite. It's a sham. Nintendo is only trying to appeal to people who are obsessed with having the most current "upgrades". Other than the missing headphone jack, the GBA SP was an excellent redesign.

The DSLite is just crap.

Stupid monkey!

Member 28

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Mar 2006

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Old Mar 5, 2006, 09:05 AM Local time: Mar 5, 2006, 04:05 PM #56 of 738
That's a joke post, right? You're joking, right?

Most amazing jew boots

Member 104

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Mar 2006

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Old Mar 5, 2006, 09:12 AM #57 of 738
Originally Posted by surasshu
That's a joke post, right? You're joking, right?
Oh yes, Crash totally isn't being serious, because everyone loves the fucking DSl, despite all of the valid points Crash mentioned in his essay.

Get out.

Jam it back in, in the dark.

#654: Braixen
Stupid monkey!

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Mar 2006

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Old Mar 5, 2006, 09:25 AM Local time: Mar 5, 2006, 04:25 PM #58 of 738
Originally Posted by YUKTOBANIA
Oh yes, Crash totally isn't being serious, because everyone loves the fucking DSl, despite all of the valid points Crash mentioned in his essay.

Get out.
No, really. I think he's joking.

The iDS is smaller. I don't see how this is a bad thing, really. I don't know what kind of pockets you have, but I find the original DS rather too big to fit into my pocket. Let me see what else is there... Backlight actually doing something when you play in the sun. Yeah that's definitely a sucky feature. Maybe he doesn't go outdoors, I don't know.

He also makes these awesome assumptions about durability and the stylus' positioning, especially for a person who has never seen or touched one. I have never touched one either, but then again, I am not the one who wrote that post!

I mean, I'm not a huge fan of the iDS design by any means (plasticky stuff kind of turns me off, and iPod bitin'-white should just die right now), and I wouldn't get one, but his arguments are pretty ridiculous.

That is, if he's serious. It sounded like a joke post to me, in which case it was hilarious.

There's nowhere I can't reach.

Member 104

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Mar 2006

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Old Mar 5, 2006, 09:26 AM #59 of 738
Originally Posted by surasshu
No, really. I think he's joking.

The iDS is smaller. I don't see how this is a bad thing, really. I don't know what kind of pockets you have, but I find the original DS rather too big to fit into my pocket. Let me see what else is there... Backlight actually doing something when you play in the sun. Yeah that's definitely a sucky feature. Maybe he doesn't go outdoors, I don't know.

He also makes these awesome assumptions about durability and the stylus' positioning, especially for a person who has never seen or touched one. I have never touched one either, but then again, I am not the one who wrote that post!

I mean, I'm not a huge fan of the iDS design by any means (plasticky stuff kind of turns me off, and iPod bitin'-white should just die right now), and I wouldn't get one, but his arguments are pretty ridiculous.

That is, if he's serious. It sounded like a joke post to me, in which case it was hilarious.
Then you are extremely dense. It's not a joke.

This thing is sticky, and I don't like it. I don't appreciate it.

#654: Braixen
Stupid monkey!

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Old Mar 5, 2006, 10:16 AM Local time: Mar 5, 2006, 05:16 PM #60 of 738
He might be right. Then again, with the exact same information he has, I can say the iDS prints money. Sure, none of us ever saw one or held one, nor have we ever heard of such a thing happening, but that's okay, cause saying I'm wrong makes you a hypocrite. Because YOU DON'T KNOW EITHER.

In all seriousness, he made all kinds of assumptions, and I didn't. Hence my not being hypocritical.

Well... aside from the joke post thing, I suppose. But that was really the most logical explanation! Occam's Razor.

I am a dolphin, do you want me on your body?
Infernal Monkey

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Feb 2006

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Old Mar 5, 2006, 10:18 AM Local time: Mar 6, 2006, 01:18 AM #61 of 738
Hey guys what's going on in this thread. I like what I've seen of the DS Lite (secret: I've seen it in JPEG form), because I approve of fragments of the sun being shoved into the screens. I assume Nintendo will bundle it with New Super Mario Bros when it reaches these shores in 2009, which is the coolest, most fantastic, complex and catchy name for a new Super Mario Bros. game ever. "Did you play New Super Mario Bros?" "Which one?" "New Super Mario Bros!" "WHICH ONE?" And that's when I'll trade in my current DS with Hello Kitty stickers all over it.

This post is virtually worthless because nobody REALLY cares what others plan on doing in regards to anything but oh well.

How ya doing, buddy?
Old Mar 5, 2006, 01:34 PM #62 of 738
Eh well I didn't say it here but I was one of the firsts over at Planet Gamecube to complain about the GBA cartridge sticking out. I really would like to know what their excuse for that is because that really is inexcusable considering they were able to fit the GBA port into an even smaller frame with the micro. I would have preferred them to make the DSlite thicker if it would have given the machine a full GBA slot because really it does look pathetic as it is right now.

They give you this cover cartridge for when you're not using it which would be nice if it didn't seem like it was covering up some dirty secret.

I'm not buying into the whole because it's lighter and made of crunchy plastic deal that Crash is spouting though. I'll agree it doesn't look as rough and tough as the original DS but when was the last time Nintendo made a shoddy system that didn't hold up to a little abuse? Uh that's right never (at least from my experience).

Also take a look at this:

The stylus looks like it conforms to the surface of the DSlite pretty well so I wouldn't worry too much about it slipping out. Seriously, are you guys irresponsible with your systems or something?

What kind of toxic man-thing is happening now?
I'm just informing you

Member 11

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Feb 2006

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Sup GFF faggots, who can't handle shit?

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Old Mar 5, 2006, 02:33 PM #63 of 738
I don't know about you, but I am 100% about egeting this, it just looks slicky, and more.. well applish, and it is my style >.>

Old Mar 5, 2006, 04:22 PM #64 of 738
Here's some comparison shots of the systems in action.

Yeah I'm liking the DSlite's screen a lot right about now.

What, you don't want my bikini-clad body?
I'm just informing you

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Little Shithead
prettiest miku

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Mar 2006

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Old Mar 5, 2006, 05:05 PM #65 of 738
What kind of crappy photos are those.

Seriously, it doesn't even look like they turned on the backlight to the DS in a few of them. Even my DS doesn't look that bad, no matter how close or far away I am from it.

Jam it back in, in the dark.

Member 685

Level 3.62

Mar 2006

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Old Mar 5, 2006, 06:20 PM #66 of 738
Why are you in such a hussy fit over what others are buying? It's their money, not yours, and if they want to buy something (for some rather clear reasons at that) then so be it...Nothing is more frustrating than a internet dweeb on a power trip...

There's nowhere I can't reach.

Member 104

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Mar 2006

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Old Mar 5, 2006, 06:25 PM #67 of 738
Originally Posted by Akai-chan
Why are you in such a hussy fit over what others are buying? It's their money, not yours, and if they want to buy something (for some rather clear reasons at that) then so be it...Nothing is more frustrating than a internet dweeb on a power trip...
I believe what you meant to say was they're nothing more frustrating than morons falling into Nintendo's stupid ploys again.

This thing is sticky, and I don't like it. I don't appreciate it.

#654: Braixen

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Old Mar 5, 2006, 06:28 PM #68 of 738
No, but thanks for trying anyway...

I am a dolphin, do you want me on your body?
Little Shithead
prettiest miku

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Mar 2006

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Old Mar 5, 2006, 06:32 PM #69 of 738
Originally Posted by Akai-chan
No, but thanks for trying anyway...
No, I'm going to have to say he's right.

I'm soooo sorry I show displeasure in a product! You know, because it's not allowed here, I know.

Most amazing jew boots
Good Chocobo

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Mar 2006

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Old Mar 5, 2006, 06:42 PM #70 of 738
Alright, no one said you can't show displeasure.

I AM buying a DSlite... everybody knows I'm a Nintendo "fanboy" (this is argueable as even I will tell you Nintendo's faults, I'm not a blind, rabid fanboy) but I will admit, the cartridge sticking out is a bit of a turnoff... sure I RARELY (if ever) use the GBA port... but still, it sticks out more than an erection at a nudist colony.

The backlighting of it, does turn me on, however. So does the packaging. I'm actually pretty much satisified that it WILL be durable... I've YET to have a Nintendo product break (except for that one time my dresser fell over and my TV (weighing 30lbs) fell on my TV) and I sincerely doubt that this will not stand up to the Nintendo Seal of Approval.

Also, it comes in three colours, white, light blue, and navy blue. So it's not just white iPodish colouring which is pretty much canon as there ARE other colours.

The price however, is a bit of a turnoff to me. But considering I am buying a Revolution, I guess I'll be saving enough money by buying it to afford a DSl.

Now if only companies would stop making GREAT games for the DS... I could save more money.

Most amazing jew boots
Old Mar 5, 2006, 06:48 PM #71 of 738
Merv, it's fine if you don't like it. I don't like certain parts of DSlite myself but there's no need for ripping on people that might want to buy it. So it's a slightly improved DS that is smaller, lighter, and has better screens. Is it worth the predicted $150. Maybe, maybe not, but like it or hate it Nintendo is going to sell it and people will buy it. Really, what is so horrible about that? It's what they've done for years with their handhelds and for some reason you’re oh so bothered by it now? Get a grip, dude, and just go and play your DS as usual if you're so adamant about the DSlite being a waste of your time.


Last edited by FatsDomino; Mar 5, 2006 at 06:50 PM.
I'm just informing you

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Old Mar 5, 2006, 06:48 PM #72 of 738
"I'm soooo sorry I show displeasure in a product! You know, because it's not allowed here, I know."

Hmm, I don't actually recall saying that you weren't entitled to your own opinion...

No one is forcing you to buy a DS Lite, nor is anyone else forced to buy one...However, people will buy it, and complaining that people are using their own money to purchase something is extending PAST simple displeasure...

How ya doing, buddy?

Member 104

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Mar 2006

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Old Mar 5, 2006, 06:55 PM #73 of 738
Originally Posted by AcerBandit
Merv, it's fine if you don't like it. I don't like certain parts of DSlite myself but there's no need for ripping on people that might want to buy it. So it's a slightly improved DS that is smaller, lighter, and has better screens. Is it worth the predicted $150. Maybe, maybe not, but like it or hate it Nintendo is going to sell it and people will buy it. Really, what is so horrible about that? It's what they've done for years with their handhelds and for some reason you’re oh so bothered by it now? Get a grip, dude, and just go and play your DS as usual if you're so adamant about the DSlite being a waste of your time.

At the same time, it's hilarious how surasshu over there thinks it's completely OK to dismiss Crash's post just because he doesn't want one.

You know who really needs to get a grip? You guys. Every time someone tries to say they don't like some new Nintendo product they get written off or jumped on immediately for it. You're basically saying it yourself. "Oh if you don't like it then go somewhere else". No fuck that. It's the equivalent of not being allowed to express your opinion. It's the biggest load of bullshit ever and part of why people keep eating shit like this up.

It's absurd. Get real here.

Jam it back in, in the dark.

#654: Braixen

Last edited by Tails; Mar 5, 2006 at 06:57 PM.
Little Shithead
prettiest miku

Member 90

Level 33.52

Mar 2006

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Old Mar 5, 2006, 07:04 PM #74 of 738
Originally Posted by Reznor
Alright, no one said you can't show displeasure.

Then why is it that I go "Yeah, I don't think this is good." or "That's really fucking stupid, gg nintendo" I get someone jumping down my throat about it. "YOU DON'T KNOW DON'T JUDGE ASSHOLE STOP TROLLING"

I just assume tht there's an unwritten rule that you can't say anything bad about Nintendo here.

Originally Posted by AcerBandit
Merv, it's fine if you don't like it. I don't like certain parts of DSlite myself but there's no need for ripping on people that might want to buy it.
lol what

I only really consider myself as ripping on maybe, at the most, two people about considering buying the thing. The rest has been just telling people they're idiots, because, guess what!, they're idiots.

Most amazing jew boots

Member 54

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Mar 2006

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Old Mar 5, 2006, 07:13 PM Local time: Mar 6, 2006, 01:13 PM #75 of 738
Hey what's going in my - oh god my thread ;_;

Those screenshots are a bit odd. I mean, when I'm playing my DS it doesn't look that dark. But that's just.. such a bright Ouendan. Still, I cannot honestly say that it's worth purchasing for backlighting alone, when you must consider that backlighting on the DS is already there(unlike the GBA SP situation) so I don't know.

Perhaps when the price comes down.

This thing is sticky, and I don't like it. I don't appreciate it.

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