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Double Standards
Thread Tools
Scadian Canadian

Member 2020

Level 20.25

Mar 2006

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Old Jul 23, 2006, 08:18 AM #51 of 61
Originally Posted by FallDragon
Whites do have an association for non-colored people. It's called THE RUNNING OF THE WORLD association.
Hu Jintao and Abdul Kalam among many others would be insulted by that statement.

They may have been mistreated? MAY HAVE BEEN? Maybe you're right. Maybe getting my leg chopped off for trying to escape a slave camp isn't so bad after all.

I really wish you would've been born into a ghetto, abandoned by your father, lived with gang violence all during your life, and then try to make a living selling drugs since that's the only visible opportunity to be successful in your life.

And then, I want you to say that you haven't been mistreated by society, because your chances of success were EQUAL to a white suburban male growing up.
I call fallacy of appeal to emotion.

If by "snobbish" you mean "call you a fucking retard for being such a bigot," then yes, I'm acting snobbishly towards you.
A little bit more than snobbish, I think.

Oh it just gets uglier after that? You mean, at the point in which the South said fuck you, we're going to keep our slave labor because plantation owners like being rich? Oh yea, that ugly part. The part where they went to war in order to have the right to own people.
You mean the part where the North said the South could no longer use the slaves that THEY SOLD TO THEM? And the part where the South went to war to protect their economy?

And you know, I don't blame anyone who lives in the south now for what's happened in the past. My mom and brothers and stepdad all live there, and it's a great place. It's just fucking bigots like you that bring out the anger so well.
Oh, so he's bigoted and you're not? Seriously. Look at what he said, and look at what you said. Now tell me that he's bigoted and you're not.

How ya doing, buddy?
Holy Chocobo

Member 635

Level 32.46

Mar 2006

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Old Jul 23, 2006, 11:40 AM #52 of 61
Originally Posted by ArrowHead
Oh, so he's bigoted and you're not? Seriously. Look at what he said, and look at what you said. Now tell me that he's bigoted and you're not.
The truest statement I've read all week.

I have a huge problem with many of the double standards in life.

Hispanic and black people can have their own award shows, honoring only people of that race, but a white award show would be condemned for being racist. I mean, I guess I understand it. A minority rising up and accomplishing the same as a few from majority may be impressive, and some, I suppose, feel that such talented people deserve even more recognition than those from the majority. I'm personally under the belief that if they truly have accomplished great things in whatever field, they will be recognized for it by those within the field. Not just anybody gets an Oscar or Espy or Eisner nomination.

I have problems with items being sold in the U.S. that have been translated into other languages from English. If I went to another country (as far as I know), I'd be expected to know at least a little bit of their language, or at least have access to some kind of translator, whether it be a person or a dictionary. Maybe someone from another country can provide insight into this matter that I lack.

There's the double standard involved with raising children. In teenage years, some parents are overly protective of daughters in terms of relationships, but not of sons. My dad tried to explain this one to me recently, saying that parents don't have to worry about sons getting pregnant. If a child is conceived, the responsibility for raising the child mainly falls on the unwed mother and her family.

Those are just a few I feel like mentioning right now. I may return later with more.

I am a dolphin, do you want me on your body?
Metal Sphere
It's Agrias time.

Member 84

Level 36.59

Mar 2006

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Old Jul 23, 2006, 11:55 AM #53 of 61
Originally Posted by Acro-nym
There's the double standard involved with raising children. In teenage years, some parents are overly protective of daughters in terms of relationships, but not of sons. My dad tried to explain this one to me recently, saying that parents don't have to worry about sons getting pregnant. If a child is conceived, the responsibility for raising the child mainly falls on the unwed mother and her family.

Those are just a few I feel like mentioning right now. I may return later with more.
Interesting. My friend at work has a daughter on the way and he said he was going to teach her what he knows of martial arts so she can defend herself from thieves/rapists.

The strange part about that is I doubt he would say the same thing if he was going to have a son, even though males are more likely to be victims of violent crimes (and nearly every crime) aside from rape.

I was speaking idiomatically.

The text is part of the image and the two squires aren't exactly even.
Good Chocobo

Member 991

Level 14.63

Mar 2006

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Old Jul 23, 2006, 12:55 PM Local time: Jul 23, 2006, 12:55 PM #54 of 61
Originally Posted by agreatguy6
Well, once it was custom that after conquering a country, the citizens were yours, do what you want.

So... When the tribe leaders of Africa realized that the Euros felt the same way, they said, why don't we get rid of our enemies permanently!? so they sold people into slavery.

And of course, they were shipped to BOSTON (make note of that) but they couldn't survive the severe cold.
Then they were shipped to the south.

Eventually they got used to it and then the North said, HEY!!! You can't do that to another human! even though it was a practice they started in the first place.
Historically speaking, yes, conquered peoples were yours to do with as you pleased. However, just about all of them, except American slavery, let you be a freed person after x number of years of being a "slave". Even in the Roman Empire one could strive to be a freeman after being a slave for a while (even if it was a long time).

With American slavery however, blacks for the most part were slaves all their lives, and any children they had would be slaves as well. It was hereditary. They also prevented blacks from having formal marriages, so that it would be easier for the slave owners to tear families apart if they needed to (for example, to sell the children to another person). Slaves were treated like "property", no different from a horse or plow.

Yes, sadly African tribes did capture their enemies and sold them off to Europeans, who would then ship them to the New World (not just the US), to work on plantations and grow stuff to be sent to Europe to sell.

There were many issues concerning the lead up to the American Civil War. It was originally fought to preserve the Union (cause the Confederate States didn't want the North messing with their rights, hence why they seceded). But as the war began to drag on, Abraham Lincoln put a new twist on it, "To free the slaves". Even his Emancipation Proclaimation only freed slaves in the southern states, any slaves in the northern states weren't affected (probably cause if all slaves = free, those union states might've went Confederate as well).

And yeah, it gets worse after the war and during Reconstruction. Apparently, Northerners are opposed to slavery, but a lot of them were just as racist as the South was. Sure, they didn't want slavery, but they sure as heck didn't want blacks living in the North either. It would take the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960's for blacks (and other non-whites for that matter) to finally start getting some equality put into the law and have it enforced.


On a slightly OT, but related issue, I think the problem with stuff like this is that a lot of US history books in high school and below tend to omit a lot of stuff that happened, and just show everything as a one sided affair, with everything working out A-OK (and boy was I mad when I found out all this stuff in my college history courses, which I don't ever recall hearing in my high school history classes). As a result, many US citizens are pretty ignorant of what's "really" happened in the past (or they don't get a clear picture), and then wonder why stuff like 9/11 and Saddam Hussein happened (we actually supported Bin Laden during the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979, and we supported Saddam cause he was anti-communist and fighting Iran, who we didn't like after the Shah got overthrown. Of course, once communism lost, Saddam was no longer needed, so all the bad stuff he did was bad for the world).

Another interesting fact that's left out of US high school history books is that the US (well specifically Woodrow Wilson) sent troops into many countries, including Russia, to help fight against the Reds (communists). When it was apparent the Whites (non-communist Russians) were going to lose, he pulled them out, and pretty much got rid of any mention of it in the US. However, Soviet history textbooks all point out that the US had troops here at one time in the 1920's.

Ho Chi Minh also wanted Wilson to go to Vietnam and help them establish a self-determined state, just like he said during his 14 points address. But because Vietnam was under control of the French, and Wilson was pretty racist (he got rid of a lot of blacks who were working in the government), he basically ignored Ho Chi Minh, who then promptly went to communists (and this would help set the backdrop for the Vietnam War later on). But once again, many history books omit this information, cause it's not "nice to hear".

Sorry for going slightly OT, but I think that history shouldn't really be whitewashed, because a lot of interesting things happened in the past, and while "hero-ification" of historic figures is nice, we should also show the struggles they faced so that they'll seem more human, not like something you read in badly written fiction. The Woodrow Wilson you'll probably read about is the one that presented the 14 points, and tried to set up the League of Nations (which the US never joined ironically enough), and basically the guy that helped win WW1. But you'll never hear of how he shunned Ho Chi Minh (and other non-white delegates at the Paris Peace Conference in 1919), or all the invasions of other countries (I forget which ones, but I recall Panama, Russia, and invaded Mexico like 6 times), which would make him seem less of a hero, but at least would make him human and more understandable as a result (cause nobody's perfect).

However, I'm not just accusing the US of this, because just about every other country tends to hide their imperfect actions as well, or they tend to downplay it, such as the Japanese record of WW2, which I'm sure you remember infuriated the Chinese and Koreans. Or many of the things that the Soviet Union did as well, like the fact that more people died under Stalin than Hitler. Yet history tends to paint Hitler as the ultimate evil man, cause of his views on the world. But only by studying why things happened the way they did in the past (such as Germany's loss in WW1, and the brutal reparations the Allies forced on them), can you understand why Hitler would do what he did (such as blaming the Jews for the loss of WW1, and that they're the reason why things are so bad, so therefore they should be killed. He felt similarly about communists and the Russians as well).

I'm not saying that it'll give you a good feeling to learn all this stuff, just that it'll help you understand history better, and why things today are the way they are as a result of what happened in the past (the crisis in the Middle East also comes back to WW1 and WW2 as well, such as putting the Jews back in what's now known as Israel, pissing off the Muslims living around that area).

What kind of toxic man-thing is happening now?
Holy Chocobo

Member 682

Level 31.93

Mar 2006

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Old Jul 23, 2006, 07:54 PM #55 of 61
Originally Posted by FallDragon


What, is Peachtree Street one of the TENS of rich black communities in the US? How about you look at some statistics instead of relying on your own personal worldview, and be a little less ignorant for all of our sakes.

They may have been mistreated? MAY HAVE BEEN? Maybe you're right. Maybe getting my leg chopped off for trying to escape a slave camp isn't so bad after all.

I really wish you would've been born into a ghetto, abandoned by your father, lived with gang violence all during your life, and then try to make a living selling drugs since that's the only visible opportunity to be successful in your life.

And then, I want you to say that you haven't been mistreated by society, because your chances of success were EQUAL to a white suburban male growing up.

If by "snobbish" you mean "call you a fucking retard for being such a bigot," then yes, I'm acting snobbishly towards you.

Oh it just gets uglier after that? You mean, at the point in which the South said fuck you, we're going to keep our slave labor because plantation owners like being rich? Oh yea, that ugly part. The part where they went to war in order to have the right to own people.

And you know, I don't blame anyone who lives in the south now for what's happened in the past. My mom and brothers and stepdad all live there, and it's a great place. It's just fucking bigots like you that bring out the anger so well.
First of all, I'm not a bigot.
Second of all, I don't hate blacks of yanks. I simply state popular southern opinion.

No, fucktard. Peachtree street is one of the worst streets there are.
All of Atlanta is awful.

You misuse my words. I didn't capitalize May for a reason. Have been was capitalised to signify that that was in the PAST!!!!!!
Get over it!!!
Come on!!! The jews don't tell us about how awful the Holocaust was (which was 200 times worse than anything that the Blacks went through), why should they lord it over us? Me especially as my family was too poor to OWN slaves.

"I really wish you would've been born into a ghetto, abandoned by your father, lived with gang violence all during your life, and then try to make a living selling drugs since that's the only visible opportunity to be successful in your life."

welcome to my world, ass wipe.
It sucks to be us, doesn't it?

Did I ever say that I (emphasis on the singular) was mistreated?? No, I'm not, but the idea of choosing a black guy with a GED over a white guy who actually made it through HS simply because the black guy is black and they don't have enough black people in the college they applied to, for some reason that makes me mad.
That makes me real mad.

I don't blame the south for seceding.
Steel from Birmingham was always chaper than steel from Detroit for obvious reasons.
Does it seem fair that the government puts a TAX on SOUTHERN steel?
No, it doesn't.
Then they try to take away the industry that the NORTH supplied the SOUTH, that built it into a great industry.

Do you blame them for creating a new country???

Now, I'm not saying that I'm for slavery of any kind, but in this instanse (slave trade aside) I'm with the south.

Double Post:
I'm going to try to persuade everyone to END the "White vs. Black : North vs. South" fight. None of us are racist (or at least I hope not) and no one wants to be called a bigot.


It's uncivilized, blaming the other for both of your's problem (awkward sentence. :P ).

If I have in any way offended anyone, I'm sorry. I never intended it to get this bad.

Touche is not the word for me, but I do feel that it is time that I take my leave of this conversation, although It might not be permanent.


Last edited by agreatguy6; Jul 23, 2006 at 08:00 PM. Reason: Automerged additional post.
Sin Ansem
Miyamoto digs Negi Springfield

Member 1148

Level 21.64

Mar 2006

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Old Jul 23, 2006, 11:09 PM #56 of 61
My 2 cents on everything so far:

Men and women: Considering how much times have changed, I'm still surprised that we as men still have to make the first move... which is lame, considering that girls don't like chilvary as much anymore.

The age difference? Makes me wonder if there's more female rapists out there than society would have us believe. And someone had better not give me that crap about "oh she's hot she can rape me anytime"

Gamers: Once more girls start playing, this one will disappear/diminish at least.

Black standards: White power? You mean that crap you always have and never use unless you're TRYING to be racist? Grow up. Also Black people say that White History month is every other month of the year (which is crap, but hey it's good for a laugh). Yes, black people are still mired in their maintained double standards quite simply because if we don't it could easily revert back to how it was in 1960--subtle and blatant racism all around.

However, I don't represent the opinions of all black people. I think affirmative action is no longer necessary except in maybe some extreme cases which the NAACP should more than handle. (Maybe I feel so strongly because Georgia Tech has no affirmative action and uses that as bragging rights?).

And that is all.

What, you don't want my bikini-clad body?
Holy Chocobo

Member 682

Level 31.93

Mar 2006

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Old Jul 24, 2006, 12:55 PM #57 of 61
My Last Remark:

These are lyrics to a song from the Broadway Musical Avenue Q:

Everyone's A Little Bit Racist

Say, Kate, can I ask you a question?

Kate Monster:

Well, you know Trekkie Monster upstairs?

Kate Monster:
Uh huh.

Well, he's Trekkie Monster, and you're Kate Monster.

Kate Monster:

You're both Monsters.

Kate Monster:

Are you two related?

Kate Monster:
What?! Princeton, I'm surprised at you! I find that racist!

Oh, well, I'm sorry! I was just asking!

Kate Monster:
Well, it's a touchy subject.
No, not all Monsters are related.
What are you trying say, huh?
That we all look the same to you?
Huh, huh, huh?

No, no, no, not at all. I'm sorry,
I guess that was a little racist.

Kate Monster:
I should say so. You should be much more
careful when you're talking about the
sensitive subject of race.

Well, look who's talking!

Kate Monster:
What do you mean?

What about that special Monster School you told me about?

Kate Monster:
What about it?

Could someone like me go there?

Kate Monster:
No, we don't want people like you-

You see?!

You're a little bit racist.

Kate Monster:
Well, you're a little bit too.

I guess we're both a little bit racist.

Kate Monster:
Admitting it is not an easy thing to do...

But I guess it's true.

Kate Monster:
Between me and you,
I think

Everyone's a little bit racist
Doesn't mean we go
Around committing hate crimes.
Look around and you will find
No one's really color blind.
Maybe it's a fact
We all should face
Everyone makes judgments
Based on race.

Now not big judgments, like who to hire
or who to buy a newspaper from -

Kate Monster:

No, just little judgments like thinking that Mexican
busboys should learn to speak goddamn English!

Kate Monster:

Everyone's a little bit racist
So, everyone's a little bit racist
Ethinic jokes might be uncouth,
But you laugh because
They're based on truth.
Don't take them as
Personal attacks.
Everyone enjoys them -
So relax!

All right, stop me if you've heard this one.

Kate Monster:

There's a plan going down and there's only
one paracute. And there's a rabbi, a priest...

Kate Monster:
And a black guy!

Gary Coleman:
Whatchoo talkin' 'bout Kate?

Kate Monster:

Gary Coleman:
You were telling a black joke!

Well, sure, Gary, but lots of people tell black jokes.

Gary Coleman:
I don't.

Well, of course you don't - you're black!
But I bet you tell Polack jokes, right?

Gary Coleman:
Well, sure I do. Those stupid Polacks!

Now, don't you think that's a little racist?

Gary Coleman:
Well, damn, I guess you're right.

Kate Monster:
You're a little bit racist.

Gary Coleman:
Well, you're a little bit too.

We're all a little bit racist.

Gary Coleman:
I think that I would
Have to agree with you.

Princeton/Kate Monster:
We're glad you do.

Gary Coleman:
It's sad but true!
Everyone's a little bit racist -

All right!

Kate Monster:
All right!

All right!

Gary Coleman:
All right!
Bigotry has never been
Exclusively white

If we all could just admit
That we are racist a little bit,
Even though we all know
That it's wrong,
Maybe it would help us
Get along.

Oh, Christ do I feel good.

Gary Coleman:
Now there was a fine upstanding black man!


Gary Coleman:
Jesus Christ.

Kate Monster:
But, Gary, Jesus was white.

Gary Coleman:
No, Jesus was black.

Kate Monster:
No, Jesus was white.

Gary Coleman:
No, I'm pretty sure that Jesus was black-

Guys, guys...Jesus was Jewish!

Hey guys, what are you laughing about?

Gary Coleman:


Christmas Eve:
BRIAN! Come back here!
You take out lecycuraburs!

What's that mean?

Um, recyclables.
Hey, don't laugh at her!
How many languages do you speak?

Kate Monster:
Oh, come off it, Brian!
Everyone's a little bit racist.

I'm not!

Oh no?


How many Oriental wives
Have you got?

Christmas Eve:
What? Brian!

Brian, buddy, where you been?
The term is Asian-American!

Christmas Eve:
I know you are no
Intending to be
But calling me Oriental -
Offensive to me!

I'm sorry, honey, I love you.

Christmas Eve:
And I love you.

But you're racist, too.

Christmas Eve:
Yes, I know.
The Jews have all
The money
And the whites have all
The power.
And I'm always in taxi-cab
With driver who no shower!

Me too!

Kate Monster:
Me too!

Gary Coleman:
I can't even get a taxi!

Everyone's a little bit racist
It's true.
But everyone is just about
As racist as you!
If we all could just admit
That we are racist a little bit,
And everyone stopped being
Maybe we could live in -

Christmas Eve:
Evlyone's a ritter bit lacist!

bit long, yes, but it serves a purpose.

Goodbye, I'm leaving.

Jam it back in, in the dark.
For Great Justice!

Member 600

Level 38.35

Mar 2006

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Old Jul 24, 2006, 01:26 PM #58 of 61
I'm sorry, but was that really necessary? Do you think we could we get back to talking about double standards now?

There's nowhere I can't reach.
Good Chocobo

Member 2657

Level 14.90

Mar 2006

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Old Jul 24, 2006, 04:48 PM Local time: Jul 24, 2006, 11:48 PM #59 of 61
Originally Posted by ArrowHead
Hu Jintao and Abdul Kalam among many others would be insulted by that statement.
Why, thank you for missing the point of my exaggeration.

Originally Posted by ArrowHead
I call fallacy of appeal to emotion.
I don't care what you call. It's the reality of most kids growing up in a ghetto, regardless of race. Your rejection of this situation is is due to believing the world gives every person an equal chance regardless of their circumstances, which is statistically proven to be a load of shit. Steven Levitt shows that socioeconomic conditions are deeply correlated to the level of success a child will show in the school system in his book Freakonomics.

Originally Posted by ArrowHead
You mean the part where the North said the South could no longer use the slaves that THEY SOLD TO THEM? And the part where the South went to war to protect their economy?
Yes, the part where the South went to war to protect their economy based around slave labor. An economy who's premise is white people staying rich and black people staying slaves. Just because slavery was part of their economic system doesn't all of a sudden make it less bad.

Not that I'm saying the North wasn't also to blame. I'm not going to defend the North and say they committed no wrongs. There were good people on both sides of the line. But in the end, them winning was the better outcome for equality, obviously.

Originally Posted by ArrowHead
Oh, so he's bigoted and you're not? Seriously. Look at what he said, and look at what you said. Now tell me that he's bigoted and you're not.
OK. I seriously looked, seriously. And now I have to tell you.... ok I can do this... he's a bigot and I'm not. There we go! Actually you're correct, I'm a bigot against those who'd like to claim the battle for civil rights has been won and we need to move on. Especially when it comes from people who don't know jack fuck about the statistics and the reality of living life in the inner city.

Originally Posted by Acro-nym
I'm personally under the belief that if they truly have accomplished great things in whatever field, they will be recognized for it by those within the field.

An example of why you're wrong.

Originally Posted by agreatguy6
No, fucktard. Peachtree street is one of the worst streets there are.
All of Atlanta is awful.
OK. So, I'm not sure why you brought it up in reference to the street then. Is it populated mostly by whites? If you're trying to make the point that white people are also victims of violence and poverty, I agree. However, by and large, minorities make up the largest amount of people below the poverty line and vicitims of far more many crimes related to gang violence or other inner city circumstances.

Originally Posted by agreatguy6
I didn't capitalize May for a reason. Have been was capitalised to signify that that was in the PAST!!!!!!
Fair enough, I apologize.

Originally Posted by agreatguy6
welcome to my world, ass wipe.
It sucks to be us, doesn't it?
If you're in this situation then I wish you the best in what you do. You are one of the many fighting against the environment you were born into. My point still remains that a disproportionate amount of minorities are in your situation then are white people. Your conclusion that minorities shouldn't need any more help from the government may be true idealistically, but the government is doing next to nothing concerning poverty, so the next best thing are groups formed to help their race, and more specifically the poorer, more violence ridden places their race lives in.

Originally Posted by agreatguy6
No, I'm not, but the idea of choosing a black guy with a GED over a white guy who actually made it through HS simply because the black guy is black and they don't have enough black people in the college they applied to, for some reason that makes me mad.
You mean affirmative action pisses you off. Which I could agree with to an extent, in that affirmative action tries to fix the problem after it's too late. The problem with racial inequality starts way before an 18 year old goes to look for a job or to apply to a college.

Originally Posted by agreatguy6
Now, I'm not saying that I'm for slavery of any kind, but in this instanse (slave trade aside) I'm with the south.
So you're for the south concerning economic penalties they suffered that were unrelated to their slave system? I'd agree.

This thing is sticky, and I don't like it. I don't appreciate it.

Last edited by FallDragon; Jul 24, 2006 at 04:52 PM.
Holy Chocobo

Member 635

Level 32.46

Mar 2006

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Old Jul 24, 2006, 05:07 PM #60 of 61
Originally Posted by FallDragon

An example of why you're wrong.
How does this prove me wrong? Are you trying to say that minorities in politics get too little recognition? I'm sure they do, but politicians don't get awards for things, unless they appear in some type of media. Thus, minorities aren't the only ones not being recognized for their political actions. Maybe there should be a politican award program. I'm sure at least a few would get some kind of recognition if such a thing existed.

I am a dolphin, do you want me on your body?
Good Chocobo

Member 2657

Level 14.90

Mar 2006

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Old Jul 24, 2006, 09:22 PM Local time: Jul 25, 2006, 04:22 AM #61 of 61
Originally Posted by Acro-nym
How does this prove me wrong? Are you trying to say that minorities in politics get too little recognition? I'm sure they do, but politicians don't get awards for things, unless they appear in some type of media. Thus, minorities aren't the only ones not being recognized for their political actions. Maybe there should be a politican award program. I'm sure at least a few would get some kind of recognition if such a thing existed.
Ahhh OK, I thought for some reason you were expanding on things beyond award-type things. Sorry. I'd agree that with most awards there's an equal chance between any race to recieve one. But then you also have to look at something like movies, like the Academy Awards. How often do you see a black guy in a dramatic, serious lead role? They may have an equal chance once they become a star, but becoming a star in the first place is the tricky thing, or getting that high in any field, I would think, is harder for a minority.

I was speaking idiomatically.

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