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[PS3] PlayStation 3 Discussion Thread
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Rising Above The Rest

Member 4709

Level 26.30

Apr 2006

Old May 8, 2006, 11:38 PM Local time: May 8, 2006, 10:38 PM #676 of 3592
Originally Posted by Stealth
Quite honestly though, I probably won't buy on til the price drop.
That is EXACTLY my point. If you think only a small portion of people will be of this mindset, you are mistaken. Money matters. People have options. When you are getting into the range of $500+, for ONLY the console, you are competing against other high dollar items. Motorcycles, HDTV's, Boats, ATV's. I mean this is not just a toy or fun-machine. This is a "Entertainment Console". To buy this you need to be serious about gaming (aka hardcore).

Dispite what you think you know, there are less of these kinds of people than you think. And the "winner" of the console generations is NOT decided by them.

Originally Posted by Stealth
MGS4 won't be ported.
MGS1 has been. Resident Evil has been. And if PS3 sells as poorly as I'm willing to bet it does, you will see it. They won't lose the millions they poor into it.

On one final note, I really think game prices for this system will go beyond $59. I really think that grade AAA titles will go for $69-79. If for no other reason than economics. Less systems sold (fewer people can afford them) = less games sold. So the difference is made up in the cost of the games. Just an early prediction. We shall see...

I am a dolphin, do you want me on your body?
Hero of Twilight

Member 98

Level 35.79

Mar 2006

Old May 8, 2006, 11:38 PM #677 of 3592
Phew, I finally got back from the movie. That Tom Cruise sure can-

......the PS3 is HOW MUCH!?

This is the worst birthday ever.

I was speaking idiomatically.
Titletown, USA

Member 144

Level 23.83

Mar 2006

Old May 8, 2006, 11:49 PM #678 of 3592
Happy birthday! :biggrin:

What kind of toxic man-thing is happening now?
Go-kart track, grocery store, those remote control boats...

Member 222

Level 36.56

Mar 2006

Old May 8, 2006, 11:52 PM Local time: May 8, 2006, 10:52 PM #679 of 3592
Sony PS3: first console to ever reach its first price break before system launch.

I will lol if that happens.

I didn't say I wouldn't go fishin' with the man.
All I'm sayin' is, if he comes near me, I'll put him in the wall.
oh shi-

Member 445

Level 24.23

Mar 2006

Old May 8, 2006, 11:53 PM Local time: May 8, 2006, 08:53 PM #680 of 3592
You're completely insane if you think the PS3 is going to flop. I'm sorry, but this simply shows a total lack of understanding of how the industry works and a total lack of knowing the history of the industry.

Here is a simple recap:

Developers flock to the system with the most potential profit.
Gamers flock to the system with the most developers.

This is how it works, and the only way it works. Now look at the developer list for each console. As you can see developers have already flocked to the PS3, just as they did with the PS2 and just like they did with the PS1 (note developers abandoned the N64 BEFORE it was released, not after). The PS3 already has more games in development from more developers that both the Wii and XBox 360. In the end the gamers will flock to the system with the greatest volume of games.

System price will have little effect on the result as shown with the PS2 and Gamecube. At even $200 more the PS2 still flew off the shelves compared to the Gamecube. Why? Because everyones favorite developers and favorite games were on the PS2, not the Gamecube. At $500-$600, the PS3 IS more expensive. However, it is still competitively priced for what it has to offer and all that matters is if the consumer perceives the system as being worth the cost. With the best graphics this generation, the most features, and Blu-Ray playback ability, I doubt Sony will have much trouble getting these things to sell. Seriously people, if you don't think the financial decision makers at Sony don't understand all of this, you need to take some basic financial classes.

How ya doing, buddy?
With my hands...Be My Last

Member 680

Level 19.53

Mar 2006

Old May 8, 2006, 11:56 PM #681 of 3592
Originally Posted by SOLDIER
Phew, I finally got back from the movie. That Tom Cruise sure can-

......the PS3 is HOW MUCH!?

This is the worst birthday ever.

LOL Soldier.

Honestly, I see no reason at all to buy a PS3 at launch. First of all, considering how the PS2 preformed, chances are, the first batch of PS3's are gonna be buggy. Second, price is ridiculous. Third, the AAA games I do want, (FFXIII dear god it looks kick ass and possibly one of PS3's few saving graces), will probebly not be out until the console itself is close to a price-drop. ( Assuming the cosnole doesn't flop by then).

Oh as for the no memory card slots in the cheaper version fiasco, is the HDD detachable? Because if it is, that kinda makes up for lack of memory card slots.

Cetra, developers won't stay with a system that doesn't garner enough people. If consumers speak with their wallets and not buy a PS3, developers will hop over to the 360 and Wii faster than you can say "Sony shot itself in the foot". I mean, hey, Genesis was extremely popular and well recieved. Saturn came out and was too pricey. So, before you know it, everyone flocked over to Sony (who were newcomers at the stage even). It CAN happen. Just because a company garners the majority of support and populairty, it doesn't mean it can't easily lose it. Look at Sega, and Nintendo.

Jam it back in, in the dark.

Last edited by Technophile; May 9, 2006 at 12:00 AM.
Gold Chocobo

Member 1189

Level 30.45

Mar 2006

Old May 9, 2006, 12:00 AM Local time: May 9, 2006, 12:00 AM #682 of 3592
Originally Posted by Dayvon
MGS1 has been. Resident Evil has been. And if PS3 sells as poorly as I'm willing to bet it does, you will see it. They won't lose the millions they poor into it.
Resident Evil 4 has been. Viewtiful Joe has been. That tired excuse for exclusivity has gone by the wayside.

That is EXACTLY my point. If you think only a small portion of people will be of this mindset, you are mistaken. Money matters. People have options. When you are getting into the range of $500+, for ONLY the console, you are competing against other high dollar items. Motorcycles, HDTV's, Boats, ATV's. I mean this is not just a toy or fun-machine. This is a "Entertainment Console". To buy this you need to be serious about gaming (aka hardcore).

In part, you're right Dayvon. $500+ could buy someone a good piece of merchandise. But take a look at the demographics -- the average gamer is a 28 year old male, if I remember correctly. I'd imagine that most 28 year old guys are either fairly recently out of college or have been in the workforce for about a decade, possibly at the same job. Assuming that, it's likely they've got enough capacity and earning power to save up for a PS3. Hell, I'm 23 and I've got enough earning power to buy a PS3.

Then there's also this -- the PS3 will almost assuredly be a major catalyst for high-def entertainment. If someone's iffy about buying a high-def TV because they don't know how much they'll use it, the PS3 will give them enough reason to upgrade; both PS3 games and Blu-Ray movies will likely be the reasons a large majority of gamers upgrade to high-def if they haven't already.

The PS3 will sell out worldwide, no question. People will just be a little peeved they had to drop so much money. Although I don't know -- with so many people disappointed about not having preordered their Xbox 360's and now waiting forever to get one, maybe people will learn their lesson and preorder the PS3, and pay on it slowly. That would certainly make the overhead cost seem much less severe.

Most amazing jew boots

Reading --
Bleach, Claymore, Chun Rhang Yhur Jhun, NOW,
Zero: Beginning of the Coffin, Black God,
Twelve Kingdoms (novels), History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi
Watching --
Playing --
Fable II, Valkyria Chronicles, Guitar Hero: World Tour,
Star Ocean: First Departure, LittleBigPlanet,
MegaMan 9, Mirror's Edge

Last edited by SouthJag; May 9, 2006 at 12:14 AM.
Rising Above The Rest

Member 4709

Level 26.30

Apr 2006

Old May 9, 2006, 12:16 AM Local time: May 8, 2006, 11:16 PM #683 of 3592
Originally Posted by Cetra
Developers flock to the system with the most potential profit.
Gamers flock to the system with the most developers.
This is how it works, and the only way it works.
You are correct. But this is the question that is most up for debate. If you notice, this new generation is getting ALOT of cross-development already, and the systems aren't even out. EA is cross-releasing, SqEnix is, all the majors and most of the minors are. So this is generally a moot point.

You say developers flock to the system with the most potential profit yes? Just because the PS3 has the best graphics we've ever seen doesn't mean that it will sell millions. Again, economics and disposible income are in major play here. With the system costing sooooo much, how much will be left over to buy games when you already squeezed out $600 this holiday season? That isn't good for developers no matter how you look at it. Not only that, these uber-games cost ALOT to even make. That was one of the major reasons that studios went with PSX instead of N64, costs/risks were too high. Same applies here.

Originally Posted by Cetra
System price will have little effect on the result as shown with the PS2 and Gamecube. At even $200 more the PS2 still flew off the shelves compared to the Gamecube. Why?
Many reasons, but most importantly the format that is widely know as DVD. DVD players cost alot back in the day, and PS2 had one. That was a MAJOR selling point for the system. It still carries over some even today.

Originally Posted by Cetra
"all that matters is if the consumer perceives the system as being worth the cost."
That is dead on. Is Bluray worth the cost? Is the PC+ graphics worth the cost? To some (high-end home theater owners) yes. To others (parents with kids, high schoolers with limited income, college students with the same, etc.) hell no.

Originally Posted by Cetra
With the best graphics this generation, the most features, and Blu-Ray playback ability, I doubt Sony will have much trouble getting these things to sell. Seriously people, if you don't think the financial decision makers at Sony don't understand all of this, you need to take some basic financial classes.
Don't bank too much on bluray. I have an HDTV, and honestly I'm not even excited for HD movies. Why? 'Cause the movies cost $30 when I can buy a $15 DVD and be just as happy. Not to mention I would have to buy a freaking $600 player to get it to look good w/ a digital connection. That's ridiculous.

And for your information, I have a minor in business so I did take the classes and I work in marketing/strategic planning all the time. I'm not a ignorant whelp.

The house of cards is crashing down.....

This thing is sticky, and I don't like it. I don't appreciate it.
oh shi-

Member 445

Level 24.23

Mar 2006

Old May 9, 2006, 12:31 AM Local time: May 8, 2006, 09:31 PM #684 of 3592
You are correct. But this is the question that is most up for debate. If you notice, this new generation is getting ALOT of cross-development already, and the systems aren't even out. EA is cross-releasing, SqEnix is, all the majors and most of the minors are. So this is generally a moot point.
Just having cross development isn't enough. What matters is which games are being cross developed and how many. Square-Enix made games for the Gamecube yet all they made was Crystal Chronicles. Ratio of games also plays a part. Look at the development lists. Konomi games in development for the Wii: 1, for the PS3: 6. Ubisoft Wii: 1, PS3:4, Square-Enix Wii: 2, PS3: 4. It's pretty much the same situation with any 3rd party developer. Obviously the major focus and major spending of these companies is on the PS3. They are investing a LOT of money into the PS3 compared to the Wii and this is going to have a huge effect on the volume of games available from 3rd parties for each platform.

You say developers flock to the system with the most potential profit yes? Just because the PS3 has the best graphics we've ever seen doesn't mean that it will sell millions. Again, economics and disposible income are in major play here. With the system costing sooooo much, how much will be left over to buy games when you already squeezed out $600 this holiday season? That isn't good for developers no matter how you look at it. Not only that, these uber-games cost ALOT to even make. That was one of the major reasons that studios went with PSX instead of N64, costs/risks were too high. Same applies here.
Well here's the problem. You speak as it hasn't happened yet. Based on the huge development support for the PS3, developers have already decided the cost to risk ratio for the PS3 is low enough. All of the huge budget flagship projects are already being made for the PS3. This is more than enough proof that developers already believe the PS3 will be the system that will offer them the highest potential of profit. It's nothing like the N64 situation where developer support was declining before the system was even release. In fact, the exodus of 3rd party developers was already happening at the end of the SNES product cycle before any details of the N64 were even known.

I am a dolphin, do you want me on your body?
Rising Above The Rest

Member 4709

Level 26.30

Apr 2006

Old May 9, 2006, 12:33 AM Local time: May 8, 2006, 11:33 PM #685 of 3592
Originally Posted by SouthJag
Resident Evil 4 has been. Viewtiful Joe has been. That tired excuse for exclusivity has gone by the wayside.

In part, you're right Dayvon. $500+ could buy someone a good piece of merchandise. But take a look at the demographics -- the average gamer is a 28 year old male, if I remember correctly. I'd imagine that most 28 year old guys are either fairly recently out of college or have been in the workforce for about a decade, possibly at the same job. Assuming that, it's likely they've got enough capacity and earning power to save up for a PS3. Hell, I'm 23 and I've got enough earning power to buy a PS3.

Then there's also this -- the PS3 will almost assuredly be a major catalyst for high-def entertainment. If someone's iffy about buying a high-def TV because they don't know how much they'll use it, the PS3 will give them enough reason to upgrade; both PS3 games and Blu-Ray movies will likely be the reasons a large majority of gamers upgrade to high-def if they haven't already.

The PS3 will sell out worldwide, no question. People will just be a little peeved they had to drop so much money. Although I don't know -- with so many people disappointed about not having preordered their Xbox 360's and now waiting forever to get one, maybe people will learn their lesson and preorder the PS3, and pay on it slowly. That would certainly make the overhead cost seem much less severe.
I agree with most of what you are saying, but high-def is overrated. If you don't believe me, hit different forums that deal in HD and DVD video formats. (,, These are the people that are videophiles. And many of them are excited, but about half of em are super skeptical and not wanting to spend there dollars. High-def will NOT come in like DVD, and that is a promise. It will not be an overnight hit, and the format war alone could gimp Sony for this.

The PS3 will sell out this christmas though. Supply and demand. There are alot of people with money to burn and guarenteed not enough PS3's to match (4 milions worldwide by Dec31st.... skeptical). But there are so many more millions who don't have that to burn. And they will either buy nothing or buy something they can afford. And as time passes and the other systems sell more through simply because of a drastically lowered price, Sony will not lead.

Basically think of it like this. Target -vs- Walmart. Cadillac -vs- Chevy. Abercrombie -vs- Gap. Upper class -vs- lower class.

PS3 -vs- Wii. This is the future of gaming. Similar products + different costs = Class gaming.

I was speaking idiomatically.
I gotta get my hand on those dragonballz!1

Member 923

Level 24.97

Mar 2006

Old May 9, 2006, 12:46 AM #686 of 3592
I'm a little upset that Sony didn't do more to change their controller design.

The tired-and-true Dual Shock setup is getting a little on the old side, wouldn't you guys say? I was excited last year when I saw the boomerang model for the new Dual Shock 3, but now that it's reverted back into a DS2 with playmote functionality, I don't know. I just kind of hoped that Sony would finally understand what ergonomics was and how it could in fact be used when creating contollers and not just blocks of plastic wrapping up circuits that we set underneath our television sets.

I must be the only one who's ever felt like the PS controller was stabbing their palms and giving them carpel-tunnel when playing a frentic game.

What kind of toxic man-thing is happening now?
Titletown, USA

Member 144

Level 23.83

Mar 2006

Old May 9, 2006, 12:48 AM #687 of 3592
I'd be happy with the controller if they at least changed the analog sticks to have thumb indentations. Is that too much to ask? I'm surprised no one else has complained about that.

Most amazing jew boots
Indigo 1

Member 207

Level 22.37

Mar 2006

Old May 9, 2006, 12:49 AM Local time: May 8, 2006, 11:49 PM #688 of 3592
Dual Shock is a solid design, I'm not complaining.

What, you don't want my bikini-clad body?

Rising Above The Rest

Member 4709

Level 26.30

Apr 2006

Old May 9, 2006, 12:50 AM Local time: May 8, 2006, 11:50 PM #689 of 3592
Originally Posted by Cetra
Well here's the problem. You speak as it hasn't happened yet. Based on the huge development support for the PS3, developers have already decided the cost to risk ratio for the PS3 is low enough. All of the huge budget flagship projects are already being made for the PS3. This is more than enough proof that developers already believe the PS3 will be the system that will offer them the highest potential of profit.
Developers long made there choice before this ship sailed tonight. You think all the game developers knew the prices? You think SqEnix/EA/etc knew the PS3 was going to cash in at $500+? And more importantly, do think these games can't easily be downgraded for X360 or Wii?

I have no question that PS3 will have some of the best games and some exclusives (for a while...) but that will only last as long as Sony's train keeps rolling. And tonight, I think it might have hit a derail. Sony as a whole company has been losing the fight within themselves (financial reports anyone?) and this PS3 launch IS a last ditch effort. They need bluray to hit majorly big, and they need everyone to buy this console so they can keep in the black. They are banking all their money (they don't have) on this. (Sony's Battle) If people start to smell blood in the water, business will run to other pastures, and then you will see a fiasco.

Jam it back in, in the dark.
Indigo 1

Member 207

Level 22.37

Mar 2006

Old May 9, 2006, 12:51 AM Local time: May 8, 2006, 11:51 PM #690 of 3592
You're an idiot if you think PS3 will fail. It's not like in a few years, we won't have price cuts.

There's nowhere I can't reach.

Rising Above The Rest

Member 4709

Level 26.30

Apr 2006

Old May 9, 2006, 12:56 AM Local time: May 8, 2006, 11:56 PM #691 of 3592
Originally Posted by Stealth
You're an idiot if you think PS3 will fail. It's not like in a few years, we won't have price cuts.
LOL. Proves my point exactly. You and everyone else will wait. And games won't sell. And Sony will lose support. PS3 will be niche-highend gaming.

You can say bye-bye to widest console base. That is a promise.

Most amazing jew boots
Hero of Twilight

Member 98

Level 35.79

Mar 2006

Old May 9, 2006, 12:58 AM #692 of 3592
This is just depressing. I'm honestly not sure if I'll be purchasing a PS3 on launch day with that price. I guess it depends on the launch games, but the possibility of MGS4 making launch has now been dismissed.

So is there really no way to save your games if you go with the $500 system? And Sony said they wouldn't pull this 2 system crap.

I am a dolphin, do you want me on your body?
SNAKE スニーキングスーツ

Member 618

Level 26.09

Mar 2006

Old May 9, 2006, 01:09 AM Local time: May 9, 2006, 12:09 AM #693 of 3592
Just speculating, but is the reason for the PS3 controller's lack of a rumble feature because of that lawsuit they had a while ago? I know it has something to do with the "6 degree" control thing, but is this their way of using it as excuse for the lawsuit?

I was speaking idiomatically.
Indigo 1

Member 207

Level 22.37

Mar 2006

Old May 9, 2006, 01:10 AM Local time: May 9, 2006, 12:10 AM #694 of 3592
Originally Posted by Dayvon
LOL. Proves my point exactly. You and everyone else will wait. And games won't sell. And Sony will lose support. PS3 will be niche-highend gaming.

You can say bye-bye to widest console base. That is a promise.
Yeah, because nobody paid $1000 for an Xbox.

Stop your bitching.

What kind of toxic man-thing is happening now?

"I did a 'Full-Cycle'."

Member 2373

Level 22.69

Mar 2006

Old May 9, 2006, 01:12 AM Local time: May 9, 2006, 03:12 AM #695 of 3592
Originally Posted by Hantei
Just speculating, but is the reason for the PS3 controller's lack of a rumble feature because of that lawsuit they had a while ago? I know it has something to do with the "6 degree" control thing, but is this their way of using it as excuse for the lawsuit?
Probably. I know Microsoft gave a lot of money to pay for the patent but Sony decided to continue it's legal battle and lost (from what I've been hearing).

So maybe Sony was left with nothing 'special' for the controler so they said, ah fuck it, we'll use Nintendo's idea. It worked in the past, why not now.

I also hate the fact that they said it was an 'original' idea. What a crock of shit.

Skëtch's DVD Collection!
Rising Above The Rest

Member 4709

Level 26.30

Apr 2006

Old May 9, 2006, 01:19 AM Local time: May 9, 2006, 12:19 AM #696 of 3592
Originally Posted by Stealth
MGS4 won't be ported.

I think some people are overreacting. PS3 will still sell well, regardless what the Nintendo trolls would have you believe.

Quite honestly though, I probably won't buy on til the price drop.
Originally Posted by Stealth
Dual Shock is a solid design, I'm not complaining.
Originally Posted by Stealth
You're an idiot if you think PS3 will fail. It's not like in a few years, we won't have price cuts.
Originally Posted by Stealth
Yeah, because nobody paid $1000 for an Xbox.

Stop your bitching.
Judging from the intelligently supported content in your last four posts, I deem your comments on my thoughts completely unfounded, baseless, irrelevant, and mindless. You will no long receive any of my attention, and I hope for other posters' sakes, you will be ignored by all.

What, you don't want my bikini-clad body?

Last edited by TheReverend; May 9, 2006 at 01:22 AM.
Indigo 1

Member 207

Level 22.37

Mar 2006

Old May 9, 2006, 01:20 AM Local time: May 9, 2006, 12:20 AM #697 of 3592
Uh yeah.

In all seriousness, we're all disappointed with the press conference, but some of you people are just plain overreacting. It all seems to come down to the shitty pricing, and let's be honest, everyone was expecting an expensive system. Why start bitching when it happens?

Jam it back in, in the dark.

Rising Above The Rest

Member 4709

Level 26.30

Apr 2006

Old May 9, 2006, 01:24 AM Local time: May 9, 2006, 12:24 AM #698 of 3592
Originally Posted by Stealth
Quite honestly though, I probably won't buy on til the price drop.
I'm not the only one...


Just saw your post. Thank you for actually placing thoughts to a post. I like it.

Maybe I am overreacting a bit. But I really do think that Sony has so much riding on this... This is shit-hitting-the-fan time. They needed this to be IT. The Ultimate, with no hesitation. Cause if it's not, then most people WONT spring for it.

If Nintendo pulls out a great morning conference, and MS pulls out some Halo magic, Sony is gonna be smelling crap coming its way.

There's nowhere I can't reach.

Last edited by TheReverend; May 9, 2006 at 01:29 AM.
"I did a 'Full-Cycle'."

Member 2373

Level 22.69

Mar 2006

Old May 9, 2006, 01:25 AM Local time: May 9, 2006, 03:25 AM #699 of 3592
Originally Posted by Stealth
It all seems to come down to the shitty pricing, and let's be honest, everyone was expecting an expensive system. Why start bitching when it happens?
Well, mainly because up until now it was all speculation. The fact is that Sony was trying the make the ULTIMATE ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM, when in fact, it needs to be a Videogame System.

Being priced at 499$, a 100$ more than the already high-priced XBOX 360 is making Sony paint themselves in a corner when most people won't be able to afford such an expansive machine.

Oh well, we'll see.

This thing is sticky, and I don't like it. I don't appreciate it.
Skëtch's DVD Collection!
...was there

Member 4377

Level 19.38

Mar 2006

Old May 9, 2006, 01:53 AM #700 of 3592
Guys... every single one of you is forgetting a crucial fact.

600 big ones is a lot of money. And this is assuming there's any store on the face of the planet that isn't going to force you to buy their "ZOMG PLAYSTATION 3 COMBO PACKAGE! PS3 + 2 CONTROLLERS + 3 GAMES! ONLY $1000!" Especially between the launch and Xmas. You'll be lucky to find a Playstation 3 by next spring for less than a grand.

1000 big ones is a lot more money. As an example, at 8 bucks an hour, you'd have to work 75 hours... I'd say about 70% of high school/college students are lucky to work maybe 10-15 hours a week. Blowing a month and a half's savings - forgoing such expenses as food and a social life, and in some cases rent - on a PS3 might not be an attractive prospect to these people - bam, there goes at least 50% of your market.

1000 big ones is going to take you forever to save up. And what does it get you? A game console and a movie player, and some controllers. You'll take it home and plug it in and look at the shiny user interface and realize it's not very entertaining because you still have to pay MORE FUCKING MONEY FOR SOME FUCKING GAMES. Which as has already been talked about, will probably cost 60-70 this time around. Unacceptable.

So who's affected by this? Well, unless you are, or have in your household, a 20-something hardcore gamer, you absolutely will not be playing a Playstation 3. Period. Because if you're not a 20-something hardcore gamer, you're one of the following:

A) A child. Children do not have 1000 dollars. A parent is not going to buy a 1000 dollar toy so their five year old can learn to systematically kill. Sorry.

B) A teenager trying to play Grand Theft Auto so he looks cool in his middle school biology class talking about how many chinks he killed in Chinatown last night. His dad still isn't going to buy him a 1000 dollar toy, sorry.

C) The aforementioned high school/college student who will have to work for months to buy their 1000 dollar toy.




Yes, I know there are adults who would like to kill shit, and girls that might like football, and jocks who might want to be an old man smoking a cigar. How many of these exceptions to the rule will be able to justify a $1000 price tag? You tell me.

Yes Cetra, price differences didn't help Nintendo sell well last generation, we know. As mentioned above, DVD helped off set the cost difference. BUT WAIT BLURAY. Let's make this perfectly clear about Blu-ray: absolutely NO ONE gives a fuck about it. I've never heard or seen that word outside of webpages, or Maximum PC magazine. Not a single person I've talked to has ever said "I can't wait to watch some blurays on my new PS3!" Even the ones who can't wait for it.

Also Cetra, the price difference between PS2 and the Cube was never more than 100 dollars at any point in time... if the Wii sells at 200 (which could actually be a maximum price, i don't know if anything official has been said about that) We're talking about a disparity of 200-300 dollars. This is enough to buy a Wii and an X360 (since it's also getting a price drop). That's unacceptable. It won't sell.

Mind you, I wouldn't mind getting a PS3 one day. I'd love to play MGS4. This all angers me because I'll never be able to justify actually buying one.

I am a dolphin, do you want me on your body?

Last edited by BurningRanger; May 9, 2006 at 01:59 AM.
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