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[] Ah my Goddess Fighting wings
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Old Oct 17, 2008, 07:18 AM Local time: Oct 17, 2008, 12:18 PM #26 of 27
I'm not familiar with the anime, no, but I do listen to J-Pop (often where these songs come from), so there might be a chance I recognised it upon hearing it, which I don't as it happens. My point there being that he should have really posted a link to a clip like you did though Saka.

However, I will admit I was being a bit of an arsehole (not going to deny that), but then because I came to the same conclusion about the guy as Crash doesn't mean I did so because Crash did.

Any way, in closing, I would say from the sounds of that clip that it could just be a bit of instrumental stuff written for that little scene (as you get in various TV shows). However, good luck finding the song, but I can't help.

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Oct 2008

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Old Oct 17, 2008, 02:18 PM Local time: Oct 17, 2008, 09:18 PM #27 of 27
Hey everybody, again. It seems the scene calmed down a bit, didn't it? I must say it was indeed mostly my fault everyone got so heated up, I guess. I shouldn't went scattering bad comments around like the one I posted to Landon, especially not because he's an admin. I acted quite childish at times too... sorry for the bad start.

Now, about the song: my question was indeed aimed at someone who knowed the anime already, duh. But I appreciate your searchings, of course
If you guys want more information on my research: I've searched in the Fighting Wings OP-ED, the only soundtrack that came out regarding those episodes. I didn't find it there, so I listened to the OST's 1 and 2 of the first season and the OST of the second season. Surprisingly, there were quite some tracks from the Fighting Wings episodes in both the OST's -> (read: ALL of the songs except one, really -> the one I'm searching for). So, as I just said, the one I searched wasn't one of them, sadly. Unless of course I've been a total idiot and forgot to listen to one of the songs (I don't think so, however). Then further, I've already searched on youtube and imeem for the songs of the other CD's (-> even fuckin' drama CD's! Not much hope they're on those, however). And no, not much success yet... but who knows there's a guy here who DOES own the song! Who knows.

(And well, off the point: I also think it leans more to an instrumental piece... the 'vocals' don't stand out very much... they don't even have 'meaning'. It's just a voice making some noise... can't help you more with that, though)

So, that's about all the information I could give you! If you still need to know more, feel free to ask, of course^^


By the time you have read ALL of this you could have probably found it already. Damn.

EDIT: hmmm... posting a link to a clip... I'll go searching for one right away.
2nd EDIT: It's already be done, apparently! Thanks, Sakabadger^^
Guess I just missed on the spoiler, huh.

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And God said, 'Let there be light' and there was light, but the Electricity Board said he would have to wait until Thursday to be connected.

My servant is a one-winged angel...

Last edited by LeDieuC'estMoi; Oct 17, 2008 at 02:42 PM.

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