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The Upcoming Marvel Civil War
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Big Trouble

Member 541

Level 26.51

Mar 2006

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Old May 2, 2006, 03:58 PM Local time: May 2, 2006, 01:58 PM #26 of 53
Hey guys, NPR is covering the Marvel Civil War.

you can go listen it here, the audio will be avaliable around 6PM Eastern Time. >.> I missed the later part of the interview. >.>

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Member 5648

Level 18.32

Apr 2006

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Old May 2, 2006, 05:40 PM #27 of 53
A group led by Iron Man embraces the government's demand that they register as living weapons of mass destruction and reveal their secret identities. On the opposing side, Captain America and his allies refuse.
I haven't read that many Captain America comics, so this is probably a very silly question, but why is Captain America going against the American Government instead of Iron Man?

This thing is sticky, and I don't like it. I don't appreciate it.

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Member 4740

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Apr 2006

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Old May 3, 2006, 06:18 AM #28 of 53
the whole idea of this just sounds kind of.......lame.

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Baby shrink

Member 534

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Mar 2006

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Old May 3, 2006, 05:44 PM #29 of 53
Why is it lame? I think that it's great. It's a much better concept than Infinite Crisis.

I was speaking idiomatically.


Member 4740

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Apr 2006

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Old May 3, 2006, 06:01 PM #30 of 53
Becuase it is. It sounds like the government is making them register their id and some heros agree, and others do not. Why is that a civil war? So becuase they disagree over a piece of legislation, they're going to fight over it?

What kind of toxic man-thing is happening now?
Baby shrink

Member 534

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Mar 2006

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Old May 3, 2006, 09:11 PM #31 of 53
Uhh... you obviously don't understand this thing. It's much more than that. It's about an idea, a way of life. The government is going to hunt down those heroes that do not abide by the law using other heroes to do the job.

Just read the first issue, you'll understand. It was a great book btw. The art is amazing and the writing was up there with his Ultimates stuff.



Member 4740

Level 14.81

Apr 2006

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Old May 4, 2006, 01:46 AM #32 of 53
I'll concede to that. I haven't picked up a new comic in probably over 5 years, though I still check up on what's going on. Is this the book by Joe Mad? He was always one of my favorite artists.

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#comics To Your Face

Member 1844

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Mar 2006

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Old May 4, 2006, 05:10 AM Local time: May 4, 2006, 06:10 PM #33 of 53
The first issue is alright. I wasn't expecting much, so I wasn't disappointed. Storyline-wise it's pretty standard stuff, nothing we haven't been expecting for the last few months. Art-wise it's definitely better than Infinite Crisis, but it all looks too smooth for my liking, like it was airbrushed to death. I dunno. Iron Man v4 has the same feel to it. Some people may like it, some people may not, but it certainly isn't my cup of tea.

Jam it back in, in the dark.

Last edited by -Happy-; May 4, 2006 at 06:54 AM.
Baby shrink

Member 534

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Mar 2006

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Old May 4, 2006, 05:29 AM #34 of 53
I love the art. I don't like how Marvel basically told us what was in the issue before it got here though. At least they haven't spoiled the rest of the series yet.

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Evil Grinch

Member 666

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Mar 2006

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Old May 5, 2006, 11:26 PM Local time: May 6, 2006, 12:26 PM #35 of 53
It was sort of interesting, yes. But the proposed legislation wasn't as bad as I thought. Vacation pay, a pension, a fed ID... just like SHIELD agents. Methinks they be making mountains out of molehills though.

This thing is sticky, and I don't like it. I don't appreciate it.
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Member 929

Level 33.83

Mar 2006

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Old May 6, 2006, 10:16 PM Local time: May 7, 2006, 11:16 AM #36 of 53
The art rocks. I really adore McNiven's art, although sometimes the faces don't look right. But still, his angles for his panels are great. As for issue #1, I enjoyed the part where Cap busted out of S.H.I.E.L.D.... nobody messes with the Cap.


but the new BPRD overshadowed this, IMO

How ya doing, buddy?
Baby shrink

Member 534

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Mar 2006

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Old May 7, 2006, 12:44 PM #37 of 53

McNiven's art was amazing. I can only imagine what the crazy fights in future issues will look like.

I was speaking idiomatically.

Holy Chocobo

Member 635

Level 32.46

Mar 2006

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Old May 11, 2006, 04:56 PM #38 of 53
This Civil War seems a bit eerie to me. Through this, I've been able to draw at least five different parallels between the Big Three of Marvel and the First Triumvirate of the Roman Republic. I have to rearrage some traits, like the one dying not being the wealthy one, but it still works. I guess this means Cap dies when the whole thing's over.

What kind of toxic man-thing is happening now?
Baby shrink

Member 534

Level 37.83

Mar 2006

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Old May 11, 2006, 07:02 PM #39 of 53
There is no way that Marvel is going to kill Captain America. Well, then again, Millar did say that he wanted the death to be meaningful... maybe you're on to something.


Holy Chocobo

Member 635

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Mar 2006

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Old May 11, 2006, 10:04 PM #40 of 53
Keep in mind, Caesar didn't die until after the civil war was over. Though, if Marvel killed Cap, they could continue the parallels and have him become some sort of god. Steve Rogers: God of Democracy.

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Fighting For Freedom Wherever There's Trouble

Member 643

Level 19.09

Mar 2006

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Old May 14, 2006, 04:15 AM Local time: May 14, 2006, 03:15 AM #41 of 53
Read Civil War #1 and Infinite Crisis #7 in the same day.

I can definately see which is going to be the winner already. Miller is getting to the point and showing us what we want. He's not bringing in 12536 D-list characters in an effort to jerk off the 4 fanboys that actually give a shit about them.

Also McNiven needs to be on more books now.

Jam it back in, in the dark.

GI Joe is the codename for America's highly trained special mission force. Its purpose: to defend human freedom against COBRA. A ruthless terrorist organization determined to rule the world.

24 can't jump the shark. Jack Bauer ate the shark long ago. Now 24 can only jump the water, and that doesn't mean anything. - Jazzflight
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Baby shrink

Member 534

Level 37.83

Mar 2006

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Old May 15, 2006, 05:16 AM #42 of 53
Millar is just great. I need to read everything that this man has written. He has been on such a good streak lately.

There's nowhere I can't reach.

Desert Camel

Member 1607

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Mar 2006

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Old May 15, 2006, 09:31 AM Local time: May 15, 2006, 04:31 PM #43 of 53
You want to read Wanted! that is a good series

no homo
Holy Chocobo

Member 635

Level 32.46

Mar 2006

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Old May 15, 2006, 03:34 PM #44 of 53
Originally Posted by Mucknuggle
Millar is just great. I need to read everything that this man has written. He has been on such a good streak lately.
Well, he is if you exlcude the most recent Ult. FF story arc. That made little sense.

I'm not sure about McNiven's art, yet. Maybe it has to grow on me or something. It was just sort of uninspiring for me.

I believe I've figured out how the FF splits. With The Human Torch having been in a coma, he'll be with Cap just out of anger. Of course, he's already been depicted this way on a Frontline cover. From Civil War #1 is seems that both Reed and Sue are going to take Tony's side. Given the personality of Ben, and his attachment to Torch, I'm going to put him on Cap's side.

For the X-Men, all I know is that Cyke is with Cap and Bishop and Colossus are with Tony. I'm sure further previews will help.

How ya doing, buddy?
Baby shrink

Member 534

Level 37.83

Mar 2006

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Old May 16, 2006, 07:09 PM #45 of 53
Originally Posted by Zip
You want to read Wanted! that is a good series
Read it. Loved it.

What did you not like about the recent Ultimate FF stuff? I've loved the book ever since Millar jumped aboard.

Haven't they announced that Reed and Sue were going to be on opposite sides of this thing?

I was speaking idiomatically.

Evil Grinch

Member 666

Level 50.98

Mar 2006

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Old May 17, 2006, 05:22 AM Local time: May 17, 2006, 06:22 PM #46 of 53
Originally Posted by Acro-nym

I believe I've figured out how the FF splits. With The Human Torch having been in a coma, he'll be with Cap just out of anger. Of course, he's already been depicted this way on a Frontline cover. From Civil War #1 is seems that both Reed and Sue are going to take Tony's side. Given the personality of Ben, and his attachment to Torch, I'm going to put him on Cap's side.

For the X-Men, all I know is that Cyke is with Cap and Bishop and Colossus are with Tony. I'm sure further previews will help.
I think Sue will split with Reed (Johnny being her little brother). I reckon ol' blue-eyed Ben Grimm is gonna go with Dr. Richards. 'Sides, the drama from having Marvel's first couple go at it is too good to pass up

What kind of toxic man-thing is happening now?
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Member 6933

Level 1.00

May 2006

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Old May 20, 2006, 12:54 PM #47 of 53
Originally Posted by VitaPup
I'll concede to that. I haven't picked up a new comic in probably over 5 years, though I still check up on what's going on. Is this the book by Joe Mad? He was always one of my favorite artists.
MAD is doing Ultimates 3 with Jeph Loeb.

Huntress: So what are you wearing?
The Question: Blue overcoat. Fedora.
Huntress: You really stink at this.
The Question: ...Orange socks?
Th3 0m3n

Member 6922

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May 2006

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Old May 20, 2006, 01:13 PM Local time: May 20, 2006, 10:13 AM #48 of 53
Originally Posted by Visavi
I haven't read that many Captain America comics, so this is probably a very silly question, but why is Captain America going against the American Government instead of Iron Man?
Well, Captain America was created as more of a super soldier that would be used to win all wars for the Americans, he figured this out and destroyed the lab he was created in so that no more like him could be made. I could imagine that he would go against the government IF it had something to do with the super soldier idea, as for any other reason, don't tell me, i am about to head over and pick up some comics today...Infinite Crisis and Marvel Civil War. I need some good literature in my life ^_^

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Evil Grinch

Member 666

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Mar 2006

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Old May 21, 2006, 05:23 AM Local time: May 21, 2006, 06:23 PM #49 of 53
Captain America won't make it as a super-hero, if he were created today.

Think about it. A scrawny guy gets an injection, and develops secksy muscles. Illegal steroids anyone?

How ya doing, buddy?
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Holy Chocobo

Member 635

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Mar 2006

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Old May 21, 2006, 08:17 PM #50 of 53
Originally Posted by Mucknuggle
What did you not like about the recent Ultimate FF stuff? I've loved the book ever since Millar jumped aboard.
I wasn't talking about all of his Ult. FF stuff, just the President Thor arc. The time travel within that story was some of the worst time travel storytelling I've ever read. It's kind of hard to put into words without coming off as an angry loon...

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