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[PS3] Tokyo Jungle - Can a baby chick really take on a hippo?
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Old Oct 3, 2012, 05:15 PM 1 #1 of 28
Tokyo Jungle - Can a baby chick really take on a hippo?

What the PS3 has an interesting game? Holy shit yes balls it does. Tokyo Jungle is the unforgiving asshole relative of E.V.O.: Search for Eden (and Cubivore: Survival of the Fittest for that matter), which if you've ever played it is a pretty huge gaping asshole itself, where you play as a predator or an herbivore in a post-apocalyptic Tokyo, Japan ruled by wild animals, feral pets, and escaped zoo creatures. Humanity has mysteriously died out and/or disappeared leaving the rest of the animal kingdom in charge.

YouTube Video

You start out as a small Pomeranian or a Sika Deer. As a predator obviously you go after any living animal that you possibly can while the herbivore eat vegetation. Eventually raise your level enough by eating and gain enough territory to then mate and make offspring which you then control as a pack to rinse and repeat. Each generation has a 15 year life-span and events/goals in the game have time limits as well. Each species also has another species it can unlock by meeting the challenge requirements to which you'll then be told to either kill it, touch it, or claim its territory.

The game also has story segments you can unlock by collecting various data packages that also reveal how everything went down the shitter in Tokyo to begin with.

Actual gameplay can be twitchy as fuck but you'll learn a few key commands that will help you take down what you can and outrun and avoid what you can't. You'll learn a few unlock routes to take so you can be the ultimate predator or ultimate herbivore to take on this Tokyo Jungle to the fullest. And while you're working your way there you'll have a bunch of really amazing, humorous, and frustrating stories you'll look back on fondly.

YouTube Video

My run as a beagle for instance lasted 60 to 70 years unlocking S rank challenges before the streets were being roamed by fucking dinosaurs which proceeded to rape my ass. Oddly enough my pack actually spooked a couple of them to run away which allowed me to last a bit longer and take to the rooftops. Eventually though I attempted to brave the streets and escape that section of the city but they were too much for my poor dogs, but hey now I know what to look forward to when I get my talons of raptor death to play with.

If you have a PS3 you owe yourself a good game. One that's really inexpensive to boot. It's only $14.99 and PlayStation Plus members get a 20% discount on it as well until October 9th. There will be DLC-unlockable animals which is kind of a downer but at such a low price it's not surprising and it's not completely unreasonable.

Also the answer to the question in the title? No. Definitely no.

Welcome to the Tokyo Jungle!

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Valar Dohaeris

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Old Oct 3, 2012, 05:28 PM Local time: Oct 4, 2012, 12:28 AM #2 of 28
Japan's not dead !!! <3

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The Plane Is A Tiger
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Old Oct 3, 2012, 05:47 PM #3 of 28
My best run so far was about 63 years as a cat. I was on the verge of starvation several times, but once I reached the chicken party going on at the park life was amazing for the decade or so that the party lasted. A puma that followed me out of the sewer was my eventual downfall.

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Single Elbow
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Old Oct 3, 2012, 06:08 PM Local time: Oct 3, 2012, 04:08 PM #4 of 28
Oh shit, time to get this when I got the cash~

How ya doing, buddy?
Waltz of the Big Dogs

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Old Oct 3, 2012, 09:51 PM #5 of 28
I picked this up on Day One since for now it's only $12 for Plus members.

Haven't played too much of it since I'm busy with other games at the moment, but I'm anticipating when I do have the time to REALLY dip into this. I'm pretty excited about it.

I was speaking idiomatically.
Old Oct 3, 2012, 11:47 PM 2 #6 of 28
It can really eat a lot of your time. I played it about half of my day today. Like my eyes are bloodshot from it. I seem to not blink when I really get into a game. It's a seriously fun game.

The game can sometimes be a real rat bastard about how it places its challenges though - especially the territory claiming ones to unlock more animals. So I left off on playing as the boar today. I check where all the data packages are located - three completely different areas in very far off locations. It eventually leads me to the Shibuya Suburbs to the last one. At that point I'm right next to a sewer entrance which would be the best place to shortcut my way toward Yoyogi Park East where the goat challenge is. So go as far south to as far north as possible in a sense. Thanks game. So I'm going through the sewers when I jump up through a pipe which leads me out a neat shortcut into Shibuya Station (the starting level in the middle of everything) when I decide hey if I make a new generation of boars after I book it above ground as far as I can. It's a good gamble since the sewers can be packed full of predators and toxins.

Then I forget just how much of a giant prick Shibuya Woods can be. Place is swarming with predators. I successfully sneak around a fucking tiger only to wake up an entire pack of wild dogs which then leads to a chase through a den of hyenas all while trying to lead them all away so I can mark my territory and get a mate because if I don't then I die from old age in a few minutes. Needless to say just as I finally mark the final territory marker and heart symbols appear on the map for a mate I'm taken out by a lone wolf out of nowhere. Did I mention it's nighttime so I can't see shit either. So yeah, I die there and I'll have to replay as a boar in order to just try to get to the goat challenge area again next time. Hopefully the game randomizes the challenge location to somewhere closer.

Environmental factors can be a curse and a blessing. Night time is great to sneak past bigger predators or get a nice sneak attack in before a huge brawl breaks out. It also means you have to be on your toes because what is a group of three might be some bunnies or it could be some cats and you don't know until your halo of light shines a little bit on them.

It's hard for me to say whether toxic smog or rain are the worst things. Rain and sometimes poisonous rain makes it so you can't smell and basically makes your map useless for detecting food and threats. Toxic smog gradually poisons you and also poisons your food. Sometimes the toxic smog acts as an artificial way to move you to a new area. It's the game's way of saying get the fuck out, but it's also just thrown in randomly and the only way to get your toxin level to go down is to drink non-toxic water or non-toxic food.

Toxic food and water will obviously just increase your toxicity level faster and it's hard to tell good from bad sometimes. Obviously the stuff that glows purple is bad but sometimes when you get a fresh kill you can eat it quickly enough that it doesn't become toxic which only encourages you to stay in the area and oh boy some of these areas can be huge with good food far between you and the exit.

In any given session you can get really lucky and you can also have the tables stacked against you severely. The game will usually up the challenge according to your stats but it's a jungle out there and sometimes shit isn't going to be fair. You climb a set of stairs and boom up at the top of the roof is a fucking lion and you had no idea because it's nighttime and it's raining and that son of a bitch was not sleeping at all. You're also only a god damn gazelle and you're starving because this particular area is empty of vegetation just to spite you. Life can be a real bitch sometimes but that's why you have siblings to do the fainting goat while you book it down the stairs to starve somewhere without a lion to eat you. Maybe that somewhere can be a place full of silky terriers. At least you can kick those little guys as you kick the bucket from a lack of the numnums. Then if you're lucky your brother can get fleas and stop to scratch himself while fleeing from the wild dogs down the street, and while he somehow miraculously dodges most of the swipes and bites of those dogs he then races around a corner choking on poisonous smog and expires in the loving jaws of a crocodile that wasn't out of place in the slightest. Just know that it could be even worse. You could have actually been doing an S-rank challenge and only minutes away from getting it completed and unlocking the Tuxedo having completed ALL previous challenges only to have had it snatched away by some panthers who have been chasing you throughout the sewers and just won't take GOOD GOD LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE for an answer. At least it wasn't that.

What kind of toxic man-thing is happening now?
I'm just informing you

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Old Oct 4, 2012, 09:47 PM 6 #7 of 28
Seriously, this fucking game, man.

Leaves me in tears from laughter sometimes.

Oh god! Check out these sweet duds.

I'm just informing you

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Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss
Motherfucking Chocobo

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Old Oct 5, 2012, 04:01 PM Local time: Oct 5, 2012, 10:01 PM #8 of 28
Oh shit, I have to buy this.

What, you don't want my bikini-clad body?
Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss
Motherfucking Chocobo

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Old Oct 10, 2012, 01:33 PM Local time: Oct 10, 2012, 07:33 PM #9 of 28
So I did buy this and it's the best reason to own a PS3 I can think of. Nothing can quite top the feeling of dashing through the park at night being chased by a pack of wolves, looking desperately for anything at all to eat anywhere because the game decided you don't deserve food only for a toxic cloud to descend and poison you and then just when you think that lot is about to kill you run into an entire pack of fucking crocodiles.

So much win combined with so much absolute, mind raping unfairness.

Jam it back in, in the dark.
Old Oct 10, 2012, 03:21 PM #10 of 28
Seriously, the game does it's damnedest sometimes to frustrate you. I was playing as a wolf and was ONE challenge away from completing every single challenge. All I needed was to change generation one more time but unfortunately the last territory point was waaay out east in the sewers and it would have been impossible to do it in the East Line or in Shibuya Woods because they were crawling with lions, crocs, and hippos. I was so close to getting the tuxedo. So close. With the wolf I made it to "the end" of survival as it were completing the final S challenge and basically just tried to survive some more and eventually got bored and decided to take on larger animals that I have no hope of defeating.

It's actually quite amusing to take on lone dinosaurs as a pack. You have to sneak up on them though. A sneak attack with a bunch of bites will leave them in shock enough for you to go and hide. Then rinse and repeat. Also, I've found that if you're lucky sometimes you can leave kills for some predators to be distracted by as a means of escape or trap. The toxicity can seriously go fuck itself. I've gotten used to rain by now messing with your radar but toxicity is just forever shit. It's one thing to go into an area filled with nothing you can possibly eat or murder city but it's another to have everything you kill turn instantly into uneatable shit. The only thing to do sometimes is hope you have some items to combat it. The magazine is the best item in the game. Although I do enjoy the perks of chicken increasing your hunger gauge.

Right now I'm finding the territory challenges for unlocking new animals to be the biggest fuck you game moments. It's one thing when the area you're taking over is big enough to sneak around in or the group of animals you have to fight are weaker than you or about even, but holy shit the game just decides NOPE imma gonna put the stage in the most claustrophobic tight area and put the biggest animals in there and they're gonna be stronger than you and waaay to many of them so HAVE FUN WITH THAT. I've lost count of how many times I've attempted giant moa versus the fury of the mammoth herd. It is literally a scenario where Big Bird is invited to Snuffleupagus' family reunion and they proceed to eviscerate the yellow bastard with their ridiculously long eyelashes. Excuse me, did I say eyelashes I meant gored with tusks and trampled into fine dust. It is beyond unfair. Why do I continue watching this prehistoric muppet snuff film?

There's nowhere I can't reach.
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Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss
Motherfucking Chocobo

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Old Oct 11, 2012, 05:41 PM Local time: Oct 11, 2012, 11:41 PM #11 of 28
There are a few fuck you moments in the story mode too. I was doing the one with the Beagles racing to become leader of the pack, act 6 I think. Finding the right route to get the markers isn't too tough with only jackals to fight on the way but once you get to the third, choose back the way you came rather than the other way and there's a fucking cheetah waiting for you. Avoid that bitch then you'll eventually run into a sleeping bear and a cheetah pack. You can spend, as I did, twenty minutes barely surviving only to find out eventually you could have just gone left and strolled it past a slightly miffed pig.

I downloaded all the extra animals so far and I think the giraffe is my favourite, although lining up on food can be tricky, especially when you need to eat right this fucking second or you're going to die.

The best run I've done on survival mode was 38 years and C rank as a deer which ended with a mad dash across three zones with no food trying to find three mushrooms before dieing of hunger with the third just in sight on the edge of the screen. I'm mainly just doing the unlock challenges and picking up the thingies to unlock story mode at the moment though. Looking forward to them patching it so it works on remote play on my shiny new PS Vita too.

This thing is sticky, and I don't like it. I don't appreciate it.
Old Oct 12, 2012, 01:11 AM #12 of 28
They made a short one-shot manga about Tokyo Jungle. It's just one chapter but it's pretty fucking garr.

[OS] Tokyo Jungle.rar

I am a dolphin, do you want me on your body?
I'm just informing you

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Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss
Motherfucking Chocobo

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Old Oct 14, 2012, 06:15 PM Local time: Oct 15, 2012, 12:15 AM #13 of 28
It's incredible how quickly you can go from cruising along fine to game over in this. 35 years in as a crocodile, all the challenges wrapped up for this decade, got two other crocs in tow, good selection of items, just need to nip through the sewers to get back to Shibuya Station to start the next decade's challenges then BAM, lion pride out of nowhere and everyone's dead.

I was speaking idiomatically.
Old Oct 16, 2012, 05:51 PM #14 of 28
I like how the most active member in this thread has the most adorable fluffly signature on the forums. <3

I managed to plow through both cheetah and bear challenges as the hyena. Holy shit are cheetah's fast but thankfully the second go at it was in Shibuya Suburbs and taking over that territory from the sewer entrance isn't too difficult with a full boss hyena pack. The bear challenge to take over the east line territory was laughably easy. All I had to do was sneak around and the slow ass bears wouldn't even bother me. They're pretty easy going and would rather be fighting crocs and other shit wandering the area.

I then unlocked the bear and did the polar bear challenge. It was actually kind of amusing. I had a full brigade and all I had to do was take over its territory. Yes that's an its. There was just one boss polar bear in all of Shibuya Woods and of course it was the first thing I came across. It wrecked my shit. I lost most of my bear force attempting to beat it into a death strike before I decided to book it back north to the east line, but boss polar bear was having none of it and chased me all the way up into the grasslands. I hid in some tall grass with my bro as it sniffed around for us and when the danger went down to zero we just sneak attacked him in the small ditch when he turned around to go back to the woods. One shot took him down. Taking over Shibuya Woods and completing the challenge was super easy after that. There may have been some wild dogs but my bears just swatted them away as strutted on through.

So now I have to do the big cats and dino route and return to Big Bird versus the Snuffy Rape Brigade. I haven't even tried the DLC animals and I don't have nearly enough to unlock the story mode animals. I might have to stream some of this stuff.

Also, my dumbass finally understands some of the game's RPG mechanics. Go check out any of the animals you did really well with and survived maybe 40 to 80 years with. Check out ones you've done multiple times. You'll notice a generation count and a red line expanding from the white line. It actually saves your progress every time you change generation. This is to encourage that you only mate with prime or average females which pass on these increased stats. The next time you play as that animal you will get to use the red line stats. You can potentially level up a low tier animal to take on ridiculously larger animals if you keep at it long enough. I will have to figure out which one I want to try this with.

Most amazing jew boots
I'm just informing you

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Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss
Motherfucking Chocobo

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Old Oct 17, 2012, 11:38 AM Local time: Oct 17, 2012, 05:38 PM #15 of 28
Yeah, I spotted that with my Pomeranian, the only animal I've done a bunch of runs with. As a result I now try to go for the better mates where possible and also am changing generation more often than I was before.

Bullshit moment of the week: Challenge pops up, find the parking area in Shibuya Station, playing as a Gazelle. Normally pretty easy except just as I'm about to enter the area it pops up with "A territory battle is underway in Shibuya Station" and there are about a thousand fucking lions and tigers going at it across the whole area. They didn't even attack me, I lost the entire troop to a couple of random miss-swipes from the melee as I was trying to dash round the edges of it.

I'm looking forward to the patch for remote play on Vita coming out so I can devote a bit more time to this as despite being an evil, evil game, I love it. The fucking Tosa chapter of story mode where you have to kill a crocodile, tiger and apparently a thousand chimps with no checkpoint was a bitch but so satisfying once you beat it.

Old Oct 17, 2012, 01:51 PM #16 of 28
Oh my god the fucking chimps. First time I did that I took on the croc boss and his minions. Got killed. Tried it again and figured out how to beat him without taking too much damage. I figure it should be easy enough to take on the chimps next. Fucking WRONG. Holy shit not only are there a crazy crapton of them but they're all Wolverine now. I got my ass handed to me. The next time I went straight for the chimps and split them up into groups. I still got overwhelmed but it proved a good strategy. Did it again and managed to separate enough of them and then I went up into the roof top and one shotted the boss. Then I decided well as long as that's done I might as well check out the tiger boss. No joke - one shotted him. Of all the bosses he turned out to be the easiest. Then I just repeated my strategy on the crocs and mission complete. The bear is such a bro.

And yeah, sometimes weird events crop up at shitty times like that. The game sometimes will try its hardest to fuck you over. Oh I need to do something really simple and easy in this section. AN ANCIENT EVIL HAS AWAKENED. ALSO DEADLY TOXINS. AND ALL YOUR BITCHES WILL BE RIDDEN WITH FLEAS.

Most amazing jew boots
I'm just informing you

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Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss
Motherfucking Chocobo

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Old Oct 17, 2012, 03:33 PM Local time: Oct 17, 2012, 09:33 PM #17 of 28
I was a little surprised that a Tosa can take down a tiger in a clean kill myself, the tiger is a monumental pussy compared to the others. The croc isn't too bad if you just dodge and counter a lot or even better, run up the stairs and bitch slap him in the face from just out of reach. The way I got the chimps was edging towards them then trying to draw off a couple at a time from the bottom of the building then once most were dead, heading up and clean killing the boss. To be honest though, on one attempt I got killed by the cats on the way to the croc, there aren't many safe bet fights in the game.

Jam it back in, in the dark.
Old Oct 17, 2012, 04:07 PM #18 of 28
Haha yeah those fucking cats with hard hats. They never killed me but if I wasn't paying attention they did a number on my health. Thankfully there is no time so I just chomped on down and healed up before moving to the crocs. The beagle beat your bro in marking territory chapter was pretty intense. I had cheetas and hyenas chasing me most of the time. If there's one thing the game is good at is making you learn your map and making the best of it.

There's nowhere I can't reach.
I'm just informing you

Member 11

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Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss
Motherfucking Chocobo

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Old Oct 18, 2012, 03:58 PM Local time: Oct 18, 2012, 09:58 PM #19 of 28
Once I figured the best route, you can do that Beagle one with nothing more dangerous than a fight with three hyenas by the second checkpoint. Go right from the start, swerve the boar then there's nothing really dangerous until the game forces you to fight the hyenas. If you go left from the third checkpoint going clockwise there's very little to avoid and certainly no cheetahs, plus there's no time limit for getting back after you get the checkpoints so you can take your time.

I'm currently stuck on the second hyena stealth mission, trying to sneak through the sewer past the Beagles. I can get about halfway easily enough then there's a section where you have to time your moves past a bunch moving around and I can't seem to get it right. To be fair I only tried about three times so far though.

This thing is sticky, and I don't like it. I don't appreciate it.
Old Oct 18, 2012, 09:38 PM #20 of 28
Oh pro-tip: you can attract beagles to sometimes do stupid shit by pressing R3 - you know the analog click thingy? It'll make your animal bark/growl/bleat to raise attention. I've heard of people using it on that mission to attract dumbass beagles to move towards you without jumping causing them to fall down into the alligator pit causing a massive shitstorm where they don't pay attention to you at all because the crocs are in a feeding frenzie and all the beagles go to defend their bros. That mission was pretty frustrating but I eventually got through it. I must have failed like 10 times plus.

I am a dolphin, do you want me on your body?
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Holy Chocobo

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Old Oct 19, 2012, 07:21 PM #21 of 28
I was doing a pomeranian survival run and got to the rank A challenges, all I had to do was eat 2000 more Kcals to get the rank A challenges. In yoyogi under, and clipped through the floor. Currently floating in air, starving, with nothing around me.

How ya doing, buddy?
Old Oct 20, 2012, 02:46 AM #22 of 28
Oh man, I have heard about people encountering clipping bugs but I've played the game a ton and haven't experienced it myself. Sorry that happened to you, Radez. What part of the cave system did that happen at? The entrance or deep in the caves?

What kind of toxic man-thing is happening now?
I'm just informing you

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Holy Chocobo

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Old Oct 20, 2012, 10:11 AM #23 of 28
I think it was pretty near to the surface. There was a tunnel that hooked right, and as I was running down it, I kind of ran through the left wall at the bend and fell off the map.

Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss
Motherfucking Chocobo

Member 589

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Mar 2006

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Old Oct 24, 2012, 01:30 PM Local time: Oct 24, 2012, 07:30 PM #24 of 28
Finally finished Metal Gear Beagle after about 20 tries, using the barking idea really helps with the last one in the sewer then it's dead simple after that. Also finally unlocked the Tosa as a retriever although I lasted all of 20 seconds after the boss died due to upsetting quite a lot of lions. Anyone heard anything about a remote play update? Much as I'm enjoying playing Ico on my Vita, I'd love to get this on there.

What, you don't want my bikini-clad body?
Old Oct 24, 2012, 02:37 PM #25 of 28
Is remote play even available in Japan for the game yet? I have no idea how Sony rolls out that feature but I'd imagine Japan would probably get it first so hey if it's out there then I guess you can look forward to it. I haven't really heard much about it otherwise. Not that I have a vita or anything so whatevs.

Anyway, if you don't check Radez' journal apparently he is the Great Pomeranian Overlord managing to best us all by surviving 100 years and completing all challenges to get a most smashing tuxedo. His Pomeranian power levels are MAXIMUM.

Jam it back in, in the dark.
I'm just informing you

Member 11

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tokyo jungle

Exploding Garrmondo Weiner Interactive Swiss Army Penis > Garrmondo Entertainment > Video Gaming > [PS3] Tokyo Jungle - Can a baby chick really take on a hippo?

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