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[360] Halo Reach: Ghosts of GFF
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Old Mar 19, 2010, 06:41 AM #26 of 1108
There is never a time when Mo0 isn't thinking about cake.

There's nowhere I can't reach.

#654: Braixen
Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss
Motherfucking Chocobo

Member 589

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Mar 2006

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Old Mar 19, 2010, 08:08 PM Local time: Mar 20, 2010, 02:08 AM #27 of 1108
So the new system either means I'll get credit for being the only person on a lot of big team matches who's actually capturing flags and shit or I'll find it even harder to get beyond level 10, seeing as how I'm essentially shit at Halo.

Either way, avoiding teams full of no nonsense general types can only be a good thing.

This thing is sticky, and I don't like it. I don't appreciate it.
Mountain Chocobo

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Old Mar 21, 2010, 01:54 PM #28 of 1108
Another huge update, sorry it's kind of a mess, I'll work on cleaning it up later. Big items are no more push to talk in any playlist, special kinds of banhammers for people who quit and "mute bans", and Arena has no visible leaderboards/EXP/Rank, just a numerical rating based on relatively how well you're doing within your division.

Most amazing jew boots
Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss
Motherfucking Chocobo

Member 589

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Mar 2006

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Old Mar 22, 2010, 02:12 PM Local time: Mar 22, 2010, 08:12 PM #29 of 1108
I think they should only allow rage-quitters to play other rage-quitters and apply auto-overshields and shit to the losing team in order to ensure that nearly every match ends in a draw.

I'm either getting better at Halo or all the decent players have stopped playing it, I did quite well in a few matches the other night including one big-team slayer match where we won by 25 kills with only three players on our team.

I'm not sure about the point of banning no-mics from games. Literally nobody uses mics in Halo except for screamy kids these days. I generally mute anyone with a mic symbol straight from the pre-game lobby.

I was speaking idiomatically.
Mountain Chocobo

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Mar 2006

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Old Mar 22, 2010, 06:50 PM #30 of 1108
If you're referring to the "mute ban" they mentioned, I read that as being that people who are somehow marked or reported for constantly being abusive will have it made so no one can hear them talk.

What kind of toxic man-thing is happening now?
Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss
Motherfucking Chocobo

Member 589

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Mar 2006

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Old Mar 23, 2010, 06:39 AM Local time: Mar 23, 2010, 12:39 PM #31 of 1108
Oh I see. I thought you meant that you could specify to only allow people with a mic into a game because silent players are annoying. To be fair, banning people without mics would be a good feature in games like Rainbow Six, but the opposite is certainly true in Halo.

I'd like to see a feature in Halo where you can specify an age range of players to play against. Either that or a range of geographical lobbies like you used to get in Burnout so you could mainly play against people from your own countries, both for lag reasons and because no offence to most of you guys but I find playing against or with random Brits far more enjoyable than random Americans (Although those of you here I play with aren't exactly random Americans). Given the likely online population in a new Halo game, I think they can afford to introduce more filter options for who you play with online without making it impossible to ever find a match.

Mountain Chocobo

Member 204

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Mar 2006

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Old Mar 23, 2010, 09:18 AM #32 of 1108
Oh I see. I thought you meant that you could specify to only allow people with a mic into a game because silent players are annoying. To be fair, banning people without mics would be a good feature in games like Rainbow Six, but the opposite is certainly true in Halo.

I'd like to see a feature in Halo where you can specify an age range of players to play against. Either that or a range of geographical lobbies like you used to get in Burnout so you could mainly play against people from your own countries, both for lag reasons and because no offence to most of you guys but I find playing against or with random Brits far more enjoyable than random Americans (Although those of you here I play with aren't exactly random Americans). Given the likely online population in a new Halo game, I think they can afford to introduce more filter options for who you play with online without making it impossible to ever find a match.
Uh, there is a region selector (as detailed in the OP) along with some other social criteria you can set, no age one though.

What, you don't want my bikini-clad body?
Mountain Chocobo

Member 204

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Mar 2006

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Old Mar 25, 2010, 06:56 PM #33 of 1108
Bit too tired to update and overhaul the OP at the moment, but they revealed the "Player Investment" system today:

Bungie Reveals Halo: Reach's All-Encompassing Player Investment System -

Basically you earn credits (TOTALLY NOT XP) by doing stuff and completing matches (which should additionally help deter quitters) that you use to buy purely cosmetic stuff which keeps the playing field level. There are also Challenges that will be rotated in both daily and weekly that you can earn extra credits by completing.

Most amazing jew boots
Mountain Chocobo

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Mar 2006

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Old Mar 25, 2010, 08:37 PM #34 of 1108

Some of us are silent because we don't want to deal with the bullshit that is Xbox Live

There's nowhere I can't reach.
Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss
Motherfucking Chocobo

Member 589

Level 64.55

Mar 2006

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Old Mar 26, 2010, 07:24 AM Local time: Mar 26, 2010, 01:24 PM #35 of 1108
I hope the challenges whatever they are are in their own playlist to keep weird boosting behaviour out of matches. Nothing used to ruin a game of Battlefield 2 more than having half your team trying to get the medic medal by running into barbed wire over and over and healing their friends. Unless the challenges are helpful things like "Cover a flag carrier all the way back to the base without shooting him so you can score the points" or "Get in a Warthog and wait for two other people to get in before driving off in it" or even "Stay near the base to defend it on single flag games rather than running halfway across the map to grab a sniper rifle you'll never get to use because the other team already grabbed the flag when they rushed the lone guy defending and are now halfway back in their Warthog".

Not that I'm bitter or anything, although I played with some real twats yesterday.

This thing is sticky, and I don't like it. I don't appreciate it.
Mountain Chocobo

Member 204

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Mar 2006

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Old Mar 28, 2010, 05:04 PM #36 of 1108
Added to the OP some new info from the Bungie Weekly update. Relevant additions:

-Your Rank is global based on all game modes multiplayer and campaign. Rank as it was in Halo 3 is gone, and EXP at both global and playlist levels is completely gone. Your rank increases as you gain credits (but it's not made clear if earning credits is specifically how your rank increases).

-As you progress through your commendations you'll earn credits at certain milestones.

-Getting Achievements (in Halo Reach) will also give you credits.

-In the beta you will be able to customize your helmet, left/right shoulders and chest. There will be additional pieces you can customize in the full game.

-"It won't be possible to unlock everything in the first week. In addition to systemic measures that will keep this in check, there will be some pretty neat gating factors that will require a collective effort to open."

Q. Man, I can see it now. I’m going to run into players who want to do nothing but farm for Credits, Challenges, and Commendations. How are you going to stop people from boosting and ruining games for other people?

A. It's admittedly dangerous to introduce lists of suggested activities to a playerbase, or offer particular rewards that will net them more value for their time. We're being extremely careful in selecting actions that can result in Credits.

For example: A "bad" Commendation, would be one that requires a player to use a single weapon.

* Pea Shootin' - Kill a player with the Plasma Pistol in Matchmaking [requires Plasma Pistol]

The outcome of a Commendation like this should be apparent - a bunch of folks running around Matchmaking betraying each other for the Plasma pistol.

A more appropriate Commendation would be one that buckets multiple relevant sandbox weapons into a category and increments each time a kill is registered with any weapon in that bucket.

* Precision - Kill a Player with a Precision-class weapon [requires DMR, Needle Rifle or Sniper Rifle]

Another way we're going to be addressing "boosting" is by throttling the amount of Credits that can be earned for incrementing Commendations. Players will earn Credits for every headshot, up until a certain point, at which they'll no longer receive per-action Credits for that Commendation. This will hopefully allow the true purpose of Commendations - to accurately reflect player archetypes to shine through.

Many players will end up min/maxing their Commendation Credits trying to get all of the available Credits out of a given Commendation before moving on to the next one. We expect this. We also expect that only a true Wheelman will reach the Onyx Milestone - because at a certain point, he's driving because he loves it, because it's the part of Halo he enjoys, not because it's the best way to farm Credits.

I am a dolphin, do you want me on your body?
Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss
Motherfucking Chocobo

Member 589

Level 64.55

Mar 2006

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Old Mar 29, 2010, 05:47 AM Local time: Mar 29, 2010, 11:47 AM #37 of 1108
Yay about getting credits for being a driver, driving Warthogs is one of the things I'm actually not bad at in Halo and I'll get behind the wheel of a Hog or on a Mongoose every chance I get.

I was speaking idiomatically.
Flipping cups since 2014

Member 423

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Old Mar 29, 2010, 11:29 AM Local time: Mar 29, 2010, 04:29 PM #38 of 1108
Yay about getting credits for being a driver, driving Warthogs is one of the things I'm actually not bad at in Halo and I'll get behind the wheel of a Hog or on a Mongoose every chance I get.
Likewise. There was numerous times in Halo 3 when I'd spend ages on a hog with russ or someone on the gunner seat racking up points. I didn't mind because I enjoyed it so much, but being rewarded for that (a bit like how you get in Battlefield) is great news.

Most amazing jew boots

Member 104

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Mar 2006

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Old Mar 29, 2010, 11:36 AM 1 #39 of 1108
The real question is: Will we get rewards for driving our teammates off the cliff like one of us always ends up doing when we get bored?


#654: Braixen
Mountain Chocobo

Member 204

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Mar 2006

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Old Mar 31, 2010, 10:14 PM #40 of 1108
Another large update with specifics on Loadouts, and some new weapons and gameplay changes. New info below (and in OP):

Combat/Gameplay and differences

-Excluding Sniper Rifle rounds, you can no longer do damage "through shields," the shield has to be completely gone before you do health damage. So things like doing a melee attack or point-blank shotgunning someone who is at 5% shields will no longer result in instant death.

-Assassinations can be done so long as you are at least at a 120 degree angle from the opponent's front. The 3rd person animation does leave both you and the opponent vulnerable.

NEW - Focus Rifle - Covenant "Sniper slot" weapon. Appears to be a beam-type weapon a la sentinel laser (?) but more powerful; it kills after being on an emeny after about a second and a half. Considered a "power weapon" so will not be in common loadoats or common on the map. Bungie has said they are still tuning it, and will be watching it closely in the Beta.

NEW - Plasma Launcher - Covenant take on the Rocket Launcher and Spartan Laser rolled into one; primarily anti-vehicle but works on infantry was well. Charges and fires 4 plasma rounds that track vehicles/enemies. Once the rounds "stick" to the target slight delay before exploding.

NEW - Grenade Launcher - Considered a Spartan take on the Plasma pistol. Has two modes of fire, just hitting the trigger will cause the round to detonate on impact (auto), or you can hold the trigger and it will detonate when you release it (manual), allowing you to do things like set traps, or aim specifically at mid-air targets and detonate at will. Not considered a "power" weapon.

NEW - Plasma Repeater - Covenant take on the Assualt Rifle. Works on a heat/cooldown system like the Plasma Rifle, but instead of ceasing fire when it "overheats" like the Plasma Rifle, the Plasma Repeater's rate of fire will slow. You can manually partially or completely vent it at will, and you can take other actions such as throwing a grenade or melee while it's venting. Considered a jack of all trades mid-range weapon.

NEW - DMR (designated marksman rifle) - Medium to long range weapon, similar to the BR (which is not in Reach) but single-shot. The DMR will require more precision than the BR (which was removed for balance issues, Bungie wanted to remove the "one gun to rule them all"), especially since there is "less luck" involved than with the BR due to the lack of burst fire.

NEW - Needle Rifle - A mix of a Carbine and Needler, excels at mid to long range; accurate enough to score headshots, but a super-combine Needle explosion can still be triggered as well a la the Needler.

-SMG & BR are gone

-Spartan Laser is back and basically unchanged, does now hold 4 shots versus 5 in Halo 3.

-Shotgun is back; only fires inside the crosshair now, and it's blast/projectile radius is a little tighter (requires a bit more aiming) but the range on it is slightly longer as well.

-Plasma Pistol is back, and it's overcharge shot now has a "slight area of effect" EMP burst, so you can potentially pop several shields at once, etc.

-Magnum is back, and supposedly "an effective secondary weapon", especially with headshots.

-Sniper Rifle, Gravity Hammer, Energy Sword, Rocket Launcher and Assault Rifle all confirmed returning.

-Beta will include "revamped" but still the same functionally Warthog, Scorpion, Wraith, Ghost and Banshee. New vehicles will be in the full game such as the Falcon, but Beta will only have returning vehicles, no new ones.

-"Load-outs let players pick from a set of weapons and armor abilities, suited to their play style, which they’ll get access to when they spawn. For example, the “Airborne” load-out includes the jetpack, assault rifle, and magnum. The available load-out options will vary depending on which gametype is being played. In matchmaking this is something Bungie will configure but in custom games, players will be able to define their own load-out options.

Think about load-outs as kind of a “dynamic class” system. We liked some of the elements you get with a class, but we’re not changing your base model or locking you into that choice. You drop in with your preferred play style, but if you decide your chosen load-out isn’t working, the next time you spawn you can select something different."

-Available Load-outs vary from gametype in Matchmaking to story reasons in Campaign; no Load-outs need to be unlocked first.

-Armor Ability: Armor Lock - Kind of like a personal bubbleshield, with drawbacks; when you engage Armor Lock, you become temporarily invincible, but you cannot move, aim, or shoot. You can do this up to 3 times on one charge, or you can hold one sustained lock for a few seconds. There is a knockback and EMP component as well; if you do the single Armor Lock it has a small effect, but if you do the full charge it has a much larger knockback and EMP blast which is also very effective on vehicles. Also if you have Needles or Sticky grenades on you when you do Armor Lock it WILL blow them off you.

-Armor Ability: Jetpack - Will be in the Beta. Fairly self-explanatory. Can fire multiple short bursts or one long burst.

-Armor Ability: Sprint - Also self-explanatory.

-Armor Ability: Evade - Elite only, the "roll" move seen in the trailer. If you have been "locked on" this will break that lock-on.

-Armor Ability: Active Camo - Self-explanatory. The slower you're moving while it's active, the slower it drains the charge, while moving faster will cause it to drain faster as well as make you more visible. It will also jam nearby enemy radar when active.

What, you don't want my bikini-clad body?
Mountain Chocobo

Member 204

Level 28.55

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 1, 2010, 10:50 PM 2 #41 of 1108
April 1, 1990 --> April 1, 2010
Three Albums Came Out Today

Album Info: Takeda Shingen (NES)
Catalog Number: CA-4706 (CD)

Download: Takeda Shingen (CA-4706).rar


Album Info: Ultraman Series (NES)
Catalog Number: POCH-2001 (CD)

Download: I don't have this one, if anyone else does: post it up.


Album Info: Cyber Cross (PC-Engine)
Catalog Number: POCH-2002 (CD)

Download: Cyber Cross (POCH-2002).rar


Jam it back in, in the dark.

Member 104

Level 55.36

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 2, 2010, 12:03 PM #42 of 1108
lmao Daravon. So what was the real update you were going to post?

(Game sounds more appealing by the minute, May can't get here fast enough)

There's nowhere I can't reach.

#654: Braixen
Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss
Motherfucking Chocobo

Member 589

Level 64.55

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 2, 2010, 01:54 PM Local time: Apr 2, 2010, 07:54 PM #43 of 1108
So it looks like they've "borrowed" a few ideas here and there, mainly the Battlefield-esque kit selection on a respawn. Not that that's a bad thing by any means of course, being able to pick a different set-up suitable to beat what just killed you when you pop back in is a great thing.

I'm not convinced how useful a temporary invulnerability is that doesn't let you move at all, except of course for returning flags and planting bombs, where I guess it'll become essential to an extent, or at least popular. I imagine that the instant the Armour Lock wears off you'll get head-shotted though.

How ya doing, buddy?
Mountain Chocobo

Member 204

Level 28.55

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 2, 2010, 06:26 PM #44 of 1108
I could see the Armor Lock being super useful if you're about to get lasered, or you've been stuck, or something like that. Regarding the getting headshotted when it wears off, they said they're specifically still tweaking it, and that scenario is actually exactly why they added the knockback effect to it, so you just don't immediately get assassinated or whatnot. We'll have to see how it actually works though. They've been very upfront about how this is an actual BETA that they'll be pulling info from for release, not just a demo.

Actual update was a pretty good Bungie April Fools ViDoc on Reach, worth watching if you haven't seen it.

YouTube Video

I am a dolphin, do you want me on your body?
Grub Killer

Member 737

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Mar 2006

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Old Apr 2, 2010, 08:24 PM Local time: Apr 2, 2010, 05:24 PM #45 of 1108
Too bad it's just an April Fool's joke. It seems like it'd be pretty cool.

I was speaking idiomatically.
Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss
Motherfucking Chocobo

Member 589

Level 64.55

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 3, 2010, 05:07 AM Local time: Apr 3, 2010, 11:07 AM #46 of 1108
It wouldn't surprise me if it did make it into the final game somewhere.

What kind of toxic man-thing is happening now?
Mountain Chocobo

Member 204

Level 28.55

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 10, 2010, 08:39 PM #47 of 1108
I figured this was relevant and probably not thread-worthy though:

One Final Hump is All That Remains

All good things come to an end and Halo 2’s days are now numbered. If you haven’t yet heard, Xbox LIVE support for Xbox Originals will be a thing of the past on April 15th, 2010. Sad times, but we’re planning on sending our baby out with a bang.

And we want you to be there for the explosive finale.

On the eve of Halo 2’s sunset, April 14th, Bungie will be heading back into Halo 2 in full force for one last Humpday against our beloved, BXR-abusing community. And we fully expect to get our asses royally kicked by the robotic techno-wunderkinds who have made Halo 2 their online home these last five years.

If you’ve yet to come to grips with a world without Halo 2 over Xbox LIVE, make sure you get out all of your frustrations by collectively teabagging our flailing dead corpses. We won’t even demand that you to rinse out your sweaty codpieces first.

As thanks for throwing down, we’re committed to granting everyone who plays with us on the 14th a piece of visual flair for use in Halo: Reach multiplayer as a symbol of our gratitude. We’ll also be collecting a plethora of relevant stats and gifting plenty of other sweet prizes for players who take the time to throw down with us.

So, see you there (be gentle), and if it’s been a while since you’ve played Halo 2, or you’ve recently switched consoles or gamertags, make sure you fire up Halo 2 before you’re ready to play so you can re-download the title updates and free map packs you need to make the most of it. We’re hearing the full process takes a while and we wouldn’t want you stuck downloading while the rest of us are having fun.
As far as I can tell you don't have to actually play against the Bungie guys to get the Reach Emblem, they'll be giving it to everyone who plays the game that day. If anyone else is down I'll be playing. They're definitely not kidding about getting the map packs beforehand though, I'm downloading the map packs now and they're slow as fucking hell to download and apparently people are having to re-download them sometimes because it gets corrupted partway through.

Say what you will about Halo 2, booting it up has made me nostalgic, and although I'm sure the gameplay doesn't hold up at all, I still do miss some of the maps. If you somehow still have a copy of this and want something for yourself in Reach be sure to hop on Wednesday!

There was also some Reach updates last week with details on some of the beta maps and weapons, but nothing too earth-shattering, I'll get that in there sometime later.

Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss
Motherfucking Chocobo

Member 589

Level 64.55

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 12, 2010, 03:42 AM Local time: Apr 12, 2010, 09:42 AM #48 of 1108
I'm definitely up for some Halo 2, I'll re-install all the shit later today.

Edit: Holy shit these maps download slowly.

What, you don't want my bikini-clad body?

Last edited by Fluffykitten McGrundlepuss; Apr 12, 2010 at 05:00 AM.

Member 104

Level 55.36

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 12, 2010, 05:10 AM #49 of 1108
Lol those maps. I WOULD play but I probably won't be around for much of Wednesday.

If I catch you guys while I'm up then maybe.

Jam it back in, in the dark.

#654: Braixen
Mountain Chocobo

Member 204

Level 28.55

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 14, 2010, 03:26 PM #50 of 1108
I'll be on in a little bit, and will probably be on through when the servers go down (in about 10 1/2 hours from now).

Time to finish the fight. AGAIN.

There's nowhere I can't reach.

fucking armor lock, halo, halo reach

Exploding Garrmondo Weiner Interactive Swiss Army Penis > Garrmondo Entertainment > Video Gaming > [360] Halo Reach: Ghosts of GFF

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