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[General Discussion] Anime and Manga Recommendations
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Carob Nut

Member 962

Level 4.12

Mar 2006

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Old Dec 27, 2007, 01:09 PM Local time: Dec 27, 2007, 01:09 PM #76 of 87
It might be worth taking a look at Seirei no Moribito. The action is extremely brilliant with a well-developed cast of characters and a rather serious plot. It also helps that the lead, a spearwoman named Balsa, is an extremely strong character and that the story doesn't feel contrived. The brilliantly-done animation and artwork as well as the soundtrack helps draw you into the setting and the story. If you're looking for a well-written story, I'd have to toss Seirei no Moribito your way for you to give it a shot. It easily gets my vote for the best fantasy series of 2007.

Thread here.
[/end shameless thread promotion]
Agh, late reply... sorry. Looks like just what I was looking for much thanks to you!!

But err... any fansub group reccomended? It's just that I have only been able to find torrents of it in french

I am a dolphin, do you want me on your body?

Last edited by Grievous; Dec 27, 2007 at 02:34 PM.
Baked Pussy

Member 27551

Level 3.31

Jan 2008

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Old Jan 3, 2008, 10:25 AM Local time: Jan 3, 2008, 10:25 PM #77 of 87
X (the movie)
it's anime

genre - It think it would be classified as action and gory flick.
about - The story takes place in 1999, the Year of Destiny, and the beginning of the end of the world. The future of the universe rests on one young man, Kamui Shiro, who must destroy either the Dragons of Earth or the Dragons of Heaven - two opposing armies. He alone must decide whether humanity should be destroyed to create a purified universe, or whether it should be protected to preserve civilization. Two oracles, the sisters Hinoto and Kanoe foresee the coming of the Dragons and predict opposite outcomes. Each sister gathers strength and ammunition to insure her own vision for the future. However, neither sister realizes that there is one man who has an even greater power than the Dragons, and that ultimately he will determine the fate of the earth. Which sister will prevail and how does Kamui fit into their struggle? The answer to this question will forever affect humanity.

voice our thoughts - This is an intriguing anime. It should be in everyone's collection. It may start slow at first but it's very in depth and complex, but as the movie goes on, it has an amazing story line that is a jaw dropper.

our rating - 75%/100%

Based on appearances alone, X/1999 would seem to be a promising anime. However, this film really drops the ball and never lives up to the quality of the animation. There really are not too many positive things to say except that it's easy on the eyes.

I was speaking idiomatically.

Last edited by Baked Pussy; Jan 3, 2008 at 10:29 AM. Reason: added images of the anime
Gold Chocobo

Member 1189

Level 30.45

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 22, 2008, 01:57 PM Local time: Apr 22, 2008, 01:57 PM #78 of 87
Gonna throw in a manga recommendation. I've got a ton to add, but I won't do them all today. Maybe one a day or so. First off...

Chun Rhang Yhur Jhun

Holy shit, say that three times fast. No images since I can't find any decent ones, and they're all a fair bit large. Google Image search or visit the publisher's website for images, which I'd recommend because the art is nothing short of spectacular. Anyway ~

Publisher: Infinity Studios Infinity Studios
Length: Currently up to Volume 5 out of 10, I believe.

CRYJ, as I'll refer to it from now on, is an amazing manhwa drawn and written by Sung-Woo Park, who also has a sequel to this called NOW, which has actually been available longer, if I'm not mistaken. Might be more accurate to call CRYJ a prequel to NOW. Anywho, CRYJ is the story of a young man called O'Rhang Yhun sets out on a journey to find his sah-hyung (something of a "brother" who's been training alongside him) who left mysteriously. It's an incredible manhwa that adds a political, dramatic flare to a heavy-on-action story. This is a series about a powerful, highly sought after martial art, so if martial arts, action manga/manhwa aren't your thing, then you've read far enough.

If you're still interested, CRYJ, as I said, combines the martial arts action with a bit of romance, politically motivated drama, and well-developed characters to give you a real sense of what's going on. It's a constant thrill to read each volume over and over again.

It doesn't help that the volumes themselves are fantastic. Each comes with a colored cover sleeve and inside each volume is a really cool colored, folded print of one or two of the characters. It's a very nice touch that makes this set stand out from the usual manga collection, besides the fact that they also stand nearly an inch taller than typical volumes.

To keep this short and sweet, CRYJ is an excellent manhwa. It's only downside is the lack of volumes out there right now, and since it's a short series the volumes aren't released too often. But they're great to read more than once, which helps to some degree. Volume 5 was released recently and mine should arrive this week.

Gonna go ahead and move into another one that I touched on already...


That's not my declaration of action, but rather the title to the sequel of CRYJ. NOW, which as far as I know doesn't stand for anything, takes place after CRYJ, but not too far since the protagonists from CRYJ are present in NOW.

The main character here is Bi Ryu, a disciple of the same martial art that O'Rhang uses in CRYJ; a fighting style known as Sa Shin Mu. It's infamously well-known due to its extreme killing power, and many fighters have come after the manual that Bi Ryu protects; a manual that will unlock the secrets of Sa Shin Mu.

In the first volume, we're introduced to Bi Ryu, Ah Rin (one of two daughters of the protagonists from CRYJ, which for spoiler reasons I won't mention names), and Cho Ryung, a strange girl who sits and moves on all fours. As you might guess, the three of them decide to set out on a journey that they all just happen to be going the same direction, and thus the story begins.

Again, it's also published by Infinity Studios, and this is where things for this particular manhwa start to turn sour. This series was published a while back, but the previous published dropped it for unknown reasons and since then, Infinity's picked it up and has re-released volumes 1 through 3 in paperback form, again with a nice colored dust sleeve much like CRYJ. It gets a little strange after that. Follow me here for a sec --

Volume 6 was Infinity's first volume of NOW they published but...
...they went back to re-release 1 through 5, because the original prints were mostly out of stock...
...however, they've decided, as of Volume 4, to release as (!)e-books of all damn things.

There's no telling what will happen with Volume 7; whether they'll stick with physical paperback releases or e-books, but I only hope they choose paperback. So far, this e-book crap hasn't hit CRYJ, but it has hit NOW and another series published by them I like a lot, called Zero: Beginning of the Coffin.

I still highly recommend NOW, and if you don't mind the e-book stuff, definitely give it a read.

What kind of toxic man-thing is happening now?

Reading --
Bleach, Claymore, Chun Rhang Yhur Jhun, NOW,
Zero: Beginning of the Coffin, Black God,
Twelve Kingdoms (novels), History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi
Watching --
Playing --
Fable II, Valkyria Chronicles, Guitar Hero: World Tour,
Star Ocean: First Departure, LittleBigPlanet,
MegaMan 9, Mirror's Edge
Hippos and Gelatin

Member 1354

Level 22.29

Mar 2006

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Old Jun 1, 2008, 03:04 AM Local time: Jun 1, 2008, 03:04 AM #79 of 87
Woah, it's been quite some time. Anyways, I updated the index but left out the shorter posts that were more "just throwing it out there" recommendations/follow-ups rather than reviews. (Yeah, I do realize the title thread does say "recommendations." ='D)

So I might as well throw in a review for Gankutsuou!

(DVD 1 of 6) This is pretty much the style of art you'll be seeing in the series

Gankutsuou: The Count of Monte Cristo
Type: Anime
Genre: Drama, suspense, revenge, romance
Length: 24 episodes
Setting: Sci-Fi kinda...horses, carriages, swords, and grand balls plus spaceships. But mostly France.

(Click here for the ANN page.)

Basically, the story is based off the novel, The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas, but the directors definitely took many liberties with interpretation and artistic representation. But this aside, the anime follows the story of Albert, an innocent aristocrat, who meets a mysteriously fascinating traveler--the Count of Monte Cristo. Unbeknownst to Albert is the Count's quickly unfolding scheme of vengeance, which will soon change the lives of Paris' most renowned aristocrats as families are destroyed and lovers torn apart.
Throughout the series, the story touches upon many common themes. For example, what justification is there for revenge? How far is too far? Does cruelty and love come from the same source?

My Thoughts
Visuals: 10/10
First off, one of the most striking and unique aspects of Gankutsuou is the art. I'm not even going to explain it. Just look at the screenshots; they'll speak for themselves. The cover art for the DVDs (like the one at the top of this post) is entirely accurate to what's actually in the series. =D At first, I wasn't particularly fond of the busy layers and general "chaos," if you will. However, I soon came to appreciate the art, which was much more interesting to look at than pretty much any other series I've seen. There's never a boring frame with a plain background and just a mouth moving. Rich details and layers upon layers of art really do complement the story, which is as deep and complicated (well, if you can really say that, since the Count's intentions are pretty clear from the start) as the plot. Just try watching this on your TV in a dark room. I highly encourage it. ^_~ Simply gorgeous, rich, and vibrant. The DVD art is also to die for. Argh! I almost forgot to mention the random CG scenes. Yes, there are random 3-D CG scenes. They're pretty neat, and they really do wonders in some of the battle scenes.

Music: 9/10
Honestly, I heard the music before I even bought the series. In fact, I only bought the series after hearing the music, which prompted me to read up on the anime. Basically, the composer really captured the mood quite well. Epic. Dark. Parisian. Great stuff. The opening theme especially captured my attention with its gorgeous melody and restless feel. And then there's that one ZOMG EPICNESS piece--you'll know it when you hear it. ='D

OST Cover

Plot: 9/10
Hey. It's interesting. Yeah, I knew the Count reeaallly wanted revenge from the start, but the unfolding of events was so skilfully directed that I couldn't even complain if I wanted to. The pacing is just right, and the story really does keep your interest. The themes aren't too bad either. Pride, greed, etc. clash head-on in the conclusion of the series without being overly preachy or cheesy, which is really awesome. And then there's the whole idea of revenge and all the burdens that come with it. Gankutsuou takes an interesting point of view on this topic and fairly illustrates its consequences from all angles.

Unfortunately, this anime starts out a bit slow--especially the first episode, so don't let that discourage you!

Voices! J: 7.8/10 E: 8/10
So each episode in the Japanese version starts with a quick prologue-ish type thing in FRENCH, which is quite a neat touch. *tips hat* The English dub doesn't have the French, but this isn't too much of a problem, despite the fact that I really did like the French. From there, the Japanese voice actors did a pretty good job, so I can't quite complain. Strangely enough, though, I felt that the English voice actor for the count did a better job. There was a turning point somewhere in the series where I actually enjoyed the English dub more than the Japanese one, but honestly speaking, the Japanese VAs were better in the first part of the series. After a while, I guess the English ones stepped it up a notch. AND the maybe-cheesy expressions actually worked, since most of the speech was EXTREMELY formal, considering the fact that the story does focus on aristocrats. And the last episode was tooons better in English. I watched both several times, and I found that I felt more towards the English than the Japanese. But watch it yourself and decide. But yeah. Back to the Japanese VAs...nothing spectacular, but good. =]

Characters: 8/10
With almost any series, you get some of those characters that you just can't stand. In Gankutsuou's case, the main character, Albert, is one of these GRRR people. He's hard-headed, naive, and, at times, unrealistic in his obsession with the count. Regardless, if Albert were any different, the series wouldn't be as good as it is. Aside from Albert, the rest of the characters are pretty well-rounded and agreeable. Good character depth, realism, and development are definitely a plus here. The Count definitely steals the show.

Overall Score: 9.5/10
Go watch it! Don't let the first few episodes turn you away!!! This really is a GORGEOUS, moving series, although it is a bit dark. No episodes are wasted on filler garbage, since this series screams quality from the start. And do yourself a favor and stay away from Youtube/Veoh--try to find the DVDs and watch it on a TV in order to get the full experience. Seriously, this was money well-spent.
Hey, Gankutsuou won some anime of the year award or something. Good choice =] It's a shame that Gankutsuou isn't as well-known as it should be, but then again, I can't stand rabid fanbases.


Last edited by elwe; Jun 1, 2008 at 03:15 AM. Reason: Piccys
Hippos and Gelatin

Member 1354

Level 22.29

Mar 2006

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Old Jun 6, 2008, 03:12 PM Local time: Jun 6, 2008, 03:12 PM #80 of 87
Saiunkoku Monogatari: Season One
Type: Anime
Genre: Romance, comedy, shoujo, drama
Length: 39 Episodes
Setting: Past, Chinese-ish influence

So basically, take Twelve Kingdoms, slow it down some, add some bishounen fanservice, take out some of the epicness, and you have Saiunkoku Monogatari. Essentially, you have a tale focusing on the struggles of a stubborn female in a political world dominated by men and the various guys interested in this young lady. In terms of plot, I guess Saiunkoku has some pretty interesting points, especially near the end, but for the most part, there's nothing epic that hooks you in. And each episode moves rather slowly, consisting of various pan ups and silent scenes. Also, while there are swordfights in the series, don't expect too much. There's not much movement to look at in the series as a whole. As for the art style, which utilized a lot of pastel-themed colors, I wasn't particularly impressed, although I can see why the fangirls are squealing over the male leads. The characters, also stereotypical, still manage to be charming, and my favorite, surprisingly, is the villain, who, despite his perverse and twisted ways, somehow elicited quite a bit of sympathy from me by the end of the series.

So from what I'm saying, it really does seem like Saiunkoku is pretty bad. On the contrary, it's actually not. I guess you could call it a guilty pleasure type of series that you just watch and enjoy and then forget about. So if you're bored, you just might find some charm in Saiunkoku, or at least the male leads. I'm not going to lie. By the end of the series, I was going crazy waiting for season two. At least Saiunkoku really picked up near the end, so meh~

Overall: 6/10.
Good if you don't have anything else to watch, but nothing too memorable. Light, but a bit slow.

What, you don't want my bikini-clad body?

Last edited by elwe; Jun 6, 2008 at 03:19 PM.
Hmmm ... ramen ... shrimp ... shrimp ramen with lime is the best!!

Member 32169

Level 2.25

Nov 2008

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Old Nov 11, 2008, 12:18 PM #81 of 87
Cool Shion no Ou, Ghost Hunt, Skip Beat!, Piano no Mori

Well, nobody has recommended these series.

Title: Shion no Ou
Type: Anime, Manga (just know it exist. Have no info)
Length: 22 episodes
Genre: Drama, sport, crime
Setting: Today japan.

The story is following a 12 years old girl genius in shogi. Her parents was murdered as she was 4 and the case was never solved. However, the detective in charge did not give up even if the chance of solving it is very slim.

The story line is just like day to day drama. You'd think you know who the murderer on episode 1-3 or the motive. But it would not be until the 20th episode, that it will become clear, who the real murderer is.

Animation is okay. Not realy consistent (Studio Deen), but since there are no action, it is okay. It is the story itself that just lull you suddenly to episode 22. ^_^

In a way it is like Hikaru no Go, but with more story in it.

It may not strike many people fancy, but it is a gem in its own.


Destiny in piano solo is a good song. (It is the one that they played when they tell you who the sponsor of this anime).
Destiny in orchestra is another animal. ^_^

Tons of pretty background. OP (Lady Luck) is a rock song. Like the beginning, hate the chorus. However, ED (My best friend) is great. Can not get it out from my head.

Animation: 7/10
Music: 10/10
Enjoyment: 10

Title: Ghost Hunt
Type: Anime, Manga
Length: 25 episodes, manga: there has been conflicting information about this. US is only to book 8. I heard rumors in Japan there is a 11th book and that the author might continue to write this manga.
Genre: drama, supernatural.
Setting: Today japan

This is about a supernatural research. A narcissist Naru and a clueless, supernatural bait Mai and their gang, consist of a priest, a monk, a miko, a doll like medium, a non talking giant secretary and a know it all sarcastic student with a mask of an old wise salary man. Very enjoyable. Very funny. Sometime very scary.

There is a side story in this drama, however there is no conclusion in anime. I think it concludes in book 11th, which not being included in the anime. Why? I don't know.

First case is the most boring. Other cases are interesting, but 'Silent Christmas' episode and the mansion (not the inn near the seaside) episode are greatest.

Great music. All intrumental. Silent Christmas is the greatest though.

Animation: 7/10
Music: 10/10
Enjoyment: 10/10

Title: Skip Beat!
Type: Anime, Manga
Length: 26, but so far there is only 6 episodes in fansub and there are 15 books in US.
Genre: Drama
Setting: Today japan

The main character is Mogami Kyoko. A girl who was used by her childhood friend. She snapped after she found out and this is the story about the new and "improved" Kyoko. Hint the "improved" part. It is soooo funny.
I have to say, japanese writer know how to make a new twist of an old story to make it very enjoyable. hahahhaha.
However I do not like the voice actress of Kyoko.

Can not say a lot about this series. Don't like the OP. Too normal. ED is interesting. Background can not say much about it yet.

Animation: 7/10
Music: 6/10 might change later on
Enjoyment: 10/10

Title: Piano no Mori
Type: Anime
Length: one movie (1 hour 43 minutes)
Setting: Modern Japan
Genre: Drama, piano

The story is about a boy who came from the family full with accomplised pianists and a boy who just loved to play piano.
I can not say more to this, otherwise I would spoiled the story. However, it is very funny. Especially with those "Mozarts" and the "Bathroom Princess" and "Wendy". ^_^

Animation" 8/10. I don not like the way they drew the people, but the background is great.
Music: 10/10. A lot of classical music, especially from Mozart. But the piece I love are the ones that Ichinose played. Good ED. I don't think there is OP.
enjoyment: 10/10

Jam it back in, in the dark.

Last edited by liemtenshi; Dec 3, 2008 at 08:24 PM. Reason: adding some info

Member 770

Level 34.03

Mar 2006

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Old Feb 17, 2009, 12:28 AM Local time: Feb 17, 2009, 12:28 AM #82 of 87
I've been looking for more anime lately that has a serious tone to it. I can't stand chibi art style or when series waver between serious and silly; I crave consistency.

I recently finished Claymore, and I enjoyed it, as well as things like Berserk, Ghost in the Shell SAC, Serei No Moribito, and Record of Lodoss War, but I've been having trouble finding more fantasy/sci-fi series that don't go the humor route.

I have Twelve Kingdoms and Ergo Proxy lined up, but is there anything else I should be looking at? (Space opera is okay, but it all seems so cliche at this point.) Basilisk, possibly, Ghost Hunt, or I could give Monster another shot. Anything I'm missing?

There's nowhere I can't reach.
Gold Chocobo

Member 1189

Level 30.45

Mar 2006

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Old Feb 17, 2009, 10:16 AM Local time: Feb 17, 2009, 10:16 AM #83 of 87
Utawarerumono has a strange ending, but everything leading up to it is really, really good. Fate/Stay Night's also really good for a fantasy kick with lots of action and a little humor, but only to break up the seriousness a bit.

If you want something along the lines of a martial arts anime, Shura no Toki's not awful.

This thing is sticky, and I don't like it. I don't appreciate it.

Reading --
Bleach, Claymore, Chun Rhang Yhur Jhun, NOW,
Zero: Beginning of the Coffin, Black God,
Twelve Kingdoms (novels), History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi
Watching --
Playing --
Fable II, Valkyria Chronicles, Guitar Hero: World Tour,
Star Ocean: First Departure, LittleBigPlanet,
MegaMan 9, Mirror's Edge

Member 27697

Level 10.88

Jan 2008

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Old Feb 17, 2009, 11:14 AM Local time: Feb 17, 2009, 10:14 AM #84 of 87
I've been looking for more anime lately that has a serious tone to it. I can't stand chibi art style or when series waver between serious and silly; I crave consistency.

I recently finished Claymore, and I enjoyed it, as well as things like Berserk, Ghost in the Shell SAC, Serei No Moribito, and Record of Lodoss War, but I've been having trouble finding more fantasy/sci-fi series that don't go the humor route.

I have Twelve Kingdoms and Ergo Proxy lined up, but is there anything else I should be looking at? (Space opera is okay, but it all seems so cliche at this point.) Basilisk, possibly, Ghost Hunt, or I could give Monster another shot. Anything I'm missing?
You might want to give Dennou Coil a look if you haven't already. Aside from that I really haven't been able to find many enjoyable fantasy/sci-fi anime these last few years.

On a side note I guess I will recommend some manga since I'm mostly reading stuff now as opposed to watching it.

Ongoing Series:
  • Skip Beat! (10/10)
    Kyoko Mogami is the childhood friend of superstar Sho Fuwa. Kyoko was so deeply in love with Sho that she followed him to the city on his quest to become a famous singer. But she soon realizes Sho was only using her as his personal maid to take care of household chores and pay for rent. Heart-broken, Kyoko won't suffer in silence--she's going to get her sweet revenge by beating Sho in show biz!

    A funny and entertaining romance story of an "diamond in the rough" trying to find her place in showbiz, and the mysterious pasts of the people around her.
  • Yotsubato! (10/10)
    Yotsuba, a green-haired and wide-eyed girl who doesn't have a clue...about anything! With no knowledge of the world around her, and an unnatural fear of air conditioners, Yotsuba has her new neighbors' heads spinning.
  • Boku to Kanojo no XXX (9/10)
    Rude girl and effeminate boy switch bodies and find that it might be a better fit for both of them. Lots of crazy comedy. Nanako Momoi is the belle of high school... as long as she stays quiet. Once she shows her true self, guys' dreams are shattered for she is a true tomboy. Akira Uehara has the looks and brains, but, unfortunately, his personality is so dull it overcasts a shadow, and nobody notices him. One day, Nanako's grandfather comes up with a crazy invention, and Nanako and Akira trade personalities! She's him, and he's her!
  • Girl Friends (9/10)
    Akko and Mari are best friends, but what if one of them discovers that her feelings are more than that of just girl friends?
  • Karakuri Odetto (9/10)
    Odette is an android designed by Dr. Yoshizawa. Wanting to find the ultimate difference between humans and her, Odette decides to persuade Dr. Yoshizawa to enroll her in a local high school. Follow Odette's adventures, as she ventures through high school, in search of the true meaning of being a human!
  • Marugoto Anju Gakuen (9/10)
    Kaguya is a boy in an all-girl's school for demons [fox spirit, succubus, werewolf, etc]. Being the only human was bad enough, but the added risk of his manhood being discovered makes for silly and unbelievable (yet deliciously envious) situations.
  • Strawberry Shake (9/10)
    Slapstick yuri romance comedy running in Yuri Hime magazine; an experienced idol taking in new talent as part of her job, but ending falling head over heel for the younger girl. It's hillarious and cute.

Completed Series:
  • Cat Street (10/10)
    The story centers around Keito Aoyama, a former famous child actor. Due to a childhood incident, she retired from her career early and withdrew from normal society. Now 16, she passes her days in boredom and without purpose. But one day she runs into a stranger who takes her to El Liston--a free school for high school students like herself, who don't have a place where they belong. Though hesitant at first, Keito decides to enter El Liston and subsequently, she begins a new stage in her life. With the help of her only remaining childhood friend, Taiyou, and her new classmates Rei, Momiji, and Kouichi, Keito slowly finds the courage to open up to others and to accept their support. Will Keito return to acting? Will she find true friends? Love?
  • Magical x Miracle (9/10)
    Merleawe has left her hometown and moved to the capital city of Viegald to attend wizarding school. On her way to her first day of school, she bumps into a man who kidnaps her and takes her to the castle, where she is charged with an awesome task—impersonating the kingdom’s master wizard! Fearing war would break out if it was known the master wizard, Sylthfarn, was missing, Sylthfarn’s inner circle has decided someone must pretend to be him. Merleawe tells them that she will take the job!

    But not only does she lack the ability to cast more than simple magic, she also has no idea who the master wizard was! Unraveling the twisted threads of Sylthfarn’s disappearance and keeping up the appearances of both master wizard and first year wizarding student makes Merleawe’s every day challenging, magical and amazing!
  • Gacha Gacha - Capsule (9/10)
    Lately, Kouhei can't get his friend Kurara out of his mind. Even though he has known her since elementary school, all of a sudden, ever since she came back from summer vacation, he has been crushing on her... hard.

    But something is different about Kurara--she's acting very oddly. Sometimes she seems wholesome, pure, and innocent, and at other times she is extremely forward and unabashed. Kouhei soon learns that Kurara has multiple personalities--and decides to help her keep her secret from their classmates. But Kouhei finds himself struggling between helping Kurara as a friend and trying to win her heart... which is a challenge, since she has many!

I am a dolphin, do you want me on your body?
Valar Dohaeris

Member 30

Level 41.66

Mar 2006

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Old Apr 6, 2009, 09:17 AM Local time: Apr 6, 2009, 04:17 PM #85 of 87
Can we ask for JDramas advice in here ?

In case we can, what would you guys advice to someone who loved Nodame Cantabile, Densha Otoko, My Boss my Hero and Shikaotoko Aoniyoshi ?

Maybe it's just me, but I find those all have that little plus I just can't seem to find in any other drama, especially Shikaotoko Aoniyoshi ... Basically looking for someone who'd feel the same and know about similar ones.

Subjective I know, but hey let's try !

I was speaking idiomatically.

Member 8

Level 26.84

Feb 2006

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Old Apr 6, 2009, 06:32 PM Local time: Apr 6, 2009, 04:32 PM #86 of 87
If you liked My Boss My Hero, and specifically Tomoya Nagase's (Makio) performance, you should consider watching Tiger & Dragon.

The tale of Tiger & Dragon revolves around Rakugo, a traditional form of Japanese comedy that can look back on an impressive 400 year long history. Nagase portrays the Yakuza follower Toraji who goes to a Rakugo performer to collect debts, while Okada plays Ryuji a talented Rakugo player who wants to leave behind the old fashioned world of Rakugo for good. Shortly afterwards these two very different characters happen to cross paths through a girl named Megumi and that's when all the real trouble starts igniting...

It's very funny and very touching, and it's an excellent way to be introduced to Rakugo. This series pretty much swept the 45th television drama academy awards.

Another drama I watched recently that I really enjoyed is Kekkon Dekinai Otoko, or The Man Who Can't Get Married.

Shinsuke Kuwano, a successful architect at 40, enjoys living by himself. He doesn’t like people but somehow is able to design wonderful houses for them.

He has a routine of making himself a delicious dinner and then relaxing to classical music in his easy chair while pretending he is the conductor. One night, he plays the music loud enough to make his next door neighbor, Michiru Tamara knock on his door to complain. When Kuwano answers the door, he suffers a terrible stomach pain and collapses to the floor. Lucky for him, Michiru is nice enough to accompany him to the hospital, where he is treated by Dr. Natsumi Hayasake. He is really rude to Natsumi, but she is still determined to treat him.

Afterwards, Michiru and Natsumi become part of Kuwano’s life. They make friends with Kuwano’s colleagues Eiji and Maya Sawazaki. They all enjoy talking about how strange and eccentric Kuwano is. Is it possible that someone would ever want to marry him?

Like any good dramas, this one has plenty of moments that will make you want to laugh and cry. As a bonus, this series won a whole slew of awards at the 50th television drama academy awards, including best series, best actor, and best supporting actress.

After watching this series, I got rather interested in Hiroshi Abe (who plays Kuwano in Kekkon Dekinai Otoko) which led me to Hero:

Kohei Kuryu is a former juvenile delinquent who drops out of junior high and goes on to earn a high school equivalency diploma. After passing the law board exams, Kuryu becomes a prosecutor. Not your typical prosecutor, which is quickly seen through the clothes that he wears, Kuryu possesses quick instincts and a kind of cleverness that only someone raised on the streets could have.

Maiko Amamiya is a shrewd public prosecutor who has her eyes set on passing the exam to become a deputy prosecutor and tries her best to be noticed by her boss. Kuryu, on the other hand, after earning a reputation for doing top-notch work, is transferred to Amamiya's division, and finally opens his eyes to the possibility of promotion. Unfortunately, his unprecedented work behavior abruptly brings things to a halt.

Although earning a reputation as a bad apple, the influence from Kuryu's strong pursuit of justice slowly begins to change things around him. This drama is filled with it all; love, laughs and lots of emotion. -- Fuji TV

It takes a little while to get warmed up to the cast and feel of the show as there are quite a lot of actors, but once it gets going it's a truly interesting series. There's plenty of WHODUNIT detective work, some budding romance, and lots of laughs. Incidentally, this is the single most popular drama that ever aired in Japan, with a viewership rating of 34.03.

So, I guess I don't actually know that you will like these series. I watched most of those series you listed and enjoyed them, though, so I figure if we have similar tastes you might enjoy what I enjoyed as well.

What kind of toxic man-thing is happening now?
Valar Dohaeris

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Mar 2006

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Old Apr 7, 2009, 05:18 AM Local time: Apr 7, 2009, 12:18 PM #87 of 87
Watched a bit of those and they look much better than the ones I've been adviced so far. Tiger & Dragon doesn't have a complete French fansub yet (I'm watching those with non-english speaking people), so I'll start with Kekkon Dekinai Otoko.

Thanks sakasaka ~


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