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[Movie] "Villains" - Heroes Season 3 Thread
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Member 423

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Old Dec 11, 2008, 01:21 PM Local time: Dec 11, 2008, 06:21 PM #101 of 132
Fuller will join the writing staff starting with the 20th episode. I have high hopes for his input, but I'm also afraid that cleaning up the mess that Villains made won't be easy.
Yeah, I think undoing the current mess is going to be a big issue, not least of all because the current mess has changed its mind a whole bunch of times. I feels like they're entirely directionless and so just writing whatever nonsense comes into their heads each week. Which is a shame, because I loved the first season (along with many people) and even enjoyed the second series to a reasonable extent. Now I find myself having to build up motivation to watch the episodes, and this week annoyed the crap out of me with Hiro's storyline.

The problem, to me, is that they seem to be writing themselves into a bit of a corner, and the only way out will be to pull some massive 'reset everything' bullshit.

I was speaking idiomatically.
Wonderful Chocobo

Member 50

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Old Dec 11, 2008, 03:28 PM Local time: Dec 11, 2008, 10:28 PM 1 #102 of 132
But the sad part is that they are ruining every chance they had for a big reset. The eclipse would have been the perfect moment, everyone loses their power, everyone can take a fresh start, perhaps with new powers, and most importantly, they could have killed some characters. But after all the hype of the eclipse coming, NOTHING happened, it is without any significance, except for finding out Daphne can't walk, which isn't exactly what people were waiting for.

I actually liked most of the second season, there was consistency, you had an interesting character with Adam Monroe. Sure, character development wasn't handled well, some characters shouldn't have even been there from the start (Micah's family), but overall, everything seemed to fit together, which is something that is completely missing from Villains. Even Hiro isn't interesting anymore, the 9th Wonders thing is lame as hell (no one ever thought that there might have been more work from Mendez, which would have helped prevent a lot of events?). I understood that they didn't want to focus on it anymore, since it would ruin the plot, but to bring them back now is just cheap.

What kind of toxic man-thing is happening now?
Holy Chocobo

Member 22205

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Old Dec 11, 2008, 04:53 PM Local time: Dec 11, 2008, 02:53 PM #103 of 132
On 4thletter, there is always a constant argument against adhering heavily to continuity. Elaborate explanations to talk about why a character is no longer doing what they were doing 10-20 issues ago in a series. These explanations/stories do allow for a response broad changes to the status quo, but they also result in the kind of lame excuses you might have seen in this season of Heroes. A lot of folks like Green Lantern: Rebirth, a comic which resurrects and redeems the Silver Age Green Lantern known as Hal Jordan. It not only absolves him of wrong doing during the Parallax story arc, but says that Parallax was nothing more than a cosmic bug with evil mind control powers. In round about ways it also states that many things that Hal did didn't result in what was seen because Parallax did more stuff "Behind the scenes." In this way, Rebirth addresses continuity as well as ignores it. It's a huge elaborate story to say 2 things of substance: Hal Jordan is back and Hal Jordan is a good guy again.

If Fuller chooses to revert the story of Heroes back to Season 1 WITHOUT any explanation, I think that would be for the best. You probably shouldn't ask for one, you can, but think for a moment how lame and ridiculous the potential reasons for a reset sound in your head. Now think how lame and ridiculous a lot of this current season might seem to you. It'd be a legitimate way of saying "Hey guys, we fucked up, but THIS is what we meant to say."

I think a reset in this manner would be for the best. No one gives a shit about Season 2 or 3, so I think it would be cool if they allowed Fuller to go "whole hog" on a fix in this manner.

"Heroes is back to where you thought it was interesting. Heroes is something you should watch again."


Last edited by Rotorblade; Dec 11, 2008 at 05:00 PM.
Flipping cups since 2014

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Old Dec 11, 2008, 04:58 PM Local time: Dec 11, 2008, 09:58 PM #104 of 132
I think a reset in this manner would be for the best. No one gives a shit about Season 2 or 3, so I think it would be cool if they allowed Fuller to go "whole hog" on a fix in this manner.
I'm inclined to agree, but there's no way they'll let them do that.

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Holy Chocobo

Member 22205

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Apr 2007

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Old Dec 11, 2008, 05:02 PM Local time: Dec 11, 2008, 03:02 PM #105 of 132
Wouldn't it be great though? Obviously if it were actually encouraged, it'd potentially be better than 2-3 more episodes trying to explain in roundabout ways that "Hey, we had some REALLY terrible guys writing for us and the stuff they did doesn't count anymore!" But, on the real, yeah... no way it'd happen :sad:

It'd certainly be awesome to start back from the end of season 1. I want to put the idea out there just to get it percolating in some folk's heads, then it'll be something maybe they will start to expect.

Jam it back in, in the dark.

Last edited by Rotorblade; Dec 11, 2008 at 05:24 PM.
Wonderful Chocobo

Member 50

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Old Dec 11, 2008, 05:41 PM Local time: Dec 12, 2008, 12:41 AM #106 of 132
I don't think that a full reset would be a good solution, since the risk of just repeating a lot of the same mistakes is too great, and there are some good things to come out of the last two seasons (I liked Benett's development, Angela Petrella is getting even better imo). The problem with a full reset is that there will inevitably be a loss of originality, even know they are introducing a lot of characters which are no different, who don't have any surprises, so I think that creativity will be an even bigger problem with resetting the show.

You should also remember that most of the next chapter has already been set in stone, Fuller will only be able to contribute to the latter half, so he'll have to work with whatever the previous writers came up with. Even though I think that Fuller is the best asset to get this show back on track, I think we should also consider that he'll be part of a team, that has shown a lot of mistakes over the past season, mistakes that can't be blamed on the fired writers alone.

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Grundlefield Earth
I'm sorry buddy!

Member 65

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Old Dec 11, 2008, 05:51 PM Local time: Dec 11, 2008, 05:51 PM #107 of 132
I didn't read any of this thread since I am in the middle of season 2. However, my brother has said season 3 has been dissapointing, however, I heard John Glover will be coming to Heroes, which is great news. John Glover to Join NBC's HEROES

This guy is a fantastic actor, but then again if the writing is the problem this season, he can only do so much. Then again Smallville's writing was often very mediocre and he was great regardless. Good to see him joining the already terrific cast.

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Holy Chocobo

Member 22205

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Old Dec 11, 2008, 05:59 PM Local time: Dec 11, 2008, 03:59 PM #108 of 132
You're right, Peter. A full reset would confuse audiences, be they casual or super nerd. That decision would end up tearing the show asunder. They COULD do it, but there's your point. I believe this to be a technicality of viewer perception more than a statement that the idea itself doesn't make for a better story. But, hands down, you're right about the result for the product/show.

That said, I'll just explain my viewpoint from here instead:

I saw Fuller's influence as the reason these mistakes didn't occur so frequently in the previous season. I was on again/off again with the show when I heard that Jeph Loeb was one of the many Executive Producers involved, because a lot of the plot developments reeked of stuff he wanted to do in comics. If you read anything he's involved in now, it's like he's taking what he didn't get to do on Heroes and putting it in those comics. Ugly stuff. However, you're right in that television shows are not done by one person, they require a team of people. Still, that influence was indeed poisonous.

I realize it'd be pretty lame to cut and run, I said something similar in another thread so I do agree with the sentiment of that point. However, I feel there's an exception to be made since there was clearly a theme and feel to the show that was in Season 1 that is all but abandoned rather than expanded on in Seasons 2 and 3. What originality would be lost with going back to Season 1, though? What they've done with Season 2 and 3 hasn't been original so much as high concept.

I know it isn't going to happen, though I would disagree that a reset without explanation would ruin much of anything.

Viewers should just hope for the best now that Fuller is back. The show has done a great job of ruining things by way of previous staff and efforts, I think Fuller's experience would alleviate that rather than cause it to become cyclical. I don't see anything all that interesting in Seasons 2/3, since I actually read comics and ripping off those comics doesn't strike me as interesting in the slightest. They ended up expanding on all the bad ideas present in Season 1. It seems very unfortunate, though this assumes that my view of the show is 100% how things are and I admittedly only liked the show in the first place because of Fuller's touches here and there.

I am a dolphin, do you want me on your body?

Last edited by Rotorblade; Dec 11, 2008 at 06:16 PM.
Sousuke was not.

Member 1133

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Old Dec 14, 2008, 05:08 PM #109 of 132
So... Did I miss something? At the beginning of the episode, Matt, Daphne, and Ando seemed to teleport to the shop-like place in New York looking for the sketchbook. What exactly happened there?

I was speaking idiomatically.
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Grub Killer

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Old Dec 14, 2008, 06:07 PM Local time: Dec 14, 2008, 03:07 PM #110 of 132
Daphne was holding on to them when they got there, so I just assumed that she dragged them there.

How ya doing, buddy?
Good Chocobo

Member 9333

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Old Dec 15, 2008, 04:09 AM #111 of 132
Yeah, pretty sure Ando made some kind of comment about how it was worse or better than Hiro's teleportation. Can't really recall, but she got them there.

I apologize for nothing!

Member 353

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Old Dec 17, 2008, 11:57 PM #112 of 132
So I stopped watching for awhile after a particularly horrible episode and "missed" Heroes the last few times it came on. I just watched the most recent airing and it didn't seem as bad as the rest of the season has been.

On the other hand, it just undid everything in the season in its entirety.

One thing which appeared to be a contradiction to me was Ando's power not really doing anything on its own. Didn't he dominate future Hiro with it when Hiro checked out the future?

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Member 1794

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Old Dec 18, 2008, 06:53 AM Local time: Dec 18, 2008, 10:53 PM #113 of 132
So I stopped watching for awhile after a particularly horrible episode and "missed" Heroes the last few times it came on. I just watched the most recent airing and it didn't seem as bad as the rest of the season has been.

On the other hand, it just undid everything in the season in its entirety.

One thing which appeared to be a contradiction to me was Ando's power not really doing anything on its own. Didn't he dominate future Hiro with it when Hiro checked out the future?
Well, it was only one episode so perhaps they didn't show the full extent Ando's newfound powers. In terms of the future Hiro saw, maybe Ando amplified Hiro's power so much that he fainted. Or something. Bah, screw trying to explain Heroes ;__;

All in all, a decent episode considering the rest of the "Villains" chapter. Nathan's decision is something to look forward to, and with Fuller back in the writing team only good things can come out of it. Unless they bring in another turtle :/.

How ya doing, buddy?
Good Chocobo

Member 9333

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Old Dec 18, 2008, 09:30 AM #114 of 132
Keep in mind that was in the future, and the past and present had been messed around with considerably. For all we know the future was changed, and with that, Ando's powers. Or yeah, we just haven't seen the full scope of his power. But more likely everything was altered, since if I recall the future Hiro saw was full of people with powers and on the verge of complete destruction.

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Member 469

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Old Dec 18, 2008, 09:38 AM #115 of 132
it was a decent finale, not great, but good enough.

Nathan becoming the villain is somewhat predictable and obviously the formula gives someone new abilities and gives abilities back to those who lost it but now that its gone how will Hiro get his back? I'm guessing if Ando can supercharge abilities maybe he can supercharge a normal person enough to get his abilities back maybe? No actually that sounds stupid even for heroes >_>
I'm interested in seeing what Ando can trully do with his abilities though, if it's just a charge then that would be way to useless in his part. Talk about being a "supporting" character eh?
Also wonder how stupid they would be by just letting Syler stay in the ground like that, Noah is badass enough to cut his head off so why not?

This thing is sticky, and I don't like it. I don't appreciate it.

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Good Chocobo

Member 9333

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Old Dec 18, 2008, 09:54 AM #116 of 132
10 bucks says they'll find some extra formula hidden away and use it on Hiro. Or nemesis goes back in time to get another phial of formula.

I am a dolphin, do you want me on your body?
Grundlefield Earth
I'm sorry buddy!

Member 65

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Old Jan 8, 2009, 04:34 AM Local time: Jan 8, 2009, 04:34 AM #117 of 132
Very entertaining volume for sure, but definitely retarded all the same. The thing that pissed me off the most is them doing 180's on Nathans character way to many times to count. Possibly the best actor on the show and they are giving him shitty dialogue and fucking with his character.

Only looking forward to the Sylar's
dad storyline, since I am big fan of the actor

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Put Balls

Member 100

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Old Feb 3, 2009, 12:49 PM Local time: Feb 3, 2009, 07:49 PM #118 of 132
So Volume 4 started yesterday. I wouldn't really start a new thread, since it's still season 3. Even though the Nathan dude is what he is, these new settings made the episode interesting on many fronts. The end of the episode was great, but it could have been completely awesome if it was handled better.

I'm actually in an anticipating mood for the upcoming.

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The Year 20XX

Member 1977

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Old Feb 3, 2009, 01:18 PM Local time: Feb 3, 2009, 01:18 PM #119 of 132
Is this still considered season 3?

Whenever I would see a commercial for the upcoming 'volume', they would always say "The new season of Heroes begins Monday."

I guess I just simply don't remember there ever being 'volumes' in the show (although there probably was).


...aaaand a quick visit to Wikipedia clears everything right up:
# 1.1 Season One - Volume 1: Genesis
# 1.2 Season Two - Volume 2: Generations
# 1.3 Season Three
* 1.3.1 Volume 3: Villains
* 1.3.2 Volume 4: Fugitives
I guess volume 4 simply makes up the final 12 episodes of season 3. Weird.


Last edited by eprox1; Feb 3, 2009 at 01:22 PM.
Go-kart track, grocery store, those remote control boats...

Member 222

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Old Feb 3, 2009, 01:35 PM Local time: Feb 3, 2009, 12:35 PM #120 of 132
"Hey guys I'm a good guy."

"Uh but in the future you're a bad guy. I, like, saw it."

"No dude like for reals, I am good.

Lol jk I'm really bad."

Can they just introduce a plot/villian and deal with it, without flip-flopping existing characters every five episodes? Making good guys bad and bad guys good, and then the bad good guys good again and the good bad guys bad again every five seconds is not interesting, dramatic, smart, or entertaining. At the very least, pick something and stick with it.

Maybe they will let Nathan and his henchmen stay evil, without introducing a new, bigger evil that will require Nathan and his evil henchmen to turn into good guys and join up with the good guy Heroes to defeat. We all know that is what is going to happen.

What, you don't want my bikini-clad body?
I didn't say I wouldn't go fishin' with the man.
All I'm sayin' is, if he comes near me, I'll put him in the wall.
Grundlefield Earth
I'm sorry buddy!

Member 65

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Mar 2006

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Old Feb 3, 2009, 02:54 PM Local time: Feb 3, 2009, 02:54 PM #121 of 132
This last episode was bad. Show has written itself into major problems this season. They need Nathan off the show they ruined his character so much. And all that flip flopping and power switching has made the show impossible to follow.

Jam it back in, in the dark.
Bad and Evil

Member 57

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Mar 2006

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Old Feb 3, 2009, 03:52 PM #122 of 132
The new episode didn't even hold my full attention. I found myself surfing the web instead of focusing on what was happening--although I'm sure I didn't miss anything that I can't figure out on my own.

Kind of hoping it doesn't go with the obvious route in this, but I'm not getting my hopes up at all.

There's nowhere I can't reach.
Bad and Evil

Member 57

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Old Mar 4, 2009, 05:08 AM #123 of 132
So, I'm still watching--cause I lack anything else to do on my days off. Hobbies are freakin' expensive.

Anyway... Just finished watching episode 18.

Seriously. What the fuck was up with the lame-ass music montage/half fade deal around Sylar when he was at that diner? That was so lame I almost choked on my Honey Nut Cheerios I was eating.

Yeah, we get to see how he was given up. But come on. They could have left off the country song and the black and white scene happening to the left of his head. Honestly... GAWD!

This thing is sticky, and I don't like it. I don't appreciate it.

Member 438

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Old Mar 4, 2009, 04:42 PM Local time: Mar 4, 2009, 02:42 PM #124 of 132
So the puppet guy is back, right? Maybe I missed something, but didn't Sylar kill him back at primatech when they were set loose to slow Sylar down?

I am a dolphin, do you want me on your body?
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The Plane Is A Tiger
Time Traveling Consequences

Member 125

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Old Mar 4, 2009, 06:41 PM #125 of 132
Yeah, Puppet Guy is just randomly alive again, apparently. The sad thing is that was the least of the stupidity in this week's episode. Apparently Mohinder's legendary idiocy has spread to the entire cast except for Noah and Mrs. Bennet. Peter's plan to trade the best leverage he could possibly hope to get in exchange for one (and later two) people was probably the pinnacle, though Claire tripping over a trashcan or something and ruining her mom's diversion was close.

Somewhere this Rebel guy is banging his head against his desk, wondering why all of his pawns have to be such morons.

I was speaking idiomatically.

Exploding Garrmondo Weiner Interactive Swiss Army Penis > Garrmondo Entertainment > Media Centre > [Movie] "Villains" - Heroes Season 3 Thread

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