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[General Discussion] Games you consider "Perfect"?
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Member 31

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Mar 2006

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Old Dec 25, 2006, 04:46 AM #101 of 124
Originally Posted by Megavolt
Honestly, what inspired Yang to suddenly choose suicide for saving the party when he has a wife and country to consider? I never much bought the Cecil/Kain relationship either. I can't believe that Cecil would foolishly keep taking Kain back in after being betrayed not once, but twice. It was obvious that Kain was jealous of Cecil and Rosa's relationship and yet Cecil turns a blind eye to that. Kain is like the earliest form of the Square angsty villain and anti-hero, which wouldn't be handled right until Magus. And speaking of Rosa, that woman had the personality of a roof shingle. If not for being Cecil's girl, she'd contribute nothing to the story. That's why everyone likes Rydia whereas Rosa is just there.
How many times do I have to tell you people if you read FF4 close enough, you might understand that most of these actions did not mean immediate suicide. The characters themselves had no idea it would be suicide. They were only focused on saving the day by any means possible. Tellah was the only person who knew using meteo meant death. AND: If a person takes a huge risk for a noble cause it does not mean they aren't heroes for doing it and living.

Just because Blank was petrified in FF9 does not mean he is completely unrecoverable forever.

The only certain death was Tellah because he died before our eyes.

Yang's situation was explained when he said:
Yang: Sylph saved me when I was in trouble.

The twins' situation was explained when they said:
Porom: Our Elder removed our petrification.

And about what you said about Yang: He chose to save the day. Not chose blind death. Further, read:
Dr. Lugae: Ha ha ha! This Tower of Bab-il connects the ground and underground. Rubicant has already moved all the crystals to the upper world! And I shall annihilate the dwarves with my Super Cannon! Ha-hah-hah!
Rydia: Dwarves are in danger!
Yang: We must stop the Super Cannon!
Kain: We must destroy it!
Cecil: Yang!
Rosa: What are you doing?
Yang: I'll take care of this! Go on, escape!
Not only did you say he chose suicide, but you said "for saving the party". That's wrong. He meant to save the entire castle of dwarves..... which was the whole point of the super cannon being built.

Next, what you said about the relationship between Cecil & Kain:
Kain: Cecil! What have I done?
Cecil: Not your fault. You've been hypnotized.
Valvalis: Kain, you betrayed us!
Kain: I did not betray but came to my senses!
I mean... do you understand FF4 at all? Do you understand that Kain was taken over because he is a dark soul? Do you understand that Kain was on Mt. Ordeals during the ending sequences (with his helmet off) because he started a quest to rid of that dark side and to find out who he is?
Kain does not trade sides by his own will. With a clear mind, he is fully on Cecil's side. And what do you mean Kain was jealous of Cecil & Rosa?

Lastly, what you said about Rosa, I agree that she was not at all the best character of characters, but her role was needed because she was kidnapped. It added more drama to the story.

And, does this not at least add some characterization to her? ---
Cecil: Rosa and Rydia will get off here. The rest of us will go to the moon.
It's too risky. There is no guarantee of safe return this time.
Rosa: Cecil!
Rydia: What!?
Cecil: Come on. Get off the Big Whale.
(They head to the moon.
Rosa and Rydia have been hiding the entire journey. They pop out as Cecil is
about to disembark.)
Cecil: Get out of my way.
Rosa: No! I won't unless you take me with you.
Cecil: Don't be silly.
Rosa: I don't care how dangerous it will be! I don't care as long as I can be
with you!
Cecil: Rosa...
Kain: Take her, Cecil,
Edge: Come on, man!
Cecil: Okay, Rosa... Whatever happens... I'll protect you!

I was speaking idiomatically.

Member 1731

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Mar 2006

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Old Dec 25, 2006, 03:09 PM Local time: Dec 25, 2006, 02:09 PM #102 of 124
Read close enough? Everyone was going to die and Yang volunteers to take the brunt of the explosion while everyone else leaves and sad music plays. Of course it was going to be suicide. Same with Cid's suicide dive to blow a hole for the party to escape back into the upper world. He knew he wasn't coming back when he did it. Everybody thought those guys were dead for sure, which is why they're so surprised when they find them alive. Blank being petrified is different. He wasn't trying to sacrifice himself and being petrified isn't quite the same as getting killed. Plenty of times in RPGs we've had to revive petrified villagers, yes? And since you like quoting the script so much:

Cecil: Yang!

Rosa: What are you doing!?

Yang: Leave this to me! Go!

Rydia: No!

Cecil: It's gonna blow!

Yang: GO!

Yang forces Cecil's group out of the Super Cannon room.

Cecil: Yang!!

Yang: Cecil, everyone, I thank you.

Kain: Open the door!

Rydia: Yang!

Rosa: Please don't do this!

Yang: Tell my wife... ...I will always be with her.

Cecil: Yang!!!"

As for Kain being jealous of Rosa and Cecil, the game makes it obvious that he likes Rosa. That's why Kain has a "dark soul". Play the game again and watch Kain's reactions at certain points. Rosa notices his feelings at one point or another but Cecil pays them no mind. Kain is able to be controlled because he resents Cecil deep down. He shouldn't be a hero. A character with his issues wouldn't be a hero in any future FF game. They'd be a rival, like Seifer. Cecil should've seen this after being betrayed twice and told Kain to take a hike rather than put his entire group in jeopardy time and time again. Now maybe after the ending when Kain goes to try and find himself, then he could be a real hero, but only after ridding himself of his dark feelings. Here:

Rosa: Kain!?

Cecil: He's okay now. Tellah's Meteo broke Golbez's spell.

Kain: But I was still aware. Yet... Rosa...I wanted to keep you close
at any cost!

Rosa: Kain...

Kain: ...

Cecil: ...

And yes, I remember the part where they're going to take off to the moon and Cecil insists that they stay behind. It's so sudden and unexpected that he almost comes off as male chauvinist. Considering that Rydia saved them all before, you'd think that he'd see them as equals. Yes, he didn't want them harmed, but the way he did it definitely caught me by surprise. It wasn't consistent with his personality up to that point and he did it with the bluntness of a sledgehammer. Anyways, that doesn't add anything to Rosa's character.

And just for further proof that Kain wasn't hero material:

Kain: So this is the king's annihilate every summoner in this
village. ...I'm afraid we have to take care of her, too.

Cecil: WHAT!?

Kain: I know, but it's the king's orders.

Cecil: Kain! She's just a child!

Kain: You intend to defy the king?

Cecil: I refuse to continue this slaughter in the king's name!

Kain: Damn... I was afraid you'd say that. Well, I can't kill you, so I
might as well join you.


Kain: Opposing the mightiest kingdom in the land... We'll need allies
to survive. We have to rescue Rosa somehow, too.

Cecil: Thanks, Kain.

Kain: Save it. I'm not doing it for you.

What kind of toxic man-thing is happening now?
One to be born...

Member 31

Level 20.43

Mar 2006

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Old Dec 25, 2006, 04:49 PM #103 of 124
I see you have used a little different translation... the GBA one I believe?

I analyze FF4 personalities and storyline a little different in each of the versions.

To reply to the first point about Yang:
He didn't volunteer to purposely take the brunt of an explosion. He knew it was dangerous and he volunteered to destroy the super cannon. So, although you may think death is always a guaranteed thing in a room that is on fire, the fact is, there was not enough storyline written to explain what happened in the room. There was also not enough storyline to explain what happened to Cid after he fell. The main focus of the game stayed on Cecil. It still remains my favorite video game storyline of all time, even if I hereby concede those few lacks of explanation. But that is all I concede. That there was not enough information in a few parts of the game. But have you ever seen a movie or show in your life that explains every last comment and goes off on wild tangents to make sure to fill every back story possible? No. FF4 should have done a little more on those points that I concede. I will not agree that the actions of characters meant guaranteed death. There is minimal information to conclude their exact reasons for survival. So that means it is left to my imagination to figure why Yang survived. Perhaps Sylph was at the right place and time to save him. For Cid, perhaps the dwarves witnessed the situation and got to him in time.

As to this:
"Kain: But I was still aware. Yet... Rosa...I wanted to keep you close at any cost!"

I'm not 100% sure that he is attracted to Rosa because he said that. I have analyzed the comment "close" meaning "close by because deep down I didn't want you to be hurt". But I definitely know what you mean by your comment "watch Kain's reactions at certain points.".... sometimes he looks down at the ground during emotional scenes between Cecil and Rosa. But I really don't know what to say about it. It's definitely like watching a movie. FF4 is absolutely brilliant in how they do these things all the time.

Also, you said "He shouldn't be a hero." I never said Kain should be a hero. He wasn't one of the people that I thought should be one. Perhaps he helped to redeem himself by helping to defeat the primary enemy of the game.

Also, read:
"Kain: His majesty wanted to wipe out the Callers of this village and used us to do it."
Cecil: Forget it! Never again will I follow such an order!
Kain: Well, Cecil. I knew you'd say so. I won't let you do it alone.

We are arguing over two completely different versions of a storyline where they say different things during the same scene. This is why I like the FF2 USA best. I can forgive some bad grammar and at the same time have something much better than other versions.

Lastly, to the comments about Rosa & Rydia being told to stay behind: There is a difference between the danger they faced on Earth compared to the danger from the moon (in their minds). It could be a one way trip. Cecil loves Rosa enough that he would not want harm to come to her. And Rydia is obviously still young.

"Rosa: I don't care how dangerous it will be! I don't care as long as I can be with you!"
This line develops Rosa's character after Rydia and her hide during the trip. So Rosa is not like a roof shingle.


Last edited by Borg1982; Dec 25, 2006 at 06:57 PM.
...was there

Member 4377

Level 19.38

Mar 2006

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Old Dec 25, 2006, 04:51 PM #104 of 124
Originally Posted by Dayvon
Besides, this isn't a thread for logic arguments, this is a thread for celebrating and bragging up the games that you love, and trying to explain why to help others get as much enjoyment out of the game as you do. Is there something wrong with that?
In response...

Originally Posted by Please Read Before Posting Thread
2. Avoid creating threads of the “What is your favourite…” type if possible
Generally, very little discussion is promoted in these threads and were overdone to the extreme on the pre-wipe GFF. Because of this, when an obviously overdone thread is created it may be merged with an existing thread, or closed with a link to the other thread. Versus threads are also topics which lead nowhere.
Borg: You need to wake up, bro. I understand that FFIV is probably your favorite game, and in light of that it is easy for you to ignore the problems with it. But if you're going to not just ignore them, but also point them out, then you really can't be seen in a thread that should be discussing games without any flaws to speak of. As you said:

Originally Posted by Borg1982
I don't think it begins and ends with gameplay, if i were to create a perfect video game in my mind. It would be perfect in every last area. Period.
How can you follow that with things like:
Originally Posted by Borg1812
Graphics don't dictate which games are the best and not the best.
Originally Posted by Borg1492
To the second argument here: I could really care less what they call the bosses.
and expect to be taken seriously?

How can you call the script of a game in which every other sentence ends with an exclamation point perfect? (Oh I know what you're going to say. THE GAME IS DRIPPING WITH EMOTION THAT'S WHY THERE'S SO MANY EXCLAMATION POINTS.) What about a script that leaves out words that are sorely lacking for grammar's sake, and uses words that don't in any way fit in?
Cecil: We do not understand the meaning of taking crystals away from honest people.
King: Disobeying me?
Cecil: No, I don't.
Dayvon says there is nothing that could be added to FFIV to make it better. How about the words "are you" and "am not"?

Double Post:
Originally Posted by Borg1982
But have you ever seen a movie or show in your life that explains every last comment and goes off on wild tangents to make sure to fill every back story possible?
How about Star Wars, where the wild tangents they went off on ended up being 3 full length prequel movies?

What, you don't want my bikini-clad body?

Pokemon Diamond: 1547 1670 1982

Last edited by BurningRanger; Dec 25, 2006 at 05:12 PM. Reason: Automerged additional post.

Member 309

Level 24.31

Mar 2006

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Old Dec 25, 2006, 06:10 PM Local time: Dec 26, 2006, 12:10 AM #105 of 124
Chrono Trigger for the million reasons mentioned before.

Metal Slug 1.
No game has come close to the level of professionality in the level design, and the whole overall presentation of this game. Every area has an "optimal" route, every challenge you can face without getting scratched - once you figured them out. The graphics are gorgeous and the riffs in the music match the military theme and the pace of the game. The game is not plagued by the billion different vehicles and alternate routes the sequels leaned on. Every boss has a strict pattern and not randomized attacks which can be often impossible to avoid. It's a fast, 20 minute long adrenaline pumper, and once you learn the tricks and traps, its so much satisfying to beat a whole army with just one man.

Ikaruga is something where professional level design cannot apply (because otherwise it would surpass the aformentioned Metal Slug). Ikaruga is, ladies and gentleman, not a video game. Ikaruga is a form of art.
Ikaruga uses the simplest tricks to achieve its high value, and is a prime example on why the small things matter. It features the tinyest gameplay twist that I ever witnessed (the Polarity System), and it is combined with such an artistic, almost mathematical design (the combo system) that turns simple brainless shooting into a taxing mindgame. It relies on quick thinking like nothing before and nothing after, and without it you will see Ikaruga as a huge, mindless chaos. But there is an order in this chaos, and what an order it is: underneath the chaos, every level is logically, mechanically flawless. The level design is not just in order, it is plain perfect.
Ikaruga is extremely minimal, and focuses on gameplay. It focuses on gameplay so extremely much that you will find satisfaction just by watching superplay movies of the game. Thus, the game itself is really an artistic tool.
Ikaruga is so perfect that it exceeded the videogame genre itself.

Double Post:
Originally Posted by Soluzar
Super Mario World: Never had level-design in a 2D platformer been so complex, and yet so beautifully simple at the same time.

Yoshi's Island, also known as Super Mario World 2, has surpassed SMW in every possible way: more levels, more complexity, more diversity, better graphics & sound, and it's so much more fun.

Jam it back in, in the dark.

Last edited by evilboris; Dec 25, 2006 at 06:16 PM. Reason: Automerged additional post.
Golfdish from Hell
Screaming for Vengeance

Member 632

Level 40.53

Mar 2006

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Old Dec 25, 2006, 06:43 PM #106 of 124
Originally Posted by BurningRanger
In response...

Borg: You need to wake up, bro. I understand that FFIV is probably your favorite game, and in light of that it is easy for you to ignore the problems with it. But if you're going to not just ignore them, but also point them out, then you really can't be seen in a thread that should be discussing games without any flaws to speak of. As you said:

How can you follow that with things like:
and expect to be taken seriously?

How can you call the script of a game in which every other sentence ends with an exclamation point perfect? (Oh I know what you're going to say. THE GAME IS DRIPPING WITH EMOTION THAT'S WHY THERE'S SO MANY EXCLAMATION POINTS.) What about a script that leaves out words that are sorely lacking for grammar's sake, and uses words that don't in any way fit in?

Dayvon says there is nothing that could be added to FFIV to make it better. How about the words "are you" and "am not"?
Please learn the difference between nitpicking and criticizing. Anything can be nitpicked to death by any person at any time with minimal effort to try to force a point. If you want to use that logic, no game is perfect to you. It's not particularly hard to nitpick things to death. Even my favorite games, I can find plenty to nitpick on. RPG's are probably the easiest genre to find fault with because they have a lot more aspects than a straight action game or arcade game would. I haven't read one thing you've said about FFIV that would lessen my own enjoyment of it and that I wasn't aware of already (and I'm sure its' fans are well aware of). You say the battle system and the script have flaws...Compared to the majority of RPG's I play, I much prefer what FFIV offers in those two areas. Glitch? Don't trigger it and it isn't an issue. It's never been an issue with me. Graphics? They look fine to me, considering the system...Maybe you just expect something different. Taking hardware into account, I think FFIV looks better than FF7-9.

You've already proved FFIV isn't perfect to yourself. If you're going to "prove" FFIV isn't perfect to someone else, please do it in a convincing manner...That's a lot harder to do than nitpicking or "whining" about it.

There's nowhere I can't reach.
I'm taking over this town...
I'm screaming for vengenace...
I'm shouting at the devil...
I'm not dead and I'm not for sale...
Ain't lookin' for nothin' but a good time...
...was there

Member 4377

Level 19.38

Mar 2006

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Old Dec 25, 2006, 06:58 PM #107 of 124
Originally Posted by Dictionary definition of nitpick
To be concerned with or find fault with insignificant details.
I'd be nitpicking if I pointed out Symphony of the Night's poor writing, because not only is that game very minimally story-based, but the poor writing is only really evident in the game's introduction. I thought the rest of the game's dialogue wasn't that bad.

I'm not nitpicking here. FFIV, and by extension all of Final Fantasy, is based on story. I'd be nitpicking if there was one or two bad lines in the game. The script is caked in out-of-character deliveries, grammar mistakes, and idiomatic problems. You say it doesn't preclude your enjoyment of the game? Well earlier today I loaded up an old save file of mine from FFIV just out of boredom, and found this gem:

Swing your arms, from side to side - come on it's time to go, do the Meteo!

Honestly, can you tell me someone should be able to read that, and not find it humorous? Can you also tell me humor was the intended effect there? In the closing moments of the game?? If not, your "omg nitpicking" point is crushed.

Taking hardware into account, I think FFIV looks better than FF7-9.
I'm going to give you the opportunity to take that one back. FF7-9 were some of the best looking games on the PSX. FFIV used 16x16 character sprites, which weren't even extraordinary by NES game standards. You sure you wanna say that?

This thing is sticky, and I don't like it. I don't appreciate it.

Pokemon Diamond: 1547 1670 1982

Last edited by BurningRanger; Dec 25, 2006 at 07:32 PM.
Golfdish from Hell
Screaming for Vengeance

Member 632

Level 40.53

Mar 2006

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Old Dec 25, 2006, 07:16 PM #108 of 124
I see no problem with it...In the heat of battle, if someone had to say something really fast (no more than a sentence), I would expect to hear "Do the Meteo now!" (followed by "I'm ready!" from someone if that were the situation.

Regarding the script, I will agree that there are several spots in the original translation that are iffy, BUT (and be sure to include these next several statements if you choose to quote me) compared to plenty of RPG scripts that are completely in character and grammatically perfect, I prefer what FFIV has to offer because it's quick and to the point, not long-winded like so many recent RPG's are. Wild Arms 3 for example has a script that is close to being perfect, but it's so freaking boring to read (IMO, for any WA3 fans that happen to see this) and filled with so much useless garbage, it really doesn't matter if every grammatical structure is perfect, everything is totally in character and every "i" is dotted. It's like...Yeah, it's "perfect", but who cares? For all of the grammatical deficiencies in FFIV's first translation (and the PS1 version fixes much of them up anyway...Not sure about the GBA one), it does nothing to hinder my own enjoyment of the game. The storyline and characters manage to stand out where so many that are more technically sound don't, so really, that's where it ends up sounding like simple nitpicking to me.

(BTW, I tend to weigh gameplay and story equally in RPG's, including FF's...I don't think it has the most sophisticated battle engine around, but it somehow manages to provide some of the best boss fights I've seen in an RPG.)

I am a dolphin, do you want me on your body?
I'm taking over this town...
I'm screaming for vengenace...
I'm shouting at the devil...
I'm not dead and I'm not for sale...
Ain't lookin' for nothin' but a good time...

Last edited by Golfdish from Hell; Dec 25, 2006 at 07:25 PM.
One to be born...

Member 31

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Mar 2006

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Old Dec 25, 2006, 07:32 PM #109 of 124
I made my edit to my previous post. Read it Had to finish typing more after dinner. It's done now. This post will be to reply to Ranger....

Originally Posted by GoldfishX
Please learn the difference between nitpicking and criticizing. Anything can be nitpicked to death by any person at any time with minimal effort to try to force a point. If you want to use that logic, no game is perfect to you. It's not particularly hard to nitpick things to death. Even my favorite games, I can find plenty to nitpick on. RPG's are probably the easiest genre to find fault with because they have a lot more aspects than a straight action game or arcade game would. I haven't read one thing you've said about FFIV that would lessen my own enjoyment of it and that I wasn't aware of already (and I'm sure its' fans are well aware of). You say the battle system and the script have flaws...Compared to the majority of RPG's I play, I much prefer what FFIV offers in those two areas. Glitch? Don't trigger it and it isn't an issue. It's never been an issue with me. Graphics? They look fine to me, considering the system...Maybe you just expect something different. Taking hardware into account, I think FFIV looks better than FF7-9.

You've already proved FFIV isn't perfect to yourself. If you're going to "prove" FFIV isn't perfect to someone else, please do it in a convincing manner...That's a lot harder to do than nitpicking or "whining" about it.
Thank you for saving me some time to explain this to him. Mainly the nitpicking parts. I wonder how many minor flaws his favorite games have. Or he is too picky about calling something "perfect" that he has not ever done so in his life?

Also, when I speak of a perfect game, I want it to be flawless in these GENERAL areas:

The fun I get from gameplay.
The intensity I get from storylines.
Well-fit music for the scene or place.

Not: "Oh no! A misplaced pixel! Wrong grammar usage on a couple words!"

If you have read my previous post, you would see what they are trying to do to Kain's character compared to what is was in my favorite script. The remade scripts change far too much. I don't care if their sentences are structured well. I'm looking for an accurate-to-the-storyline script.

"Kain: Damn... I was afraid you'd say that. Well, I can't kill you, so I
might as well join you." <-- that is the most retarded thing I've ever read.

I would rather have this be said (similar to the SNES USA version, but I purposely made it grammatically worse to get my point across):

"Kain: Well Cecil, I knew youd say so. I wont let you do it alone."

"Cecil: We do not understand the meaning of taking crystals away from honest people.
King: Disobeying me?
Cecil: No, I don't.
King: We do know of your discontent, Cecil. If you cannot trust me, I can no
longer place the Red Wings in your command. You are dismissed from your post!"

Because I obviously love FF4 so much, I envisioned this as Cecil being interrupted by the King after he said "I don't." They should have added more periods to make it: "I don't..." So obviously when we watch movies, shows and video games we pretend the moment is real. So I had no choice but to pretend that it was an interruption because it's the only logical explanation.
PLEASE do not reply to this paragraph with 80 more grammar mistakes. Most of them are not important to me.

Next: About your Star Wars comment... What about when somebody is mentioned in Star Wars like a character that has not been seen. The movie will not take 100 hours to explain every moment of every sentence of every line or else you'd have a boring movie. But this argument is done because I already admitted that FF4 should have done a little more to explain a few side things. But the main plot & characterization is still perfect. The best I've seen in a game.

As to your most recent post with the Zemus screenshot in it: All I can say to try to wrap it up is that you are not willing to forgive anything that FF4 does wrong. You also do not come close to liking FF4 in general compared to some of us here. So why even talk about this game at all?

You don't see me going over any single one of the 1000 games I find crappy.

Perhaps you "called bullshit on me" in your first post because you were astounded by my pick of which version of FF4 was the best?

Well, it is as simple as: Two of them botch some of the characters & emotion of the game to me and the other retains it. It all comes down to my preference. What does it matter to anyone else but me?

Goldfish: Fully agreed with your post above this one.

I was speaking idiomatically.
Golfdish from Hell
Screaming for Vengeance

Member 632

Level 40.53

Mar 2006

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Old Dec 25, 2006, 07:44 PM #110 of 124
Just to be clear: I'm not picking one side over another, I just think "perfect" is much more abstract and personal than finding a handful of things to dwell over that aren't as good as they could be. This thread becomes silly then, since nearly every pick here, I could find various reasons why certain games aren't "perfect", but really don't care to (no, not even the person who said Chrono Cross).

What kind of toxic man-thing is happening now?
I'm taking over this town...
I'm screaming for vengenace...
I'm shouting at the devil...
I'm not dead and I'm not for sale...
Ain't lookin' for nothin' but a good time...
Rising Above The Rest

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Old Dec 25, 2006, 08:27 PM Local time: Dec 25, 2006, 07:27 PM #111 of 124
Originally Posted by GoldfishX
Just to be clear: I'm not picking one side over another, I just think "perfect" is much more abstract and personal than finding a handful of things to dwell over that aren't as good as they could be. This thread becomes silly then, since nearly every pick here, I could find various reasons why certain games aren't "perfect", but really don't care to (no, not even the person who said Chrono Cross).

Let's let this FFIV discussion die because it's going nowhere, it's not productive, and it is counter-productive to the point of this thread, which incidentally is NOT a "favorites" thread. The point is games that you see as without flaw. It is opinionated, and everyone from Burning Ranger to Borg has to live with that. BR thinks FFIV shouldn't be listed, Borg (and I) think it does. End of discussion, because none is needed.

~ Ready To Strike ~
:Currently Playing: League Of Legends(PC), Skyrim(PC), Golden Sun: Lost Age(GBA), Twilight Princess(Wii), Portal2(PC), Dragon Warrior II(NES), Metroid Prime 2: Echoes(GC)
Hero of Twilight

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Old Feb 12, 2007, 05:34 PM 1 #112 of 124
I gave it some thought, and I'm ready to nominate a third game in my list of all-time "perfect" titles.

This was one of a few select cases where the extra development and delays actually helped the final product. I remember reading an early Play magazine review that claimed that this game enjoyed the ideas and efforts of every single person that worked on it. It's true. There are so many scenarios, action bits, enemies, and traps that you keep wondering if you've reached the climax of the story, but it turns out that you aren't even 1/4 done. For an action game, the length is very long, and there isn't a single dull moment.

In fact, I'll go so far as to use this game as the base for what I want to see in nearly every future next generation game; the aggresive enemies. These aren't slow moving zombies that want to take a few bites out of you, these are angry, pissed off locals that want you dead in the messiest way possible. They chase you in large numbers, they strategize, they scream spanish expletives, and they use whatever they can get their hands on to carve you into chunks.

And that's why this game has a different kind of fear that you don't see in Silent Hill; it's the fear of tension, the fear of an entire village waging war against one person, you.

I want to see this kind of adrenaline rush in all future games. Resident Evil 4 didn't just evolve "Survival Horror", it evolved the sheer realism and action in video games, period.

If I could list just one nagging criticism, it's the lack of being able to cycle through your weapons in realtime. If they fix that one little detail, then RE5 will be even better by default.

What, you don't want my bikini-clad body?
Shiny McShine
Well, heilo there!

Member 460

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Old Feb 14, 2007, 06:21 AM Local time: Feb 14, 2007, 04:21 AM #113 of 124
Sonic & Knuckles w/ Sonic 3, Toejam and Earl, the original Rayman for PSX (the 3d ones were horrible when being compared to it), and all the King's Quest games except for King's Quest III(Seriously, did they expect you just to fucking GUESS all those like, 15 line spells?).

I couldn't really tell you exactly why, these are just games I've played time and time again that never seem to get old or boring. And I guess that's why i consider them perfect.

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Old Feb 14, 2007, 07:17 AM Local time: Feb 14, 2007, 01:17 PM #114 of 124
Sonic & Knuckles w/ Sonic 3, Toejam and Earl, the original Rayman for PSX (the 3d ones were horrible when being compared to it), and all the King's Quest games except for King's Quest III(Seriously, did they expect you just to fucking GUESS all those like, 15 line spells?).
Copy protection, my man. And ehm, you consider KQ5 to be perfect?

How ya doing, buddy?

Anime lover, gamer, and dreamer
...was there

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Old Feb 14, 2007, 10:29 PM #115 of 124
I'd like to cast a vote for Ikaruga.

There's only 5 levels... but they are designed so amazingly well that you could spend your entire life just playing them over and over and trying to improve your performance, and it would not be a life wasted. Every enemy ship is immaculately placed and programmed... every boss battle meticulously balanced. There's so many "right" ways to handle most every situation in the game. It is a joy to play for both those who see it as a mindless shooter, and those who attempt to perfect themselves. I doubt any other game has ever come this close to flawlessness.

How ya doing, buddy?

Pokemon Diamond: 1547 1670 1982

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Old Mar 1, 2007, 01:30 PM Local time: Mar 1, 2007, 11:30 AM #116 of 124
Ikaruga is something where professional level design cannot apply (because otherwise it would surpass the aformentioned Metal Slug). Ikaruga is, ladies and gentleman, not a video game. Ikaruga is a form of art.
Ikaruga uses the simplest tricks to achieve its high value, and is a prime example on why the small things matter. It features the tinyest gameplay twist that I ever witnessed (the Polarity System), and it is combined with such an artistic, almost mathematical design (the combo system) that turns simple brainless shooting into a taxing mindgame. It relies on quick thinking like nothing before and nothing after, and without it you will see Ikaruga as a huge, mindless chaos. But there is an order in this chaos, and what an order it is: underneath the chaos, every level is logically, mechanically flawless. The level design is not just in order, it is plain perfect.
Ikaruga is extremely minimal, and focuses on gameplay. It focuses on gameplay so extremely much that you will find satisfaction just by watching superplay movies of the game. Thus, the game itself is really an artistic tool.
Ikaruga is so perfect that it exceeded the videogame genre itself.
Yes! Even though i have never played it long enough to get past level 3, i totally agree with you. This is like seriously the most amazing shooter that i have ever encountered.

But otherwise, Zone of the Enders the 2nd runner.

It was AWESOME! Aumaan gate was like the most amazing 15 minutes of my entire video gaming life! Like the sheer terror that befell me when i watched that first wave of raptors fly at me. (Than i figured out they weren't taht hard to kill....) And the desperation you felt as you tried to fly all over the place to try to save your buddies, and as they fell right in front of your face it was like NO!!!!!! If only i was a little bit faster, if only i could have killed that raptor a little bit faster....

The rest of the game was amazing too, but Aumaan gate... Aumaan gate brings back memories.

I am a dolphin, do you want me on your body?
thats it

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Old Mar 1, 2007, 05:51 PM Local time: Mar 1, 2007, 03:51 PM #117 of 124
my choice
Dragon Quest V (Original SNES)
Chrono Trigger (Original SNES)
Seiken Desnsetsu 3 (SNES)
Gensou Suikoden 2 (PS)

It's kinda sad some games could be considered bad (err less of quality) because of the translation. It's like having japanese food from a non-japanese place. Or calling taco bell mexican food. It's just not right for me.

I was speaking idiomatically.
Larry Oji, Super Moderator, Judge, "Dirge for the Follin" Project Director, VG Frequency Creator

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Mar 2007

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Old Mar 16, 2007, 03:26 PM Local time: Mar 16, 2007, 08:26 PM #118 of 124
hmm a game that i consider to be perfect eh hmm 2 games i would say are perfect and don't need to be improved what so ever

Final Fantasy 7


Final Fantasy X

each are good with graphics and have a great storyline and it's also rather enjoyable by people of all ages and i don't think either one of those 2 games could be improved any better

well that's all i gotta say about the words "Perfect"

but my final words are

there is no such thing as perfect nothing is perfect

What kind of toxic man-thing is happening now?
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Im Tidsu Defender Of Spira

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Old Apr 15, 2007, 04:05 AM Local time: Apr 15, 2007, 11:05 AM #119 of 124
1# Xenogears - for characters, storyline, tears...

2# Street Fighter 3 - 3rd Strike - when it was only on arcade i was playing it, when it was on DC i was also playing it, i've go it on PS2 and... yup still playing
(what it means? yeah im stupid :> )

3# Tenchu series... - cause Japan is home of my soul... :]

4# Front Mission series - i want to be a wanzer :P


Last edited by kazuki_pl; Apr 15, 2007 at 04:07 AM.

Member 7372

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Old Apr 15, 2007, 09:23 AM Local time: Apr 15, 2007, 03:23 PM #120 of 124
Puzzle games which I consider (near) perfect:
Wario's Woods (SNES), Bust-A-Move 2 (N64 say) and Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo (played this on Sat) - I personally find it hard to pick a fault with these, except my brother kicks my ass on all three

There's nothing I would change about Front Mission 3 and Zelda: OoT either.

What, you don't want my bikini-clad body?

Member 1511

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Old Apr 16, 2007, 09:25 AM Local time: Apr 16, 2007, 08:25 AM #121 of 124
Warioland 4. Fuck everything else with a chainsaw. This is the apotheosis of platformers, and games in general, for that matter.

Jewels and points and coins and treasures and puzzle-solving and brute strength and flashing enemies on my favorite mushy-buttoned handheld = ultimate.

Oh Panel de Pon is kawaii too

Jam it back in, in the dark.

Last edited by PsychoJosh; Apr 16, 2007 at 09:29 AM.
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Old Apr 17, 2007, 10:33 PM #122 of 124
I would say Suikoden 2, but they have some translation errors. But other than that it's perfection to me.

Honorable mention:

Spider-Man 2
Kotor (Which I haven't finished just yet.)
I would like to say Pokemon Emerald, but the Battle Frontier is fucking ridiculous.

There's nowhere I can't reach.
"So shut your cow-mouth or I'll remove your face by hand before I stop your whore's heart!"
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Old Apr 18, 2007, 04:52 PM Local time: Apr 18, 2007, 10:52 PM #123 of 124
LOOM - I loved this game to death on the Amiga.

This thing is sticky, and I don't like it. I don't appreciate it.
Everything´s getting better.
Nothing´s getting good.

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Old Apr 18, 2007, 05:07 PM Local time: Apr 18, 2007, 11:07 PM #124 of 124
Zelda: A Link To The Past (SNES) - Many Zelda games have come and gone since this gem came out, but none have been able to come close to the quality of it.

Honourable mentions go out to :-

Super Metroid (SNES)
Super Mario World (SNES)
Bubble Bobble (ZX Spectrum +2)

I am a dolphin, do you want me on your body?

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