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[Multiplatform] The Official Armored Core 4 thread. Gentlemen, start your boners.
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Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor
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Old Feb 21, 2007, 09:09 PM Local time: Feb 21, 2007, 08:09 PM 1 #1 of 40
The Official Armored Core 4 thread. Gentlemen, start your boners.

We don't do enough official threads for games anymore.

Developer: From Software
Publisher: Sega

General Information

Genre: Simulation/Action
Mode(s): Single player/Multiplayer
Rating(s): CERO: A; ESRB: T
Platform(s): Playstation 3, Xbox 360
Media: BD-ROM (PS3), DVD (Xbox 360)
Price: $59.99 USD

Release dates:

- December 21, 2006 (JP)
- March 20th, 2007 (NA)
- April 27th, 2007 (PAL)

- March 20th, 2007 (JP)
- March 20th, 2007 (NA)
- Achievement list.

Official English Site
Official Japanese Site

Demo Impressions

Reviews (Coming soon):
IGN: 5.9
Gamespot: 7.7

Key Features

Overed Boost - Every Core has this sytem, and it's apparently faster than ever before.
Quick Boost - For emergency evasion and retardly fast turns, there's this new feature.
Step-by step AC assembly - The AC creation process has been streamlined, apparently making it faster and easier than ever before.
Tuning - You can store and save and tune your AC schematics and then trade them with other players over the internet.
Parts - Totally new part line-ups, including never before seen catagories.
New HUD - The HUD has been redesigned and is now much easier to use.
Garage mode - Similar to photo mode in Gran Turismo and other racers, it allows you to look at high poly models of your ACs.
Updated personalization - You can apply decals, much like in Chromehounds, to any part of your AC to create a unique beast.



IGN Videos
Gamespot Videos


So who's interested in this besides me? I know we have to have at least a few AC heads here. Playing this over Live will be fucking WONDERFUL. And I simply can't wait. The new features sound like a blast, and I hope that it plays as good as it looks. Anyone else looking forward to it?

Jam it back in, in the dark.

Last edited by Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor; Mar 24, 2007 at 12:41 PM.
Did you see anything last night?

Member 629

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Old Feb 21, 2007, 10:13 PM Local time: Feb 21, 2007, 10:13 PM #2 of 40



I hope to god that this is better than the last two or so installments. Ever since Silent Line, things have gone really downhill...

A faster-paced combat would be quite refreshing, but we shall see. The graphics will most definitely make this look like eye-sex. Motion blur would be awesome =3

:seal of approval:

There's nowhere I can't reach.
Hey, maybe you should try that thing Chie was talking about.

ゴハンダニャー~(=^・ω・^)ヘ >゚)))彡

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Old Feb 21, 2007, 10:40 PM Local time: Feb 21, 2007, 08:40 PM #3 of 40
I give this thread an A+. This is how official game threads should be done.

I'm set on getting the PS3 version. I'd prefer the Xbox 360 version just because the game supports voice chat and would have a wider online playing audience but I lack that console. For some odd reason the PS3 version has no voice chat for online play. You'd think they could do it like Resistance did and use headsets, but no.

This thing is sticky, and I don't like it. I don't appreciate it.
De Arimasu!

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Old Feb 21, 2007, 10:41 PM Local time: Feb 22, 2007, 04:41 AM #4 of 40
Holy shit. Now that looks what I'd call next gen gaming. I've not really kept up with the AC franchise. I've played the PS1 games, and AC2, and that's about it. This looks awesome though.

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Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor
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Old Feb 21, 2007, 10:56 PM Local time: Feb 21, 2007, 09:56 PM #5 of 40
I'm set on getting the PS3 version. I'd prefer the Xbox 360 version just because the game supports voice chat and would have a wider online playing audience but I lack that console. For some odd reason the PS3 version has no voice chat for online play. You'd think they could do it like Resistance did and use headsets, but no.
Yeah, I don't understand that lack of voice support when it could be very easily done on both consoles. A shame. Ther'es also not as robust an online system as Chromehounds had, since ther'es no persistent world or whatnot, but hopefully that won't get missed too much. The deathmatch and team deathmatch options should be plenty slick.

How ya doing, buddy?
Politically Incorrect

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Old Feb 21, 2007, 11:42 PM Local time: Feb 21, 2007, 09:42 PM #6 of 40
I came to those images. Three times.

More the reason to quickly scoop up a 360 AGAIN, along with the new TV. April (for me) can't come fast enough man.

What kind of toxic man-thing is happening now?

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Old Feb 27, 2007, 11:57 PM Local time: Feb 27, 2007, 10:57 PM #7 of 40

来る2月28日(水)、Xbox Live マーケットプレイスにて体験版のダウンロード配信が開始されます。
振動コントローラーへの対応など、Xbox360ならではの機能により、臨場感溢れるハイスピードバトルが 体験できます。

What does this moonspeak say, you ask?

It says that on the 28th, a demo will go live on the Xbox Live marketplace.

Much like the Chromehounds demo before it, we're not getting it in this region. It'll be locked to Japan only, and the only way to get it is with a Japanese gamertag. MS has cracked down on these cross region tags and deleted a bunch of them, but I tested my old one from WAYYYY BACK (I basically made it just for the CH demo months and months ago) today, and it still works.

Expect impressions when I get a chance to download it.

Syklis Green

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Old Feb 28, 2007, 05:04 AM Local time: Feb 28, 2007, 03:04 AM #8 of 40
Do they still let you use silver accounts to download demos? If so, I will hit it. I hope it's better than the other AC's I've played!

What, you don't want my bikini-clad body?
Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor
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Old Feb 28, 2007, 01:17 PM Local time: Feb 28, 2007, 12:17 PM #9 of 40
You've always been able to download content, premium or not, with a silver account.


Achievement list. Starting post updated.

Still no demo at the time of this posting but I'll keep checking every couple of hours.

Additional Spam:
Ah, the reason the demo's not up is because there was a scheduling conflict with Xbox Live. Instead, it'll be up on March 1st. So another day to wait then. =o

Jam it back in, in the dark.

Last edited by Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor; Feb 28, 2007 at 09:03 PM. Reason: This member got a little too post happy.

Member 17465

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Old Mar 1, 2007, 01:23 PM Local time: Mar 1, 2007, 11:23 AM #10 of 40
My only complaint is that one mech in the mid right on the box art kinda just looks like it tripped an fell of a building or something... just a thing to think about.

I really hope they sm3xy up the parts; cuz the othered armored cores had the ugliest parts, which made the ugliest mechs. I guess that one blue mech looked pretty cool but it was overweight anyways....

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Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor
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Old Mar 1, 2007, 02:06 PM Local time: Mar 1, 2007, 01:06 PM #11 of 40
Uh, all the designs remain consistent. The mecha look like they're from an AC game. This one's no different. You were expecting Battletech or something?

Anyway, demo impressions are as follows.

It's about 740 megs or so, which isn't too bad. Only took me about 20 minutes to download. Like I might have mentioned earlier, it's a Japan only demo, so you're going to need a Japanese Live account to download it, if you feel so inclined. On a side note, every time I fired the demo up it logged me out of my English Live connection. I dunno why this is, but I'm just letting you know that you won't be able to voice chat/messaging/whatever with others if you download and play it.

The entire thing's in Japanese, of course, so trying to understand the story bits of the demo is futile. There's also a tutorial, and it's got lots of Japanese text on the screen, but there's also a couple of English words that just happen to be the important ones. "Movement" is one of them, and so forth. There's also a diagram of the controller on the screen with the buttons that do things highlighted, so it's easy to figure out what you have to do to do the required function. You can also skip if if you're so inclined. Overall though, it's not hard to stumble through the japanese if you don't know it. I'd say the langauge friendlyness is about a 7/10, 8/10 if you're already familiar with Armored Core.

The demo is three missions long. Well, four if you include the tutorial, but I don't think it counts. The first one has you in a city with lots of buildings. The buildings take damage visually, but never collapse. That was kinda disappointing. I was hoping the environments would be more destructable, outside of just visual damage on structures after you hit them with a missle barage.

Anyway, the first mission has you in this city where it's your task to destroy helicopters, tanks, the occasional biped, and two large mechs that resemble Metal Gear Rex. It's a short mission. Might only take you 3 minutes. The second screenshot up top there is this mission. I just hope not all the missions are as short as this one and the other two here. None of them lasted longer than 5 minutes.

The next two missions are available in any order. One that's based in the desert, and one that's based in what's basically a half-submerged city. The buildings are sticking out of the water but the roads and whatnot are all under it.

The desert mission pits you against one other AC, a fast moving model with plenty of missiles. This is a hard battle, and the first time I played it I almost died. (Had like, 400/25000 or so health left). It's the mission from the third screenshot up there in the OP.

The water based mission is featured in one of the trailers. In this mission you're tasked with taking out some enemy boats. Some are small missle boats, one is a giant cruiser with a retarded amount of guns. There's also the requisite large number of helicopters firing at you. I died a few times in this until I used the right AC model, which was called "Sunshine", according to the diagrams you view when selecting an AC.

Which brings me to my next point. There's no customization options in the demo. You can go to the garage to look at a nice high res pic of your AC, but you can't actually modify it. That was a kick in the pants, but I figure if we did there'd be way too much japanese to sort through and I wouldn't understand half the stats listed. So in the end it's not as big a loss as it seems.

Anyway, graphically, the game's nice. The environments are pretty, although some of the architecture isn't that great. The buildings and city you fight in don't stand out too much from any other city, but it's quite servicable. It's hardly BAD, but it's not great either. The Cores themselves look fantastic, though. The weapon effects are also pretty nuts, with tonnes of explosions all over the damn place. Missile trails were also nice. Frame rate was constant for me, so all the slowdown mentioned elsewhere seems non-existant for me. It could be because the missions I did weren't filled to the brim with epic battles though. Or perhaps I got lucky, or something? I don't know. Gonna have to wait for the retail release on that, or perhaps it's been adjusted since the PS3 version came out in Japan. I dunno.

Musically, I think most of you have heard the soundtrack already, right? I personally like it, but that's just me. Hoshino's work is suitably fast paced for the speedy battles you have. I can put the soundtrack up on my webspace if anyone's interested.

Aurally, the sound effects and sound design are pretty spot on. I couldn't find anything wrong with the way things sounded, missiles and explosions were suitably loud and present, but nothing mindblowing like the audio from recent heavyweights like Gears. Some of the guns sounded underpowered, but they were entry level guns, so maybe that's why.

Controls are interesting. They're similar to older ACs, but seeing as how boosting along the ground now doesn't eat up your boost meter (Only Overed, vertical normal boosting, and quick boost eat that now), you're pretty much constantly boosting. The weapons are fired from the three face buttons. One controls your left arm, one controls your right, and one controls your shoulder. You cycle between the weapons each arm is holding using the bumpers. The left trigger is your regular boost, and the right is your quick boost. The last face button is your Overed. This is functional , but it also means that you're pretty much hitting a SHITLOAD of buttons all at once, and it can get overwhelming. It's not bad though if you know what you're doing.

Gameplay is standard AC. It's very fast paced, shooting down shit is relatively difficult since quick boosting ACs are all OVER the fucking place. That desert mission got to be quite tough seeing him dodge 70% of the shit you throw at him. It's not revolutionary for the franchise, but it doesn't have to be either. I can't wait to try it over Live, since some REAL multiplayer for once will be pretty grand. Overed seems relatively useless now though with quick boost not devouring your energy like it does and doesn't take any charge time. The distance covered isn't so good but 'eh.

Anyway, in conclusion, it's a good demo and it's got me hyped for the retail release. It's wroth the download if you got a japanese account. And even if you don't, it's worth setting one up to grab it. I hope that helps~

How ya doing, buddy?
Infernal Monkey

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Old Mar 1, 2007, 07:12 PM Local time: Mar 2, 2007, 10:12 AM #12 of 40
505 Games has picked this up for the PAL release (uh oh!) And it seems they're only going to be releasing the PlayStation 3 version, 360 owners are screwed. ;__;


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Last edited by Infernal Monkey; Mar 1, 2007 at 07:21 PM.
Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor
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Old Mar 1, 2007, 07:47 PM Local time: Mar 1, 2007, 06:47 PM #13 of 40
Thanks for the info, Infernal. Updating the first post as required~.

April 27th, to be more precise. A shame the 360 version isn't getting released over there. I wonder why?

I was speaking idiomatically.
Infernal Monkey

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Old Mar 1, 2007, 08:14 PM Local time: Mar 2, 2007, 11:14 AM #14 of 40
I remember they cancelled all their upcoming releases for the original Xbox (except Bust-a-Move...) years ago, with no explaination. So I guess they have some weird primary school style hatred for Xbox in general. It's a real pity Sega Europe didn't step in for this one.

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Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor
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Old Mar 2, 2007, 02:22 AM Local time: Mar 2, 2007, 01:22 AM #15 of 40
So I've been fucking around a bit more with the demo, and from what I can tell the game runs at an almost constant 60 FPS. This is a marked improvement over the Japanese PS3 version, which often ran at 30, with bouts of the action dropping even farther.

I've also read (but can't confirm) that AC4 runs off of the same engine made for Chromehounds, which would explain some of the 360's optimization, although the time frame between CH's launch and the PS3 release of this game should have given From enough time to compensate, but I guess not.

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Old Mar 5, 2007, 02:42 AM Local time: Mar 5, 2007, 01:42 AM #16 of 40
My brother is getting a damn loan if he doesn't buy that 360 soon, that's all I have to say.

All the information I've gleaned suggests that, even though the basic gameplay will stay the same, this one looks like it's going to be really different from the last two (seven? eight?) games. No radiators, unlimited ground boosting, and five digit APs? Not saying any of that is a bad thing, but it's gonna make things a lot different. But as long as I can build my four-legged walking artillery platform again, I'll be happy.

Not in love with the HUD, though. It looks a little too...sterile. More realistic maybe, but I like the busy retro-tech displays from the past games. Felt more in-genre that way.

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Jurassic Park Chocolate Raptor
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Old Mar 5, 2007, 12:42 PM Local time: Mar 5, 2007, 11:42 AM #17 of 40
(seven? eight?) games
10. AC4 is the 11th. (Yikes, that many already, eh?)

No radiators, unlimited ground boosting, and five digit APs? Not saying any of that is a bad thing, but it's gonna make things a lot different. But as long as I can build my four-legged walking artillery platform again, I'll be happy.
The unlimited ground boosting changes a LOT. The pacing is very different because of it. However, having the larger health bars changes little, since the weapons are a bit more powerful than before and a single hit will drain you of a lot of health. Seems like a bigger number just for a bigger number's sake,

You'll totally be able to do a model like that, and actually, one of the premade ACs in the demo is very similar to that description.

Jam it back in, in the dark.
Larry Oji, Super Moderator, Judge, "Dirge for the Follin" Project Director, VG Frequency Creator

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Old Mar 21, 2007, 06:58 PM #18 of 40
Armored Core 4 - Is the series finally playable?

‘lo all… well I basically literally just signed onto this board, cuz I have one question… however, it’s a highly contextual basis, so bear with me. If for some reason this is boring the hell out of you, just skip to the bottom.

So yes, I’m a huge fan of the mech & space sim genre… a genre which has all but died over the past however many years. I just love being in control of giant hulking platforms of death. I loved the old mechwarrior games, I loved freespace, I tolerated Steel Battalion…

Which leads me to the Armored Core Series… Great in concept, but lousy in execution. I appreciated the ability to create your own mech from the base parts… but with the lousy missions, unintuitive controls and design, and just completely dysfunctional design elements… it basically amounted to Barbie for guys.

And thus I became a h8ter (can’t believe I just wrote that…) of the series. Now, having seen AC4, I was stunned about the in game footage, as I remember thinking “holy crap! If I tried that in the previous AC games, I’d have cratored!”. It looks fast and furious, and loads of fun, exactly what a lith-mecha game should be.

The reviews were pretty mixed (I wouldn’t be here if they were of any help), saying that the core mechanics are fun, but the missions suck (seriously, has there been a space-simmy game in the past 5 years that hasn’t had retarded mission design?).

BottomLine: I’m willing to overlook the horrid mission design if… and only if… the core gameplay is fun. Is it fast? Is it challenging? Is it visceral? Is it enough to carry the game?

So yeah… thank you guys, cuz this one has me stumped, as I can’t seem to get an insider’s perspective on it… as the old cult members aren’t much help, and neither are the reviewers. Also, renting isn’t an option, so it’s purchase or nothing.

Thank you for your help.

How ya doing, buddy?

Last edited by aragornmarsden; Mar 21, 2007 at 07:24 PM. Reason: poor grammar
Politically Incorrect

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Old Mar 21, 2007, 07:15 PM Local time: Mar 21, 2007, 05:15 PM #19 of 40
An official thread by Colonel Sanders has been started. And yes, I'm still looking forward to this game despite the mixed bag of reviews. It's been a very long time since my last mech-loving game.

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Old Mar 21, 2007, 09:10 PM Local time: Mar 21, 2007, 08:10 PM #20 of 40
Ahh.... Armored Core, one of my all time favorite series. The 11th installment looks great, I just hope it's not over simplified (leave the button mashing to ZOE >.>).

Am I the only one that actually likes the recent AC games? Last Raven was awesome (I started playing from Silent Line on). Nexus had an to-quick-to-overheat problem, but that's about it. And on another note, I really enjoy the AC designs, I don't think 'organic' designs would fit so well in AC.

One thing I really hope for is entertaining missions, the missions in LR, NB, N, etc. were extremely lame. It seems the VS. maps were redone also, which is a good sign. And the graphics, :-)

I definitely have to get this game soon (and a 360 or a PS3 along with it -_-). Whether the reviews are good or bad, there hasn't been a HUGE disappointment yet in the AC series (except Nine Breaker didn't add enough stuff to make it 40+ dollars).

On a final note, I downloaded the Soundtrack, and well, it wasn't the best (not as bad as LR thank goodness). None of it compares to the older AC songs from Kota Hoshino, it seems Tsukasa Saitoh is taking over (he's not that bad though, his Silent Line and AC3 soundtracks were great).

EDIT: Interview with Toshifumi Nabeshima
Neues_Eisen: How did the idea for AC4 emerge as opposed other AC titles From Software was considering?
Nabeshima: “We inevitably needed to re-create the existing resources since it turned out that we would release the title on new consoles, PS3 and Xbox 360.

Moreover, it was also determined that the game would bear a new series number “4”, so we had a policy from the start that we would create what would be new as a mech-based action title intending to innovate everything from the previous series, not with an idea like ‘we have to do this way because it has been always like this so far’.”


SouthernRaveness: What are From Software’s goals for AC4 in the US market?

Nabeshima: "This is not particularly limited to the U.S, but hopefully, new game contents and platforms will trigger as many new users as possible to experience this game.This time, as one of the goals from the beginning was to support the online gameplay, we hope that communication among the players from Japan, U.S., or other territories will be generated via that environment.”


Rambopanda: Is the game speed going to be increased to match the first Armored Core or continue to be as slow as the other versions?

Nabeshima:“That is what we focused on most this time. It is convenient to expect the greater speed than in the first Armored Core. “’


Hoppy + Raven_Flau: Will there be From Software sponsored online tournaments in the US or any other countries besides Japan?

Nabeshima: “I guess it is fairly difficult for us to organize online tournaments outside Japan, but we will consider it if we receive a lot of demand.”


DarkRaven: Series producer and From Software CEO Naotoshi Zin noted in an interview with IGN that creating the same version of Armored Core 4 for Xbox 360 and PS3 platforms was something he was not interested in doing, Should we expect to see any difference between the two versions besides Xbox Live support?

Nabeshima: “Regarding the policy in the title development, we make judgments properly depending on the situation, which means that we came to the conclusion that it would be best to release the title on multiple platforms.

...Hmm, this is a fairly needling question. (laugh)

As to the both versions’ contents, there are basically no big differences. You can choose either one based on a console you own. “


Roadwulf: Will FROMSOFT institute Clan/Team support like they did with Chromehounds, even though AC's one player storyline does not deal with it?

Nabeshima:“AC4 allows the team-based VS gameplay, but I believe it seems to be fairly favorably accepted in Japan.

Because AC and Chromehounds are the games whose directions are each different, we do not think about introducing similar mechanisms, but I hope we will develop them both with each different fun elements in the future. “


ZZ-Raven: What is your favorite project that you have worked on thus far?

Nabeshima:“Not a favorite project, but the title I have a special feeling for is the first Armored Core, which was released on PS.

This is partly because it is the original of the still on-going, long-standing series, and mainly because it was with this title that I was involved in the work called the game development for the first time.”


RavenJP: What is a typical work day like for you?

Nabeshima: “There are not so special things, but…

I come to the office by 10:00 AM since you are supposed to so due to an office regulation. As I am living near to the company, I often sleep up to the last minute. I spend most of my time writing and answering mails in the morning.

As to the afternoon, it differs from day to day, but typically I am not at my desk since I have to meet visitors and attend meetings, etc.

On the evening and after, things calm down slightly if I do not have any plan in particular, so I sort out and confirm contents and schedule of a title with the team members. When talk with the team members is prolonged, we sometimes go out somewhere for dinner and continue the discussion.”


SK7731: What was the most difficult challenge developing Armored Core 4 compared to Master of Arena, AC2 and AC3?

Nabeshima: “This is always the same when we develop a title for a new console, but we have no choice but to develop one with little know-how.

·You cannot tell if you can really do what you think you are going to do.

·Even if you can do, you cannot exactly measure how long it will take or how much work will be required.

·You must create something new that will surpass a thing of the past on that basis…

·These factors put enormous pressure on us. “


Devmani + DarkRaven: You are a producer of Chromehounds as well, is there a possibility for Chromehounds 2 in the near future?

Nabeshima: “As Chromehounds is the title I personally have a very special feeling for, I would like to realize its sequel. I would appreciate it very much if we get your support.”


Outlaw: With the shift towards faster game play Armored Core was changed a lot. Were there any other proposed changes that were cut or didn't make it?

Nabeshima: “Since we had a concept that we wanted to create what gives a great sense of speed as an action game, we built the title giving the first priority to it.

As I also mentioned in the above question, we did not have a thought like “we are going to change things this way because they were like this before”, so we consciously tried not to think like “this is XX compared to before”.

To stretch a point, we positioned the mech called AC as very special and extremely powerful arms in the settings this time. It may be a big difference from before that we were aware of how we would express such point in the game. “


GambitRaven: What was the reasoning behind some of the major changes in Armored Core 4 compared to other Armored Core games?

Nabeshima: “In the previous AC, due to the issues of hardware specs and game systems, it was in part difficult to implement new elements, and even though there were interesting ideas, we had to give them up since we need fundamental innovations to realize them

This time, with the change of platforms, we had an inevitable requirement to attempt to renovate the franchise, so we felt like trying various ideas taking advantage of this opportunity.”


Pechorin: If you had more time and money to work with, is there anything else you would have liked to have seen in AC4?

Nabeshima: “I try not to think that way so much since it will have no limits. (laugh)

If there is one thing, I feel we could have implemented more varied contents in the online aspects if we had more time.”


Pechorin: Will we see a return of older weapon types (Linear guns, back mounted chain guns, slug guns) in future AC games?

Nabeshima: “As the system underwent a huge change, I suppose there are some parts that would cause discordance (i.g. parts of no use), but it is possible those other than such useless parts could return.”


Spartan-251: Are we able to change the booster and blade color in AC4? If not, are you planning to place this option in future AC games?

Nabeshima: “Unfortunately, you cannot. We would like to consider it next time if we have a lot of requests.”


EJRaven: With AC4 becoming a more popular video game here in the U.S. will From Software consider our "balancing recommendations" and implement these as you have done with the Japanese player's recommendations? If so, what tweaks will you make considering the different views of Japan/USA on balancing?

Nabeshima: “Of course, we welcome opinions from abroad.

Although we currently do not have special contact persons, we would be happy if you send them via mail etc.

Because we rarely receive direct comments, we would like to use ones as references.”


Zilas: What are your thoughts on creating an Armored Core MMO?

Nabeshima:“There is no specific plan at this moment.

In my personal opinion, I consider the MMO style to be one ultimate form as games, so I would definitely want to realize it if given the chance.

However, it is partly true that the style is not really suited to a strict action game like AC, it would be a very big challenge if we would do it.

We will have to review the system itself to make it appropriate to the MMO style.”


EJRaven: Will we see From Software use the same game engine for the next installment and will the blurry effects be reduced?

Nabeshima:“It is difficult to affirm this at this point, but we are going to improve it as much as possible.”

Pechorin:Will the next AC game be an AC4 expansion?

Nabeshima:“I think it would be like that, but we are not at the stage for now where we can clearly tell how we will expand it in what sense.”



Toshifumi Nabeshima
From Software, Inc.
Producer of Product Planning, CS Development Dept.

In 1996, he joined From Software and started his career as a designer for 1st Armored Core (Playstation).

After that, he produced "Armored Core: Master of Arena" and worked for "Echo Nights" series and "Eternal Ring" as the producer and the chief designer.

Other recent produce titles are:

"Shadow Tower Abyss" (PS2), "Nebula - Echo Night" (PS2), "Armored Core Nexus", "Armored Core Nine Braker" (PS2), "Armored Core Formula Front" (PSP, PS2), "Armored Core Last Raven" (PS2)

He also worked for "Chromehounds" (Xbox 360), a cooperative project with Sega.

His latest work is "Armored Core 4" (PS3, Xbox 360)

Interview taken from

I am a dolphin, do you want me on your body?

Last edited by EliJaH; Mar 21, 2007 at 09:27 PM.
Larry Oji, Super Moderator, Judge, "Dirge for the Follin" Project Director, VG Frequency Creator

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Old Mar 22, 2007, 07:04 PM #21 of 40
EliJaH: Eh, honestly, I think the series needed some simplification… don’t get me wrong, I love a good overcomplicated sim (took me 3 days to figure out star trek legacy. And lets not even speak of steel battalion), when it gets to the point that your ship/mech is a pain to control… you have problems… this is why I have never liked this series… I mean… can I get some flight control please?

Which is why AC4 looks appealing, cuz it actually does look playable.

Then again, the moment that I see an AC junkie calling AC4 god incarnate… I’m out.

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Old Mar 22, 2007, 11:23 PM Local time: Mar 22, 2007, 10:23 PM #22 of 40
Heh, it's interesting to see so many people hate the AC control's, etc. When I first picked up the series, I found the gameplay to be easily controlled and fun. If you wanted to move fast you made a light weight AC, if you wanted high damage, a heavy tank/quad/'fat' AC, etc.

There is one thing I can believe though, lots of the parts in AC are pretty much useless, which is a bad thing. I hope in AC4 they change this.

Anyways the fluidity of AC is a weird thing to get, but it's definitely there. Take this vid for example (from the most recent ps2 installment, LR):

Enough about that.

After watching plenty gameplay video's it seems the gameplay is different, and I assume the controls are different also. I wonder how different legged AC's will play in this one, since all cores have Over Boost, and all AC's can fire Back Mounted Weapons while moving (iirc).

EDIT: Just read Taxiarkhos Skills' Post on the Demo, seems like the game looks promising, I just might get a 360 for this (I'll wait on the PS3, too expensive).

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Last edited by EliJaH; Mar 22, 2007 at 11:47 PM.
Loyal Einherjar

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Old Mar 24, 2007, 12:11 PM #23 of 40
You know, if I ever do get this game, then I hope the story is on par with previous AC games, because I never played AC3, and I hate to miss out, but I doubt I have anything to worry about with AC4, because from what I remember in the first two games, you didn't really give a shit about the story, except nineball, you always want more nineball.

I got two questions:

For starters, please tell me you can turn off that "target aquired" crap. What the hell is that about? They removed the lock-on sound or something? I don't know what the other stuff means, but it would annoy me to see that the whole time. ¬_¬

And, do you still have to pay for ammo after the mission is over? It makes sense, but that ALWAYS prevented me from going all-out in missions with uber machine guns and rocket launchers, etc. I usually always ended up using energy based weapons because of it. Ah...Karasawa I remember you well.

If I do ever get a PS3 i'll definitely look forward to this. The game better have nineball, and hopefully another PLUS option, I know it was cheap, but I liked it because it ment you could create a look alike AC while ignoring the energy and overweight options. I remember making a Tallgeese type AC in the first one. =)

Oh, did they change the beam saber? Like it was pretty shit in previous AC games. Always so slow, and usually not strong enough to make it worth using.


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Old Mar 24, 2007, 12:52 PM Local time: Mar 24, 2007, 11:52 AM #24 of 40
BottomLine: I’m willing to overlook the horrid mission design if… and only if… the core gameplay is fun. Is it fast? Is it challenging? Is it visceral? Is it enough to carry the game?
After some hands on time with the final game, the answers are "yes", to those questions.

It's fast, it's hectic, and it's pretty crazy. I enjoy it a lot. I dunno what else to say. It's a good entry into the franchise, but I'd say you'd have to at least have some love for the series before you're gauranteed to like it.

star trek legacy
What. Legacy was pretty simple. I'd say this game is a bit more complex than that. You're right though, saying that AC4 is simpler than the previous titles. Not a big loss, to be honest, and it's not like it's Zone of the Enders button mashing or anything.

For starters, please tell me you can turn off that "target aquired" crap.
Mmhmm, no such voice exists. It is just a lock on beep now.

And, do you still have to pay for ammo after the mission is over?
Yes you do. Damage over the specified amount, ammo over the specified amount, and time over the specified amount all cost you cash at various increments. It's usually like 4 bucks per AP, 300 per second, and various amounts for the ammo.

Oh, did they change the beam saber?
Not much. I think the range is a little beter on them but that'd be about it. Still hard to use, but still do impressive damage. Good for a few missions where you're fighting slow moving things. Pretty fucking hard to use against ACs though.

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Old Mar 24, 2007, 05:38 PM Local time: Mar 24, 2007, 04:38 PM #25 of 40
The steep learning curve has always been a bit of a problem with the game, but once you've spent some time with it, the controls eventually become second nature. I know where everyone's coming from, though; I played a demo of Armored Core 1 way way back in the day when I first got my Playstation. Tried it, declared it to suck as I was shot to pieces while struggling to turn my robot, and wrote it off until much later.

I heard they tried to improve beam sabers a little by making them multi-hit, but those things have always been mainly for the real diehard Gundam fanatics.

So, you only pay for ammo in increments now? That's a considerable step forwards. I can understand having to pay for solid ammo, but the financial hit you'd take for emptying your clips was so high as to discourage using the damn things at all. Made even less sense to use grenade launchers when the really high-yield energy weapons were added that put the solid weapons to shame.

When did the game ever verbally tell you "target acquired"? I don't remember that from any of the AC3 games. This something annoying in the demo that they changed their minds about?

Jam it back in, in the dark.

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