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Visiting the Dentist
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Member 22

Level 30.86

Feb 2006

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Old May 3, 2006, 12:30 AM Local time: May 2, 2006, 09:30 PM #1 of 26
Visiting the Dentist

How do you generally feel about going to the dentist? Anything in particular that bothers you during a cleaning? What are some noteworthy visits you can recall?

I would always dread visiting the dentist when I was younger. After getting my wisdom teeth removed many years later, the fear was no longer there.

Jam it back in, in the dark.

Member 152

Level 21.54

Mar 2006

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Old May 3, 2006, 12:38 AM Local time: May 2, 2006, 10:38 PM #2 of 26
The visit itself doesn't really get me, it's the fact that you spend most of the time lying down trying to avoid eye contact with the dentist that bothers me the most. My dentist has this thing where he sporadically looks back into my eyes or something, it's kind of unnerving. Or when they try to talk to you while you are obviously unable to do nothing but drool all over his hand.

As a kid I didn't like going because they display all those pictures of bad teeth on the wall. I think that's why I'm now traumatized against persons of questionable dental hygiene.

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Member 41

Level 38.30

Mar 2006

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Old May 3, 2006, 02:28 AM Local time: May 3, 2006, 12:28 AM #3 of 26
I'm usually pretty brave when it came to any medical procedures and stuff I had to undergo. I hate needles, and I'll alwaysplayfully be like "AHHHHHHHH!!!!! OMG NEEDLES DON'T STAB MEEE~ PLEASE, WILL IT HURT?" to the doctor. My dentists has always been pretty good about about stuff, so I've never had a reason to be afraid, and I've been through cavity fillings, cleanings, many tooth extractions, and wisdom teeth pulling. At one point, I had 5 teeth pulled out at the same time (small mouth :/).

Plus, they would always give me this cool sticker that says how long I would have to wait before I could eat. Being numb is one of the weirdest feelings ever.

How ya doing, buddy?
waka waka

Pirate Day

Member 766

Level 9.84

Mar 2006

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Old May 3, 2006, 03:01 AM Local time: May 3, 2006, 12:01 AM #4 of 26
Two years ago, I didn't mind at all.
Now that I drink 30 cans of Pepsi a day and have no back teeth without caps, I feel pretty shitty about trips to the dentist. At least my teeth from a close glance look fucking awesome.

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Larry Oji, Super Moderator, Judge, "Dirge for the Follin" Project Director, VG Frequency Creator

Member 6133

Level 2.38

May 2006

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Old May 3, 2006, 03:15 AM #5 of 26
i never had any braces, so one day i went to the dentist and he was makin small talk and was like "so when did you get your braces off," and i was like "i never had them" (muffled cuz his dentist equipment was in my mouth), and he was like "you bastard" in this like distant voice

I was speaking idiomatically.
if you ain't got the clientele, say hell no
cuz they gon want they money, rain sleet hail snow
Pirate Day

Member 766

Level 9.84

Mar 2006

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Old May 3, 2006, 03:18 AM Local time: May 3, 2006, 12:18 AM #6 of 26
I get that all the time from people. "Did you ever have braces, your teeth are so straight!". I know some people with braces, that must suck royally having to have those kind of restrictions that come along with getting braces.

What kind of toxic man-thing is happening now?
Larry Oji, Super Moderator, Judge, "Dirge for the Follin" Project Director, VG Frequency Creator

Member 5902

Level 2.74

Apr 2006

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Old May 3, 2006, 03:38 AM #7 of 26
I hate dentist !!!
But I also hate when my teeth hurts... that's why I regularly wash my teeth :lol:
Last time I went to the dentist was 2 years ago... I should go and see him, but am to afraid of it !

Baby shrink

Member 534

Level 37.83

Mar 2006

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Old May 3, 2006, 05:35 AM #8 of 26
I don't mind the needles and all that, it's the drills that get to me. I hate the sound of the drill and I hate the feeling. I was practically traumatized for life when my dentist removed my wisdom teeth while keeping me fully conscience - he just gave me some needles to numb the pain. That was a horrible day.

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ゴハンダニャー~(=^・ω・^)ヘ >゚)))彡

Member 2

Level 34.77

Feb 2006

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Old May 3, 2006, 05:39 AM Local time: May 3, 2006, 03:39 AM #9 of 26
The only fear I have of the dentist right now is getting my wisdom teeth pulled. Oh what a bloody mess that is gonna be. ;___;

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Member 516

Level 36.18

Mar 2006

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Old May 3, 2006, 07:45 AM #10 of 26
Originally Posted by kat
Or when they try to talk to you while you are obviously unable to do nothing but drool all over his hand.
Yeah, wtf? My orthodontist used to do this, too. I'd have my lips pried open with some kind of device and cotten balls under my tongue to collect my saliva and he would come and ask me how I was doing. I hated that shit.

I never really minded going to the dentist, but those electric tooth cleaning devices do make me somewhat uncomfortable because of how they feel on my teeth. Sort of a tickling sensation.

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Member 4747

Level 7.65

Apr 2006

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Old May 3, 2006, 09:31 AM #11 of 26
I've always loved the dentist. I take pretty good care of my teeth, so I've never had to worry about cavities and such, plus I just love the feel after a good dental cleaning. Even the orthodontist I never really minded; even when having teeth pulled I never really felt much pain.

This thing is sticky, and I don't like it. I don't appreciate it.

Member 1293

Level 12.09

Mar 2006

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Old May 3, 2006, 01:06 PM Local time: May 3, 2006, 11:06 AM #12 of 26
Like any kid, I was always freaked out by the dentist because he kept prying at my jaw with these funky metal scraping tool things that made me bleed profusely. If I had just brushed my teeth more often, I wouldn't have needed such treatment, but such is youth.

These days I get upset because no matter how much I floss, they still say I need to floss more often.

I am a dolphin, do you want me on your body?
Good Chocobo

Member 555

Level 18.44

Mar 2006

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Old May 3, 2006, 01:36 PM #13 of 26
I haven't gone to the dentist since I was 8 years old. I have no cavities and my teeth are straight so I never bothered.

I was speaking idiomatically.
"We Stole the Eagle from the Air Force, the Anchor from the Navy, and the Rope from the Army. On the seventh day, while God rested, we over-ran his perimeter and stole the globe, and we've been running the show ever since. We live like soldiers, talk like sailors, and slap the hell out of both of them. WARRIORS BY DAY, LOVERS BY NIGHT, PROFESSIONALS BY CHOICE, AND MARINES BY THE GRACE OF GOD."
We've met before, haven't we?

Member 805

Level 19.24

Mar 2006

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Old May 3, 2006, 01:44 PM Local time: May 3, 2006, 12:44 PM #14 of 26
Yeah, those scary dental instruments you're all so afraid of?

I work for the company that makes them. Hate me loathe me despise me.

But you oughta see their showroom.

Anyway, our family dentist is a friend of the family, so I've felt very little apprehension about trips to the dentist. Sucked the one time I had what I thought was a cavity, and she told me there was nothing she could do-just hypersensitive.

I've only ever had novocaine for extractions/fillings/etc. What's it like when they give you the funny gas?

What kind of toxic man-thing is happening now?
Larry Oji, Super Moderator, Judge, "Dirge for the Follin" Project Director, VG Frequency Creator

Member 6133

Level 2.38

May 2006

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Old May 3, 2006, 01:49 PM #15 of 26
Originally Posted by SemperFidelis
I haven't gone to the dentist since I was 8 years old. I have no cavities and my teeth are straight so I never bothered.
gonna have a rude awakening...

How ya doing, buddy?
if you ain't got the clientele, say hell no
cuz they gon want they money, rain sleet hail snow
River Chocobo

Member 360

Level 25.07

Mar 2006

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Old May 3, 2006, 01:50 PM #16 of 26
I visited the dentist 2 days ago.
Hadn't been there for like 7 years. I had zero holes.

What, you don't want my bikini-clad body?
Did you see anything last night?

Member 629

Level 46.64

Mar 2006

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Old May 3, 2006, 01:54 PM Local time: May 3, 2006, 01:54 PM #17 of 26
Prior to a visit six months back, I hadn't been to the dentist in literally ten years. I felt a cavity and had it filled. Thought I felt another one a few weeks back, but it was nothing. He scraped at my teeth a little and they felt odd for the next few days o_O;

I've got no problem with the dentist. I have no trouble with needles.

What's really unnerving though is that this dentist is, like, my dad's best friend. And he has a really sharp wit, so while he is going at work, he tries to have a conversation with you =( Makes lots of great jokes & puns, but it's hard to fight the urge to laugh. It's a game he plays with our family ;_;

Jam it back in, in the dark.
Hey, maybe you should try that thing Chie was talking about.

Victory is mine!

Member 93

Level 9.75

Mar 2006

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Old May 3, 2006, 01:58 PM Local time: May 3, 2006, 06:58 PM #18 of 26
I never used to mind going to the dentist until I had to have 6 baby teeth out, and I was put under anaesthetic. Weirdiest feeling ever. In fact, I haven't had 'the gas' since.

Usually now, my trips are to the orthodontist, as I've had braces for the past year or so. I'm at the stage where I have to wear a removable brace, so the trips to the orthodontist are usually pretty short.

Still get nervous though.

There's nowhere I can't reach.
"Well, I'd love to stay and chat, but you're a total bitch."
- Stewie Griffin

Member 1176

Level 12.28

Mar 2006

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Old May 3, 2006, 02:25 PM Local time: May 3, 2006, 11:25 PM #19 of 26
Me? I don't like visiting the dentists, no siree. I have had few really bad experiences, one time I had really painful infection in my tooth, you can imagine what kind of if I say that even smiling hurt like hell. I went to dentist and she put right away the needle, waited a bit and tried to operate. I went immediately "AAGH!", because it didn't work, so she put another one in. Second attempt, and again, no luck. Then she put third and said that I should wait in the waiting room a bit because she had another patient waiting. 20 minutes and attempt three. No luck again, and it was time for needle number four. Guess I don't need to say what happened?

Then she said that she's gonna operate it even though it's gonna hurt, and it hurt. I thought I was gonna faint in that chair. I don't remember much after that, all I could think of was that pain in my tooth.

Now the same tooth has started to ache again but there's no way in hell that I'm gonna go to the dentist voluntary.

This thing is sticky, and I don't like it. I don't appreciate it.
Rocket Smile

Member 5541

Level 4.50

Apr 2006

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Old May 3, 2006, 03:03 PM #20 of 26
I HATE the cleaner that vibrates on your teeth it gives me shivers just thinking about it!

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you know i'm ready to party because my pants have a picture of ice cream cake on them

Member 482

Level 45.24

Mar 2006

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Old May 3, 2006, 03:15 PM Local time: May 3, 2006, 02:15 PM #21 of 26
I have good teeth, so the dentist isn't a big worry for me. My mother didn't go to the dentist until she was fourteen. That was a long visit.

Most amazing jew boots
Hippos and Gelatin

Member 1354

Level 22.29

Mar 2006

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Old May 3, 2006, 03:46 PM Local time: May 3, 2006, 03:46 PM #22 of 26
I hate going to the dentist. There's something about having my teeth brushed while lying down that really bothers me. After each cleaning, I always taste a disgusting mixture of gritty mintiness and rubber gloves that makes me want to retch. My dentist also uses a strip of sandpaper, or something like that, to sand between my teeth. It really hurts because he sands too close to my gumline, and he just shoves the strip into tight spaces. The water used for rinsing is also pretty nasty, and I usually get a nice gagging fit from it.

The local anesthetic they use also freaks me out. I hate that numb, warm, sensation!

On similar note, orthodontist visits are the worst. When I had to get a mold of my teeth before I got my braces in, the assistant shoved a container of wet, gooey gunk into my mouth. In my reclined position, the goo naturally started to drip back into my throat. I coulndn't have chose to sit in a more comfortable position if I wanted to, since the bottom half of the chair was angled toward the ceiling. That there was a silent gagfest.

Just the other day, I had my braces adjusted. I get extremely nervous whenever I can't see what is being done with those scary-looking tools. Anyways, the lady tried to stick some metal thing over my molars, but she had a lot of trouble doing so. After what seemed to be an eternity of yanking and pulling, I was surprised to find that my teeth were still intact. However, the experience was so painful, I was actually brought to tears, and I just don't cry in public.

What kind of toxic man-thing is happening now?
Bernard Black
I don't mean this in a bad way, but genetically you are a cul-de-sac

Member 518

Level 32.84

Mar 2006

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Old May 3, 2006, 03:56 PM Local time: May 3, 2006, 08:56 PM #23 of 26
Originally Posted by Sol
Like any kid, I was always freaked out by the dentist because he kept prying at my jaw with these funky metal scraping tool things
I abhor those things, that's actually why I hate the dentist so much. It's strange; I hate having injections but if it's to take a tooth out (I had four out as a child because I used to have braces), after my mouth goes numb I don't mind. Of course when I had a brace I hated the orthadontist more than my dentist, because an appointment with her was pretty much an unavoidable appointment with pain. Anyone who has had a brace before will know the pain I'm talking about; the pain of having your teeth yanked backwards by a piece of wire >.<

Originally Posted by elwe
The local anesthetic they use also freaks me out. I hate that numb, warm, sensation!
Oh believe me, local is much better than general anesthetic. When I was very young I needed a tooth out, and they used a gas anesthetic on me. I had nightmares for months after...


Last edited by Bernard Black; May 3, 2006 at 04:00 PM.
'The Bauer'

Member 6026

Level 4.85

May 2006

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Old May 3, 2006, 04:18 PM Local time: May 3, 2006, 09:18 PM #24 of 26
The dentist doesn't bother me too much... even when I've received the odd filling or two.

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Member 5950

Level 4.22

Apr 2006

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Old May 3, 2006, 05:06 PM #25 of 26
Going to see my dentist isn't that bad, but there are two things I don't particularly enjoy. Like everyone else, I can't stand the little metal hook they use. The thought of that thing near my gums (basically touching them) always gets me on the edge of my seat. I used to hate the flossing, but since I started doing that myself that part is nothing anymore.

The other thing I don't like happens when I'm getting a cavity filled. Not the shot; not the drill; the bits of tooth that find their way to the back of my throat. I don't want to gag on my own tooth bits, thank you.

Jam it back in, in the dark.

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