Member 77
Level 22.22
Mar 2006
Nov 18, 2010, 11:13 AM
Local time: Nov 18, 2010, 08:13 AM
#1 of 7
This thread reminds me of the creationists who don't believe we'll run out of fossil fuels because crude oil, coal, and natural gas is only -- at most -- 6,000 years old, so the planet will be able to make more in no time. We're not in short supply, why are we bothering with alternative fuels!?
This stuff is why separation of church and state exist, its just a shame that one of the fundamental rules of our government is ignored by, well, government. Seems people like this love to ignore science as well, because scientific fact has nothing on what a book says!
I don't question people's beliefs, because hey, believe what you want. But when it starts affecting my own life, I feel the need to say something. It kinda bugs me how some people can blindly follow what a book says. For all we know, the Bible was written by someone doing some pretty heavy drugs back in the day, the town drunk picked it up and believed it to be true, and began spreading the word. Eventually some people believed it and bam, religion. But hey, thats just my thought on it. Believe in a higher power if thats what helps you along, but don't use a book's passages as an excuse to dismiss research.
Ugh, must end rant.
Jam it back in, in the dark.