Never Forget
Member 7
Level 44.22
Feb 2006
May 2, 2010, 04:58 PM
Local time: May 2, 2010, 02:58 PM
#1 of 16
I'm still trying to play through my backlog of PS2 games before I think about buying a 360 or PS3, so that should say something about how willing I am to wait on games before playing them. About ten hours into Radiata Stories right now and enjoying it quite a bit, actually.
Steam has changed things a bit for me, though, since I always check out what deals they have going on. I bought the Rockstar bundle this week for $43, but considering how much stuff I got for the price, I figure it's a heck of a deal. Occasionally I'll preorder a game if I feel I'll love it; that happened with Bad Company 2 (though the beta ran like shit on my computer, so I canceled it. Luckily the EA store had a great deal a few weeks later so I got it for $20 instead of $50). I'll try to get PC multiplayer games when they're relatively new since the community can disappear quickly, but other than that I don't mind waiting for the price to drop down to $10.
Jam it back in, in the dark.